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词汇 reward
释义 reward (verb) reward 3 ENTRIES FOUND: reward (noun) reward (verb) rewarding (adjective) 1 reward /rɪˈwoɚd/ noun plural rewards 1 reward /rɪˈwoɚd/ noun plural rewards Learner's definition of REWARD : money or another kind of payment that is given or received for something that has been done or that is offered for something that might be done奖金;奖赏;奖励 [count] The contest offered a cash reward to the first person who could breed a blue rose.这项赛事给最先培育出蓝玫瑰的人提供现金奖励。 Hard work brings its own rewards.天道酬勤。 She is reaping the rewards of success. [=is getting all the good things that come with success]她正在收获成功带来的各种奖励。 — often + for You deserve a reward for being so helpful.你这么乐于助人,应该得到奖励。 A (cash) reward is being offered for the return of the lost dog.送回丢失的狗,必有(现金)重谢。 The police are offering a reward for information leading to the capture of the fugitive.警方正悬赏征集抓捕逃犯的线索。 You can go to bed late tonight as a reward for doing so well on that test.你今晚可以晚点睡,作为那次考试成绩优异的奖励。 Winning the game was a just reward [=an appropriate result] for the team's effort.赢得这场比赛是对这支球队的付出最好的回报。 That lying crook got his just rewards. [=just deserts]那个骗子罪有应得。 [noncount] Members will receive a discount in reward for getting friends or family to join.介绍朋友或家人入会,会员将得到打折优惠。 Her success is just reward for her hard work. [=she deserves her success because of her hard work]她的成功是她努力工作的恰当回报。 2 reward /rɪˈwoɚd/ verb rewards; rewarded; rewarding 2 reward /rɪˈwoɚd/ verb rewards; rewarded; rewarding Learner's definition of REWARD [+ object] : to give money or another kind of payment to (someone or something) for something good that has been done奖赏;奖励;报偿 She rewarded herself by buying a new pair of shoes.她买了双新鞋犒劳自己。 — often + for or with She rewarded her children with ice cream for being so patient.她拿冰激凌奖励她的孩子,因为他们很耐心。 — often used as (be) rewarded常用作(be) rewarded She was rewarded with a cash bonus.她得到了现金奖励。 He was rewarded for his effort. = His effort was rewarded.他的努力得到了回报。




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