词汇 | set |
释义 | set (noun) set (adjective) set 47 ENTRIES FOUND: set (verb) set (noun) set (adjective) set-aside (noun) sett (noun) setting (noun) set-to (noun) set-top box (noun) set piece (noun) set point (noun) set square (noun) chemistry set (noun) close-set (adjective) jet set (noun) mind-set (noun) place setting (noun) swing set (noun) tea set (noun) television set (noun) train set (noun) ball (noun) ear (noun) edge (noun) eye (noun) foot (noun) forth (adverb) go (verb) heart (noun) high (adverb) house (noun) light (noun) mind (noun) pace (noun) paper (noun) pen (noun) ready (adjective) record (noun) right (noun) roll (verb) sail (noun) scene (noun) seal (noun) shop (noun) stage (noun) stone (noun) tooth (noun) world (noun) 1 set /ˈsɛt/ verb sets; set; setting 1 set /ˈsɛt/ verb sets; set; setting Learner's definition of SET 1 always followed by an adverb or preposition [+ object] a : to put (something) in a place or position放置;摆放 Set your books (down) on the table.把你的这些书放在桌子上。 We need to set some extra chairs around the table.我们要在桌子周围再多放几把椅子。 He set the ladder against the wall and walked away.他把梯子靠在墙上,转身走开了。 I remember setting my bag right here.我记得把包就放这儿了。 b : to put (something) into the surface of something置于,嵌入(表面) They set the bricks along the walkway.他们在通道上铺了层砖。 — often used as (be) set常用作(be) set The posts are set firmly in the ground.这些柱子稳稳地立在了地上。 The tiles are set into the wall.这些瓷砖被贴在了墙面上。 c : to attach (something, such as a jewel) to a piece of jewelry or other decoration镶嵌 The jeweler can set the stone several different ways.珠宝商可以用多种不同的方式镶嵌这块宝石。 — often used as (be) set常用作(be) set Her wedding ring is set [=is inlaid] with seven diamonds.她的婚戒上镶嵌着七颗钻石。 a diamond set in a simple gold band镶嵌在一个净面金戒指上的钻石 2 always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to cause the action of (a film, story, etc.) to happen in a certain place or during a certain time设置(电影、故事等的)背景 — often used as (be) set常用作(be) set The play is set in Verona, Italy. [=the action of the play takes place in Verona]这部剧的故事背景设在意大利的维罗纳。 The novel is set in 1943.这部小说的背景是在1943年。 a novel set during World War II以第二次世界大战为时代背景的小说 The story is set against (the backdrop of) the Second World War. [=the story takes place during the Second World War]这个故事以第二次世界大战为背景展开。 3 [+ object] a : to make (something) ready to be used : to put (something) in a position to be used设置;调整好;安排就绪 He turned off the car and set the parking brake.他把车熄了火,拉起停车制动。 Rangers will set a trap to catch the bear.护林员们将设置一个陷阱抓捕那只熊。 b : to put plates, forks, spoons, knives, etc., on a table before serving a meal(饭前在餐桌上)摆餐具 Would you please set [=(Brit) lay] the table?你来摆放餐具,好吗? We set an extra place at the table for our guest.我们为客人多摆了一个位子。 The table was set for two. [=it had two place settings]这张桌子摆放了两人用的餐具。 4 [+ object] : to cause (a clock) to show a particular time调整(钟的)时间 We set the clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time.我们按照夏令时把时钟往前拨了一个小时。 : to cause the controls of (a clock or other device) to be in a particular position设置(闹钟或其他装置的)数值 The alarm was set for 7:00 a.m. = The alarm was set to go off at 7:00 a.m.闹钟定在早上7点钟响。 I set the timer for/to twenty minutes.我把定时器设定在二十分钟。 Set the oven to 350 degrees.把烤箱温度定在350度。 In the winter, she sets the thermostat at/to 68 degrees.冬天,她把恒温调节器温度定在68度。 5 [+ object] : to decide on or choose (something)决定;设定 I set a goal (for myself) to lose 15 pounds by the end of the year.我给自己设定了一个目标,到年末减掉15磅。 The company must meet certain conditions set by the government in order to stay in business.这家公司必须符合政府设定的某些条件才能继续营业。 She will be setting the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.今天下午的会议日程将由她来安排。 setting boundaries/limits/rules设定边界/限制/规则 NASA has not yet set [=named] the date for the shuttle launch.美国国家航空和航天局尚未敲定此次航天飞机的发射日期。 He has set his sights on becoming [=he has decided to try to become] the next president.