

单词 see
释义 see (noun) see 33 ENTRIES FOUND: see (verb) see (noun) seeing (conjunction) seen see-through (adjective) look-see (noun) must-see (noun) back (noun) believe (verb) care (verb) child (noun) clear (adjective) day (noun) dead (adjective) door (noun) double (adverb) eye (noun) fit (adjective) forest (noun) know (verb) let (verb) light (noun) long (adjective) red (noun) should (verb) star (noun) suck (verb) thing (noun) tree (noun) wall (noun) way (noun) wood (noun) writing (noun) 1 see /ˈsiː/ verb sees; saw /ˈsɑː/ ; seen /ˈsiːn/ ; seeing /ˈsiːjɪŋ/ 1 see /ˈsiː/ verb sees; saw /ˈsɑː/ ; seen /ˈsiːn/ ; seeing /ˈsiːjɪŋ/ Learner's definition of SEE 1  a  : to notice or become aware of (someone or something) by using your eyes看见;看到;注意到 [+ object] It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.太黑了,我什么也看不见。 I can't see a thing without my glasses.不戴眼镜我什么也看不见。 Would you turn on the light? I can hardly see a thing.你能不能把灯开开?我几乎什么都看不见。 Let me see what you're holding in your hand.让我看看你手里拿的是什么东西。 I saw your sister at the party, but I didn't talk to her.我在聚会上看到你姐姐了,但没跟她说话。 I saw her take the money.我见她把钱拿走了。 Nobody saw the accident happen.事故发生的时候没有人看到。 He was last seen leaving his house yesterday morning.他最后一次出现是昨天上午他离开家的时候。 This is the prettiest garden I've ever seen! = I've never seen such a pretty garden (before)!这是我见过的最漂亮的花园! You have to see it to believe it.只有亲眼目睹之后才会相信。 “He says he's coming.” “I'll believe it when I see it.”“他说他要来。”“我得等见着了才会信。” It's nice to see you (looking) so happy!看到你这么开心,我很高兴! I can see how happy you are.我看得出你有多开心。 I could see (that) she was tired.我看得出她累了。 I see (that) you bought a new car. = You bought a new car, I see.我知道,你买了一辆新车。 This club is the place to be seen (at) these days. [=this club is the place where people go to be noticed by important or fashionable people]这个俱乐部如今是结交名流的地方。 “Have you met the new guy yet?” “No, but I've seen him around.” [=I have noticed him in some of the places I often go to]“你结交新来的那个家伙了吗?”“还没有,不过我在附近看到过他。” A mall's a mall. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. [=all shopping malls look the same]商场就是商场,见过一个就等于都见过了。 [no object] It was so dark that I couldn't see.天太黑,我看不见。 He can no longer see to read without his glasses.没有眼镜,他就再也没法阅读了。 I couldn't see through/out the foggy window.窗户上都是雾气,我看不清外面。 I can't see over the person in front of me.前面这个人挡住了我的视线。 On a clear day, you can see for miles from the top of the mountain.天气晴朗的时候,从山顶能看好几英里远。 “He broke his leg.” “So I see.” [=I can see that his leg is broken]“他腿断了。”“我注意到了。” If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself.要是不相信,你自己去看看。 b  [no object] : to have the ability to see : to have the power of sight看得见;有视力 She doesn't/can't see very well.她视力不好。 She cannot see. [=she is blind]她是盲人。 2  : to be or become aware of (something)察觉;发觉;意识到 [+ object] He saw the opportunity and took it.他看到并抓住了机遇。 He only sees [=notices] my faults.他只盯着我的错。 I saw a big difference in her behavior.我感觉她的行为有了很大的不同。 It was easy to see that she was lying.很容易看出她在撒谎。 Can't you see that he needs help?你不觉得他需要帮助吗? Anyone can see that they're in love.谁都看得出他们恋爱了。 I can see there has been a mistake.我发现了一个错误。 I see that the school has raised its tuition again.我发现那所学校又涨学费了。 He claims that he can see the future. [=that he knows what will happen in the future]他宣称能预见未来。 I see by/from the newspaper that they've won the election.我从报纸上得知他们当选了。 Looking at the sales figures, we can see a steady rise in profits.从销售数据可以看出,利润在稳步增长。 Investors never saw this turn in the stock market coming.投资者没觉察到股市这次拐点的来临。 The book's ending is so predictable that you can see it coming a mile away/off.这本书的结局很好预测,还剩一大截就能看出来。 [no object] He claims that he can see into the future.他宣称能预见未来。 As you can see, the sales figures show a steady rise in profits.你也看得出来,销售数字显示利润在稳步增长。 3  : to learn or find out (something) especially by looking or waiting(尤指通过观看或等待)获知,了解,发现 [+ object] Please see who's at the door.请看一下谁在门口。 It will be interesting to see if the team can pull off a win.挺有趣的,看看这支队能不能拼赢一场。 I'm not sure if I'm going to the party. I have to see how I feel tomorrow.