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词汇 ride
释义 ride (noun) ride 9 ENTRIES FOUND: ride (verb) ride (noun) free ride (noun) park and ride (noun) thrill ride (noun) herd (noun) hitch (verb) shotgun (noun) storm (noun) 1 ride /ˈraɪd/ verb rides; rode /ˈroʊd/ ; ridden /ˈrɪdn̩/ ; riding 1 ride /ˈraɪd/ verb rides; rode /ˈroʊd/ ; ridden /ˈrɪdn̩/ ; riding Learner's definition of RIDE 1  : to sit on and control the movements of (a horse, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.)骑(马、摩托车、自行车等) [+ object] She learned how to ride a horse when she was young.她很小就学会了骑马。 Most children learn to ride a bicycle at an early age.大多数孩子小时候就学骑自行车。 He rides his motorcycle to work every day.他每天骑摩托车上班。 [no object] I never rode on a horse before.我以前从没骑过马。 She got on her bicycle and rode away.她骑上她的自行车,离开了。 2  a  : to travel to a place as a passenger on or in (something that is moving, such as a bus, a train, or an elevator)乘坐,搭乘(公共汽车、火车或电梯等) [+ object] (chiefly US) He decided to walk to the movies instead of riding the bus.他决定不乘坐公共汽车,步行去看电影。 She rides the subway home from school.她从学校搭乘地铁回家。 They rode the elevator/escalator to the second floor.他们乘直梯/扶梯上了二楼。 [no object] We rode through the park in a horse-drawn carriage.我们乘马车穿过公园。 The dog rode in the back of the truck.那条狗坐在卡车后座上。 He has never ridden aboard a cruise ship.他还从未乘坐过游轮。 b  : to go on a mechanical ride at an amusement park or similar place乘坐(游乐园里的娱乐设施) [no object] We rode on the Ferris wheel.我们乘坐了摩天轮。 [+ object] We rode the roller coaster five times.我们坐了五次过山车。 3  [+ object] chiefly US : to travel over or on (a road, railway, trail, etc.) in a car, on a train, on a bicycle, etc.(搭乘汽车、火车、自行车等)穿越,翻越 He spends hours riding the back roads in his truck.他开着卡车在乡村道路上跑了好几个小时。 riding the rails乘坐火车 We rode the bike trails for hours.我们连续数小时在自行车道上骑行。 4  [no object] of a vehicle : to move over the surface of a road in a specified way(车辆)行驶 The car rides smoothly/well.这辆车行驶平稳/良好。 5  [+ object] : to be supported or carried on (a wave) : to move on (a wave)乘(浪);在(浪)上行进 We watched the surfers riding the waves.我们观看那些骑在海浪上的冲浪者。 6  [+ object] US, informal : to criticize or make jokes about (someone) constantly or frequently in usually a harsh or annoying way嘲弄;取笑;数落 The fans have been riding him pretty hard.那些粉丝们一直不停地狠狠数落他。 be riding for a fall informal : to be doing something that is likely to lead to failure or disaster走向失败;走向灾难 They're feeling pretty confident now, but if you ask me, they're riding for a fall.他们现在感觉蛮有信心,但要让我说,他们是在走向失败。 be riding high informal 1  : to be very happy and excited得意扬扬;兴高采烈 She's riding high [=flying high] after her recent win.她最近比赛胜利后开始得意扬扬了。 2  : to be very successful非常成功 The company's stock was riding high after the merger.合并之后这家公司的股票一路飙升。 let (something) ride informal : to allow (something) to go unnoticed : to ignore (something)放任;忽略 He made a rude remark, but I let it ride.他说了句粗话,但我没搭理。 You have to let his comment ride.你只好由着他说了。 ride herd on US, informal : to keep (someone or something) under close watch or control严密监视;严加控制 We had to ride herd on them to make sure they completed the work on time.我们只好对他们严加管理,确保他们按时完工。 ride on [phrasal verb] 1  ride on (something or someone) : to depend on (something or someone)依靠;指望 The future of the company rides on the success of this deal.公司的未来全都指望这单生意的成功了。 Our hopes are riding on you.我们的希望全都寄托在你身上了。 2  ◊ If you have money riding on something or someone, you have bet money on that thing or person.在…上押钱下注;在…上打赌 I have a lot of money riding on this game.这场比赛我下了大赌注。 There is a lot of money riding on the outcome of the race.有大笔资金赌这场比赛的结果。 ride out [phrasal verb] ride (something) out or ride out (something) : to succeed in surviving or getting through (something dangerous or harmful that cannot be stopped or avoided)安然渡过(危险或难关) The ship/crew rode out the storm.那条船/船员们安然渡过了风暴。 We managed to ride out the stock market downturn.我们勉强熬过了股市低迷期。 ride shotgun informal : to ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle搭车陪伴司机;搭车与司机同行 You can drive, but only if I can ride shotgun.你可以开车,但条件是我要坐在你身旁。 ride up [phrasal verb] of clothing : to move up your body as you move(走动时身上衣服)往上拱,往上缩 These jeans keep riding up on me.这条牛仔裤老是往上缩。 Her skirt rode up when she sat down.她坐下时裙子往上缩。 2 ride /ˈraɪd/ noun plural rides 2 ride /ˈraɪd/ noun plural rides Learner's definition of RIDE [count] 1  a  : a usually short journey in or on a vehicle(乘车的)短途旅程 a two-hour car ride两小时车程 We went for a ride in the country.我们去了乡下兜风。 He took me for a ride on his motorcycle. = He gave me a ride on his motorcycle.他用他的摩托车载了我一程。 I had my first ride in a limousine.我第一次乘坐豪华轿车。 Can I take your bike for a ride? = Can I go for a ride on your bike? [=can I ride your bike?]我能骑一骑你的自行车吗? Can you give me a ride [=lift] back to town?你能让我搭你的便车去城里吗? I need a ride to work.我需要搭车去上班。 She caught/hitched a ride with her coworker.她搭上了她同事的便车。 — see also hayride, joyride b  : a usually short journey on a horse or other animal(通常指短途的)骑乘 We went on a horseback ride.我们去骑马了。 The kids had a ride on a horse.小孩子们骑了马。 They offered pony rides at the fair.游乐场有小型马供人骑。 2  — used to describe what the experience of riding in a car or other vehicle is like感觉…的乘车体验 — usually singular通常用单数 The car has/offers a smooth/comfortable ride.这辆车坐上去感觉很稳/舒适。 The road wasn't paved, so we had a pretty bumpy ride.路还没铺好,所以我们坐在车里很颠簸。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Investors are preparing for a bumpy/rough ride [=a difficult time] in the stock market.投资者们正在为股市低迷期做好准备。 3  a  : a large machine at an amusement park, fair, etc., that people ride on for enjoyment(游乐场的)大型游乐设施 The Ferris wheel is my favorite ride.摩天轮是我最爱坐的游乐设施。 b  : the act of riding on such a machine乘坐(游乐设施) We went for a ride on the roller coaster.我们乘坐了过山车。 — see also free ride along for the ride informal : doing something with other people without being seriously involved in it or having a serious interest in it凑热闹 He wasn't really interested in buying anything when we went to the store; he was just along for the ride.我们去商店时他只是跟着去凑热闹,并没真想买东西。 He wasn't really interested, but he came/went along for the ride.他并不是真感兴趣,但他还是来/去凑热闹。 take (someone) for a ride informal : to trick or fool (someone) especially in order to get money蒙骗(某人)钱财 I figured out that he was taking me for a ride.我摸透了他是想骗我的钱。




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