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词汇 run out
释义 run out [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to come to an end结束 Time ran out [=expired] before we could tie the game.没等我们扳平比分,比赛就结束了。 My contract will run out soon.我的合同很快就要到期了。 b  : to become used up耗尽;用完 The gasoline ran out before we got to Denver.我们还没到丹佛,汽油就耗尽了。 Our money finally ran out. [=our money was all used; we had no more money]我们的钱最终花光了。 2  run (someone) out or run (someone) out of (something) old-fashioned : to force (someone) to leave a place迫使(某人)离开 An angry mob ran him out of town.愤怒的暴民把他逐出城外。 3  run out (something) or run (something) out baseball, of a batter : to run hard to first base after hitting (a batted ball)击球后跑上一垒 His manager got angry because he failed to run out a grounder.他击出滚地球后没能跑上一垒,教练因此大怒。 4  run out or run out of (something) : to use up the available supply of (something)用尽(供给) We're low on gas. We'd better stop before we run out.油快不够了。我们最好先停车,以免燃料耗尽。 He ran out of space and had to put his address on the other side of the paper.他把纸的正面写满了,只好把地址写在了背面。 You have to work faster. We're running out of time.你必须加紧工作。我们时间不多了。 5  run out on (someone) informal : to leave (someone you should stay with) : to abandon or desert (someone)离弃,抛弃(某人) She ran out on her husband and children to be with a man old enough to be her father.她抛弃了丈夫和孩子,跟一个老得可以当她父亲的男人跑了。 run




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