我还没拿定主意去不去参加那个聚会。我得看明天感觉如何。 You should try on the dress to see if it fits.你应该试穿一下那条连衣裙,看合不合身。 Can you check to see if the car needs oil?你检查一下汽车需不需要加油好吗? She brought the car to a mechanic to see what was wrong with it.她把车开到修理工那儿,看看出什么毛病了。 I'll see what I can do to help.我看看能帮上什么忙。 We'll have to see how it goes.我们得看看进展如何。 We saw, in the previous lecture, how Newton came up with his theory.在前一讲里,我们了解了牛顿是怎么提出他的理论的。 He called to see if we would be home tonight.他打电话看我们今晚在不在家。 I have to wait and see whether or not I got the job.我得等等,看能不能得到那份工作。 It remains to be seen [=it is uncertain] whether or not she was lying.她撒没撒谎还有待观察。 [no object] “Can you fix the car?” “I will have to see.”“你能修一下那车吗?”“我得看看。” “Can I go to the party?” “We'll see.” [=maybe, perhaps]“我能参加那个聚会吗?”“我们得看一下。” Things will get better, you'll see.事情会好起来的,你看着吧。 4  [+ object] a  not used in progressive tenses : to read (something written or printed)阅读 Have you seen today's newspaper?你看今天的报纸了吗? I saw in the newspaper that the team lost.我从报纸上得知球队输了。 I need to see your license.我得看一下你的执照。 He posted his journal online for all (the world) to see.他把日记传到网上供大家阅读。 b  — used to tell someone where to look for information参阅;参见 For further information, see Appendix A.详细信息请查阅附录A。 See the explanatory notes at the beginning of the book.参见本书开头的说明。 See [=look] below for details.详情见下文。 5  [+ object] a  : to watch (a television program, movie, etc.)观看(电视节目、电影等) Did you see the baseball game (on TV) last night?你有没有(在电视上)看昨晚的棒球比赛? I saw that movie, too.我也看了那部电影。 b  : to go to and watch (a performance, play, event, etc.)去观看(表演、戏剧、活动等) We saw the parade.我们去看了游行。 We are seeing a play tonight.我们晚上要去看一场戏。 6  [no object] — used in speech to direct someone's attention to something or someone看(用于口语,引导注意力) See, I told you it would rain.看,我跟你说过会下雨的。 See, the bus is coming.看,公共汽车来了。 7  [+ object] a  : to think of (someone or something) in a certain way看待;认为 Looking back, I see things differently now.回顾过去,现在我看待事情的方式不一样了。 I see myself to be an understanding person.我自认为是一个善解人意的人。 I see you now for what you really are: a liar and cheat.现在我看透你了:你是个谎话精、骗子。 Try to see things from my point of view.试着从我的角度看问题。 In order to understand them, you have to see the world through their eyes.要理解他们,就得从他们的视角看世界。 — often + as She saw herself as an independent woman. [=she thought of herself as independent]她视自己为独立女性。 He is seen as one of the best players in baseball.他被认为是最优秀的棒球手之一。 I see the job as a great opportunity.我把这份工作看作是一个绝好的机会。 b  — used to say what your opinion is about something看,认为(用于表达观点) “Can we do it?” “I don't see why not.” [=yes, I believe that we can do it]“我们干得了这个吗?”“我看不出为什么不行。” As I see it, you have only two choices.依我看,你只有两个选择。 The way he sees it, we should be done by Friday. [=he thinks we should be done by Friday]他觉得我们到周五就该完工了。 8  [+ object] a  : to imagine (someone) as being or doing something specified想象,设想(某人做某事) Can you really see yourself any happier than you are now?你能想象得出还有什么时候你会比现在更快乐吗? I can't see her becoming a doctor.我想象不出她会成为一个医生。 I can't see him objecting to our plan, can you?我想他不至于反对我们的计划,你呢? — often + as She sees herself as a doctor in the future.她想象着将来当个医生。 I can still see her as she was years ago.我还能想象得出她几年前的样子。 Somehow, I just couldn't see him as a banker.我有点儿无法想象他会成为银行家。 b  : to form a mental picture of (something)想象(某事物) He saw a great future for himself in baseball.他想象着自己在棒球方面的远大前途。 I can see it now in my mind: you and her married with two kids.现在,我脑子里可以想象出你和她结婚并有两个孩子的情形。 9  : to understand (something)理解;明白 [+ object] I see what you mean.我明白你的意思。 I can see why/how you would feel that way.我能理解你为什么/怎么会有那样的感受。 I don't see the point of your story.我搞不懂你要说什么。 What's so funny? I don't see the joke.有什么好笑的?我搞不懂这个笑话哪点好笑。 I don't see why we have to do that.我不明白我们为什么要干这个。 I don't see how/that/why it matters.我不明白这有什么要紧。 I can't get him to see reason/sense.我没法让他明白。 [no object] “You should hold the club like this.” “Oh, I see.”“球杆你应该这样拿。”“哦,明白了。” 10  [+ object] a  : to meet with (someone)与…会面 I can see you later this afternoon.今天下午晚些时候我可以见你。 I'll be seeing my lawyer on Friday.