他已决定竞选下届总统。 We don't have enough time to do everything. We have to set priorities. [=to decide which things are most important to do]我们没有足够的时间去完成每一件事。我们必须确定轻重缓急。 6 [+ object] a : to give (a particular price or value) to something给…定价 An antiques appraiser set the value of the chair at $500.古董鉴定专家给这把椅子定价500美元。 If you set your prices too high, no one will buy your products.如果定价过高,没人会买你的产品。 Her bail was set at $10,000. = The judge set (her) bail at $10,000. [=the judge decided that she will have to pay $10,000 or stay in jail until her trial]她的保释金为1万美元。 b : to give (a high value or importance) to something重视 They set a high value on their privacy. [=they value their privacy very highly]他们非常注重个人隐私。 Our family sets great store by/on tradition. [=our family believes that tradition is very important]我们家很重视传统。 7 [+ object] a : to cause (something) to be accepted as an example, rule, etc. : to establish (a standard, trend, etc.) for others to follow or try to copy树立(榜样);建立(标准);引领(潮流) They are improving the safety of their vehicles and setting a higher standard for other companies (to follow).他们正在改进车辆的安全性能,为其他公司制定一个更高的行业标准。 His style of directing has set a new trend in moviemaking. [=other directors are copying his way of making movies]他的导演风格引领了电影制作的新潮流。 His behavior sets a good/bad example for the rest of the children.他的行为为其他孩子树立了好榜样/坏典型。 The ruling is likely to set a precedent for how future cases are decided. [=future cases will be decided based on this case]这项裁定很可能成为今后此类案件的裁决判例。 Her lighthearted question set the tone for the rest of the interview. [=it gave the rest of the interview a light and easy feeling]她的轻松提问为接下来的采访定下了基调。 b : to establish (a record) as the performance or achievement that is the best of its kind创下(纪录) She set a record for the most sales in the company's history. [=she made more sales for the company than anyone else ever had]她创下了公司历史上的最高销售纪录。 He set the world record for/in the 100-meter dash.他创下了100米跑的世界纪录。 8 [+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to be in a specified condition使…达到某种状态 The slaves were set free.奴隶们获得了自由。 He made a raft and set it afloat in the river.他做了一个木筏,并把它放在河中漂流。 They set the house on fire. = They set fire to the house. = (more formally) They set the house afire/aflame/ablaze. [=they caused the house to begin burning]他们放火烧了那栋房子。 I wish I knew how to set your mind at ease. [=to help you stop worrying]我要是知道如何让你放松些就好了。 She set him right/straight about what happened. [=she told him that he was wrong and explained what really happened]她纠正了他的错误,并说明了真实情况。 We should set our own house in order [=correct the way we do things] before we criticize them.我们应该先正己再正人。 9 : to cause (someone or something) to start doing something使…开始做;使…着手做 [+ object] We have no idea what set [=got] her crying.我们不知道她为何会哭。 — often + to Her question set me to wondering if I had made the right decision.她的问题让我开始思考自己的决定是否正确。 They are ready to set the plan in motion. [=they are ready to cause the plan to start happening]他们做好了启动该计划的准备。 The plan has been set in motion.这项计划已经启动。 Sources say that the governor has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. [=the governor has started to run for president]消息人士称州长已经开始筹备总统竞选之事了。 [no object] He immediately set to work [=started working] on the project.他立即开始着手这个项目。 10 [+ object] British : to give (someone) a particular job : to require someone to do (a task)分配;指派;布置 My boss set me to organizing the files.我的老板让我整理这些文件。 She set [=assigned] her students the task of writing a three-page report.她给学生们布置了写三页报告的任务。 setting homework for the children给孩子们布置家庭作业 11 [no object] of the sun or moon : to move down in the sky and go below the horizon(太阳或月亮)落下 We sat on the beach and watched the sun set.我们坐在海滩上看日落。 — opposite 1rise 5 12 [+ object] : to put and hold (your jaw, mouth, etc.) firmly into a certain position(让下巴或嘴等)保持一定表情 She crossed her arms, set her jaw, and refused to answer any questions.