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词汇 to
释义 to (adverb) to 575 ENTRIES FOUND: to (preposition) to (adverb) to-be (adjective) to-do (noun) toe-to-toe (adverb) according to (preposition) air-to-air (adjective) back-to-back (adjective) back-to-back (noun) bride-to-be (noun) bumper-to-bumper (adjective) coast-to-coast (adjective) day-to-day (adjective) door-to-door (adjective) down-to-earth (adjective) go-to (adjective) hand-to-hand (adjective) hand-to-mouth (adjective) head-to-head (adverb) heart-to-heart (adjective) heart-to-heart (noun) honest-to-goodness (adjective) house-to-house (adjective) how-to (adjective) how-to (noun) lean-to (noun) made-to-measure (adjective) made-to-order (adjective) man-to-man (adjective) mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (noun) one-to-one (adjective) owing to (preposition) person-to-person (adjective) pursuant to (preposition) ready-to-wear (adjective) right-to-life (adjective) set-to (noun) stick-to-itiveness (noun) surface-to-air missile (noun) surface-to-surface missile (noun) talking-to (noun) up-to-date (adjective) up-to-the-minute (adjective) used to (adjective) used to (verb) wall-to-wall (adjective) well-to-do (adjective) wire-to-wire (adjective) work-to-rule (noun) a (noun) abandon (verb) account (noun) add (verb) addition (noun) adhere (verb) adjourn (verb) admit (verb) advantage (noun) agree (verb) alive (adjective) allude (verb) altar (noun) amount (verb) answer (verb) any (adjective) apple (noun) arm (noun) as (conjunction) ascend (verb) ascribe (verb) attend (verb) attribute (verb) averse (adjective) awake (verb) awaken (verb) ax (noun) b (noun) back (noun) bad (adjective) band (noun) bank (noun) basic (noun) bat (noun) bathroom (noun) be (verb) bear (verb) beat (verb) beg (verb) begin (verb) beholden (adjective) belief (noun) belly (verb) belong (verb) best (noun) bit (noun) bite (verb) bitter (adjective) blame (verb) blow (noun) bone (noun) book (noun) boot (noun) born (adjective) bottom (noun) bow (verb) brass (noun) bridge (noun) bring (verb) buff (noun) bull (noun) burn (verb) burst (verb) call (verb) candle (noun) card (noun) carry (verb) cast (verb) cater (verb) caution (noun) chase (noun) chest (noun) chicken (noun) choir (noun) claim (noun) cleaner (noun) clear (adjective) cleave (verb) close (verb) close (adjective) close (adverb) club (noun) coal (noun) coast (noun) come (verb) commit (verb) compare (verb) conjure (verb) content (noun) contrary (noun) contrary (adjective) cop (verb) core (noun) cost (noun) cotton (verb) country (noun) court (noun) crack (verb) cradle (noun) crawl (verb) crisp (noun) cross (noun) cross (verb) crown (verb) cry (verb) cut (verb) dance (verb) date (noun) day (noun) dead (adjective) death (noun) debt (noun) dedicate (verb) defeat (noun) defer (verb) deference (noun) degree (noun) descend (verb) desire (verb) device (noun) devil (noun) devote (verb) dictate (verb) die (verb) differ (verb) disagree (verb) do (verb) dog (noun) door (noun) down (adverb) dressed (adjective) drink (verb) dry (verb) duck (noun) due (adjective) each (pronoun) ear (noun) edge (noun) effect (noun) elevate (verb) end (noun) endear (verb) equate (verb) exact (adjective) excess (noun) expense (noun) explain (verb) extreme (adjective) eye (noun) eyeball (noun) face (noun) face (verb) fair (adjective) fall (verb) fame (noun) fault (noun) fine (adjective) finger (noun) fingertip (noun) first base (noun) fish (noun) fit (adjective) flight (noun) fling (verb) follow (verb) foot (noun) for (preposition) fore (noun) form (noun) forward (adverb) frazzle (noun) front (noun) fry (verb) full (adjective) full (noun) further (adverb) gallery (noun) get (verb) gill (noun) give (verb) given (adjective) glom (verb) glory (noun) glue (verb) go (verb) good (adjective) good (noun) goose (noun) grass (noun) grave (noun) great (adjective) grief (noun) grind (verb) grindstone (noun) grip (noun) grist (noun) ground (noun) gun (noun) gunwale (noun) hand (noun) hand (verb) handbasket (noun) hang (verb) happen (verb) hard (adjective) hark (verb) hasten (verb) hat (noun) have (verb) head (noun) heart (noun) heave (verb) heaven (noun) heel (noun) hell (noun) here (adverb) hew (verb) hiding (noun) high (adjective) hilt (noun) hip (adjective) hitch (verb) hold (verb) home (adverb) hop (verb) host (noun) hostage (noun) hot (adjective) house (noun) if (conjunction) imagination (noun) injury (noun) insult (noun) intent (noun) it (pronoun) jump (verb) keep (verb) key (verb) kill (verb) kindly (adverb) kingdom (noun) kiss (verb) knee (noun) know (verb) knowledge (noun) lamb (noun) large (adjective) last (adjective) laugh (verb) laurel (noun) law (noun) lay (verb) lead (verb) leap (verb) least (noun) leave (verb) leg (noun) lend (verb) length (noun) letter (noun) level (noun) license (noun) lie (noun) life (noun) light (noun) liken (verb) liking (noun) limit (noun) live (verb) look (verb) lot (noun) lunch (noun) man (noun) manner (noun) manor (noun) mark (noun) marrow (noun) mat (noun) max (noun) mean (verb) mention (verb) mercy (noun) metal (noun) method (noun) mill (noun) mind (noun) minister (verb) minute (noun) moment (noun) money (noun) mouth (noun) name (noun) nature (noun) near (adjective) neck (noun) needless (adjective) next (adjective) next (adverb) nine (noun) none (pronoun) nose (noun) nothing (pronoun) nth (adjective) nut (noun) occasion (noun) occur (verb) only (adverb) open (verb) opposed (adjective) opposition (noun) orange (noun) order (noun) out (adverb) owe (verb) own (pronoun) paid (adjective) pain (noun) paper (noun) par (noun) partial (adjective) pass (verb) pasture (noun) pay (verb) peculiar (adjective) pedal (noun) peg (noun) pen (noun) perfection (noun) pick (verb) piece (noun) pill (noun) pillar (noun) piss (verb) place (noun) plate (noun) play (verb) point (noun) point (verb) post (noun) pot (noun) power (noun) praise (verb) preach (verb) precise (adjective) preference (noun) preparatory (adjective) pretend (verb) previous (adjective) prey (noun) print (verb) prior (adjective) privy (adjective) proper (adjective) pulp (noun) punch (noun) purpose (noun) push (noun) put (verb) question (noun) quick (noun) rag (noun) ready (adjective) reason (noun) reconcile (verb) red (adjective) refer (verb) reference (noun) regard (noun) relate (verb) relation (noun) relative (adjective) remember (verb) remit (verb) repair (verb) report (verb) resigned (adjective) resort (verb) respect (noun) rest (noun) return (verb) revert (verb) riches (noun) right (noun) rise (verb) rise (noun) rob (verb) roll (verb) roost (verb) row (noun) sail (verb) same (pronoun) satisfaction (noun) save (verb) say (verb) scratch (noun) screw (noun) sea (noun) second (adjective) see (verb) seed (noun) sell (verb) sense (noun) set (verb) shame (noun) sheet (noun) shine (noun) shock (noun) shoulder (noun) shove (noun) show (verb) sick (adjective) side (noun) siege (noun) size (noun) sky (noun) slaughter (noun) sleep (noun) snap (verb) snuff (noun) so (adverb) sock (verb) soul (noun) soup (noun) spare (verb) speak (verb) speed (noun) spite (verb) spring (verb) stake (noun) stand (verb) start (verb) stay (verb) stem (noun) step (verb) stern (noun) stick (noun) stick (verb) stomach (noun) stoop (verb) strength (noun) string (noun) subject (adjective) subject (verb) subscribe (verb) suffice (verb) sure (adjective) surplus (adjective) swallow (verb) sword (noun) system (noun) t (noun) tack (noun) take (verb) talk (verb) tango (verb) task (noun) taste (noun) tear (verb) tear (noun) tee (noun) ten (noun) term (noun) test (noun) thank (verb) thanks (noun) that (pronoun) thing (noun) think (verb) three (noun) tie (verb) time (noun) toe (noun) tooth (noun) top (noun) top (verb) tough (adjective) town (noun) trick (noun) trot (verb) true (adjective) trust (verb) tumble (verb) tune (noun) turn (verb) turn (noun) two (noun) type (noun) unbeknownst (adjective) unknown (adjective) unused (adjective) up (adjective) use (noun) vent (noun) vest (noun) victim (noun) view (noun) violence (noun) voice (noun) wagon (noun) wait (verb) wall (noun) want (verb) warm (verb) waste (noun) water (noun) way (noun) welcome (interjection) what (pronoun) whom (pronoun) wind (noun) wire (noun) wise (adjective) wit (noun) witness (noun) woe (noun) wolf (noun) word (noun) work (verb) world (noun) worry (verb) worse (adjective) worse (noun) worst (noun) write (verb) yet (adverb) z (noun) 1 to /ˈtuː/ /tə/ preposition 1 to /ˈtuː/ /tə/ preposition Learner's definition of TO 1  — used to indicate that the following verb is in the infinitive form表示后面的动词是不定式 I like to swim.我喜欢游泳。 “To be, or not to be—that is the question…”“生存还是毁灭——这是一个问题…”Shakespeare, Hamlet (1600)莎士比亚,《哈姆雷特》(1600) That's a tough question to answer.那是一个很难回答的问题。 I have an appointment to keep.我有一个约定要遵守。 The soup is too hot to eat.汤太烫了,不能喝。 Do you need to use this?你需要用这个吗? I have to go now.我现在得走了。 To look at him, you'd never think he was 80!看看他,你绝对想不到他有80岁了! I didn't really like the movie, to be honest.老实说,我不怎么喜欢这部电影。 — often used by itself in place of an infinitive verb when the verb is understood当动词可以省略时,常代替动词不定式单独使用 You can go if you want to. [=you can go if you want to go]如果你想去的话,那就去吧。 “You left the door unlocked.” “I didn't mean to.”你走的时候没锁门。”“我不是故意的。” 2  a  — used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward到;向;往 We are flying to London tomorrow.我们明天坐飞机去伦敦。 They climbed to the top of the mountain.他们爬到了山顶。 I sent the e-mail to the wrong address.我把电子邮件发错了地址。 He was sent to the principal.他被带到了校长跟前。 The little girl ran to her mother.小女孩向她妈妈跑去。 b  — used to indicate the place where someone participates in a particular activity赴(某活动场所) Where do you go to school?你在哪儿上学? She wore her new red dress to the party.她穿上了红色的新连衣裙去参加聚会。 We went to lunch together.我们一起去吃了午饭。 This is the child's first visit to the dentist.这是孩子第一次去看牙医。 3  — used to indicate the direction of something(表方向)离,朝,对着 There is a lake a mile to the south of here.从这儿往南一英里处有一个湖。 She had her back to me. [=her back was facing me]她背对着我。 The roads are parallel to each other.这两条道路相互平行。 4  — used to indicate the limit or range of something(表界限或范围)到,达到 The water was up to my waist.水深及我的腰。 The temperature outside rose to 100 degrees.室外温度上升到了100华氏度。 The word dates (back) to 1639.这个单词可以追溯到1639年。 The show's audience is mainly men from 18 to 30 years of age.这场演出的观众主要是18至30岁的男士。 The band plays all kinds of music from country to hard rock.这支乐队演奏各类音乐,从乡村乐到硬摇滚乐。 The shirt is a light to medium pink.这件衬衫的颜色从淡粉渐变到中粉。 The wines we tasted ranged from very poor to good to excellent.我们品尝的葡萄酒既有品质差的,也有品质好的,甚至还有佳酿。 To my knowledge, she has never visited Paris. [=I do not know of any time when she visited Paris]据我所知,她从未去过巴黎。 I'll do it to the best of my ability. [=as well as I can]我将尽我所能去做这件事。 5  a  — used to indicate a particular result or end(表结果或结局)致,致使 The school was converted to an apartment building.学校被改建成了一座公寓楼。 The vase was smashed to pieces.花瓶被摔成了碎片。 The promotion increased her salary to $50,000.职务晋升使她的薪水涨到了5万美元。 He was sentenced to death.他被判处死刑。 To their surprise, the train left on time.出乎他们意料的是,火车准点发车了。 A firefighter came to her rescue. [=a firefighter rescued her]一名消防员把她救了。 It's 100 miles (from here) to the nearest town. b  : according to (something)按照;遵照 The wedding gown was made to her specifications. [=was made in the way that she specified]婚纱是按照她的要求定做的。 Add salt to taste. [=add as much salt as you want according to your taste]根据个人的口味加盐。 6  a  — used to indicate the end of a particular period of time(表一段时间的结尾)直到…为止 He works from nine to [=until, till] five.他从九点工作到五点。 Up to now, no one has beaten the record.到目前为止还没有人打破这项纪录。 The movie keeps your attention from beginning to end.这部电影从头到尾都很吸引人。 b  : before the start of (something, such as an hour or event)在…开始之前;离;差 It is ten to six. [=it is 10 minutes before 6 o'clock]现在是差十分钟六点。 She arrived at a quarter to five.她在差一刻钟五点到达。 I can't believe there are only five days to the wedding.