我周五会去见律师。 Do you see your dentist regularly?你定期去你的牙医那里看牙吗? The doctor is seeing a patient at the moment.医生这会儿正在给一个病人看病。 He has been seeing a psychotherapist.他一直在看心理医生。 — often + about You should see a doctor about your rash.你该找个医生看看皮疹。 What would you like to see me about?你找我有什么事儿? b  : to visit (someone)看望;探访 I saw him at the hospital.我到医院看望了他。 I am seeing an old friend tomorrow.我明天要去看一位老朋友。 c  : to allow yourself to be visited by (someone)接见 He's not seeing anyone today.今天他谁也不见。 d  : to be with and talk to (someone)与…相会 I can't tell you how glad/pleased I am to see you again!我无法向你形容再次见到你我有多高兴! We'll see you again real soon.很快我们就会再见面了。 They see each other less [=they spend less time together] now that he has a new job.他找了新工作,现在他们见面少了。 e  — used in phrases like see more/less of and see a lot of to describe how much time people spend with each other长时间/短时间在一起 I'd like to see more of you. [=I'd like to spend more time with you]我想跟你多待会儿。 They've been seeing a lot of each other lately. [=they've been spending a lot of time together lately]近来,他们常常在一起。 11  [+ object] : to spend time with (someone) as part of a romantic relationship与…相好 — usually used as be seeing通常用作be seeing They've been seeing each other for over a year.他们恋爱一年多了。 Are you seeing [=dating] anyone right now?你是不是恋爱了? 12  [+ object] : to make sure (something) is done : to check that (something) is done检查;确保 See (that) the work gets finished on time. [=make sure that the work is finished on time]确保工作按时完成。 See that the door is locked before you leave the building.你离开房子之前记着锁门。 13  [+ object] : to experience (something)经历 He saw a lot of action during the war.战争期间他经历了多次战斗。 I never thought I would live to see the day when gas would cost so much.如今汽油这么贵,我从没想到我能活着看到这一天。 Nothing bothers him—he's seen it all before.什么都烦不到他——他以前就经历过了。 Oil prices have seen a large increase.油价涨了很多。 14  [+ object] : to be the place or time in which (something) happens见证;为…发生之地;为…发生之时 The city has seen a lot of growth in recent years. [=the city has grown a lot in recent years]这座城市近年发展很快。 This year has seen a drop in profits. [=profits have dropped this year]今年利润下滑了。 The last decade saw many technological advances.近十年来有许多技术在进步。 15  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to go somewhere with (someone)陪伴;护送 I'll see [=accompany] you home.我送你回家。 They saw [=escorted] him out (of the club).他们把他(从俱乐部)送了出去。 My secretary will see you to the door.我的秘书会送你出去。 I can see myself out, thank you. [=I can leave without having anyone show me where to go]我自己能出去,谢谢。 He kissed her goodbye and saw her onto the plane. [=he watched her get onto the plane]他和她吻别,看着她上了飞机。 — see also see off (below) 16  [+ object] : to help or support (someone or something) for a particular period of time帮助(或支持)…度过 We had enough supplies to see us (out) to the end of winter. [=the supplies were enough to last until the end of winter]我们有足够的供给过冬。 — usually + through The support of his friends saw him through his depression. [=helped him to get through his depression]朋友的支持帮他度过了那段消沉的时光。 The legislators vowed to see the bill through Congress to make sure that it became a law.立法委员们发誓推动法案在国会获得通过,确保其成为法律。 They have enough money to see them through.他们的钱够用,能挺过去。 17  [+ object] : to make a bet that is equal to (another player's bet) in poker下(与对方相同的)赌注 I'll see your 10 and raise you 10.我跟你,下10注。 I'll see you and raise 10.我跟你,下10注。 has seen better days — see 1better I'll be seeing you informal — used to say goodbye再会;再见 let me see, let's see — see 1let long time no see — see 1long not see the forest/wood for the trees — see tree see about [phrasal verb] 1  see about (something) : to do what is required for (something) : to deal with (something)办理;处理 She is seeing about getting tickets to the concert.她在办理购买音乐会门票的事。 I should see about [=attend to] dinner soon.我一会儿就得去做饭了。 2  we'll (soon) see about that — used in speech to say that you are not going to allow someone to do something or to behave in a particular way我们走着瞧(用于口语,表示不容忍、要制止等) “He says that he's not going.” “Well, we'll (soon) see about that.”“他说他不去。”