

单词 beg
释义 beg 5 ENTRIES FOUND: beg (verb) borrow (verb) differ (verb) question (noun) steal (verb) beg /ˈbɛg/ verb begs; begged; begging beg /ˈbɛg/ verb begs; begged; begging Learner's definition of BEG 1  : to ask people for money or food乞讨;行乞 [no object] A homeless man begs on that corner every day.一个无家可归的男人每天都在那个角落乞讨。 children begging for food讨饭的孩子们 [+ object] children begging strangers for food向陌生人讨饭的孩子们 children begging food from strangers向陌生人讨饭的孩子们 2  a  : to ask (someone) in a very serious and emotional way for something needed or wanted very much恳求,请求(某人) [+ object] He begged the doctor for medicine.他请求医生开药。 He begged her for forgiveness. = He begged her to forgive him.他恳求她原谅。 She begged him to read the story again.她求他把那个故事再念一遍。 I beg you to help them! = Help them, I beg you!我求你帮帮他们! “Help them!” I begged.“帮帮他们吧!”我恳求道。 [no object] — + of (formal) I beg of you to help them!我求你帮帮他们! b  : to ask for (something needed or wanted very much) in a very serious and emotional way乞求,恳求(某事物) [+ object] He got down on his knees and begged forgiveness. = He got down on his knees and begged to be forgiven.他跪下乞求原谅。 He begged that she would forgive him.他请求她的原谅。 begging a favor of someone恳请某人帮忙 [no object] He's too proud to beg.他十分骄傲,从不低头求人。 He begged for forgiveness.他乞求宽恕。 3  [no object] of a dog : to sit up on the back legs with the front legs raised(狗)后腿蹲坐前腿抬起作乞求状 “Does your dog know any tricks?” “She knows how to beg.”“你的狗有什么本领吗?”“她会举起前腿作乞求姿势。” 4  [+ object] of a thing : to seem perfect for some purpose : to be very well suited for something非常适合于 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 I couldn't resist cutting some of the flowers. They were just begging to be made into a bouquet.我忍不住剪了一些花。它们刚好可以扎成一束。 a scene begging to be photographed [=a scene that should be photographed]值得拍照留念的风景 beg, borrow, or/and steal informal : to do whatever is necessary to get something that is wanted or needed想尽办法得到;不择手段获得 We'll have to beg, borrow, or steal the extra chairs we need for the party.我们得想尽一切办法弄到聚会所需的额外座椅。 beg leave formal + old-fashioned : to ask for permission请求准许 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 We beg leave to offer our humble thanks.请允许我们聊表谢意。 I beg leave to differ with you, sir.先生,请恕我不敢苟同。 beg off [phrasal verb] informal : to say that you cannot do something that you have been asked to do or have agreed to do推辞;反悔 He originally said he'd go to the party, but he later begged off (going), claiming he had to work that night.他起初答应要去参加聚会,但后来却反悔了,说他那天晚上还要上班。 beg the question 1  : to cause someone to ask a specified question as a reaction or response引起疑问;令人质疑 The quarterback's injury begs the question of who will start in his place.四分卫的受伤使人们纷纷猜测谁将接替他的位置。 The tragic drowning begs the question: why are there no safe places in the area for children to swim?这起不幸的溺水事件发人深省:为什么这一区域没有供儿童游泳的安全场所? 2  formal : to ignore a question or issue by assuming it has been answered or settled回避问题;想当然 Their proposed solution begs the question of whether the changes in the town are actually a problem.他们提出的解决方案回避了一个问题:城市的这些变化到底是不是一个问题。 beg to differ : to politely disagree with someone不敢苟同;恕不赞同 You say that the candidates are essentially the same, but I beg to differ. [=I do not agree]你说候选人本质上都是一样的,这一点恕我不能认同。 beg your pardon ◊ The phrase I beg your pardon is used in polite speech to apologize when you have done something impolite or when you have made a mistake.请原谅;对不起 I beg your pardon. [=sorry, excuse me] I didn't mean to bump into you like that.对不起,我不是有意要撞你的。 I beg your pardon. You're correct; the amount is 12 dollars.不好意思。你是对的,一共12美元。 ◊ It can be used to show that you are annoyed or offended by something that another person has said.有你这样说话的吗(用于表示自己被某人的话所激怒或冒犯) “That boy isn't very bright.” “I beg your pardon! That's my son!”“那个男孩不大聪明。”“有你这样说话的吗!他是我儿子!” ◊ It can also be used as a question when you have not heard or understood something clearly.请再说一遍(用于未听清或没有理解时) I beg your pardon [=excuse me, sorry]? What did you say?对不起,你刚才说什么? ◊ The shorter form beg pardon is also used informally this way.再说一遍(非正式用语) “He's been in Haiti for the past two months.” “Beg pardon? He's been in Hawaii?” “No, Haiti.”“他近两个月一直在海地。”“什么?他在夏威夷?”“不,是在海地。” go begging chiefly British : to be something that few or no people want无人问津;无人要 With the poor economy, many expensive restaurants now have tables that go begging. [=tables that are empty because there are no customers]由于经济不景气,目前许多高档餐厅生意冷清。 If that last biscuit's (still) going begging, can I have it, please?如果最后那块饼干(仍旧)没人要的话,可以给我吗?




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