我不敢相信还有五天就是婚礼了。 How long to kickoff?离开球还有多久? 7  a  — used to indicate the person or thing that receives an object or action(表动作的对象)对,于 Give the letter to me. [=give me the letter]把信给我。 The teacher spoke to his parents.老师跟他父母谈了话。 She showed a picture of her kids to me.她给我看了她孩子们的照片。 Refer to the dictionary.查阅字典。 Let me introduce you to my sister.我把你介绍给我妹妹吧。 She was very rude to [=toward] him.她对他很粗鲁。 “He's smart,” she thought to herself.“他很聪明。”她心里想。 b  : in honor of (someone or something)向…致敬;为…庆祝 Let us drink to the bride and groom.让我们为新娘、新郎干杯。 The people built temples to their gods.民众为他们的众神修建寺庙。 The book is dedicated to her husband and children.这本书献给她的丈夫和孩子们。 8  a  — used to indicate how people or things are related, connected, etc.(表人或事物之间的关系)属于,归于,关于 She is married to my cousin.她嫁给了我堂兄。 He is related to me.他是我亲戚。 He is the assistant to the dean.他是主任的助手。 You have always been a good friend to me.你一直都是我的好朋友。 I can't find the key (that goes) to this door.我找不着门钥匙。 He owns the title to the property.他拥有财产的所有权。 b  : in response to (something)回答;回应 There wasn't much I could say to that.关于那件事,我没有什么可多说的。 The answer to your question is no.对于你的问题,回答是不。 What would you say to a drink? [=would you like a drink?]你要不要喝一杯? Her dog comes to her call. [=comes when she calls]她一喊,她的狗就会过来。 9  — used to indicate the thing that causes something to happen(表原因)由于 She lost her mother to cancer. [=her mother died of cancer]她母亲死于癌症。 10  — used when one person or thing is being compared to another(表比较)比 He prefers a good book to a movie.比起电影,他更喜欢好书。 I have a pair of shoes similar to those.我有一双鞋和那些鞋类似。 His followers compared/likened him to a god.他的追随者们把他比作神。 This problem is nothing to [=is nothing when compared to] the ones we previously had.和我们先前遇到的问题相比,这个不算什么。 We won the game ten to six. [=we won the game because we had ten points while the other team had only six]我们以10:6的比分赢得了比赛。 Their odds of winning are ten to one.他们十有八九会获胜。 11  — used to indicate that something is attached to or touches something else(表示事物相接或相连)附,依 He tied the dog's leash to the post.他把拴狗绳系在柱子上。 She put her hand to [=on, against] her heart.她把手放在胸口。 He gently touched the bow to the violin's strings.他用琴弓轻触小提琴的琴弦。 12  — used to indicate the thing that contains or includes a certain number or amount of something每;等于 The pencils come ten to a box. [=there are ten pencils in each box]每盒有十支铅笔。 There are two pints to a quart.一夸脱等于两品脱。 13  — used to indicate the sound that people hear while they do something or while something happens和着,伴随着(某声音) Children were dancing to the music.孩子们跟着音乐翩翩起舞。 He woke to the sound of pouring rain.滂沱大雨的声音把他吵醒了。 14  a  : in the opinion of (someone)在…看来 The plan is agreeable to all of us.这项计划对于我们大家来说都是适宜的。 Her excuse sounded suspicious to me.她的借口令我生疑。 To him, the work seemed unnecessary.在他看来,这项工作是多余的。 b  : from the point of view of (someone)从…的观点来看 Their marriage is news to me. [=I did not know about their marriage]我不知道他们结婚了。 Your problems are of no concern to me! [=I don't care about your problems]你的问题不关我的事! to yourself — used with have to say that you are the only one who is using something or who is in a place独享;独用;独占 I finally had the computer (all) to myself.我终于可以独享这台电脑了。 We had the whole house to ourselves. [=we were the only ones in the house]整个房子里只有我们。 ◊ Do not confuse to with too or two. 2 to /ˈtuː/ adverb 2 to /ˈtuː/ adverb Learner's definition of TO 1  : into a state of being awake or conscious苏醒过来 He brought her to [=woke her up; made her conscious again] with smelling salts.他用嗅盐使她苏醒过来。 He came to [=he became conscious] an hour after the accident.事故发生一小时后,他醒了过来。 2  chiefly British : into a position that is closed or almost closed关上;虚掩 The wind blew the door to.风把门吹关上了。 to and fro : forward and backward前后地;来回地 The baby rocked to and fro in the swing.小宝宝在秋千上荡来荡去。 : from one place to another从一个地方到另一个地方 The small boat was tossed to and fro by the waves.小船被大浪抛来抛去。




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