“好,我们走着瞧。” see after [phrasal verb] see after (someone or something) : to take care of (someone or something)照顾;照料;照看 See after [=look after] the baggage, while I see if our flight is on time.看一下行李,我去看看航班是否准点。 Can you see after the baby for me?您能帮我照看一下宝宝吗? see and be seen : to see and be noticed by important or fashionable people结识名流;结交名流 We go to the club to see and be seen.我们到俱乐部去结识名流。 see around/round [phrasal verb] see around/round (something) British : to move about while looking at (something) : to tour (something)四处看看;逛 If you'd like to see around [=look around] the factory, someone can accompany you.如果你想看看工厂,会有人陪你去。 see double — see 4double see eye to eye : to have the same opinion : agree完全同意 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句 They don't see eye to eye on this issue.在这个问题上他们看法相左。 see fit — see 1fit see here — used to introduce a statement when you want someone to notice what you are saying喂,听着(用于引起注意、引入陈述) See here [=look here], you need to start behaving more responsibly.喂,你以后要负责任一点。 see if I care — see 2care see in [phrasal verb] see (something) in (someone or something) : to notice or perceive (something good or attractive) in (someone or something)注意到;看上;看好 She saw great musical talent in her son.她注意到儿子的音乐天赋。 I think their plan is crazy, but he apparently sees something in it.我觉得他们的计划不切实际,但他显然觉得不错。 I can't understand what she sees in him. = I don't know what she sees in him. [=I don't know why she likes/admires him]我不明白她看上他什么了。 seeing is believing — see believe see off [phrasal verb] 1  see (someone) off or see off (someone) : to go to an airport, train station, etc., with (someone who is leaving) in order to say goodbye为…送行;跟…告别 She saw him off at the train station.她到火车站为他送行。 2  British a  : to chase or force (someone) away from a place赶出;逐出 The police finally saw them off.警方最终把他们轰走了。 b  : to defeat or stop (an enemy, opponent, etc.)击败;阻止 They saw off the opposition.他们阻止了反对意见。 see out [phrasal verb] see (something) out : to continue to work at (something) until it is completed持续工作到…完工 He saw the project out to its very end.他坚持到这项工程结束。 see over [phrasal verb] see over (something) British : to walk around and examine (a place) carefully察看 They went to see the house over. [=look the house over]他们去察看那座房子。 see red — see 2red see stars — see 1star see the back of — see 1back see the light, see the light of day — see 1light see things : to see things that do not really exist : hallucinate出现幻觉 There's no one there—you must be seeing things.那边没人——你肯定是出现幻觉了。 see through [phrasal verb] 1  see through (someone or something) : to realize the true nature of (someone or something)看透;看穿;识破 She saw through his lies. [=she knew he was lying]她看穿了他的谎言。 I can't lie to her—she'd see right through me.我不能跟她说谎——她会识破我的。 2  see (something) through : to continue to work at (something) until it is completed坚持工作到…完工 He saw the project through to the end.他坚持到这项工程完工。 — see also 1see 16 (above) see to [phrasal verb] 1  see to (something) : to do or provide what is needed for (something)负责;保障 His uncle saw to his education. [=his uncle made the necessary payments, arrangements, etc., for his education]他叔叔负责他的教育问题。 The hotel staff saw to [=attended to] my every need.这家酒店的工作人员满足了我的各项需求。 : to deal with (something)办理;处理 I have to see to [=attend to] dinner.我得去做饭了。 I'll see to your order at once.我马上处理你的单子。 You really ought to have that rash seen to by a doctor.你真的该让医生看看那皮疹了。 2  see to it : to make sure that something is done确保;务使 Can you see to it that everyone gets a copy of this memo?你能确保每人都有一份备忘录吗? see you informal or see you around or see you later — used to say goodbye再会;再见 “I guess I'll be going now.” “OK. (I'll) See you later.”“我想我该走了。”“好的,再见。” see your way (clear) to — see 1way what/who should you see but — see should 2 see /ˈsiː/ noun plural sees 2 see /ˈsiː/ noun plural sees Learner's definition of SEE formal 1  [count] : the area in which a bishop has authority : diocese主教辖区 2  [noncount] : the authority or power of a bishop主教的权威(或权力) 3  [count] : the office of a bishop主教教座




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