她双臂交叉,牙关紧闭,拒绝回答任何问题。 He set his lips firmly.他紧闭双唇。 13 a [no object] of a liquid : to become thick or hard凝固;凝结 The gelatin needs a few hours to set.这种胶需要几个小时才能凝固。 My nail polish is still setting.我的指甲油现在还没干。 a quick-setting cement速凝混凝土 b : to become permanent固着;留存;固定 [no object] If you don't wash your shirt right away, the stain will set. [=you will not be able to remove the stain]如果你不马上洗,衬衫上面的污渍就洗不掉了。 [+ object] Hot water will set the stain.热水会使污渍固着。 14 : to put (a broken bone) into its normal position so it can heal把(断裂的骨)复位;接(骨) [+ object] Doctors set her broken leg last week.医生上周给她接上了断裂的腿骨。 [no object] The bones will take several weeks to set. [=grow together]这些骨头需要几周时间才能愈合。 15 [+ object] : to give a particular style to (someone's hair) by wetting it, putting it in curlers or clips, and drying it做头发;固定发型 She gets her hair set and styled twice a week.她每周做两次头发。 16 [+ object] : to type or print (a word, sentence, etc.) in a particular form or style排版 a word set in italics排成斜体的单词 17 [+ object] : to add music to (words) : to create (music) to accompany words谱曲;配乐 — usually + to She wrote the lyrics, and he set them to music.她写词,他作曲。 set about [phrasal verb] set about (something) : to begin to do (something)开始做;着手做 They set about (the task of) creating a new Web site.他们开始着手创建新网站。 — sometimes followed by to + verb有时接动词不定式 They set about to create a new Web site.他们开始着手创建新网站。 set against [phrasal verb] 1 set (something) against (something) a : to compare (something) to (something else)比较;对比 Let's set the advantages against the disadvantages.让我们权衡一下利弊。 — often used as (be) set against常用作(be) set against The challenges of fixing the problem now must be set against the dangers of waiting until later to act.现在解决问题面临着一些挑战,日后再采取行动也面临着危险,我们必须权衡这两者的利弊。 The fines were small when set against the company's huge annual profits.与公司巨大的年利润相比,这笔罚款不算什么。 — see also 1set 2 (above) b British : to list (something) as an expense in order to reduce (income for which you must pay tax)把…按开支记账(以减少个人所得税) You can set your mortgage payments against your rental income.可以将按揭付款列为支出,以减少租金收入所需缴纳的税款。 2 set (yourself) against (someone or something) : to decide that you do not support (something or someone) : to be or become opposed to (something or someone)反对;拒绝 She set herself against the prevailing beliefs of the time.她反对当时的主流观点。 He has set himself against (joining) them.他拒绝加入他们。 3 set (someone) against (someone) : to cause (someone) to disagree with or oppose (someone)使反对 The incident set brother against sister.兄妹两人在这件事上产生了分歧。 set apart [phrasal verb] 1 set (someone or something) apart : to be a quality that makes (someone or something) better than or different from other people or things使与众不同;使优于 — usually + from What sets her apart (from the other teachers) is her great passion for her work.她与其他老师的不同之处在于她对工作有极大的热情。 His great height set him apart from the other men in his family.他身材高大,这使得他在家里男性中间显得格外引人注目。 2 set (something) apart : to keep or save (something) for a particular purpose(为某一目的)留出,拨出 — often used as (be) set apart常用作(be) set apart — usually + for A few acres of the city were set apart for a park.这个城市有几英亩地被留作公园用地了。 set aside [phrasal verb] 1 set (something) aside or set aside (something) : to move (something) to the side because you are not working on it, dealing with it, etc.把…放到一边 Mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl and set the mixture aside.在一个小碗里把这些干配料混合,然后放到一边。 : to wait until later to use or deal with (something)把…放着以后使用(或处理) I've set your memo aside for now but I'll read it this afternoon.我暂时把你的备忘录放在一旁,但下午我会看的。 The committee set aside discussion of the proposal until their next meeting.委员会把对那一提案的讨论放到了下次会议上。 2 : to keep or save (something) for a particular purpose(为某一目的)留出,拨出 The hotel set aside [=set apart] 20 rooms for the guests of the bride and groom.酒店为新郎和新娘的客人留出了20间客房。 