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词汇 run
释义 run (noun) run 56 ENTRIES FOUND: run (verb) run (noun) run-down (adjective) run-in (noun) running (noun) running (adjective) running (adverb) running back (noun) running board (noun) running mate (noun) running start (noun) running time (noun) running water (noun) run-of-the-mill (adjective) run-through (noun) run-up (noun) run batted in (noun) dry run (noun) dummy run (noun) end run (noun) first-run (adjective) hit-and-run (adjective) hit-and-run (noun) home run (noun) long run (noun) rat run (noun) short run (noun) test run (noun) trial run (noun) well-run (adjective) afoul of (adverb) blood (noun) buffer (noun) cold (adjective) cut (verb) deep (adverb) eye (noun) foot (noun) ground (noun) high (adverb) hit (verb) interference (noun) jump (noun) money (noun) mouth (noun) ragged (adjective) riot (noun) risk (noun) seed (noun) ship (noun) still (adjective) table (noun) tight (adjective) walk (verb) water (noun) wild (adverb) 1 run /ˈrʌn/ verb runs; ran /ˈræn/ ; run; running 1 run /ˈrʌn/ verb runs; ran /ˈræn/ ; run; running Learner's definition of RUN 1  [no object] a  : to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking跑;奔 How fast can you run?你能跑多快? He runs faster than anyone else on the team.他比队里其他人都跑得快。 She ran up the stairs to get her jacket.她跑上楼去取她的夹克。 We ran for the train—but missed it.我们跑着去赶火车——但是没赶上。 I heard her scream and ran to help.我听到了她的大声喊叫,就跑去帮她。 She ran to me for help.她跑来向我寻求帮助。 The dog ran away from me.这只狗从我身旁跑开了。 The dog ran toward me.那只狗冲我跑来。 When I called the dog, he came running.我一叫那只狗,它就跑过来了。 Don't expect me to come running every time you want something. I'm not your servant.别指望每次你一要东西我就会跑来。我不是你的仆人。 The chickens were running loose in the yard.几只鸡在院子里乱跑。 The horses ran wild.群马狂奔。 He ran at me with a knife. [=he ran toward me with a knife in his hand]他拿着刀向我扑来。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He ran back to his ex-girlfriend after I dumped him.我把他蹬了之后,他很快回到了前女友身边。 You can't keep running away from your problems.你不能总是逃避问题。 Don't come running to me when you get in trouble.遇到麻烦时别跑来找我。 Don't let your imagination run wild. I'm sure nothing bad has happened.不要胡思乱想,我保证没有发生什么不好的事。 b  : to leave a place quickly by running快速逃离 When the alarm sounded, the robbers ran.警报一响起,劫匪们就都逃走了。 He dropped the gun and ran.他把枪一扔,逃走了。 Quick! Run and get a doctor!快点!跑去叫医生! The ambushed soldiers ran for cover.那些中了埋伏的士兵迅速寻求掩蔽。 They had the enemy running scared.他们使敌人惊慌而逃。 — often + away When she saw all the people in the audience, she had a sudden urge to run away.当看到观众席全都是人时,她突然产生了想要逃走的冲动。 They ran away screaming.他们大声尖叫着跑开了。 — often + off When they saw the police, they quickly ran off.他们看见警察就迅速溜走了。 2  a  : to run as part of a sport, for exercise, or in a race跑步(作为锻炼或比赛) [no object] He ran on the track team in college.他在大学是径赛队运动员。 She's running in the marathon this year.她今年要参加马拉松赛跑。 The horse will not be running in this race.这匹马不会参加此次马赛。 [+ object] I run six miles every day.我每天跑六英里。 She ran a great race. [=she ran very well in the race]她在这次比赛中跑出了好成绩。 He ran track in college.他在大学里参加了径赛。 She's running the marathon this year.她今年将参加马拉松比赛。 The marathon will be run tomorrow. [=people will be running the marathon tomorrow]马拉松比赛明天进行。 b  American football : to carry and run with (the ball)持球跑动进攻 [+ object] He ran the football for a 20-yard gain.他持球突进了20码。 He ran the kick back [=he caught the ball that was kicked and ran back with it] to the 40-yard line.他接到踢来的球,持球跑到40码线。 [no object] He ran for 15 yards.他持球跑了15码。 c  baseball : to run from base to base跑垒 [no object] He runs well and might attempt a steal.他跑垒很好并有可能尝试偷垒。 [+ object] He runs the bases well.他善于跑垒。 3  [+ object] : to cause (an animal) to run驱赶(牲畜) He ran the horse through the fields.他策马穿过田野。 