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词汇 send
释义 send 4 ENTRIES FOUND: send (verb) send-off (noun) send-up (noun) pack (verb) send /ˈsɛnd/ verb sends; sent /ˈsɛnt/ ; sending send /ˈsɛnd/ verb sends; sent /ˈsɛnt/ ; sending Learner's definition of SEND [+ object] 1  : to cause (a letter, an e-mail, a package, etc.) to go or to be carried from one place or person to another寄;发;发送 I sent [=mailed] the letter/package/check to her.我把信件/包裹/支票寄给她。 (US) I sent it to her by mail. = (Brit) I sent it to her by post.我把这个邮寄给她。 Please fill out the form and send it back (to us).请填写好表格并寄回给我们。 He sent me an e-mail. = He sent an e-mail to me.他给我发了一封电子邮件。 Supplies were sent (out) to the troops.物资已经发往部队。 Satellites receive signals in space and send them back to Earth.卫星在太空接收信号并发送回地球。 2  : to give (a message) to someone传话;捎信;转告 Please send my compliments to the chef. [=tell the chef that I enjoyed the food]请代我向主厨致意。 Tell her that I send my love. [=tell her that I think of her in a loving way]请转达我对她的爱。 When you write to him, please send him my very best wishes.你写信给他的时候,请向他转达我最美好的祝愿。 Send word to the others [=tell the others] that we'll be late.告诉其他人我们会晚一点到。 3  : to tell or cause (someone or something) to go to a place派遣;打发;安排…去 He became ill and was sent home from school.他生病了,从学校被送回了家里。 She sent the kids to bed immediately after supper.晚饭后,她马上打发孩子们去睡觉。 He was sent to prison for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫被判入狱。 He sent me (to the store) for bread and milk.他打发我去商店买点面包和牛奶。 The company sent me to the conference.公司派我出席会议。 “There is a Ms. Jones here to see you.” “Send her in.”“有位琼斯女士想见你。”“请她进来。” He was sent on a secret mission.他被派去执行一项秘密任务。 Helicopters were sent (out) to search for the lost hikers.直升机被派去搜寻失踪的徒步旅行者。 They sent a limo to pick her up at the airport.他们派了一辆豪华轿车去机场接她。 He asked us to send a taxi for him.他要求我们为他安排一辆出租车。 4  : to make the arrangements and payments that allow (someone) to attend a school, camp, etc.安排…(上学、入营等) They are able to send both their children to private school.他们有能力把两个孩子都送入私立学校读书。 They sent their daughter to soccer camp during the summer.夏天时,他们把女儿送进了足球训练营。 They are sending their son (away/off) to military school.他们正要把儿子送进军校。 5  : to tell (someone) to go to a particular person or place for treatment, help, information, etc.让…前往(某人或某地,以寻求帮助等) She sent him to the information desk.她让他去问服务台。 The teacher sent [=referred] the students to the dictionary for the meaning of the word.老师建议学生查阅词典以了解词义。 My doctor sent me to a specialist.我的医生建议我去咨询一位专科医师。 6  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (someone or something) to move in a particular direction or manner使(朝特定方向或以特定方式)移动 News of the strike sent stock prices down.罢工的消息使股票价格下跌。 The surprise attack sent the enemy running.突袭使敌人落荒而逃。 The punch sent him to the floor.这一拳打过去,他应声倒地。 He sent the ball into right field.他把球打到了右外场。 Her performance sent a chill/shiver up/down my spine. [=made me feel very excited and emotional]他的表演令我兴奋不已。 7  : to put (someone) into a particular state or condition使进入(某种状态) Her lectures often send students to sleep.她讲课常令学生们昏昏欲睡。 — usually + into Their decision sent him into a rage.他们的决定令他愤怒不已。 send away for [phrasal verb] send away for (something) or send away to (someone) for (something) : to ask to receive (something) by sending a letter, coupon, etc., to someone by mail邮购;函索 I sent away for [=sent off for] a free sample.我去函索要了免费样品。 You will have to send away to the manufacturer for a refund.你得向制造商去函索取退款。 send down [phrasal verb] send down (someone) or send (someone) down British, informal : to send (someone) to prison将(某人)送进监狱 He was sent down for six years for the robbery.他因抢劫而锒铛入狱,刑期六年。 send for [phrasal verb] 1  send for (someone) : to ask (someone) to come to a place派人去请;召唤 Someone should send for a doctor.应该有人去请个医生。 2  send for (something) : to ask someone to bring or send (something) to you派人去取;让人带来 Send for our free product catalog.