We need to set some money aside for our vacation.我们要为度假留出一些钱。 3 : to stop thinking about, talking about, or being affected by (something)抛开;搁置;不再受影响 They decided to set aside their differences and work together.他们决定抛开分歧,携手合作。 Setting aside the fact that the meal was extremely expensive, dinner was very enjoyable.抛开这顿饭太贵这一点,晚餐还是吃得非常开心的。 4 law : to change or reverse (a legal decision, conviction, etc.)撤销,驳回(法律裁决) The verdict was set aside [=overturned] by the court.这项裁决被法院驳回了。 set back [phrasal verb] 1 set (something or someone) back or set back (something or someone) : to make the progress of (something or someone) slower or more difficult : to cause (something or someone) to go back to an earlier or worse condition使推迟;耽搁;使延误 A recent lack of funding has set back research on the disease.因最近资金短缺,对这种疾病的研究受到了延误。 If the law is reversed, it will set us back 20 years. [=it will undo 20 years of progress]如果这项法律被撤销,那将使我们倒退20年。 setting back progress阻止前进 2 set (someone) back informal : 2cost A new suit will set you back at least $200.一套新西服至少要花你200美元。 set down [phrasal verb] 1 set down (something) : to create or establish (a rule, requirement, etc.)建立,制定(规则、要求等) All participants must follow the guidelines set down [=established] by the organization.所有参与人员都必须遵守组织方制定的规定。 Once she sets down the rules, there's no changing her mind.她一旦立下规矩,就不会改变。 2 set (something) down or set down (something) a : to record (something) by writing it down记下;写下 She took out her notebook and started setting down her thoughts.她拿出笔记本,开始记下她的想法。 When an idea for a song comes to me, I set it down on paper.每当我有了写歌的灵感,我就把它记在纸上。 setting an agreement down in writing以文字形式把协议记录下来 b : to land (an airplane) on the ground or water(飞机)着陆,降落 We had to set the plane down in a field.我们不得不让飞机在一片田地里着陆。 3 set (someone) down : to allow (someone) to get off a bus, airplane, etc.让(某人)下车;让(某人)下飞机 I asked the taxi driver to set me down [=drop me off, (US) let me off] in front of the library.我叫出租车司机把我放在图书馆门口。 set eyes on — see 1eye set foot in/on — see 1foot set forth [phrasal verb] 1 literary : to begin a journey开始旅行 We will set forth [=set out] at dawn.我们将在黎明时出发。 2 set forth (something) or set (something) forth formal : to explain or describe (something) in an organized way陈述;阐释 The author sets forth [=states] the book's premise in its first two pages.作者在书的前两页陈述了这本书的写作意图。 set forward [phrasal verb] set (something) forward or set forward (something) : to explain or describe (something) so that it can be considered提出;陈述 She has set forward [=presented] an ambitious plan to fix the nation's health-care system.她提出了一个宏伟计划,旨在完善国家的医疗保健体系。 set in [phrasal verb] : to begin to be present, seen, etc. — used of something unpleasant or unwanted that often lasts for a long time(持续较长时间的不快之事)到来,开始 The kids should go outside and play before the rain sets in again.趁这雨还没接着下,孩子们应该到外面去玩一玩。 An infection set in after the surgery.手术后出现了感染。 Reality was starting to set in. [=become obvious] We were not going to win.现实明摆在那儿,我们赢不了。 set in stone — see 1stone set (someone or something) loose — see let loose at 1loose set off [phrasal verb] 1 : to begin traveling in a particular direction出发;启程 We set off for home.我们动身回家。 They set off in a different direction.他们向一个不同的方向进发。 In the first chapter, the hero sets off on a long voyage across the ocean.第一章里,主人公开始了漫长的横穿大洋之旅。 2 set off (something) also set (something) off : to cause (something) to start or happen(使某事)开始,发生 set off an explosion引发爆炸 Her comments set off [=touched off] a chain of events that led to two people losing their jobs.她的评论引发了一系列事件,使两个人失去了工作。 The incident set off a debate about how public land should be used.这起事件引发了一场有关如何使用公共土地的争论。 3 set off (something) or set (something) off a : to cause (something) to begin making noise使发声 The thick smoke set off the school's fire alarms.浓烟触发了学校的消防警铃。 Your watch will probably set the metal detectors off.