4  [no object] chiefly US : to be a candidate in an election for a particular office参选;竞选 — often + for She is running [=(Brit) standing] for mayor.她正在竞选市长。 — often + against He is running against her in the upcoming election.他将在即将到来的选举中与她竞争。 5  [+ object] a  : to direct the business or activities of (something)经营;管理;组织 She runs [=manages] the restaurant/hotel/store.她经营这家饭店/旅馆/商店。 He runs the after-school program.他负责这项课外活动。 The President is doing a good job running the country.总统把国家治理得很好。 The company is badly/privately run.这家公司经营不善/由私人经营。 state/family-run companies国营/家族企业 I'm old enough to run my own life! [=make my own decisions]我已经长大成人,可以自己做决定了! b  : to do (a test or check) on someone or something(对…)进行(检查、试验) The doctors need to run some more tests.医生们还要进一步做一些检查。 — often + on The doctors ran some tests on the blood samples.医生们对血样进行了一些化验。 The police ran a security check on him.警察对他进行了安检。 6  a  [+ object] : to use and control (something)操作;驾驶 I'm not licensed to run [=operate] a forklift.我没有铲车的驾驶证。 b  [+ object] : to put (something) into operation开动;启动;使运转 You should run the engine for a few minutes before you start driving.开车之前,要让发动机运转几分钟。 He ran the program (on the computer).他(在电脑上)运行这个程序。 c  [no object] : to function or operate操作;运转 Never leave your car unattended while the engine is running.发动机还在运转时,千万不要让车无人看管。 He didn't know the camera was still running.他不知道摄像机仍在工作。 He had his new computer up and running in no time.他很快便使自己的新电脑运转起来。 — often + on This software runs on most computers.这款软件能在大部分电脑上运行。 The car runs on [=uses] diesel.这辆车是烧柴油的。 7  a  usually followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to go on a particular route or at particular times(按某路线或时间)行驶,往来 The bus/ferry runs every hour.公共汽车/轮渡每小时一班。 The train runs between New York and Washington.这辆火车往返于纽约和华盛顿之间。 Trains no longer run on this track.这条轨道已经不通火车了。 The buses are running late. [=the buses are late]公共汽车晚点了。 b  [+ object] : to have (a bus, train, ferry, etc.) traveling on a route使(公共汽车、火车、渡轮等)按某路线行驶 They run extra trains on Saturdays.星期六他们增开列车。 8  a  [no object] : to make a quick trip to a place for something(为了某物向一个地方)跑 She ran (up/down) to the store for bread and milk.她跑到商店买面包和牛奶。 He ran over to the neighbors for some sugar.他跑到邻居那儿要了些糖。 b  [+ object] : to drive (someone) a short distance to a place or event开车送(某人) I have to run the kids to soccer practice.我得开车送这些孩子去练足球。 c  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to bring (something) quickly to someone who is at a particular place把…快速送往(在某地的某人) Wait here. I'm just going to run this in/inside to her.在这儿等着。我要进去把这个送给她。 He ran an umbrella out to her before she drove off.她驾车离去之前,他拿了把雨伞跑出来递给她。 d  [+ object] : to do (something that involves making a quick trip) : to do (an errand)做(跑腿差事) I have a few errands to run after I leave work today.我今天下班后,还要去办几件事。 9  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  [+ object] : to cause (a driver or vehicle) to move in a particular direction使(司机或车辆向某方向)冲,撞 That car tried to run me off the road!那辆车想把我撞到路外! She ran her car off the road.她驾车冲出了道路。 He ran the car into a tree.他开车撞到了树上。 b  [no object] of a driver or vehicle : to move in a particular direction(司机或车辆)冲,撞 His car ran off the road. = He ran off the road.他的车冲出了道路。 — see also run into (below), run over (below) 10  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  [+ object] : to cause (something) to pass through, over, along, or into something else使穿过;使越过;使沿着…快速移动;使撞上 She ran her fingers through my hair.她用手指理我的头发。 He ran a brush over the dog's fur.他用刷子梳理狗毛。 I quickly ran my eyes over/down the list of names.我快速浏览了一遍名单。 b  [no object] : to travel or spread in a fast or uncontrolled way(快速、不受控制地)流传,传播,延展 Whispers ran through the crowd.人们都在窃窃私语。 A chill ran up/down my spine.我的背脊感到一阵寒战。 11  always followed by an adverb or preposition [no object] a  : to go or extend in a particular direction走向;延伸 The boundary line runs east.