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词汇 bend
释义 bend (noun) bend 13 ENTRIES FOUND: bend (verb) bend (noun) gender-bending (noun) mind-bending (adjective) S-bend (noun) U-bend (noun) South Bend (proper noun) backward (adverb) double (adverb) ear (noun) fact (noun) knee (noun) truth (noun) 1 bend /ˈbɛnd/ verb bends; bent /ˈbɛnt/ ; bending 1 bend /ˈbɛnd/ verb bends; bent /ˈbɛnt/ ; bending Learner's definition of BEND 1  a  [+ object] : to use force to cause (something, such as a wire or pipe) to become curved使…弯曲;把…弄弯 bend a wire into a circle把金属丝弯成个圈 bend the cable around a wheel把缆绳绕在轮子上 He bent the bow and shot an arrow from it.他弯弓射箭。 His glasses got bent when he dropped them.他把眼镜掉在地上,摔弯了。 b  [no object] : to curve out of a straight line or position变弯曲;呈弯形 The road bends [=curves, turns] to the left.路向左边拐了过去。 The trees were bending in the wind.树木被大风吹弯了腰。 The branch will bend before it breaks.树枝先是弯曲,然后才折断。 The branches of the fruit tree were bending under their own weight. [=were bending because they were so heavy]沉甸甸的果实把树枝都压弯了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 She refused to bend under pressure to change her decision.她不肯屈服于压力,改变自己的决定。 a politician accused of bending to the will of wealthy supporters [=being influenced by wealthy supporters; doing the things that are wanted by wealthy supporters]因屈从于富人支持者的意愿而遭到指责的政客 2  a  [no object] : to move your body so that it is not straight俯身;弯腰 She bent down/over/forward to pick up a piece of paper and then she straightened up again.她俯身捡起了一张纸,然后又直起腰。 He bent back to look up at the ceiling.他往后一仰,抬头看着天花板。 bend to the left and then bend to the right先向左下弯,再向右下弯 bend at the waist弯腰 He bent double with pain. [=he bent forward from the waist because he was in extreme pain]他疼得直不起腰来。 b  [+ object] : to move (part of your body, such as an arm or leg) so that it is not straight使(胳膊、腿等身体部位)弯曲 bend a knee屈膝 bend a leg屈腿 bend an arm弯胳膊 bend [=tilt] your head歪头 ◊ In formal language, if you bend yourself to or bend your strength/energy/efforts (etc.) to/toward something (such as a job or task), you work hard in order to do it.(正式用语)专注于,致力于,专心致志 He has bent himself [=applied himself] to the task of making the company more efficient and profitable.他致力于提高公司的工作效率和产品效益。 They are bending their efforts toward completing the job on time.他们正竭尽全力争取按时完成工作。 They bent their minds to [=gave a lot of thought to; thought hard about] the problem.他们专注于这个问题的研究。 bend a rule : to not be strict or exact about following a rule不严格按规矩办事;放宽条件;通融 She's not really quite old enough to be admitted as a member, but she's very close, so I think we can bend the rule(s) a little in her case and let her in now.她实际上还不到入会年龄,但也差不了多少,所以我认为我们可以稍微对她放宽条件,准许她现在就入会。 bend over backward — see 1backward bend someone's ear informal : to talk to someone for a long time向某人唠叨诉说 He didn't really care about me, he just wanted to bend my ear about his own problems.他并不是真的关心我,他只是想跟我唠叨他自己的难题。 bend (the) facts : to change facts in a dishonest way in order to deceive people歪曲事实;篡改真相 a journalist who has been accused of bending the facts in order to gain support for his political agenda被指责歪曲事实以获得对其政治议题支持的记者 bend the truth : to say something that is not true or that misleads people but that is usually not regarded as a serious or harmful lie(不太严重或无危害地)说谎,误导 When he tells people he's from Manhattan he's bending the truth a little since he really grew up in Brooklyn.他告诉别人他来自曼哈顿是撒了个小谎,因为他其实是在布鲁克林长大的。 on bended knee also on bended knees : in a kneeling position : in the position of someone who is kneeling on one knee下跪;单膝下跪 He proposed to her on bended knee. = He got down on bended knee and proposed to her.他单膝跪下,向她求婚。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He was forced to ask for their help on bended knee. [=he was forced to beg for their help; he was forced to ask for their help in a very humble way]他被迫低三下四地乞求他们的帮助。 2 bend /ˈbɛnd/ noun plural bends 2 bend /ˈbɛnd/ noun plural bends Learner's definition of BEND 1  [count] : a curved part of something弯曲部分;弯曲处 a bend in a road/stream道路拐弯处;溪流弯道 They live just around/past the next bend (in the road).他们就住在下一个弯道附近/前面。 the graceful bends [=curves] of the stairway优雅的楼梯弯道 2  [count] : the act or process of bending something弯曲(动作) a quick bend of the body快速的曲身动作 knee bends屈膝动作 3  the bends medical : a painful and dangerous condition caused by rising to the surface too quickly after being deep underwater潜涵病,减压病(从深水区过快浮出水面引起的剧痛) — called also decompression sickness around the bend (chiefly US) informal or chiefly British round the bend 1  : crazy The pressure of his job nearly drove him around the bend.工作压力几乎快要把他逼疯了。 He almost went around the bend.他几乎要疯了。 If you ask me, she's completely round the bend.要我说的话,她完全疯了。 2  US : occurring soon即将发生 The end of summer is just/right around the bend. [=around the corner]夏天马上就要过去了。 — bendy /ˈbɛndi/ adjective, bendier; bendiest chiefly British, informal [also more bendy; most bendy] a bendy [=flexible] toy韧性好的玩具 a bendy road [=a road with many curves]弯弯曲曲的道路




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