你的手表有可能会触发这个金属探测器。 b : to cause (fireworks, a bomb, etc.) to explode使(烟花、炸弹等)爆炸 They were accused of setting off the bomb that destroyed the building.他们被指控引爆炸弹炸毁了那座建筑物。 It was set off by remote control.这是通过遥控引爆的。 c : to make (something) easy to see or notice显出;突出 The blue in your sweater sets off [=accents] your eyes.你蓝色的毛衣衬得眼睛很漂亮。 Bright yellow police tape set off the area where the crime occurred.醒目的黄色警戒线标明了犯罪现场。 a quote set off by quotation marks用引号标明的引言 4 set (someone) off : to cause (someone) to suddenly start yelling, crying, laughing, etc.使突然开始叫喊(哭泣或发笑等) I wonder what set her off.我不知道她为何突然变成这样。 set on [phrasal verb] set (someone or something) on (someone) : to make (a person or animal) suddenly attack (someone)使突然攻击 Police dogs were set on the protesters.警犬开始扑向示威人群。 She set her friends on him.她怂恿朋友们攻击他。 set out [phrasal verb] 1 a : to begin traveling in a particular direction出发;动身 We got out of the car and set out for the nearest gas station.我们下了车,向最近的加油站走去。 They set out toward the east.他们向东进发了。 b : to start doing something : to begin an activity or effort with a particular plan or purpose(有目的地)开始做某事 She set out with the goal of going to the Olympics.她开始为参加奥运会做准备。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 She accomplishes whatever she sets out [=intends] to do.她总能达到她的目的。 I never set out to hurt you. [=I was not trying to hurt you]我决无伤害你的意思。 He set out to become a lawyer but ended up teaching history instead.他本打算当一名律师,结果却成了历史老师。 2 set (something) out or set out (something) a : to explain or describe (something)解释;描述 In the article, the group sets out the role of parents in a child's education.在文章中,这些人详述了家长在孩子的教育中所起的作用。 He set out the basic argument between the two groups.他阐述了这两组之间的基本争论点。 b : to move and organize (a group of things) so that they can be seen or used摆放;布置;陈列 We'll need to set a few extra chairs out for our guests.我们还需要为客人多摆放几把椅子。 They set out maps and travel brochures for the tourists to take.他们把地图和旅游宣传手册摆放在明显位置,方便游客拿取。 set pen to paper — see 1pen set sail — see 2sail set the pace — see 1pace set the record straight — see 1record set the scene — see scene set the stage — see 1stage set to [phrasal verb] British, literary : to begin doing something in an active and serious way起劲地干起来;认真地干起来 We set to and soon finished the work.我们大干起来,一会儿就把事做完了。 set up [phrasal verb] 1 : to prepare for something by putting things where they need to be准备;布置;摆台 We have one hour left to set up for the party.我们还有一小时时间为聚会做准备。 We had better start setting up.我们最好开始布置一下。 2 set up (something) or set (something) up a : to create or establish (something) for a particular purpose(为某一目的)建立,设立 A panel needs to be set up to investigate the issue.需要设立一个专门小组来调查这个问题。 She hopes that in a few years she can set up a private practice of her own.她希望几年后能开一个属于自己的私人诊所。 A foundation was set up for people with the disease.为患有这种疾病的人们设立了基金会。 The church set up a school for the city's homeless children.教会为城里无家可归的孩子们建了一所学校。 The hikers set up camp [=they prepared an area where they could sleep outside] just before sunset.远足者们赶在太阳落山之前建好了营区。 b : to arrange and plan (an event or activity)安排;计划;策划 I'll ask my secretary to set up a meeting with our clients.我会让秘书安排一次客户见面会。 Let's set up a time to get together.我们找个时间聚一聚吧。 He was the one who set up the bank robbery.他就是那个策划了银行抢劫案的人。 c : to put (something) in an upright position竖起;架起;搭建 They set up flags along the street for the parade.他们沿街竖起了旗帜,为游行做准备。 Help me set the tent up.帮我把帐篷搭起来。 d : to make (a machine, system, etc.) ready to be used使(机器、系统等)处于可使用状态 They set up the movie camera next to the door.他们在门旁边架好了摄像机。 This computer wasn't set up to run so many programs at one time.这台计算机的配置不支持一次运行这么多程序。 3 set (someone) up or set up (someone) a : to cause (someone) to be in a bad situation or to appear guilty陷害;诬陷 Those aren't his drugs. Someone must have set him up! [=framed him; made it look like the drugs were his]那些毒品不是他的,肯定是有人陷害他! He claimed he was set up by the police.