这条边界线向东延伸。 The road runs through the mountain.这条路从山间穿过。 The highway runs from Boston to New York.这条城际公路从波士顿通往纽约。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 My tastes in novels run to/toward science fiction and thrillers. [=I tend to like science fiction and thrillers]在小说方面,我更喜欢阅读科幻小说和惊险小说。 Such behavior runs counter to [=such behavior does not agree with] the values of our society.这种行为与我们的社会价值观背道而驰。 He does nothing that would run against [=go against] his moral principles.他不做任何有违自己道德原则的事。 b  — used to describe the position of a road, path, etc.(道路等)位于,延伸 The highway runs close to the shore.这条公路紧挨海岸延伸。 The route runs the length of the eastern coast.这条路一直沿着东海岸延伸。 A path runs along the ridge.一条小径顺着这条山脊向前延伸。 The pipes run beneath the floor.管子铺在地板下面。 There was a scratch running down the side of the car.车的侧面有一道刮痕。 12  [+ object] : to cause (something, such as a wire or cable) to go or extend from one point to another拉,引(电线、电缆等) He ran the wires up from the basement.他把电线从地下室引了上来。 13  [+ object] : to bring (something) from one country into another country illegally and secretly走私 He was arrested for running [=smuggling] drugs into the country.他因向国内走私毒品而被捕。 14  a  [no object] : to flow流动;流淌 He left the water running.他任水流淌。 : to flow in a particular direction朝(某方向)流 The river runs down to the valley.这条河流入山谷。 The river runs into the gulf.这条河流入海湾。 The tide was running out.潮水涌了上来。 Sand ran out of the bag.沙子从袋里漏了出来。 Steam runs through the pipes.蒸汽从管道冒出。 Blood was running down his leg.鲜血顺着他的腿流淌下来。 b  [+ object] : to cause (something) to flow or to produce a flow of water使流出;放出(水) She ran the tap/faucet.她拧开了水龙头。 Run the water until it gets hot.让水流到变热为止。 c  [+ object] : to prepare (a bath) by running a faucet放水准备(洗澡) She ran a hot bath for her husband. = She ran her husband a hot bath.她给丈夫准备了热水洗澡。 15  [no object] a  : to produce a flow of liquid流出液体 Chopping the onions made my eyes run. [=water]切洋葱让我泪水不断。 I knew I was getting sick when my nose started to run.当我开始流鼻涕时我就知道自己生病了。 a running sore流脓的疮 b  : to spread or flow into another area晕染;渗开;流淌 Your eyeliner is running.你的眼线晕染了。 Mascara ran from her eyes.睫毛膏从她的眼睛晕染开来。 The paint ran in some spots.油漆在几处地方出现了渗色。 The writing was blurred where the ink ran.在墨水晕开的地方,字迹变得模糊不清。 c  : to have a color that spreads onto other pieces of clothing when clothes are washed together(当各种颜色的衣物同时洗时)渗色,掉色 Her red shirt ran and made my blue jeans look purple.她的红衬衫渗色,让我的蓝牛仔裤看上去发紫了。 colors that run会掉色的颜色 16  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to continue or remain effective for a particular period of time持续;继续 His contract runs until next season.他的合同持续到下个赛季。 She received six months on each charge, and the sentences are to run concurrently.每项指控都使她领刑六个月,并且数罪并罚。 The course runs over a six-week period of time.这门课程为期六周。 The televised game ran 30 minutes over the scheduled time.这场电视直播比赛超出预定时间30分钟。 The play has run for six months.这部戏剧已经上演了六个月。 Things ran smoothly at the office while the boss was away.老板不在时,办公室的运作井然有序。 17  [no object] : to be or to begin to be something specified变得;开始变得 The well has run dry.这口井已经干涸了。 Her creativity has run dry.她的创造力已经枯竭了。 We are running low on fuel. [=our supply of fuel is getting low]我们的燃料越来越少了。 Supplies were running low/short.补给品越来越少/短缺了。 We ran short of money. [=we did not have enough money]我们的钱快用完了。 I have to hurry. I'm running late. [=I'm late; I'm behind schedule]我得抓紧时间。我要迟到了。 The project is running behind schedule.这项工程的进展滞后。 18  [no object] : to include everything between specified limits : range包括,包含(某范围) The prices for tickets run from $10 to $50.票价从10美元到50美元不等。 19  [+ object] : to allow charges on (a bill) to add up before paying合并付款 He ran a tab at the bar.他在酒吧里陆续点了不少东西,最后一起结账。 20  a  [+ object] : to have (an amount of money) as a price要价;叫价 The rooms run [=cost] $100 a night.