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词汇 return
释义 return (noun) return (adjective) return 12 ENTRIES FOUND: return (verb) return (noun) return (adjective) returning officer (noun) return address (noun) return game (noun) return mail (noun) point of no return (noun) happy (adjective) nature (noun) post (noun) sale (noun) 1 return /rɪˈtɚn/ verb returns; returned; returning 1 return /rɪˈtɚn/ verb returns; returned; returning Learner's definition of RETURN 1  [no object] : to come or go to a place again : to come back or go back again回来;归来 We waited for you to return.我们等你回来。 She is returning home tomorrow.她明天就要回家了。 I'm leaving but will return at 2 p.m.我要走了,但下午两点会回来。 She left home never to return. [=she never went home again]她离开了家,再没回去过。 — often + from or to No one was home when I returned from work.我下班回家时家里没人。 He returned from his trip last night.他昨晚旅行归来。 I returned to Paris 10 years later.十年后我回到巴黎。 The bird returns to this area each spring.这种鸟每年春天都会飞回到这一地区。 He returned to find the house empty. [=he returned and found that the house was empty]他回来时发现房子里空无一人。 — see also return to (below) 2  [+ object] a  : to bring, give, send, or take (something) to the place that it came from or the place where it should go带回;送回;寄回;拿回 I have to return a book to the library.我得把一本书还给图书馆。 I'm returning your ladder. Thanks for letting me borrow it.我来还你的梯子。谢谢你借给我用。 Return [=bring] this application to me when you have filled it out.把申请表填好后交还给我。 Please fill out the application and return [=send] it to the address below.请填好申请表,再寄回到下面这个地址。 She returned the gun to its holster. [=she put the gun in its holster]她把枪放回枪套。 b  : to bring or send (something that you bought) to the place that it came from because it does not work or fit properly, because it is damaged, etc.退回(所购商品);退货 The dishes were broken when they were delivered, so I had to return them.这些餐具在运送时损坏了,所以我只好退货。 I had to return the shirt and get a bigger size.我得退回这件衬衫,买件大一码的。 c  : to bring (empty bottles or cans) to a place that collects them so that they can be used again把(空瓶或空罐头盒)送到回收站 I'm going to return these bottles and cans (for recycling).我打算把这些瓶子和罐头盒送到回收站(回收利用)。 3  [no object] : to happen or exist again恢复;再现 The pain returned [=recurred, came back] about two hours after I took the pill.我吃药约两个小时后又痛起来了。 His jealousy returned when he saw his ex-wife with her new husband.看到前妻和她新任丈夫在一起时,他又嫉妒起来。 Hope has returned to the city. [=the city's people are hopeful again]这座城市又有了希望。 4  [+ object] : to respond to (something) in the same way做出同样的回应 He smiled at her, and she returned the smile. [=she smiled at him]他对她微笑,她也报以微微一笑。 When I told her that she looked beautiful, she returned [=repaid] the compliment by saying that I looked very handsome.我说她漂亮,她反过来夸我很英俊。 He never returned my phone calls. [=he did not call me back]他从未回过我的电话。 Thanks for helping me. I'll be sure to return the favor. [=I will help you when you need help]多谢帮忙,我将来一定会报答你的。 When the suspect started shooting, the police were forced to return fire. [=to shoot back at the suspect]嫌疑犯开始开枪,警方被迫还击。 5  [+ object] formal : to make an official report of (a decision or order)宣告(决定或命令) The jury returned a verdict of guilty.陪审团宣布有罪裁决。 6  [+ object] tennis : to hit back (a ball that was hit to you)回击,击回(打过来的球) He returned her serve.他将她的发球击回。 Her serve is difficult to return.她发的球难接。 7  [+ object] American football : to run with the ball after getting it because of a kick, fumble, etc.带球反攻 He returned the ball/kick 50 yards.他带球反攻跑了50码。 8  [+ object] British : to elect (someone) to office选举;推举 — usually used as (be) returned通常用作(be) returned He was returned to Parliament.他被选人议会。 — often + as She was returned as prime minister.她被选为首相。 9  [+ object] finance : to produce or earn (something, such as a profit or loss)产生,获得(利润或亏损) The investment returned a huge profit.投资获得了巨大的利润。 bonds that return [=yield] five percent annually每年赢利百分之五的债券 return to [phrasal verb] 1  return to (something) : to go to (a place where you work, study, etc.) again after being away for a time回;回到 When do you return to school?你什么时候返校? She hopes to return to the office next week.她希望下个星期回去办公。 — see also 1return 1 (above) 2  : to start doing or using (something) again especially after a long time重新开始做;重新开始使用 She hopes to return to work [=to start working again] next week.她希望下个星期重新开始工作。 She hopes to return to working at home next week.她希望下个星期重新开始在家工作。 He returned to the old ways of farming.他重新开始采用旧式耕作方法。 3  : to start an activity again that relates to (something)重新开始(相关活动) He returned to his book [=he started reading his book again] after feeding the cat.喂完猫后他又继续看书。 Let's return to your first question. [=let's discuss the first question you asked earlier]我们接着讨论你的第一个问题。 He returned to football not as a player but as a coach.他重回球场时已经不是球员而是教练了。 4  : to change back to (an earlier or original condition or state)恢复;回复 She soon returned [=reverted] to her old habits.她不久又恢复了以前的习惯。 His breathing returned to normal. [=his breathing became normal again]他的呼吸恢复了正常。 2 return /rɪˈtɚn/ noun plural returns 2 return /rɪˈtɚn/ noun plural returns Learner's definition of RETURN 1  [singular] : the act of coming or going back to the place you started from or to a place where you were before回来;归来;返回 We are looking forward to your return.我们期待着你的归来。 We're looking forward to our return to Europe.我们盼望着重返欧洲。 