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词汇 scoop
释义 scoop (verb) scoop 3 ENTRIES FOUND: scoop (noun) scoop (verb) scoop neck (noun) 1 scoop /ˈskuːp/ noun plural scoops 1 scoop /ˈskuːp/ noun plural scoops Learner's definition of SCOOP 1  [count] a  : a kitchen tool like a spoon that has a usually thick handle and a deep bowl for taking something from a container球形勺(通常为粗柄) an ice-cream scoop冰激凌勺 a flour scoop面粉勺 b  : something that is shaped like a bowl or bucket and used to pick up and move things铲;铲斗;铲凿 a backhoe with a large scoop大铲斗挖土机 the scoop of a shovel [=the part of a shovel that is like a bowl]铁铲的铲子 c  : the amount of something that is held in a scoop一勺,一铲斗(的量) a scoop [=scoopful] of ice cream一勺冰激凌 2  [count] : a news story that is reported before other news reporters know about it(抢先登出的)独家新闻 The story turned out to be the political scoop of the year.这篇新闻报道后来成了当年的独家政治新闻。 3  the scoop US, informal : information about something that is currently important or happening or that is interesting to many people最新消息;重大新闻 Did you talk to him? What's the scoop? [=what did he say?; what is happening?]你和他谈过了吗?有什么最新消息? She always knows the scoop.她总是知道那些重大新闻。 Here's the scoop on how to clean leather.这是清洗皮革的最新方法。 I was with them when it happened, so I've got the inside scoop. [=information known only by a particular group of people]事情发生时我跟他们在一起,所以我知道内幕。 4  [count] : the act of picking up something with a quick, continuous motion : the act of scooping something舀的动作;铲的动作 With one scoop, he gathered up all the clothes on the floor.他伸手一搂就把地板上的衣服都搂起来了。 — scoopful /ˈskuːpˌfʊl/ noun, plural scoopfuls [count] a scoopful [=scoop] of ice cream一勺冰激凌 scoopfuls of dirt几铲土 2 scoop /ˈskuːp/ verb scoops; scooped; scooping 2 scoop /ˈskuːp/ verb scoops; scooped; scooping Learner's definition of SCOOP [+ object] 1  a  : to pick up and move (something) with a scoop, a spoon, etc.(用勺、铲子等)舀,铲,取 She has a job scooping ice cream.她的工作是用勺舀冰激凌。 He scooped flour into the bowl.他用勺把面粉舀到碗里。 A backhoe was scooping dirt from the hole.反铲挖土机正从洞里挖土。 The children scooped handfuls of marbles from the pile.孩子们从一堆弹珠里捧了几捧弹珠出来。 — often + out Cut the melon in half and scoop the seeds out.把瓜切成两半,用勺把籽挖出来。 He scooped out the leaves from the pool with the net.他用网从水塘里捞树叶。 b  : to pick up (something or someone) in one quick, continuous motion快速捡起;快速抱起 He scooped the dice off the table and rolled again.他快速从桌上捡起骰子又掷了出去。 — often + up She quickly scooped up her child.她一把抱起孩子。 The shortstop scooped the ball up and threw it to first base.游击手一把捡起球投向一垒。 2  : to make (a hole, hollow, etc.) by using a scoop, spoon, etc.(用勺、铲子等)挖(洞、坑等) Scoop a hole in the dough for the filling.把面团挖个孔来放馅儿。 — often + out The mother turtle scoops [=digs] out a hollow in the sand and lays her eggs in it.母龟在沙里刨坑产卵。 a lake that was scooped out by glaciers long ago很久以前因冰川侵蚀地表形成的湖 3  : to report a news story before (any other newspaper, news program, etc.)抢先报道;独家报道 The city's biggest newspaper got scooped by a weekly paper that released the story a full day before.一家周报比市里最大的报社抢先整整一天报道了这则新闻。 4  British, informal : to win (something, such as a large prize or reward)赢得(大奖、奖赏等) He managed to scoop first place.他成功赢得第一名。 scoop up [phrasal verb] scoop up (something) or scoop (something) up informal : to take or buy (something) in a quick and eager way快速而急切地拿(或买) Customers scooped up [=scarfed up] the free samples.顾客们把免费样品一抢而空。 — see also 2scoop 1b (above) — scooper noun, plural scoopers [count] an ice-cream scooper冰激凌勺




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