这些房间每晚开价100美元。 b  [no object] : to have or reach a particular length, size, or amount达到,有(某长度、尺寸或数量) The book runs (to) nearly 500 pages.这本书差不多有500页。 Their annual budget runs to about 5 million dollars.他们的年度预算大约是500万美元。 Their yearly income runs into/to six figures. [=their yearly income is more than $100,000]他们的年收入达到六位数。 Gas is running at over $4 per gallon. [=gas prices are over $4 per gallon]汽油的价格为每加仑4美元多。 21  a  [+ object] : to print or broadcast (something)刊登;广播 Every newspaper in the city ran the story.城市的每种报纸都刊登了这则新闻报道。 The ad was run in yesterday's newspaper.这则广告刊登在昨天的报纸上。 The news station ran a feature on how to eat healthier.新闻台播出了一个关于如何吃得更健康的专题节目。 b  [no object] : to appear in print or on television(在报刊或电视上)出现 Many of his stories ran in national magazines.他的许多报道刊登在全国性杂志中。 The show has run for five seasons.这个节目已经连续播出了五季。 22  [+ object] : to produce (a copy of a document, newspaper, etc.) using a printer or copying machine印刷 10,000 copies were run for the first edition.第一版印刷了1万册。 — see also run off (below) 23  a  [+ object] : to have (particular words) in writing or print写有,印有(特定字词) “We Will Not Lose” ran the headline. [=the headline was/said “We Will Not Lose”]大字标题上写着“我们决不会输”。 b  [no object] : to be expressed in words用文字表达 The definition runs as follows …定义如下… 24  [+ object] : to drive past or through (a stop sign or red traffic light) illegally without stopping冲过(停车标志);闯(红灯) He ran a red light. = He ran the light.他闯了红灯。 She ran the stop sign.她违规驶过停车标志。 25  [no object] US, of stockings : to start to have a long hole that continues to get longer(长筒女袜)纵向脱散,抽丝 The nylons are guaranteed not to run. [=(Brit) ladder]这种尼龙长筒袜保证不会脱丝。 26  [+ object] chiefly British : to own and maintain (a vehicle)拥有及维护(交通工具) I can't afford to run a car on my salary.我挣的钱养不起车。 ◊ In addition to the phrases shown below, run occurs in many idioms that are shown at appropriate entries throughout the dictionary. For example, cut and run can be found at 1cut and run a tight ship can be found at 1ship.除下列短语外,run也会在本词典许多相关词条下的习语中出现。例如,在¹CUT词条下有cut and run,在¹SHIP词条下有run a tight ship。 run across [phrasal verb] run across (someone or something) : to meet (someone) or find (something) by chance偶然遇见(某人);偶然找到(某物) I ran across [=ran into] an old roommate of mine today.今天我偶然碰到一位过去的室友。 I ran across some old photos from when I was a kid.我偶然发现一些儿时的老照片。 run a fever/temperature ◊ If you are running a fever/temperature, you have a body temperature that is higher than normal.发烧 run after [phrasal verb] 1  run after (someone or something) : to run toward (someone or something) in an attempt to catch that person or thing追捕,追逐(某人或某物) The dog ran after [=chased] the squirrel.这只狗追逐松鼠。 2  run after (someone) informal + disapproving : to try to start a romantic relationship with (someone)追求(某人) He's always running after younger women.他总是追求比自己年轻的女子。 run along [phrasal verb] informal + somewhat old-fashioned : to go away : leave走开 He told the boy to run along home.他吩咐这个男孩离开回家。 Run along now, kid. This doesn't concern you.小孩儿,走开。这不关你的事。 run around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British run about or run round 1  : to run in an area while playing(在某地方玩耍时)跑来跑去 The children were running around outside.孩子们在外面嬉闹玩耍。 2  informal : to go from place to place in a busy or hurried way四处奔波 I spent the whole day running around doing errands.我花了一整天时间四处跑腿办事。 3  run around/about/round with (someone) informal + disapproving : to spend a lot of time with (someone)和…交往;和…厮混 He runs around with younger women.他整日与年轻女子厮混。 run away [phrasal verb] 1  : to leave your home suddenly without permission and go somewhere else to live离家出走 He ran away (from home) at a young age.他年轻时就离家了。 They ran away [=ran off] together because their families objected to their marriage.由于双方家人都反对他们结婚,他们就私奔了。 — see also runaway 2  : to avoid a person or situation that makes you feel uncomfortable逃避(尴尬、麻烦等处境) You shouldn't keep running away. You should face your mom and tell her how you feel.你不应该总是逃避。你应该面对你的母亲并且告诉她你的感受。 3  a  run away with (someone) disapproving : to leave a person or place in order to live with and have a sexual relationship with (someone)和(某人)私奔 He left his wife and ran away with [=ran off with] his secretary.他离开了妻子,跟秘书私奔了。 She ran away with a man old enough to be her father.她跟一个老得可以做她父亲的男人私奔了。 b  run away with (something) : to leave a place with (something that does not belong to you)偷窃;偷走 The butler ran away with [=stole, ran off with] the family silver.男管家偷走了东家的祖传银器。 4  run away with (something) informal a  : to be the best or most popular performer in (a performance)(在表演中)出众,最受欢迎 She ran away with [=stole] the show.她在这场戏中演得最出彩。 b  : to win (something) very easily轻取 She ran away with the election.她轻松赢得了这场选举。 He ran away with first place.他轻松赢得了第一名。 5  run away with (someone) : to make (someone) do something that is not sensible or reasonable使(某人)做出不明智之举 Don't let your imagination run away with you. [=don't let yourself imagine all kinds of things that aren't true]自己别胡思乱想。 — see also 1run 1b (above) run by/past [phrasal verb] run (something) by/past (someone) : to tell (something) to (someone) so that it can be considered, approved, etc.把(某事)告诉(某人,以求考虑或同意等) You'd better run this past the boss. [=you'd better tell the boss about this and find out if he/she thinks it is a good idea]你最好把这事告诉老板,征求一下意见。 He ran some ideas by her.他告诉了她一些想法,征求她的意见。 (informal) Can you run that by me again? [=can you repeat what you just said?]你能重复一遍你刚才说的话吗? run down [phrasal verb] 1  run (someone or something) down or run down (someone or something) : to hit and knock down (a person or animal) with a vehicle开车撞倒(某人或某物) He says she deliberately tried to run him down.他说她故意想要开车撞倒他。 2  run (someone or something) down or run down (someone or something) a  : to chase after and catch (a person or animal)追捕(人或动物) The cops ran the robber down in an alley.警察在巷子里追捕劫匪。 b  : to find (someone or something) after searching(经搜寻后)找到 He wasn't in his office, but I finally ran him down in the faculty lounge.他当时不在办公室里,我最后在教员休息室找到了他。 3  run down or run down (something) or run (something) down a  : to use up or cause (something) to use up all of its power(使)耗尽能量 The clock ran down. [=the clock slowed down and stopped working because it did not have any more power]钟表没电停摆了。 The watch's battery ran down.这只手表的电池耗尽了。 Turn off the radio so you don't run down the batteries.把收音机关掉就不会耗费电池了。 b  British : to become or cause (something, such as a business or activity) to become gradually smaller使(生意、活动等)逐渐变小 The company has been running down for decades.这家公司几十年来一直在走下坡路。 The company has been running down its factories/inventory.这家公司一直在减少它的工厂/库存。 4  run (someone or something) down or run down (someone or something) informal : to criticize (someone or something) in usually an unfair way诋毁;贬低 Don't keep running yourself down like that: you have a lot to offer!不要总是那样贬低你自己,你的本领大着呢! 5  run down (something) : to say or repeat (a list of people or things) from the beginning to the end从头到尾读(或复述)(名单或清单) Let me just run down all the things we need to do.我再复述一遍我们要做的事。 He ran down the list of names.他把名单念了一遍。 — see also rundown run for it informal : to run to avoid being caught逃跑 It's the cops! Run for it!警察来了!快跑! run high : to be or become very strong or intense(变得)强烈;紧张(起来) Passions often run high in these debates. [=people often get very angry in these debates]通常人们在这些辩论中会很激动。 Emotions are running high between the two teams.两个队之间的火药味很浓。 run in [phrasal verb] 1  run (someone) in or run in (someone) informal + somewhat old-fashioned : to arrest (someone)逮捕(某人) The police ran him in for being drunk and disorderly.警察因其醉酒闹事而逮捕了他。 