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词汇 renew
释义 renew 1 ENTRIES FOUND: renew (verb) renew /rɪˈnuː/ Brit /rɪˈnjuː/ verb renews; renewed; renewing renew /rɪˈnuː/ Brit /rɪˈnjuː/ verb renews; renewed; renewing Learner's definition of RENEW [+ object] 1  : to make (something) new, fresh, or strong again使获得新生;使更新;使振奋 When you sleep, your body has a chance to renew itself.睡觉时人体会自我恢复。 This discussion has renewed my hope of finding a solution to the problem.这次讨论让我重新获得了找到问题解决方案的希望。 At the start of each school year, we renew our commitment to helping students succeed.每个学年初,我们都再次承诺要帮助学生成功。 2  : to make (a promise, vow, etc.) again重申,重复强调(诺言、誓言等) She renewed her promise to come see me.她再一次答应要来看我。 They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by renewing their wedding vows.他们重新宣读结婚誓言,以此来庆祝结婚25周年纪念日。 3  : to begin (something) again especially with more force or enthusiasm(尤指更有魄力或更为热情地)重新开始 They have renewed their efforts to find a peaceful solution.他们重新开始努力寻找和平的解决方式。 The incident has renewed hostilities between the groups.这一事件重新引发了两个群体之间的敌意。 We hope to renew [=(more commonly) resume] negotiations soon.我们希望尽快重启谈判。 They recently renewed their acquaintance/friendship after more than 10 years apart.分开了十多年之后,他们最近又重修旧好了。 If you haven't listened to this music since the 1960s, it's time to renew your acquaintance with these songs.如果你从20世纪60年代以来就没听过这种音乐,现在是该重温这些歌曲的时候了。 4  : to put in a fresh supply of (something) : replace更换;把…换新 You should renew the water in the fish tank once a week.你应该每周给鱼缸换一次水。 5  : to cause (something) to continue to be effective or valid for an additional period of time使继续有效;延长…的期限 The landlord agreed to renew our lease for another year.房东同意让我们续租一年。 You can renew your driver's license online.你可以在网上延长驾照的有效期。 He forgot to renew his passport and now it's expired.他忘了续签护照,结果现在过期了。 You should renew your magazine subscription before it runs out.你应该在杂志到期前续订。 She renewed the library book. [=she had the library extend the period of time that she can borrow the book]她续借了图书馆的书。 — renewed adjective She wrote with renewed [=fresh] enthusiasm after meeting with her editor.与编辑面谈后,她以全新的热情投入了写作。 We felt renewed [=restored, revived] after a good night's sleep.好好睡了一夜后,我们恢复了精力。 There was more violence in spite of renewed efforts to make peace.尽管人们一再努力争取和平,暴力事件却更加多了。 We have a renewed sense of pride in our town.我们又一次为我们的镇子感到自豪。 High fuel prices have led to renewed interest in electric cars.高油价让人们重新对电动汽车产生了兴趣。




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