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词汇 salt
释义 salt (verb) salt (adjective) salt 21 ENTRIES FOUND: salt (noun) salt (verb) salt (adjective) salt-and-pepper (adjective) salted (adjective) salt cellar (noun) salt shaker (noun) Salt Lake City (proper noun) Epsom salt (noun) old salt (noun) rock salt (noun) sea salt (noun) smelling salts (noun) table salt (noun) Bonneville Salt Flats (proper noun) Great Salt Lake (proper noun) earth (noun) pinch (noun) rub (verb) worth (preposition) wound (noun) 1 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ noun plural salts 1 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ noun plural salts Learner's definition of SALT 1  [noncount] : a natural white substance that is used especially to flavor or preserve food盐;食盐 The soup needs a little more salt.这汤需要再加一点点盐。 Season the meat with salt and pepper.用盐和胡椒粉把肉腌一下。 Add a pinch of salt. [=a small amount of salt]加少量的盐。 — see also sea salt, table salt 2  [count] technical : a chemical compound formed when part of an acid is replaced by a metal or something like a metal盐(金属或类似金属的物质与酸形成的化合物) mineral/potassium salts矿物/钾盐 rub salt in/into someone's wounds — see 1rub take (something) with a grain/pinch of salt informal : to not completely believe (something) : to be doubtful about the truth or accuracy of (something)不轻信;不全信;将信将疑 He seems confident, but you should take what he says with a grain of salt.他似乎很有把握,但他的话你不能全信。 the salt of the earth : a very good and honest person or group of people非常高尚的人;非常优秀的人;社会中坚 These folks are the salt of the earth.这些人是社会的中坚力量。 worth your salt : worthy of ordinary respect名副其实 — used to say what should be expected from someone who does a job properly, from something that is as good as it should be, etc.称职的;合格的 A detective writer worth his salt [=a good detective writer] keeps his readers from solving the mystery.一个好的侦探小说作者能让读者对疑案百思不得其解。 Any doctor worth her salt [=any good/capable doctor] would have advised you to get a second opinion before having major surgery.任何称职的医生都会建议你在动大手术之前要听听其他医生的意见。 — see also epsom salt, smelling salts 2 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ verb salts; salted; salting 2 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ verb salts; salted; salting Learner's definition of SALT [+ object] 1  : to flavor or preserve (food) with salt在(食物)中放盐;用盐腌制(食物) He salted his potatoes.他往土豆里加了盐。 The meat was preserved by being salted and smoked.这肉是抹盐烟熏腌制的。 2  : to put salt on (a surface) especially in order to melt ice(尤指为使冰融化)撒盐于…上 The city salted the roads after the snowstorm.暴风雪过后城市路面都撒上了盐。 salt away [phrasal verb] 1  salt (something) away or salt away (something) informal : to put (money) in a safe place especially secretly or dishonestly(尤指秘密地或以欺瞒手段)存储 He salted millions away in a foreign bank account.他将数百万美元悄悄存入一个外国银行的账户。 2  US : to make your victory in (a game, contest, etc.) certain稳赢(比赛、竞赛等) They salted away the game by scoring 21 points in the last quarter.他们在最后一节得了21分,稳操胜券。 salt with [phrasal verb] salt (something) with (something) : to put something in many places in (a story, speech, etc.)在(故事、演讲等)中多处使用 She salted her speech with many religious references.她在演讲中多处引用了宗教语句。 The book is salted with witty anecdotes. [=the book has many witty anecdotes throughout it]这本书里有许多趣闻轶事。 3 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ adjective 3 salt /ˈsɑːlt/ adjective Learner's definition of SALT always used before a noun 1  : containing salt含盐的;咸的 salt water海水 2  : preserved or seasoned with salt用盐腌制的,用盐作调料的 salt [=salted] pork腌猪肉




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