2  run (something) in or run in (something) British : to drive (a new vehicle) carefully for a period of time until it is ready for regular use磨合驾驶(新车) You shouldn't drive a new car too fast while you're running it in. [=breaking it in]你磨合新车时不应开得过快。 run into [phrasal verb] 1  run into (someone or something) : to move into (someone or something) in a sudden or forceful way撞上(某人或某物) He went off the road and ran into a tree. = His car went off the road and ran into a tree.他驾车冲出道路,撞上了一棵树。 Some guy on a bike almost ran into me!有个骑车的家伙差点儿撞上我! She wasn't paying attention and ran right into the table.她当时没留意,正好撞上了桌子。 2  run into (someone) : to meet (someone) by chance偶然遇到,巧遇(某人) I ran into [=ran across] an old classmate the other day.我前几天碰巧遇见了一个老同学。 3  run into (something) : to experience (something that is unpleasant or difficult) : encounter赶上,碰上(不悦或为难之事) We ran into some bad weather on our way home.我们在回家路上赶上了坏天气。 We ran into some problems setting up the computer.我们装电脑时遇到了一些问题。 run its course ◊ When something runs its course, it begins, continues for a time, and then ends.自然发展结束 The disease usually runs its course in a few days.这种病通常在几天之内会自行痊愈。 run off [phrasal verb] 1  informal a  : to leave or abandon a person or place离开;抛弃 Her husband ran off and left her with two small children to care for.她丈夫出走了,留给她两个需要照看的年幼孩子。 — see also 1run 1b (above) b  run off with (someone or something) : to leave a place with (someone or something) : to run away with (someone or something)带(某人或某物)离开,跑开 Her husband ran off with his secretary.她的丈夫带着秘书私奔了。 She ran off with all the money.她拿着全部资金跑掉了。 2  run off (something) or run (something) off : to repeat or produce (something) quickly快速重复;迅速制作 Would you please run off five copies of this letter?你能马上把这封信复印五份吗? — see also 1run 22 (above) 3  run (someone or something) off or run off (someone or something) US : to force (a person or animal) off your land赶走(人或动物) He ran us off his property.他把我们赶出了他的庄园。 run on [phrasal verb] 1  : to talk about something for a long time讲个没完 He ran on (and on) about politics until everybody was bored.他不停地谈政治,把所有人都弄烦了。 2  : to keep going without being stopped or interrupted for a long period of time持续不停 The meeting ran on for hours.会议持续了数小时。 run out [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to come to an end结束 Time ran out [=expired] before we could tie the game.没等我们扳平比分,比赛就结束了。 My contract will run out soon.我的合同很快就要到期了。 b  : to become used up耗尽;用完 The gasoline ran out before we got to Denver.我们还没到丹佛,汽油就耗尽了。 Our money finally ran out. [=our money was all used; we had no more money]我们的钱最终花光了。 2  run (someone) out or run (someone) out of (something) old-fashioned : to force (someone) to leave a place迫使(某人)离开 An angry mob ran him out of town.愤怒的暴民把他逐出城外。 3  run out (something) or run (something) out baseball, of a batter : to run hard to first base after hitting (a batted ball)击球后跑上一垒 His manager got angry because he failed to run out a grounder.他击出滚地球后没能跑上一垒,教练因此大怒。 4  run out or run out of (something) : to use up the available supply of (something)用尽(供给) We're low on gas. We'd better stop before we run out.油快不够了。我们最好先停车,以免燃料耗尽。 He ran out of space and had to put his address on the other side of the paper.他把纸的正面写满了,只好把地址写在了背面。 You have to work faster. We're running out of time.你必须加紧工作。我们时间不多了。 5  run out on (someone) informal : to leave (someone you should stay with) : to abandon or desert (someone)离弃,抛弃(某人) She ran out on her husband and children to be with a man old enough to be her father.她抛弃了丈夫和孩子,跟一个老得可以当她父亲的男人跑了。 run over [phrasal verb] 1  : to go beyond a limit超过限制 The meeting ran over. [=the meeting was longer than it was expected or planned to be]这次会议的时间比预计的要长。 2  a  : to flow over the top or edge of something : overflow溢出;满出 The water was running over onto the floor.当时水在外溢,流到了地板上。 