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词汇 screen
释义 screen (verb) screen 17 ENTRIES FOUND: screen (noun) screen (verb) screening (noun) screen pass (noun) screen saver (noun) screen test (noun) big screen (noun) big-screen (adjective) fire screen (noun) flat-screen (adjective) on-screen (adverb) silk screen (noun) silver screen (noun) small screen (noun) smoke screen (noun) touch screen (noun) wide-screen (adjective) 1 screen /ˈskriːn/ noun plural screens 1 screen /ˈskriːn/ noun plural screens Learner's definition of SCREEN 1  [count] a  : the usually flat part of a television or computer monitor that shows the images or text : the part of a television or computer that you look at when you are using it屏幕;荧光屏 Don't sit too close to the screen or you'll get a headache.不要坐得离屏幕太近,否则会头疼的。 A pop-up ad appeared on the screen.一则弹出广告出现在屏幕上。 a television/TV screen电视屏幕 a computer/display screen电脑屏幕;显示屏 — see picture at computer b  : a large, flat, white surface on which images or movies are shown银幕 When I go to the movies, I like to sit close to the screen.我看电影时,喜欢坐得离银幕近些。 2  [noncount] : the art or profession of acting in movies电影表演 a star of stage and screen [=a famous actor who acts in plays and movies]舞台和银幕两栖明星 The two actors perform well together on screen. [=in movies or on TV]这两名演员在电影里搭档演出,效果很好。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 a screen actor电影演员 She has tremendous screen presence. [=a powerful quality that attracts attention in movies]她在银幕上有巨大的魅力。 — see also big screen, silver screen 3  [count] chiefly US : a sheet that is made of very small wire or plastic strings which are woven together and that is set in a frame in a window, door, etc., to let air in but keep insects out纱门;纱窗 a window screen纱窗 a screen door [=a door that has a screen built into it]纱门 4  [count] : something that is used to hide, protect, cover, or block a person or thing屏障;掩蔽物: such as a  : a group of trees or plants that separates one area from another(隔离用的)植物丛。 We planted a screen of shrubs so the neighbors couldn't see into our yard.我们种了一丛灌木,这样邻居就着不到我们的院子了。 b  : a large, thin piece of wood, paper, or cloth that is set in a frame and used to separate one room or part of a room from another屏风 You can change your clothes behind the screen.你可以在屏风后换衣服。 c  : something that hides the real nature of an activity, feeling, etc.掩饰;幌子 His activities were just a screen for his real plans.他的行动只是他真实计划的幌子而已。 d  sports : a planned action in some sports (such as basketball or ice hockey) in which a player or a player's view is legally blocked by an opponent(篮球、冰球等运动的)掩护 The goalie couldn't see the puck because of the screen.守门员被挡住了视线,看不到冰球。 — see also smoke screen, sunscreen, windscreen 5  [count] American football : screen pass The quarterback threw a screen to the halfback.四分卫给了半卫一个掩护性传球。 — see also silk screen 2 screen /ˈskriːn/ verb screens; screened; screening 2 screen /ˈskriːn/ verb screens; screened; screening Learner's definition of SCREEN [+ object] 1  : to examine (people or things) in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular purpose审查;甄别 A committee will screen candidates for the job, but the final hiring decision will be made by Ms. Brown.委员会将会对这份工作的申请者进行筛选,但由布朗女士做出最后的聘用决定。 someone who screens luggage at the airport [=someone who examines the luggage of airplane passengers in order to make sure that nothing dangerous is brought onto an airplane]在机场检查行李的人员 We screen the kids' music so that we can approve what they listen to.我们审查儿童音乐,以批准适合他们听的内容。 He usually screens his (telephone/phone) calls. [=he usually lets his answering machine answer his phone so that he can hear who is calling before he decides to talk to whoever it is]他通常会筛分来电,有选择地接听。 2  a  : to do a test on (someone) to find out if that person has or is likely to develop a disease筛查;检查 — usually + for All blood donors are screened for AIDS.所有献血者都须接受艾滋病筛查。 She was screened for breast cancer.她接受了乳腺癌的检查。 b  : to do a test on (a person's blood, urine, etc.) to find out if the person has been using an illegal substance检测(体内违禁药物) — usually + for All athletes will be screened for performance-enhancing drugs prior to the events.所有运动员在比赛前都要接受兴奋剂检测。 3  : to show (a movie, television show, etc.) to the public on a screen放映;播放 We'll be screening his latest film in two weeks.我们将在两周后放映他的最新影片。 4  : to hide, protect, cover, or block (someone or something) with a screen隐藏;遮蔽;隐蔽 I was screened by the cars so no one saw me.我被汽车挡住了,所以没有人看见我。 The altar was screened.祭坛被遮蔽起来了。 We planted a row of shrubs to screen our backyard from the neighbors.我们种了一排灌木,这样就把自家后院和邻居家隔开了。 The goalie was screened on that play. [=players blocked the goalie from seeing the puck]那次比赛中守门员的视线被挡住了。 a screened porch [=a porch that has walls made of screens]纱窗游廊 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We try to screen our children from the violence on TV.我们努力不让我们的孩子看到电视上的暴力场面。 screen out [phrasal verb] 1  screen (someone or something) out or screen out (someone or something) : to remove (someone or something that is not suitable for a particular purpose) from a group that is being examined排除;剔除 Not all students will be allowed to participate. Students receiving a D or lower will be screened out.不是所有的学生都获准参加。得到D或更低成绩的学生将被排除在外。 2  screen (something) out or screen out (something) : to prevent (something harmful) from passing through挡住(有害物) The lotion is supposed to screen out [=block] the sun's harmful rays.这种护肤露据说可以阻挡阳光中的有害射线。




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