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词汇 release
释义 release (noun) release 5 ENTRIES FOUND: release (verb) release (noun) press release (noun) time-release (adjective) work release (noun) 1 release /rɪˈliːs/ verb releases; released; releasing 1 release /rɪˈliːs/ verb releases; released; releasing Learner's definition of RELEASE [+ object] 1  a  : to allow (a person or animal) to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc. : to set (someone or something) free释放;放出;解放 The hostages have been released.这些人质已获释。 The judge released the prisoner.法官释放了那名犯人。 The lion was released from its cage.那只狮子从笼子里被放了出来。 There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released into the park.对于是否应该把狼群放入公园,目前存在许多争议。 b  : to stop holding (someone or something)松开;放开 The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to release [=let go of] the ropes.热气球飞行员示意地面人员松开绳索。 I released my son's hand, and he ran out onto the playground.我松开了儿子的手,他便跑进了游乐场。 c  : to allow (a substance) to enter the air, water, soil, etc.排出;放出;释出 Plastic releases [=emits] dangerous chemicals when it burns.塑料燃烧时会释放出危险的化学物质。 The factory faced serious fines for releasing dangerous chemicals into the river.由于往河水里排放危险化学物,这家工厂面临重罚。 Heat is released into the atmosphere by cars.汽车产生的热量被释放到了大气中。 During exercise, the body releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动过程中,身体在大脑中释放出令人感觉良好的化学物质。 d  : to cause (an emotion, a feeling, etc.) to go away by expressing it or dealing with it in some way发泄;宣泄 She started to cry, releasing all of her repressed emotion.她哭了起来,把所有压抑的情绪都宣泄了出来。 Exercise is a good way to release stress/tension.运动是释放压力/排解紧张情绪的一个好方法。 2  : to free (someone) from a duty, responsibility, etc.免除,解除(责任等) The contract was declared null, and we were released from our agreement/obligation.这份合同被宣布无效,我们也从协定/义务中解脱。 I released him from his promise. [=I said that he did not have to do what he had promised to do]我同意他不用履行承诺了。 3  : to give up control or possession of (something)放弃;让予 The local police released the evidence to the FBI.当地警方将证据移交给了联邦调查局。 4  : to make (something) available to the public发布;公布;公开 The band hopes to release their new album by next summer.这个乐队希望在明年夏天到来之前发行新专辑。 The police will not release the names of the teenagers involved in the robbery.警方将不会公布那些参与此次劫案的青少年的名字。 They released a statement this afternoon.今天下午他们发布了一份声明。 5  : to allow (part of a machine, device, etc.) to go back to its normal position归位,还原(机器部件或装置等) The camera's shutter will stay open until the button is released.松开按钮后,照相机快门才会关闭。 release [=disengage] the parking brake松开刹车 2 release /rɪˈliːs/ noun plural releases 2 release /rɪˈliːs/ noun plural releases Learner's definition of RELEASE 1  : the act of releasing someone or something释放;放出: such as a  : the act of allowing a person or animal to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc.(人或动物的)释放,放出 [noncount] the release of the hostages人质的释放 The prisoner is eligible for early release.这名囚犯符合提前释放的条件。 There was a controversy over the release of wolves into the park.对于是否要把狼群引入公园,目前存在争议。 [count] The prisoner was given an early release.这名囚犯被提前释放了。 b  : the act of allowing a substance to enter the air, water, soil, etc.(某种物质的)排放,释放 [noncount] the release of heat into the atmosphere向大气层排放热量 Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。 [count] an accidental release of pollutants into the river一次意外的排污入河事件 c  : the act of freeing someone from a duty, responsibility, etc.(责任等的)免除,解除 [noncount] They've filed a request for release from the contract.他们已经提交了解除合同的请求。 [count] They're requesting a release from their contractual obligations.他们正在请求免除合同义务。 d  [noncount] : the act of making something available to the public发行;公布;公开 The release of the book is scheduled for next month.按计划,这本书下个月发行。 The government has tried to bar the release of the documents.政府试图禁止公开这些文件。 The film's general release is Friday. [=the film will begin to be shown in theaters on Friday]这部电影将于星期五开始上映。 (Brit) The film is on general release. [=the film is being shown in theaters]这部电影正在影院上映。 2  a  [singular] : a way of dealing with and getting rid of unpleasant emotions, feelings, etc.(不良情绪的)发泄,宣泄 Dancing is a great release (from stress).跳舞是一个释放(压力)的好方法。 activities that offer a release from stress释放压力的活动 b  formal : an end to pain, distress, etc.(痛苦、悲伤的)消除,解脱 [noncount] We mourned her death, but were glad it brought her release from pain.我们对她的去世感到悲痛,但也为她解脱痛苦感到欣慰。 a feeling of release如释重负之感 [singular] Her death brought her a release from pain.死亡将她从痛苦中解脱了出来。 3  [count] : something (such as a new product or an official statement) that is made available to the public发行;发表;发布 new product releases新产品发布 the band's latest release乐队的最新唱片发布 the year's top CD releases年度最佳CD的发布 The company has issued a release about the new software.公司已经发布了这款新软件。 — see also press release 4  [count] : an official document which states that a company, person, etc., is not responsible if you are hurt while doing something免责书 The company requires visitors to the mine to sign a release before they go below ground.公司要求参观者在下矿井之前签一份免责书。 a release form免责申请表 5  [count] : a device that allows a part of a machine to move freely释放装置 the shutter release on a camera相机快门 6  [count] US, sports : the action or manner of throwing a ball传球 — usually singular通常用单数 The quarterback has a quick release.四分卫传球迅速。




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