b  of a container : to have a liquid flow over its edge : overflow从容器里)溢出 His cup ran over.他的杯子溢出了水。 3  run over (someone or something) or run (someone or something) over a  : to knock down and drive over or go over (someone or something)撞倒并碾过;越过(某人或某物) The dog was run over by a car.这只狗被汽车碾压了。 The running back ran over two defenders.跑卫撞倒并越过了两名防守队员。 b  : to read, repeat, or practice (something) quickly快读;快速重复;快速练习 Let's run the lines over together one more time.我们一起再过一遍台词吧。 Can you run over the instructions again?你能再把指令快速重复一遍吗? run past — see run by (above) run through [phrasal verb] 1  run through (something) a  : to spend or use up (something) quickly : squander很快用尽 He ran through his winnings in a short time.他很快就把他赢来的钱花光了。 b  run through (something) : to read, repeat, or practice (something) quickly快读;快速重复;快速练习 Let's run through our lines one more time.我们再把台词快速过一遍吧。 He quickly ran through the dance routine.他把这个舞蹈保留节目迅速练了一遍。 — see also run-through c  : to occur repeatedly in (something) or throughout (something)反复出现;贯穿 The song has been running through my head all morning.这首歌在我的脑中反复回响了一上午。 Thoughts and memories of home kept running through his mind.对家的思念和回忆总萦绕在他心头。 A note of despair runs through the narrative.绝望的口气贯穿了整个讲述过程。 2  run (something) through (something) : to enter (information) into (a computer) for processing(把信息)录入(电脑) She ran his name through the police computer to see if he had any previous arrests.她把他的名字录入到警方电脑,查看他是否有前科。 He ran the data through.他把数据输入到电脑里。 3  run (someone) through literary : to push a sword through (someone)用剑刺穿(某人) He ran him through with his sword.他用剑将他刺穿。 run up [phrasal verb] 1  run up (something) or run (something) up a  : to raise (a flag) to the top of a flagpole升旗 To celebrate our victory, we ran up our flag.为庆祝胜利,我们升起了自己的旗帜。 b  : to achieve (a large score or lead)获得高分;取得领先 Our team ran up a big lead in the first quarter.我们队在首节比赛就取得了较大的领先优势。 (US) She angrily accused the other coach of deliberately running up the score. [=continuing to try to score more points even though they are not needed to win a game]她气愤地指责对方教练在稳操胜券的情况下还要故意拉大分差。 c  : to increase the amount of (something)增加(某物)数量 These extras will run the bill up another $100.这些额外收费将使账单又多出100美元。 d  : to get (a large bill, debt, etc.) by buying many things without making payments积欠(账款、债务等) She ran up a large phone bill.她积欠了一大笔电话费。 He ran up a lot of debt on his credit cards.他的几张信用卡上积欠了许多账款。 2  run up against (something) : to experience (something difficult) : encounter遇到(困难);碰到(麻烦) She has run up against a lot of opposition.她遭到了许多反对。 He has run up against a bug in his computer program.他发现了电脑程序的一个错误。 run with [phrasal verb] run with (something) informal : to use (something) in a very energetic, enthusiastic, and effective way大力贯彻;全力以赴 He took the idea and ran with it.他采纳了这个想法并大力贯彻执行。 run your mouth informal : to talk too much and in a foolish way胡乱吹牛;信口开河 He's always running his mouth about what a great athlete he is.他总是胡乱吹牛,说自己是个多么了不起的运动员。 walk before you (can) run — see 1walk 2 run /ˈrʌn/ noun plural runs 2 run /ˈrʌn/ noun plural runs Learner's definition of RUN 1  [count] : an act of running跑步;奔跑;奔驰 He goes for a six-mile run every evening.他每晚都要跑上六英里。 She took the dogs out for a run.她带着几条狗出去跑步了。 When they realized they might miss the train, they broke into a run. [=started running]当他们意识到可能会赶不上火车时,就跑了起来。 The robbers heard the police sirens and made a run for it. [=ran away to avoid being captured]劫匪听到警笛声就逃走了。 The dog was coming toward us at a run. [=the dog was running toward us]那只狗正朝我们跑来。 — see also hit-and-run 2  [count] a  : a continuous series of similar things一连串,一系列(的类似事件) — often + of We had a long run of cloudy days.我们这儿已经好些天都是阴天了。 a run of good/bad luck一连串好运/厄运 a long run of wins/losses一连串的胜利/失败 b  : a continuous series of performances or showings连续演出;连续表演 The play had a run of six months on Broadway. = The play had a six-month run on Broadway.