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词汇 scratch
释义 scratch (noun) scratch (adjective) scratch 11 ENTRIES FOUND: scratch (verb) scratch (noun) scratch (adjective) scratching post (noun) scratch pad (noun) scratch paper (noun) scratch ticket (noun) back (noun) head (noun) itch (noun) surface (noun) 1 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ verb scratches; scratched; scratching 1 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ verb scratches; scratched; scratching Learner's definition of SCRATCH 1  a  : to rub your skin with something sharp (such as your fingernails) especially in order to stop an itch挠;搔痒 [+ object] Will you scratch my back for me?你能不能帮我挠挠背? Scratching the itch only makes it worse.越挠越痒。 The dog scratched its ear.那只狗挠了挠耳朵。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Maybe it's time to scratch the/that itch to travel I've had since I was a kid. [=maybe it's time to satisfy the urge I've had to travel]我从孩提时代就怀有去旅游的梦想,现在也许是时候实现这个梦想了。 [no object] You shouldn't scratch. It'll just make your itch worse.不能挠,越挠越痒。 — see also scratch someone's back (below) b  : to make a shallow and narrow cut in (your skin) with something sharp (such as fingernails, claws, etc.)(用指甲、爪子等)抓伤,划破 [+ object] The cat scratched me.那只猫把我抓伤了。 Thorns scratched our legs as we climbed through the briars.我们翻过灌木丛的时候腿被划破了。 [no object] Careful, the cat will scratch.小心,这猫抓人。 c  [no object] : to rub a surface or object with something sharp or rough in a way that produces a harsh sound刮擦发出刺耳声 The dog was scratching at the door.狗把门挠得沙沙响。 2  [+ object] a  : to make a line or mark in the surface of (something) by rubbing or cutting it with something rough or sharp划出,刮出(痕迹) Be careful not to scratch the table.小心别把桌子刮坏了。 Someone scratched the paint on my car.有人把我车身的漆刮掉了。 b  : to make (something, such as a line or letters) in the surface of something by using a stick, a sharp tool, etc.(用尖锐物)刻,划 The little boy scratched lines in the dirt with a stick.小男孩用一根棍儿在泥地上划了几道线。 They scratched their initials in the old bridge.他们在那座古老的桥上刻上了他们姓名的首字母。 c  : to write (something) in a quick and untidy way潦草地写 She scratched a note to herself on a napkin.她在餐巾纸上潦草地记了点东西。 3  [+ object] informal a  : to decide not to do or continue with (something)取消;撤销 We had to scratch our picnic plans because of the weather.因为天气的缘故,我们不得不取消野餐的计划。 We should go to the movies tonight. No, scratch [=forget] that. Let's rent a DVD instead.我们今晚应该去电影院看电影的。算了吧,别去了。还是租一张DVD看好了。 b  : to remove (someone) from the list of players who will be playing in a game使(某人)退出比赛 She was scratched from the starting lineup.她从首发阵容里被撤了下来。 scratch a living or US scratch out a living : to earn barely enough money to live勉强维持生活 He scratched out a living as a farmer.他是个农民,勉强维持着生计。 scratch off [phrasal verb] 1  scratch (something) off or scratch off (something) : to remove (something) from an object or surface by rubbing with a sharp edge or tool刮掉;擦除 Scratch off the gray box on the ticket to see if you've won!刮去票面上灰色方框区,看看你中奖了没! She scratched the gum off her shoe with a stick.她用一根小棍把鞋上的口香糖刮掉了。 2  : to draw a line through (something that is written down)勾掉,划去(写下的东西) He scratched his name off the list.他把自己的名字从名单上划掉。 scratch out [phrasal verb] scratch (something) out or scratch out (something) : to draw a line through (something that is written down)勾掉,划去(写下的东西) I scratched out the mistake.我把错误的地方划掉了。 scratch someone's back informal : to do something that helps someone else but that is often wrong or difficult to do帮助某人(指提供不当或难以做到的帮助) You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. [=if you do something to help me, I'll do something to help you]你帮我,我就帮你。 scratch the surface : to deal with or learn about only a small part of something仅触及表面;浅尝辄止 If you think she only did it for the money, you haven't even scratched the surface. [=there are many other factors, reasons, etc., involved]如果你认为她这么做仅仅是为了钱,那你连问题的皮毛都没看到。 There's so much to learn about this subject. I feel like I've only scratched the surface.关于这个话题有太多需要了解的地方。我觉得我只触及了皮毛而已。 scratch your head informal : to be confused about something : to think about something you do not understand冥思苦想 His odd behavior left us all scratching our heads. [=we could not understand his odd behavior]他古怪的行为让我们大家百思不得其解。 — scratcher noun, plural scratchers [count] a long-handled back scratcher [=a device you can use to scratch your back]痒痒挠 2 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ noun plural scratches 2 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ noun plural scratches Learner's definition of SCRATCH 1  [count] a  : a line or mark in the surface of something that is caused by something rough or sharp rubbing against it划痕;刮痕 There's a scratch in the paint on the new car!新车的漆有一道划痕! The table is an antique but it doesn't have any dents or scratches.这张桌子是古董,但它没有任何凹陷或划痕。 b  : a shallow and narrow cut in the skin that is caused by something sharp(皮肤上的)划痕,划伤 I got a scratch on my leg when I climbed the fence.我翻越围栏的时候,腿上被划了一道。 He escaped the fire without a scratch. [=without getting hurt; without any injuries]他逃离了火场,毫发无损。 2  [count] : the sound made when something sharp rubs against a surface or object刮擦物体时发出的声音 The only sound in the room during the test was the scratch of pencils on paper.考试时房间里唯一的声音就是铅笔在纸上的沙沙声。 3  [noncount] US slang : money We don't have the scratch to buy a new car.我们一个子儿也没有,买不了新车。 from scratch 1  : with ingredients you have prepared yourself rather than with a prepared mixture of ingredients bought from a store用自制原料 bread/cookies made from scratch用自制原料做成的面包/曲奇饼 I used a frozen pie crust rather than making one from scratch.我用了一块现成的冷冻馅饼酥皮,而没有亲自动手做。 2  : from a point at which nothing has been done yet从零开始;从头开始;白手起家 We will have to start the project from scratch.这项工程我们得从零开始。 He built the company from scratch.他白手起家创建了这家公司。 up to scratch chiefly British, informal : good enough : as good as expected or wanted足够好;达到应有的水平 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 Her performance wasn't up to scratch. [=(US) up to snuff] 3 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ adjective 3 scratch /ˈskrætʃ/ adjective Learner's definition of SCRATCH always used before a noun 1  of a golfer : having no handicap无让杆的 a scratch golfer [=an excellent golfer whose score is usually close to par]无让杆的高尔夫球员 2  chiefly British : put together quickly and without enough planning or thought仓促拼凑的;匆匆组成的 a scratch team仓促组建的队伍




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