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词汇 same
释义 same (pronoun) same (adverb) same 24 ENTRIES FOUND: same (adjective) same (pronoun) same (adverb) same-sex (adjective) boat (noun) brush (noun) cloth (noun) coin (noun) cut (verb) difference (noun) exact (adjective) just (adverb) language (noun) lightning (noun) page (noun) side (noun) speak (verb) strike (verb) talk (verb) tar (verb) thing (noun) time (noun) token (noun) two (noun) 1 same /ˈseɪm/ adjective 1 same /ˈseɪm/ adjective Learner's definition of SAME always used before a noun 1  : not different — used when referring to a particular person or thing that is connected to more than one person, time, place, etc.相同的;同一的 He has lived in the same city all his life. [=he has only lived in one city]他一辈子都住在同一个城市里。 She and her cousin go to the same school. [=she goes to a particular school, and her cousin also goes to that school]她和表妹在同一所学校上学。 We graduated the same year.我们同年毕业。 She saw the same man at several different times and places yesterday.她昨天在不同的时间和地点看见了同一个男人。 I'd met him earlier that exact same day. = (US) I'd met him earlier that same exact day.就在那一天的早些时候,我曾见过他。 “Puma” and “cougar” are different names for the very same animal.单词puma和cougar是同一种动物的不同叫法。 The restaurant's owner and chef are one and the same person. [=the owner is also the chef]这家餐馆的老板和主厨是同一个人。 2  a  : exactly like someone or something else完全相同的 The words “their” and “there” are pronounced in exactly the same way but spelled differently.单词their和there发音完全相同,但拼写不同。 They were wearing the exact same shirt. = (US) They were wearing the same exact shirt.他们穿着完全一样的衬衫。 He should help us—and the same thing goes for you! [=and you should help us too]他应该帮我们——你也应该这样! b  : not changed : exactly like an earlier version, event, etc.和过去一样的;未改变的 She gave the same answer as before.她给出了和从前一样的答案。 He eats the same breakfast every day.他每天吃同样的早餐。 The same thing happened to me yesterday.昨天我也遇到了同样的事。 She is not the same person (that) she used to be—she's changed.她已经不是从前的那个她了——她变了。 3  — used to describe a quality or characteristic that is shared by more than one person or thing(特征或特点)相同的,一样的 two people of the same sex [=two people who are both male or both female]性别相同的两个人 The buildings are the same age/style.这些建筑物年代/风格相同。 She has the same dark hair and eyes as her father.她与父亲一样,都是黑头发黑眼睛。 at the same time — see 1time same difference — see difference the same old informal + usually disapproving — used to refer to something that has not changed老一套 I was hoping for something different, but all I got was more of the same old thing.我期盼着会有点变化,但结果却还是那老一套。 They brought up the same old argument/story yet again!他们又老调重弹! the same thing — used to say that two things are alike or have the same meaning相似的事物;意义相同的事物 Lying and cheating amount to much the same thing.撒谎和欺骗基本上是一回事。 two sides of the same coin — see 1coin 2 same /ˈseɪm/ pronoun 2 same /ˈseɪm/ pronoun Learner's definition of SAME 1  the same a  : someone or something that is exactly like another person or thing being discussed or referred to相同的东西(或人);一模一样的东西 He ordered the salmon, and I had the same. [=I also had the salmon]他点了三文鱼,我也一样。 “I'll have a coffee with cream and two sugars.” “Make mine the same.”“我要一杯咖啡,加奶油和两块糖。”“我也一样。” Your idea is the same as his.你的想法跟他的一样。 (chiefly Brit) “Would you like another drink?” “Yes. (The) Same again, please.” [=please bring me another drink that is like the one you have already brought me]“您想再来一杯饮料吗?”“好的,请给我来杯和刚才一样的。” All of your classmates have begun their projects, and I suggest you do the same.你班上所有同学都已开始了他们的项目,我建议你也开始。 The band's last album was a bunch of bubble-gum pop, and their new release is just more of the same.这支乐队的上一张专辑是一些“泡泡糖”流行音乐,他们的新专辑也不过是老一套。 He should help us—and the same goes for you! [=and you should help us too]他应该帮助我们——你也一样! b  ◊ Two or more things that are the same are exactly like each other or very similar to each other.完全相同的事物;差不多相同的事物 The lunch specials are always the same.午餐特色菜总是那几样。 No two fingerprints are ever the same.没有两个指纹是完全相同的。 The two cars are basically the same.这两辆轿车基本上一样。 2  the same : someone or something that has not changed : something that is exactly like it was at an earlier time未改变的人(或事物);和从前一样的人(或事物) After the accident, he was never quite the same again.此次事故后,他再也不像从前那样了。 Things would never be the same without you!要是没有你,情况将完全不同! Things are very much the same as before.情况基本和原来一模一样。 all the same or just the same : despite what has just been said : nevertheless尽管如此;虽然这样 Of course it won't be easy. But you should try all the same.这件事肯定不容易。但尽管如此,你还是应该试试。 I'm afraid I can't accept your offer. But thank you just the same.我恐怕不能接受你的好意。不过还是要谢谢你。 all the same to — used to say that someone does not care about what is chosen or done in a particular situation对(某人)无关紧要;对(某人)无所谓 We can do it either today or tomorrow—it's all the same to me. [=I am willing to do it either today or tomorrow]我们今天做也行,明天做也行——我都无所谓。 I'd like to go fishing tomorrow morning, if it's all the same to you. [=if you don't object to that]如果你不反对的话,我想明天早上去钓鱼。 one and the same : one person or thing and not two同一个人,同一个事物 The restaurant's owner and chef are one and the same. [=the owner is also the chef]这家餐馆的老板和主厨是同一个人。 same here informal — used to say that you think, feel, or want the same thing as someone else我也一样;我也是 “I'm tired.” “Same here.” [=me too; I'm tired too]“我累了。”“我也是。” “I'll have a coffee.” “Same here, please.”“我要一杯咖啡。”“我也一样。” the same to you — used to return a greeting or insult你也一样(用于回应问候或辱骂) “Merry Christmas!” “(And) the same to you!” [=Merry Christmas to you too]“圣诞快乐!”“也祝你圣诞快乐!” “Go to hell!” “The same to you!”“见鬼去吧!”“你也见鬼去吧!” 3 same /ˈseɪm/ adverb 3 same /ˈseɪm/ adverb Learner's definition of SAME : in a way that is alike or very similar同样地;基本同样地 — usually used after the通常用在the后 The two brands of soda taste the same [=alike] to me.我感觉这两个牌子的汽水味道相同。 The words “their” and “there” are pronounced the same but spelled differently.单词their和there发音相同,但拼写不同。 I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday.我的感觉和昨天完全一样。 I don't like to dress the same as everyone else.我不喜欢穿和其他人一样的衣服。 The business is run much the same as it was 50 years ago.这家公司的经营模式和50年前基本没有变化。 He ate a sandwich and apple for lunch, same as usual. [=as he usually does]他午餐照例吃的是一份三明治和一个苹果。




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