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词汇 rock
释义 rock (noun) rock (noun) rock 22 ENTRIES FOUND: rock (verb) rock (noun) rock (noun) rock-bottom (adjective) rocking chair (noun) rocking horse (noun) rock and roll (noun) rock bottom (noun) rock candy (noun) rock climbing (noun) rock garden (noun) rock ’n’ roll rock salt (noun) country rock (noun) hard rock (noun) soft rock (noun) Ayers Rock (proper noun) Little Rock (proper noun) Plymouth Rock (proper noun) boat (noun) hard (adjective) place (noun) 1 rock /ˈrɑːk/ verb rocks; rocked; rocking 1 rock /ˈrɑːk/ verb rocks; rocked; rocking Learner's definition of ROCK 1  : to move (someone or something) back and forth or from side to side(前后或左右)摇摆,摇晃,摇动 [+ object] She gently rocked the baby to sleep.她轻摇婴儿入睡。 Waves rocked the boat.海浪摇着小船。 [no object] He rocked back and forth while he stood waiting.他站在那儿等候时,身体来回摆动。 The boat rocked back and forth on the waves.小船在海浪上前后摇摆。 2  [+ object] : to cause (something) to shake violently使猛烈晃动 An earthquake rocked the town.地震使这个小镇猛烈晃动。 The building was rocked by an explosion.这座建筑因爆炸而剧烈震动。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The discovery rocked [=shook] the very foundations of their theory.这一发现动摇了他们的理论根据。 3  [+ object] informal a  : to cause (someone or something) to be upset or shocked使不安;使苦恼;使震惊 The news of the murders rocked the town.多起凶杀案的新闻使小镇居民感到震惊。 b  : to affect or influence (someone or something) very powerfully对…产生重大影响 Their invention rocked the computer industry.他们的发明对计算机产业产生了重大影响。 c  : to entertain (someone) in a very powerful and effective way使十分快乐;使尽兴 The band rocked the crowd.乐队的演奏让听众过足了瘾。 His performance rocked the house. [=the audience loved his performance]他的表演给全场观众带来欢乐。 The new video game will rock your world. [=you will really like the new video game]这款新的电子游戏会让你着迷。 4  [no object] informal : to sing, dance to, or play rock music唱摇滚歌曲;跳摇滚舞;演奏摇滚乐 We were rocking all night long.我们整晚都在跳摇滚舞。 5  [no object] slang : to be very enjoyable, pleasing, or effective很有乐趣;令人满意;很有效 Her new car really rocks. [=her new car is really great]她的新车真的很酷。 rock out [phrasal verb] informal : to play music in a loud or energetic way如痴如狂地演奏音乐;尽情地演奏 The band rocks out on their new album.这个乐队尽情地演奏他们的新专辑。 rock the boat — see 1boat — rocking noun, plural rockings [count, noncount] a slow rocking慢摇滚 2 rock /ˈrɑːk/ noun plural rocks 2 rock /ˈrɑːk/ noun plural rocks Learner's definition of ROCK 1  a  [noncount] : the hard, solid material that the surface of the Earth is made of岩石;岩 They drilled through several layers of solid rock.他们钻透了好几层坚硬的岩石。 Moss can grow on bare rock.苔藓可以在裸岩上生长。 The miners made a tunnel through the rock.矿工们打通了一条岩石隧道。 volcanic rock火山岩 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 The mountain had many amazing rock formations.这座山有很多令人称奇的岩石群。 — see also bedrock, sheetrock b  [count] : a piece of rock石块;石头 a flat rock扁平的岩石 (US) We threw rocks [=stones] into the water.我们往水里扔了几块石头。 a pile of rocks一堆石头 c  [count] : a large piece of rock that sticks up from the surface of the Earth(从地表突起的)石山,礁石 She climbed the rock.她爬上那块巨石。 The ship crashed into the rocks.船触礁了。 2  — used in phrases to say that something is very hard, steady, etc.(用于短语)硬物,平稳之物 This bread is (as) hard as a rock. = The bread is rock-hard. [=the bread is very hard]这个面包硬得像块石头。 Her hand was steady as a rock. [=her hand was very steady]她的手很稳。 His muscles are solid as a rock. [=very strong/solid]他的肌肉非常结实。 The frozen chicken is rock-solid.冰冻鸡肉硬如石头。 The beat of the drum was rock-steady.鼓点非常稳。 3  [singular] informal a  : a strong person who can be relied on可靠的人;靠山 We could always count on him—he was our rock.我们总能够依靠他,他是我们的靠山。 b  : someone whose ideas, values, ways of doing things, etc., do not change(思想、价值观、处事方法等)坚定的人 Once she makes up her mind, she's (like) a rock. [=nobody can change her mind once she decides something]一旦下了决心,她就会坚持不变。 4  [count] informal : a diamond or other jewel钻石;宝石 Look at the size of that rock on her finger.瞧她手指上那颗大钻戒。 5  [noncount] British : hard candy that is made in a stick棒棒糖 a stick of rock一根棒棒糖 — compare rock candy 6  [count] informal : a small hard piece of a drug小块(硬)毒品 a rock of crack cocaine一小块强效可卡因 between a rock and a hard place informal : in a very difficult or bad position or situation with no good way of getting out of it进退两难;左右为难 He is caught/stuck between a rock and a hard place.他进退两难。 get your rocks off informal 1  of a man : to have an orgasm(指男人)达到性高潮 2  : to feel great pleasure or satisfaction感到很高兴;感到很满足 He gets his rocks off bossing everyone around.对身边的人指手画脚使他感到很满足。 live under a rock : to be unaware of things that most people know about与世隔绝;消息闭塞 How could you have not heard about it? Do you live under a rock?你怎么可能没听说这件事?你与世隔绝了吗? on the rocks 1  : having a lot of problems and likely to fail濒临崩溃;濒于失败 Their marriage is on the rocks. [=in trouble]他们的婚姻出现了危机。 2  of an alcoholic drink : with ice cubes(酒里)加冰块 He ordered a whiskey/Scotch on the rocks.他点了一杯加冰块的威士忌/苏格兰威士忌。 — compare 3rock 3 rock /ˈrɑːk/ noun 3 rock /ˈrɑːk/ noun Learner's definition of ROCK [noncount] : a kind of popular music with a strong beat that is played on instruments that are made louder electronically摇滚乐 My favorite types of music are jazz and rock.我最喜欢的音乐类型是爵士和摇滚。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 rock music摇滚乐 a rock concert/band/star摇滚音乐会/乐队/歌星 — see also hard rock, soft rock — compare 2rock




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