这出戏剧在百老汇连续上演了六个月。 3  [count] : the amount of a product that is produced at one time单次)产量 — often + of The book had a print run of 10,000 copies. [=10,000 copies of the book were printed at one time]这本书一次印了1万册。 4  [count] US : an attempt to win or do something尝试;努力 The team is making a run at the championship. [=the team is playing well and has a chance to win the championship]这支队打得很好,有机会赢得冠军。 She made an unsuccessful run for a seat in the Senate. [=she tried to be elected to a seat in the Senate, but she lost the election]她试图竞选参议员,但是落选了。 (informal) “I can't solve this math problem.” “Let me take a run at it.” [=let me try it]“我解不出这道数学题。”“我来试试看。” 5  [singular] : the usual or normal kind of person or thing普通人;普通事物 She's not like the average/normal/general/usual run of students. [=she's not like most students]她与大多数学生不一样。 The place is different from the usual run of restaurants.这地方和普通的饭店不一样。 6  [count] a  : a score made in baseball when a player reaches home plate after going around the bases跑垒)得分 The home team took the lead with three runs in the bottom of the fifth (inning).主队在第五局后半局领先三分。 a three-run lead领先三分 — see also home run b  : a score made in cricket(板球)得分 7  [count] American football : a play in which a player tries to move the ball forward by running with it持球跑动打法;跑阵进攻(战术) He scored on a 25-yard run.他持球突进25码得分。 8  a  [count] : a regular journey that is made by a bus, train, etc.(公共汽车、火车等的)旅程,行程,路程 The bus makes four runs daily.这辆公共汽车每天跑四趟。 a delivery run一次递送 (Brit) the school run [=a regular trip in which parents take their children to or from school each day]家长每天接送孩子上下学的固定路线 The planes were sent out on a bomb/bombing run.这些飞机被派出执行轰炸任务。 b  [singular] : a short trip in a vehicle(乘车的)短途旅行 I have to make a quick run to the store.我得赶快搭车去趟商店。 9  [count] : a track that slopes down and that is used for skiing, sledding, etc.(滑雪运动的)滑道 a ski run [=slope]滑雪坡道 a bobsled run连橇滑雪道 10  [count] : a path that is used regularly by animals(动物经常出没的)路径 a deer run鹿经常出没的路径 — see also rat run 11  [count] : an enclosed area for animals where they feed and exercise饲养场 a chicken run养鸡场 12  [count] US : a long hole in a stocking(长筒袜的)抽丝洞 She had a run in her stocking/nylons.她的长筒袜/尼龙长袜上有一处抽丝。 — called also (British) ladder 13  [count] music : a series of notes that are sung or played quickly up or down a scale急奏;走句 14  [count] : a situation in which many people want to have, get, or do something at the same time争相(购买、拥有、做)的情形 — usually singular通常用单数; — usually + on There's been a big run on tickets for the game. [=a lot of people have been trying to get tickets for the game]许多人都在争购这场比赛的门票。 There was a run on the bank. [=a lot of people were taking their money out of the bank because they were afraid that the bank would fail]当时许多人在向银行挤兑。 15  [count] : the general way in which something is moving or changing趋势;动向;走向 Investors are anxiously watching the run of the stock market. [=are watching to see if the stock market is going up or down]投资者们焦急地观察着股市动向。 16  the runs informal : diarrhea a bad case of the runs严重腹泻 17  [count] technical : an occurrence in which a large number of fish (such as salmon) swim up a river to return to the place where they were hatched and produce young洄游 a salmon run鲑鱼洄游 a run for your money ◊ Someone who gives you a (good) run for your money in a game or contest makes it difficult for you to win by trying hard and playing or performing well.要竭尽全力才有可能赢的比赛(指比赛异常激烈) Though they lost, they gave last year's champions a run for their money.尽管他们输了,但他们并未让去年的冠军轻松赢得比赛。 on the run 1  a  : running away from someone in order to avoid being captured在逃 an escaped convict on the run在逃越狱犯 He is on the run from the cops.他正在逃离警察的追捕。 b  : running away because you are about t




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