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词汇 seat
释义 seat (verb) seat 25 ENTRIES FOUND: seat (noun) seat (verb) seating (noun) seat-of-the-pants (adjective) seat belt (noun) bench seat (noun) booster seat (noun) box seat (noun) bucket seat (noun) car seat (noun) catbird seat (noun) country seat (noun) county seat (noun) deep-seated (adjective) ejection seat (noun) hot seat (noun) love seat (noun) passenger seat (noun) rumble seat (noun) safe seat (noun) window seat (noun) bum (noun) driver (noun) edge (noun) pants (noun) 1 seat /ˈsiːt/ noun plural seats 1 seat /ˈsiːt/ noun plural seats Learner's definition of SEAT 1  [count] : something (such as a chair) that you sit on : a place for sitting座;座位 There were seats for six people at the table.桌子旁有六个人的座位。 an uncomfortable bicycle seat不舒服的自行车车座 a car with leather seats带真皮座椅的轿车 He used the box as a seat.他把盒子当作座位。 He couldn't find his seat in the concert hall.他在音乐厅里找不到自己的座位。 The city recently built a new 1,000-seat theater.这座城市最近建了有1000个座席的新剧院。 She booked/reserved a seat on the next flight to Rome.她预订了下一班飞往罗马的航班机票。 Please have/take a seat. [=please sit down]请坐。 The teacher asked us to take our seats. [=sit down in our usual or assigned places]老师让我们回到自己的座位上。 — see picture at bicycle; see also backseat, catbird seat 2  a  [count] : the part of a chair or other piece of furniture that a person sits on(椅子等的)座部 The stool's seat is broken.凳子座部坏了。 The chairs have woven seats.椅子的座部是编织的。 b  [singular] : the part of a piece of clothing (such as a skirt or pair of pants) that you sit on(裙子或裤子的)臀部,后裆 — + of You have a tear in the seat of your pants.你裤子的臀部有个口子。 c  [count] somewhat old-fashioned : the part of the body on which you sit臀部;屁股 I fell off the horse and had a sore seat [=bottom] for weeks.我从马上掉了下来,屁股疼了好几个星期。 3  [count] : an official position within an organization and the right to be present when that organization meets席位;成员资格 The Democrats gained two more seats in the last election.上次选举民主党又赢得了两个席位。 She won a Senate seat.她赢得了参议院的一个席位。 a seat on the federal court联邦法院的席位 a seat on the board董事会的席位 (chiefly Brit) He took his seat [=began his official duties as a member] in Parliament.他在议会就职。 4  [singular] a  : a place or area where a particular activity, function, etc., occurs(某种活动、功能等的)所在地 — + of The university has been a seat of learning since the Middle Ages.自中世纪以来,大学就是求学的场所。 the part of the brain that is the seat of reasoning大脑中负责逻辑思维的部分 b  : a place (such as a city) where the people who run a government, religion, etc., are based(政府、宗教等机构的)所在地 — + of the seat of government/power政府/权力所在地 The Vatican is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.梵蒂冈是罗马天主教会的圣座所在地。 — see also county seat by the seat of your pants : by using your own judgment and feelings to deal with each new problem or task without planning, preparation, or help from others仅凭自己直觉(或经验)的 He was running the company by the seat of his pants.他开公司什么都自己摸索着干。 We were flying by the seat of our pants when we started our business.我们刚开始做生意的时候什么都凭自己的感觉做。 — see also seat-of-the-pants get/put bums on seats — see 5bum in the driver's seat — see driver on the edge of your seat — see 1edge 2 seat /ˈsiːt/ verb seats; seated; seating 2 seat /ˈsiːt/ verb seats; seated; seating Learner's definition of SEAT [+ object] 1  : to give (a person) a place to sit让(某人)坐;(使)就座 I could seat you here if you wish.如果你愿意,我可以安排你坐这里。 — often used as (be) seated常用作(be) seated Please be seated. [=please sit down]请坐。 She was seated in the front row.她坐在前排。 2  : to have enough seats for (a certain number of people)坐得下…人;可容纳…人 The restaurant seats 120 (people).这家餐馆可容纳120位食客同时就餐。 The plans call for a stadium seating 30,000 people.要完成这些计划,就要建一座可容纳3万观众的体育场。




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