他声称自己被警方诬陷了。 b British : to help (someone) feel healthy and full of energy使恢复健康;使充满活力 She says that daily exercise has set her up to face the challenges of getting old.她说每天运动有助于她应对年龄增长带来的挑战。 c : to give (someone) a job, a place to live, etc.安排工作;安排住处 She set me up in a great apartment in the city.她帮我在城里找了一套很好的公寓。 He set his son up with a job at his company.他在自己公司给儿子安排了一份工作。 d : to do something that makes it likely or possible for (someone) to do, get, or experience something使有望达到(或经历) The team's excellent defense set them up to score the winning touchdown.这支球队的出色防守使他们有望取得制胜的达阵得分。 — usually + for I think you're just setting yourself up for a big disappointment. [=you're expecting something that won't happen and you will be disappointed when it doesn't]我认为你这样想到头来只会让自己非常失望。 e : to cause (someone) to meet someone in order to start a romantic relationship给…牵红线;给…做媒 “How did you first meet your husband?” “My best friend set us up.”“你当初是怎样认识你老公的?”“我最好的朋友给我们牵的线。” — often + with She wants to set him up with her sister.她想把他介绍给她妹妹。 4 set (yourself) up as (something) a : to try to make people believe that you are (something)自诩为;自称为 She has set herself up as the best alternative to the current administration.她自诩为取代当前政府的最佳人选。 He sets himself up as a defender of the people, but he's really only interested in getting more power.他自称是人民的捍卫者,但他实际上只是为了谋取更大的权力。 b also set up as (something) or set up in (something) : to start your own business创业 She set (herself) up as a wedding planner. [=she began working as a wedding planner]她开了一家婚礼策划公司。 He set up in business after finishing college.他大学毕业后就自己创业。 — see also setup set up house — see 1house set upon [phrasal verb] set (someone or something) upon (someone) : to attack (someone or something)攻击 — often used as (be) set upon常用作(be) set upon The protesters were set upon by police dogs.示威者遭到了警犬攻击。 set up shop — see 1shop set your heart on — see heart set your mind to — see 1mind set your teeth on edge — see tooth 2 set /ˈsɛt/ noun plural sets 2 set /ˈsɛt/ noun plural sets Learner's definition of SET 1 [count] a : a group of similar things that belong together一套,一组(相似的东西) — often + of an extra set of keys一套多余的钥匙 There were two sets of footprints leading to the door.有两组脚印一直通向门口。 Her parents bought her a complete set of Shakespeare. [=all of the poems and plays written by Shakespeare]父母给她买了一套莎士比亚全集。 a set of instructions一系列指示 a complex set of emotions/ideas一系列复杂的情感/想法 b : a group of things that are used together一套,一副,一组(配套使用的东西) I need to buy a new set of golf clubs.我要买一套新的高尔夫球杆。 a set of dishes一套餐具 a chess set一副国际象棋 an electric train set一组电力火车 a dining (room) set [=a group of furniture for a dining room]一套餐厅家具 — see also tea set 2 [count] : a piece of electronic equipment电子设备 a radio/stereo set无线电收音机;立体音响设备 a television set = (US) a TV set电视机 The kids are allowed to watch two hours of television. After that, I turn off the set.孩子们只准看两小时电视节目。看完后,我会关掉电视。 — see also headset 3 [count] a : a place where a movie or television program is filmed or a play is performed拍摄现场;表演场地 We met on the set of Hamlet.我们是在《哈姆雷特》的演出场地相遇的。 The actors got along well both on and off the set. [=while they were performing and while they were not]这些演员无论在台上还是在台下都相处得很好。 Quiet on the set!现场安静! b : the rooms, painted backgrounds, furniture, etc., that are used for a scene in a movie, television program, or play布景 elaborate stage sets华丽的舞台布景 a set designer布景设计师 — called also (US) setting 4 [count] : one of the parts into which a tennis or volleyball match is divided : a group of tennis or volleyball games(网球比赛的)盘;(排球比赛的)局 He won a five-set match by three sets to two.他在五局比赛中以三比二胜出。 — see also set point 5 [count] : a group of songs or pieces that a musician or band performs at a concert一组歌曲(或乐曲) Her band opened the show with a 30-minute set.她的乐队首先出场,演奏了一组30分钟的乐曲。 