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词汇 risk
释义 risk (verb) risk 10 ENTRIES FOUND: risk (noun) risk (verb) risk-taking (noun) risk factor (noun) high-risk (adjective) low-risk (adjective) security risk (noun) life (noun) limb (noun) neck (noun) 1 risk /ˈrɪsk/ noun plural risks 1 risk /ˈrɪsk/ noun plural risks Learner's definition of RISK 1  : the possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a loss) will happen危险;风险 [noncount] I prefer not to expose my money to too much risk.我不想把自己的钱财置于太大的风险之中。 The degree of risk is minimal.风险程度是最低的。 All investments have/involve an element of risk.所有投资都具有一定的风险。 [count] The trip didn't seem like much of a risk.那次旅行看来没有太大风险。 I'm aware of the risks associated with this treatment.我明白这种治疗伴随的各种风险。 There is a risk of liver damage with this medication.服用这种药物有肝脏受损的风险。 Wearing a seatbelt greatly reduces the risk of injury or death in a car accident.系好安全带可大幅降低在车祸中伤亡的风险。 We feel that this product presents a significant risk to public health.我们觉得这种产品对公众健康构成了严重威胁。 To me, skydiving is not worth the risk.对我而言,冒风险去尝试特技跳伞不值得。 2  [count] : someone or something that may cause something bad or unpleasant to happen危险人物;会引起危险的事物 Smoking is a risk to your lungs.吸烟伤肺。 Kids think it's fun, but they don't realize the risks involved.孩子们认为这是乐趣,却没意识到其中的危害。 Excess body fat is a serious/significant health risk.人体脂肪过多严重危害健康。 The government claims she is a risk to national security.政府声称她危害国家安全。 — see also security risk 3  [count] : a person or thing that someone judges to be a good or bad choice for insurance, a loan, etc.(按风险大小评估的)被保险对象,受贷者 Drivers who are considered poor risks have to pay more for car insurance.被认为风险大的司机只得支付更高的车险费用。 The bank will determine if a potential borrower is a good/bad credit risk. [=someone who is likely/unlikely to pay back money the bank loans]银行将确定一个潜在的借贷人是否存在良好的/不良的信用风险。 at risk : in a dangerous situation : in a situation in which something bad or harmful could happen有危险;冒风险 They believe that the policy puts the country at risk.他们认为此项政策使国家处于险境。 people who are at risk of developing heart disease [=who might develop heart disease]可能罹患心脏病的人群 The program is designed for students who are at risk for/of failure. [=who are in danger of failing]这个课程是为那些有可能考试不及格的学生开设的。 Many residents remain at risk from floodwaters.许多居民依然受到洪水威胁。 He placed his life at risk to save them. [=he risked his life to save them]他冒着生命危险去救他们。 The firefighter went back into the burning building to save the dog—at considerable risk to his own life.消防队员返回正在燃烧的大楼去救那只狗——冒着相当大的生命危险。 at the risk of (doing something) : despite the possibility of (doing something that could be considered improper, wrong, etc.)尽管有…的危险 At the risk of being/sounding rude, I have to ask you how old you are. [=I have to ask how old you are even though you may consider me rude for asking]这样也许有些冒犯,但我还得问一下你的年龄。 At the risk of sounding repetitive, I want to say again that our basic problem is a lack of effective leadership.尽管可能听起来很啰唆,但我还想再次指出,我们的根本问题是缺乏有效领导。 at your own risk : with full understanding that what you are doing is dangerous and that you are responsible for your own safety后果自负;自担风险 There's no lifeguard here, so if you swim you'll be doing it at your own risk.这里没有救生员,因此如果你游泳,发生意外后果自负。 calculated risk — see calculated run a risk : to do something that may result in loss, failure, etc.冒险 He is not afraid of running risks. [=(more commonly) taking risks]他不惧怕冒险。 run the risk of : to do something that may result in (something bad or unpleasant happening)冒…的危险 You run the risk of being misunderstood if you don't explain your purpose carefully.你若不认真解释你的目的,就有可能被误解。 That strategy runs the risk of undermining their authority.采取那个策略可能会损害他们的威信。 It's a dangerous policy that runs the risk of failure/failing.这个政策有失败的风险。 take a risk : to do something that may result in loss, failure, etc.冒险 Every time you invest money, you're taking a risk.每一次投资都是有风险的。 2 risk /ˈrɪsk/ verb risks; risked; risking 2 risk /ˈrɪsk/ verb risks; risked; risking Learner's definition of RISK [+ object] 1  : to put (something) in a situation in which it could be lost, damaged, etc.使…遭受危险 She risked her life to save her children.她冒生命危险去救她的孩子们。 He risked all his money on starting his own business.他冒着倾家荡产的风险创办了自己的公司。 — see also risk life and limb at 1life, risk your neck at 1neck 2  : to do something that could result in (something bad or unpleasant)冒…的风险 He risked breaking his neck.他冒着极大的风险。 She's risking being considered too sentimental.她冒着被认为过于感情用事的风险。 The country risked a war.国家面临战争的风险。 brave people who risked being killed to help others冒着死亡危险去帮助他人的勇敢者 I'm not willing to risk getting lost. I'm going to buy a map.我不愿冒迷路的风险。我打算买张地图。 The company is risking the loss of millions of dollars.公司正冒着损失数百万美元的风险。 3  : to do (something that may have harmful or bad results)冒险做(某事) It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。 We should stop for more gas. We probably have enough, but I don't want to risk it. [=I don't want to possibly not have enough gas]我们应该停车加油。我们的油大概也够用,但我不想冒这个险。




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