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词汇 root
释义 root (verb) root (verb) root (verb) root 13 ENTRIES FOUND: root (noun) root (verb) root (verb) root (verb) root beer (noun) root canal (noun) root cellar (noun) root vegetable (noun) cube root (noun) deep-rooted (adjective) grass roots (noun) square root (noun) branch (noun) 1 root /ˈruːt/ noun plural roots 1 root /ˈruːt/ noun plural roots Learner's definition of ROOT 1  [count] : the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground, and holds the plant in place根;根茎 Elm trees have shallow roots.榆树的根很浅。 Pull weeds up by the roots so that they don't grow back.把草连根拔起就不会再长出来了。 — see color picture on this page 2  [count] : the part of a tooth, hair, fingernail, etc., that is attached to the body(牙齿、毛发、指甲等的)根,根部 You can tell that she dyes her hair blonde because her dark roots are showing.可以看出她的金发是染的,因为她的黑发根露出来了。 3  [count] a  : the cause or source of something起因;根源 — usually singular通常用单数 He believes that money is the root of all evil. [=money causes people to do bad things]他认为金钱是万恶之源。 We need to get to the root of the problem. = We need to get to the root cause of the problem.我们需要查清问题的根源。 Simple greed was at the root of the robbery. [=was the reason for the robbery]抢劫的根本原因在于贪心。 b  : the origin of something起源 — usually plural通常用复数 Rock-and-roll music has its roots in blues music. [=rock-and-roll music originated/developed from blues music]摇滚乐起源于布鲁斯音乐。 4  roots [plural] a  : the family history of a person or a group of people家族历史;祖先 They have traced their roots [=ancestry] back several generations.他们追溯到前几辈的祖先。 b  : a special connection to something与…的特殊关联 — + in She's a dedicated teacher with roots in the community.她扎根社区,是一位富有献身精神的教师。 His family has roots in the New York theater scene.他的家庭与纽约戏剧界颇有渊源。 a novelist with roots deep in Southern life与南方生活有深厚渊源的小说家 — see also grass roots 5  [count] mathematics : a number that is multiplied by itself a certain number of times to produce another number方根;根 2 is the 4th root of 16. [=2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16]2是16的4次方根。 — see also cube root, square root 6  [count] : a word from which other words are formed词根 “Butler” and “bottle” come from the same Latin root.单词butler和bottle来自同一个拉丁语词根。 “Hold” is the root of “holder.”单词hold是holder的词根。 put down roots : to become a member of a community and begin to feel that it is your home : to settle and live in one place定居 The family put down roots in New England. [=they made New England their home]这户人家在新英格兰定居下来。 root and branch chiefly British 1  : complete or thorough完全的;彻底的 a root and branch overhaul of local schools对当地学校的彻底整顿 2  : completely or thoroughly完全地;彻底地 The laws were reformed root and branch.这些法律从根本上进行了改革。 take root 1  of a plant : to grow and develop roots生根 There isn't enough time for the grass to take root before winter.冬天到来之前这些草没有足够的时间生根。 2  : to begin to develop开始发展 The classroom should be a place where creativity can take root and flourish.课堂应该成为能培养并充分发挥创造力的地方。 It was years before democratic ideals took root in that part of the world.民主理想用了数年时间才在世界的那个地区扎根 2 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting 2 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting Learner's definition of ROOT 1  of a plant a  [no object] : to grow and develop roots长出根;生根 The plants had difficulty rooting in the poor soil.这些植物在贫瘠的土壤里难以生根。 b  [+ object] : to make (a plant) grow and develop roots使生根 She rooted the seedlings in pots before planting them in the garden.她将幼苗放在花盆里生根,然后再把它们移植到花园里。 The lichen rooted itself to the rock. The lichen was rooted to the rock. 2  [+ object] : to make (someone) unable to move使(某人)无法移动 Fear rooted me to my chair.我吓得坐在椅子上动弹不得。 — usually used as (be) rooted通常用作(be) rooted I was rooted to my chair by/with fear.我吓得坐在椅子上动弹不得。 root in [phrasal verb] root (something) in (something) : to form, make, or develop (something) by using (something) as a basis由…产生;来源于;以…为基础 He roots his art in reality. [=bases his art on the real world]他的艺术以现实为基础。 — usually used as (be) rooted in通常用作(be) rooted His art is rooted in reality.他的艺术来源于现实。 Her opinions are deeply rooted in her faith.她的观点是牢固地建立在其信仰之上的。 a dance rooted in African tradition源于非洲传统的舞蹈 — compare 3root, 4root 3 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting 3 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting Learner's definition of ROOT [no object] 1  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to search for something by moving around or by turning things over翻找;搜寻 We rooted through the desk drawers for the phone bill.我们在书桌的抽屉里翻找电话账单。 She rooted around in her purse to find her keys.她翻遍手提包找钥匙。 I think I'll root around for some leftovers in the fridge.我就想在冰箱里找点剩饭吃一口。 2  of animals : to look for food under the ground by digging with the nose : grub(动物)用鼻拱土觅食 a rooting pig拱土觅食的猪 root out [phrasal verb] 1  root (something or someone) out or root out (something or someone) : to find and remove (something or someone)找到并去除(某人或物);根除 The mayor was determined to root out corruption in city government.市长下决心根除市政管理中存在的腐败。 2  : to find (something or someone) after searching for a long time终于找到 He finally rooted out the cause of the problem.他终于找到了问题的起因。 — compare 2root, 4root 4 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting 4 root /ˈruːt/ verb roots; rooted; rooting Learner's definition of ROOT root for [phrasal verb] root for (someone or something) : to express or show support for (a person, a team, etc.)给…助威;给…加油 They always root for the home team.他们总是给主队加油。 We're rooting for the underdog.我们在为处于劣势的队鼓劲。 : to hope for the success of (someone or something)希望…取得成功 Remember that we're all rooting for you. [=we all want to see you succeed]记住,我们都希望你取得成功。 root on [phrasal verb] root (someone or something) on US : to help (someone or something) to win or succeed by expressing or showing strong support为…欢呼喝彩 The team is playing for the championship tomorrow, and thousands of fans will be there to root them on.明天这个队将参加冠军争夺赛,届时成千上万的球迷将到场欢呼助威。 Her friends and family were there to root her on to victory.她的朋友们和家人都在现场为她加油,助她取得胜利。 — compare 2root, 3root — rooter /ˈruːtɚ/ noun, plural rooters [count]




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