派人去取我们免费的产品目录。 The general has already sent for reinforcements.将军已经派人去请求增援。 She sent for help.她向人求助。 send forth [phrasal verb] 1  send forth (something) formal : to cause (something) to be heard发出(声响) She sent forth [=emitted, (less formally) let out] a loud cry.她大叫一声。 2  : to cause (light, heat, etc.) to move outward from a source散发,发出(光或热等) The tropical flowers sent forth [=emitted, (less formally) gave off] a wonderful fragrance.热带花卉散发出迷人的芳香。 3  : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing长出(枝、芽等) The plant began to send forth [=send out] its shoots.这株植物开始长出新芽。 send in [phrasal verb] 1  send in (someone) or send (someone) in a  : to tell (someone) to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation派往;下令去 Police were sent in to restore order.警方奉命前去恢复秩序。 b  : to tell (a player) to enter a game通知(选手)入场参赛 He was sent in to replace the starting goaltender.他被派去替换首发出场的守门员。 2  send in (something) or send (something) in : to mail or e-mail (something) to a place寄去;递送 Please send in your poems by October 1.请于10月1日前递交你的诗歌作品。 send off [phrasal verb] 1  send off (something) or send (something) off : to send (something) by mail or another service邮寄;发送 I sent off the package yesterday.我昨天就把包裹寄出去了。 2  send off (someone) or send (someone) off chiefly British : to order (a player who has broken a rule) to leave the field for the remainder of the game罚(某人)下场 He was sent off [=ejected] for striking another player.他因殴打另一选手被罚下场。 3  send off for (something) : to ask to receive (something) by sending a letter, coupon, etc., to someone by mail邮购;函索 I sent off for [=sent away for] a sample.我去函索要了样品。 send on [phrasal verb] send on (something) or send (something) on : to cause (something) to go or to be carried from one place to another转送;转递 I had my mail/post sent on [=forwarded, sent] to my new address.我要求将信件转送至新地址。 He had his baggage sent on ahead. [=sent to the place where he wasgoing]他提前运送了行李。 send out [phrasal verb] 1  send out (something) or send (something) out a  : to mail (something) to many different people or places分发;散发 Have you sent out the invitations yet?你已经发出所有邀请了吗? b  : to cause (a signal) to go out发出,放出(信号) The pilot sent out a distress signal.飞行员发出求救信号。 c  : to cause (light, heat, etc.) to move outward from a source发出,散发(光、热等) The coals sent out [=gave off] a reddish glow.煤块发出微红色的光。 d  : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing生长,长出(枝、芽等) The plant began to send out its shoots.这株植物开始长出新芽。 2  send out for (something) : to ask a restaurant to deliver (food) to you订餐;叫外卖 We sent out for pizza.我们打电话订了比萨饼。 send (someone or something) packing informal : to force (someone or something) to leave a place or situation赶走;驱逐 We were sent packing after the first day of tryouts.选拔赛的第一天,我们就被淘汰出局了。 A loss in tomorrow's game will send them packing. [=will eliminate them from the competition]明天的比赛若失利,他们就将出局。 send up [phrasal verb] 1  send up (something) or send (something) up a  : to cause (something) to be heard发出(声响) He sent up a loud cry. [=he cried out loudly]他大喊一声。 b  : to cause (something) to move upward使上升(或上涨) The campfire sent up sparks.篝火冉冉上升,火花四溅。 If you need help, send up a flare so that we can locate you.如果你需要帮助,发射一颗信号弹,这样我们就能锁定你的位置。 c  : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing长出(枝、芽等) plants sending up new shoots长出新芽的植物 d  : to suggest or propose (something) to a more powerful person or group so that a decision can be made向上提交;呈报 The bill has been sent up to the Senate for a vote.议案已提交给参议院表决。 They are sending up a new name/applicant for consideration.他们正打算把新名称/申请人报上去以供考虑。 2  send up (someone or something) or send (someone or something) up chiefly British, informal : to imitate (someone or something) in an amusing way滑稽地模仿 The show sends up [=parodies] soap operas.这场表演滑稽地模仿了肥皂剧。 — see also send-up




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