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词汇 roll
释义 roll (noun) roll (noun) roll 33 ENTRIES FOUND: roll (verb) roll (noun) roll (noun) rolling (adjective) rolling pin (noun) rolling stock (noun) roll-on (adjective) roll bar (noun) roll call (noun) roll of honour (noun) drum roll (noun) egg roll (noun) honor roll (noun) jelly roll (noun) rock and roll (noun) rock ’n’ roll spring roll (noun) Swiss roll (noun) toilet roll (noun) ball (noun) dice (noun) get (verb) hay (noun) head (noun) punch (noun) r (noun) ready (adjective) red carpet (noun) rollup (noun) sleeve (noun) start (verb) tongue (noun) welcome mat (noun) 1 roll /ˈroʊl/ verb rolls; rolled; rolling 1 roll /ˈroʊl/ verb rolls; rolled; rolling Learner's definition of ROLL 1  a  : to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over滚动 [no object] The children rolled down the hill.孩子们滚下了山坡。 The ball rolled slowly to a stop.球慢慢滚动着,最后停了下来。 [+ object] She rolled the dice.她掷了色子。 He rolled the ball to me. = He rolled me the ball.他把球滚过来给我。 b  : to turn over one or more times打滚;翻滚 [no object] He rolled (over) onto his back.他翻身平躺。 The pigs roll (around) in the mud to keep cool.为了凉快凉快,猪在泥里打滚。 The car rolled (over) into the ditch.车翻进沟里了。 [+ object] Roll the chicken wings in the batter.把鸡翅放在面粉糊中滚一滚。 The paramedics rolled him onto the gurney.护理人员帮他翻滚到轮床上。 (US) He rolled his car in the accident.在事故中他的车翻了。 2  : to move smoothly on wheels(使车辆)行进 [no object] The car rolled slowly to a stop.车慢慢停了下来。 A police car rolled up next to us.一辆警车开到我们身边。 [+ object] The children rolled the toy car to each other.孩子们相互推玩着玩具车。 The patient was rolled into the emergency room.病人被推进急诊室。 3  [no object] : to move in a smooth, continuous way平缓持续地移动 We left the movie theater as the final credits rolled. [=were moving across the screen]当最后的演职员名单在屏幕上缓缓出现时,我们离开了影院。 The fog soon rolled away.不一会儿雾就渐渐散去了。 The clouds rolled past.一朵朵云彩飘过。 4  [+ object] a  : to form (something) into the shape of a ball or tube使成球状;使成管状 She rolled the dough into a ball.她把面团揉成球形。 He rolled up the newspaper and swatted the fly.他把报纸卷起来拍打苍蝇。 b  : to put (something) inside a tube把(某物)装入筒中 He rolled the coins.他把硬币放入纸筒。 c  : to wrap up (something or someone) in a way that forms the shape of a tube把…裹成筒状 He rolls his own cigarettes.他自己卷烟抽。 — often + up She rolled up the meat in a tortilla.她把肉卷在一张玉米饼里。 He lay there snugly rolled up in blankets.他紧裹着毯子躺在那儿。 5  : to form your body into a ball把身体缩成一团 — usually + up [no object] He lay down on the bed and rolled [=curled] up (into a ball).他躺在床上,缩成一团。 [+ object] He rolled himself up (into a ball).他缩成了一团。 6  [+ object] a  : to make (something) smooth, even, or flat with a special tool (called a roller or rolling pin)擀平;轧平 She rolled (out) the dough.她把面团擀平了。 He rolled the clay flat.他把土轧平了。 rolled steel/oats轧钢;燕麦片 b  : to spread (something) on a surface with a special tool (called a roller)(用滚筒在表面上)滚,涂 She rolled the paint on (the wall).她用滚筒往墙上涂漆。 7  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to move forward along the normal course of time(随着岁月)流逝 The days rolled [=passed] quickly by.日子一天天过得飞快。 It got hotter as the day rolled on/along.天气越来越热。 8  [no object] : to move or lean from side to side左右摇晃着行进;东倒西歪 The ship heaved and rolled in the storm.这艘船在暴风雨中颠簸摇摆地航行。 He walked with a rolling gait.他走起路来摇摇晃晃。 9  [no object] a  : to make a deep, continuous sound隆隆;轰鸣 Thunder rolled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。 rolling thunder隆隆的雷声 b  : to make a continuous, quick, beating sound发出持续快速的击打声 The drums rolled.鼓声咚咚。 10  : to operate (something, such as a movie camera)操作(电影摄影机等) [+ object] Roll the cameras when I say “action.”当我说“开拍”时,开动摄影机。 [no object] The camera was not rolling [=filming] at the time.摄影机当时出故障了。 11  [no object] : to have a series of successes连获成功 The team rolled through the play-offs.这个队在季后赛中获得了连胜。 12  : to cause (your eyes) to look up toward the sky in an expression which shows that you think someone or something is foolish or annoying(眼睛朝上看)露出鄙视表情;翻白眼 [+ object] He rolled his eyes at her suggestion.他对她的建议表示出不屑一顾。 [no object] Her eyes rolled when he told her his idea.当他告诉她自己的想法时,她白眼以待。 get rolling informal 1  : to leave离开 We ought to get rolling if we don't want to be late.不想迟到的话,我们应该走了。 2  : to start doing something开始;开展 You should get rolling on that assignment.你应当开始做那项工作了。 The project finally got rolling. [=got started]这个项目终于启动了。 get/set/start the ball rolling — see 1ball heads roll — see 1head keep the ball rolling — see 1ball let's roll chiefly US, informal — used to tell another person or a group of people to start leaving a place or to start doing something咱们出发,干起来(用于告知别人出发或开始做某事) “Let's roll,” the sergeant shouted to his men.中士向他的士兵们喊道:“出发。” ready to roll informal 1  : ready to leave准备好离开 I am all packed and ready to roll.我已收拾好行囊,做好了随时出发的准备。 2  : ready to start doing something准备好做(某事) After we got the loan approved, we were ready to roll.贷款批下来之后,我们就随时可以动工了。 roll around [phrasal verb] informal also British roll about : to arrive or happen again再次到来;再次发生 By the time Friday rolls around, I'm ready for the weekend.每到星期五时,我就准备好过周末了。 We'll be better prepared the next time the elections roll around.下次再举行选举时,我们会准备得更充分。 roll back [phrasal verb] 1  roll back (something) or roll (something) back chiefly US : to reduce (something, such as a price)减少,降低(价格等) The store is rolling back its prices for this weekend only.这家商店只在本周末降价促销。 2  : to change (something) back to the way it was at an earlier time : to reverse or undo (something)收回;撤销 The manufacturers are lobbying to roll back [=rescind] environmental regulations.厂商们正在为撤销环保规定四处游说。 His proposal would roll back the clock on civil rights.他的提议会使民权倒退。 roll down [phrasal verb] 1  roll down (something) or roll (something) down : to move (something) down especially by turning a handle(转动手柄)摇下(某物) She rolled down the car window.她摇下了车窗。 2  : to unfold the edge of (something, such as a shirt sleeve or pants leg) to make it longer展开(衣袖或裤腿等) He rolled down his sleeves.他把袖子放下来。 rolled into one : combined together into one thing or person合为一体;兼于一身 It's a shopping center, amusement park, and nightclub (all) rolled into one.这座大厦集购物中心、娱乐场、夜总会于一体。 roll in [phrasal verb] informal 1  be rolling in (something) : to have a large amount of (something)拥有大量 They were rolling in money/cash. = They were rolling in (the) dough. = They were rolling in it.他们拥有很多钱/现金。 2  : to appear or arrive in large numbers or amounts滚滚而来;大量涌来 The money has been rolling in.财源广进。 Donations rolled in to help the hurricane victims.捐款不断汇来,以帮助那些飓风灾民。 3  : to arrive at a place especially later than usual or expected到达,到来(尤指比通常或预计的时间晚) Delegates rolled in from all parts of the country.代表们从全国各地纷纷赶来。 He finally rolled in at 3:30 in the morning.他终于在清晨3:30赶到。 rolling in the aisles — see aisle roll off the tongue — see 1tongue roll on British, informal — used to say that you want a time or event to come quickly但愿(某个时刻或某事件)早日到来 Roll on Friday. I can't wait for the weekend!但愿星期五早点来。我都等不及要过周末了! roll out [phrasal verb] 1  roll out (something) or roll (something) out : to offer or sell (something) for the first time首次供应;首次出售;首发 The company is expected to roll out [=launch] several new products next year.该公司有望在明年推出几款新产品。 — see also rollout 2  : to make (something that has been rolled into the shape of a tube) long and flat again展开(卷起之物) He rolled out [=unrolled] the sleeping bags.他铺开睡袋。 roll out of bed informal : to rise after sleeping in a bed and especially after sleeping later than usual(尤指因晚睡而晚)起床 She rolled out of bed just before noon.她快到中午了才起床。 roll out the red carpet — see red carpet roll over [phrasal verb] 1  informal : to allow yourself to be easily defeated or controlled : to make no effort to fight or compete不战自败;束手就擒;受制于人 I'm not going to just roll over and let them do what they want.我不会束手就擒,任凭他们为所欲为。 2  roll over (something) or roll (something) over a  : to delay the payment of (something, such as a debt)延期还(债等) He wanted to roll over the repayment of the loan until later.他想要延期偿还贷款。 b  : to place (invested money) in a new investment of the same kind转投资 She rolled over her investments from one fund to another.她把她的投资从一个基金转到另一个基金。 — see also rollover roll the dice — see 1dice roll up [phrasal verb] 1  roll up (something) or roll (something) up a  : to move (something) up especially by turning a handle(转动手柄)摇上(某物) She rolled up the car window.她把车窗摇上。 b  : to fold up the ends of (something, such as a shirt sleeve or pants leg) to make it shorter挽起,卷起(衣袖或裤腿等) She rolled up her jeans and stepped into the water.她卷起牛仔裤,走进水中。 2  informal : to arrive at a place in a vehicle(乘车)到达 Celebrities rolled up in their limousines.名流们坐豪华轿车到场。 3  British — used to invite people to gather around to see a show or to buy things快来(用于招呼人们聚拢看表演或购物) Roll up, roll up [=(chiefly US) step right up]—you won't find cheaper watches anywhere else!来看呀,快来看呀——哪儿都找不到这么便宜的手表了! — see also 1roll 4c, 5 (above) roll up your sleeves informal : to prepare to work hard(卷起袖子)准备大干 It's time to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.现在是我们加把劲把这工作干完的时候了。 Congress needs to roll up its sleeves and pass the bill now.国会现在需要迅速行动起来通过这一法案。 roll with the punches informal : to not allow yourself to become upset by things that happen泰然处之;安然处之 Roll with the punches and don't let life get you down!泰然处之,不要被生活击垮! roll your r's : to pronounce the sound /r/ with a trill用颤音发/r/ He rolls his r's when he speaks Spanish.他讲西班牙语的时候,用颤音发/r/。 2 roll /ˈroʊl/ noun plural rolls 2 roll /ˈroʊl/ noun plural rolls Learner's definition of ROLL [count] 1  : a long piece of cloth, paper, film, tape, etc., that is rolled to form the shape of a tube or ring一卷(布、纸、胶卷、胶带等) There are two photos left on this roll.这个胶卷里还剩下两张照片。 rolls of film/tape几卷胶卷/胶带 a roll of toilet paper一卷手纸 2  : a paper tube that holds candies, coins, etc., inside一纸管(糖、硬币等) a roll of mints/quarters一纸管薄荷糖/二十五美分硬币 3  a  : a small loaf of bread for one person to eat(供一人吃的)小面包 a dinner roll(西式)餐包 tuna salad (served) on a roll涂在餐包上的金枪鱼沙拉 a hamburger roll [=bun]汉堡圆面包 b  : a sandwich made with a bread roll(用圆面包做的)三明治 a ham/cheese roll火腿/芝士三明治 (US) a clam/lobster roll蛤蜊/龙虾三明治 c  : a usually round sweet cake小圆甜蛋糕 cinnamon/sweet rolls肉桂/甜蛋糕 — compare sticky bun; see also jelly roll, swiss roll 4  : a food that is rolled up for cooking or serving卷状食品 cabbage/sausage/sushi rolls卷心菜/香肠/寿司卷 rolls of sliced ham/turkey切片火腿/火鸡卷 — see also egg roll 5  : a thick fold of fat, skin, etc.厚厚一层(脂肪、皮肤等) A roll of fat stuck out from under his shirt.一堆脂肪从他的衬衫下挺出来。 rolls of flesh/skin一层层肉/皮 6  : an official list of names花名册;登记表 the voter rolls = (US) the election rolls [=a list of the people who can vote in an election]选民登记册 welfare rolls [=a list of people on welfare]接受福利救济的人员名册 The teacher called out the names on the roll. = The teacher called/took the roll.老师按学生花名册点名。 — see also honor roll, payroll — see also bankroll 3 roll /ˈroʊl/ noun plural rolls 3 roll /ˈroʊl/ noun plural rolls Learner's definition of ROLL [count] 1  : a sound that is produced by a series of quick hits on a drum擂鼓声 a roll of the drum鼓声阵阵 — see also drum roll 2  : a deep, continuous sound隆隆声;轰鸣声 We heard the roll of thunder/cannons in the distance.我们听到了远处轰隆隆的雷声/炮声。 3  : an act of rolling something滚动;翻滚 With a roll of the dice, he won $100.色子一掷,他赢了100美元。 She showed her annoyance with a roll of her eyes. [=showed her annoyance by rolling her eyes]她翻白眼以示厌烦。 4  chiefly US : a movement in which your body makes a complete turn forward or backward on the ground筋斗;跟头 a forward/backward roll [=somersault]前/后滚翻 5  : the act of moving or leaning from side to side左右摇摆;左右摇晃 We felt the roll of the ship.我们感觉到这条船左右摇晃。 6  : a movement of an airplane in which the airplane is turned upside down and then right side up again(飞机)翻滚 a roll in the hay informal + old-fashioned : an act of having sex with someone交欢;交合 a roll of the dice — see 1dice on a roll informal : experiencing a series of successes接连成功;连交好运 The team has been on a roll [=has been playing well and winning many games] since midseason.从赛季中期开始,这个队就连交好运,赢了多场比赛。 He's a funny guy, and last night he was really on a roll. [=he was saying many funny things]他是个有趣的人,昨晚他讲了很多有趣的事。 — see also rock and roll




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