6 [singular] somewhat old-fashioned : a group of people who have similar interests or characteristics(兴趣、特点等相似的)一群人,一帮人,一伙人 His music has become especially popular with the college set. [=with college students]他的音乐在大学生当中尤为流行。 the younger set年轻人 the town's wealthy horsey set [=people who are interested in riding horses]镇上一群爱骑马的富人 — see also jet set 7 [count] British : a group of students who perform at the same level in a particular subject(某个学科学习成绩相当的)一组学生 She's in the top set for science.她的自然科学课成绩名列前茅。 8 [count] mathematics : a group of numbers, points, etc.(数字、小数点等的)集,集合 the set of positive integers正整数集合 a finite set of points有尽的点集 9 [count] : the number of times that you perform a group of repeated movements when you exercise(锻炼时做的一套动作的)次数 He did 3 sets of 12 push-ups.他做了3组俯卧撑,每组12个。 10 [singular] : the way you move or hold your body, shoulders, etc.(身体、肩部等的)姿势;表情 The set of her shoulders suggested confidence and strength.她的肩部姿势显示了她的自信和力量。 the firm set of his jaw他下巴紧绷的坚定表情 — see also mind-set 11 [count] : a small bulb that you use to grow a new plant(移植用的)球茎 onion sets洋葱球茎 3 set /ˈsɛt/ adjective 3 set /ˈsɛt/ adjective Learner's definition of SET 1 : having a particular position or location特定位置的;专门地点的 Her college is set in the countryside.她的大学位于乡下。 Their house is set back from the road.他们的房子位于这条路的后面。 a man with deep-set eyes深眼窝的男人 — see also close-set 2 : particular and not changing — used to describe something that has been decided by someone with authority既定的,不能改变的(用于描述掌权人决定的事情) All the cars on our lot have a set [=fixed] price.我们卖场里所有的车都有定价。 All contestants must write a 200-word essay on a set subject.所有参赛者都要以规定题目写一篇200字的短文。 Schools must be in session a set number of days each year.学校每年上课的时间必须达到规定的天数。 The office is open at set hours during the week.办公室每周固定时间对外办公。 (Brit) The book is now a set book/text [=a book that students must read] in schools.这本书现在是各校学生的必读图书。 (chiefly Brit) The restaurant has a very good set menu. [=a menu with items that cannot be changed]这家餐厅的套餐非常不错。 3 [more set; most set] : not likely to change不易改变的;固执己见的 She has very set ideas about how children should behave.她对孩子的行为方式有一些固执的看法。 We're both getting older and more set in our ways. [=more unwilling to change the way we do or think about things]我们两个渐渐变老,都更不愿意改变自己的行事方式了。 4 of a person's face or expression : in a firm position that does not move or change(表情)坚定的,严肃的,僵硬的 He stared at me with angry eyes and a set jaw.他紧绷下巴,用愤怒的目光盯着我。 a set smile僵硬的笑容 a crowd of set faces表情严肃的一群人 5 not used before a noun, informal : ready or prepared for something做好了准备 Is everyone set to go?要出发了,大家都准备好了吗? We're all set.我们都准备好了。 She's all set for an early-morning start.为了一大早出发,她做好了充分准备。 If we win the lottery, we'll be set for life. [=we will have everything we need for the rest of our lives]要是中了彩票,我们这辈子就不愁了。 6 not used before a noun : scheduled or supposed to happen at a certain time预计;计划 — often + for Your package is set [=slated] for delivery on the 11th.你的包裹将于11号发货。 Her trial is set for October.对她的审判定在了十月。 The album is set for an early March release.这张专辑预计在三月初发行。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 The album is set to be released in early March.这张专辑预计在三月初发行。 The game is set to begin at 6:00.这场比赛定在6点钟开始。 be set against : to feel strongly that you do not want (something) or will not do (something)非常不愿意要;非常不愿意做 Everyone was set against going.大家都不愿意去。 He was dead set against the deal. [=he was very strongly opposed to the deal]他极力反对这笔交易。 be set on : to feel strongly that you want (something) or will do (something)非常想要;非常想做 She has been set on becoming a doctor since she was a child.她从小就非常想当医生。 I'm not completely set on red for this room.我不太喜欢把这间屋子刷成红色。 (get) ready, (get) set, go — see 1ready have your heart set on — see heart have your mind set on — see 1mind set in stone — see 1stone |
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