What is the date of her return from Mexico? [=when is she coming back from Mexico?]她几号从墨西哥回来? Upon/on his return [=(less formally) when he returned; when he came back], he found a note taped to the door.回来时,他发现门上贴了一张通知。 The bad weather delayed his return home. [=his return to his home]恶劣天气耽误了他回家。 I stopped by your house on my return home. [=on my way home]在回家途中,我顺便到你家看了看。 She became sick on her return from America. [=she became sick at the time she returned from America]她从美国一回来就病了。 2  [singular] : the act of going back to an activity, job, situation, etc. : the act of starting to do something again after stopping恢复;返回;重回 The team looked forward to his return to coaching.球队盼望他重新执教。 a return to the old ways of farming恢复旧式耕作方法 He managed the team last year, so his return as a player [=his return to the team as a player and not as a manager] was a surprise.他去年还在负责球队的管理,所以谁都没料到他会作为球员回到球队。 3  [singular] a  : the fact that something (such as a condition, feeling, or situation) happens again(条件、感觉、情况等的)重现 — + of the return of peace to the region本地区和平的恢复 Scientists noticed a return [=recurrence] of the disease in the monkeys.科学家们注意到这种疾病在猴子身上又出现了。 She noticed a return of his old habits.她注意到他的老习惯又露头了。 the return of spring春之归来 b  : the fact that someone or something changes to a condition or state that existed before(先前状况的)恢复 the department's return to normal部门常态的恢复 The people celebrated their leader's return to power.人们欢庆他们的领导人再度执政。 4  [singular] : the act of taking someone or something back to the proper place送回;归还;退还 — + of The police arranged for the return of the stolen goods. [=for the goods to be taken to the place they were stolen from]警方对被盗物品的归还做了安排。 The mother demanded a safe return of her child. [=demanded that her child would be brought back to her and not be hurt]这位母亲要求将她的孩子安全带回。 5  a  [count] : something that is brought or sent back to a store or business because it does not work or fit properly, is damaged, is not needed, etc.退货 The store does not accept returns more than 30 days after purchase.在这家店购买超过30天的商品不予退货。 b  returns [plural] chiefly US : empty cans or bottles that are brought back to a store so that they can be used again(可以回收的)空罐头盒,空瓶子 6  finance : the profit from an investment or business收益;利润;盈利 [count] Investors are promised a return.投资者得到盈利的承诺 The company had poor returns last year.公司去年盈利不佳。 — often + on He received a large return on his investment. [=he made a lot of money on his investment]他的投资收益丰厚。 [noncount] The stock has had a high rate of return.这只股票收益率高。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Her son's success in college was an excellent return on her investment.她儿子在大学里的成功是她最好的投资回报。 She expected some return from the company for all her years of loyal service.她期望自己多年忠心耿耿的服务能够得到公司的回报。 7  returns [plural] : a report of the results of voting选举结果报告 election returns选举结果报告 8  [count] : a report that you send to the government about the money that you have earned and the taxes that you have paid in one year(收入及纳税)申报 He has copies of his returns for the last 15 years.他有过去15年收入及纳税申报单的复印件。 We filed our (income) tax return. [=we sent our tax return to the government]我们提交了我们的纳税申报单。 He filed his 2007 tax return in February of 2008.他于2008年2月提交了他2007年的纳税申报单。 9  [count] sports : the act of returning a ball回球;回击 (tennis) She hit a powerful return. [=she hit back the ball that was served to her very hard]她将对方一记大力的发球打了回去。 (American football) a 50-yard kickoff/punt/fumble return [=a 50-yard run with the ball after getting it on a kickoff/punt/fumble]接到开球后/对手弃踢后/对手掉球后的50码反攻 10  [count] British : a ticket for a trip that takes you to a place and back to the place you started from : a round-trip ticket往返票 One return is often less expensive than buying two one-way tickets.一张往返票通常比购买两张单程票便宜。 a day return [=a reduced-price ticket for traveling to a place and back on the same day]当日往返票 by return British or by return of post : immediately by mail立即回信 I replied by return of post.我马上回了信。 I wrote you by return.我立即给您回了信。 happy returns old fashioned — used for wishing someone a happy birthday and to express the hope that he or she will live to celebrate many more birthdays in the future(生日祝贺语)长命百岁,福寿无疆 They wished me (many) happy returns.他们祝我幸福长寿。 in return : in payment or exchange作为回报;作为交换 He helps out and expects nothing in return.他出手相助,并不期望任何回报。 He will not help unless he gets something in return.除非他能得到什么回报,否则是不会帮忙的。 The prisoner told the police who had ordered the killing. In return, his sentence was reduced by two years.犯人向警方供出了这次谋杀的主谋,以此获得了两年的减刑。 — often + for I will lend you the money in return for a favor.我会借给你这笔钱,以此回报你的关照。 He worked in return for a free meal.他靠干活换来了一顿免费餐。 — see also point of no return 3 return /rɪˈtɚn/ adjective 3 return /rɪˈtɚn/ adjective Learner's definition of RETURN always used before a noun 1  : used in or taken for returning to a place返回的;返程的 a return flight/trip返程的航班/旅行 the return road回程路 a return envelope [=an envelope that has an address on it and that you can use to mail something back to the person who sent it to you]回寄信封 2  : happening or done for the second time再度的;再次的 a return visit再次访问 3  chiefly British : used or paying for a trip that takes you to a place and back to the place you started from往返的 a return [=(US) round-trip] ticket/fare往返票/票价




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