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词汇 sharp
释义 sharp (adverb) sharp (noun) sharp 8 ENTRIES FOUND: sharp (adjective) sharp (adverb) sharp (noun) sharp-eyed (adjective) sharp-tongued (adjective) sharp-witted (adjective) razor-sharp (adjective) look (verb) 1 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ adjective sharper; sharpest 1 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ adjective sharper; sharpest Learner's definition of SHARP [also more sharp; most sharp] 1  : having a thin edge that is able to cut things or a fine point that is able to make a hole in things锋利的 a sharp knife/pencil锋利的刀;削尖的铅笔 sharp teeth/claws锋利的牙齿/爪子 — opposite blunt, dull; see also razor-sharp 2  a  : sudden and quick骤然的;急剧的 a sharp drop/rise/decrease/increase in temperature急剧的降温/升温 a sharp break from tradition [=a sudden change from the traditional way of doing things]与传统的骤然决裂 b  : involving a sudden change in direction急转向的 He took a sharp left turn.他突然左转。 a sharp curve in the road道路的急转弯 3  a  : clear and easy to see清楚的;清晰的 a sharp image/picture/photograph [=an image/picture/photograph in which the small details can be clearly seen]清晰的图像/图片/照片 b  : very noticeable明显的;鲜明的 a sharp difference/distinction明显的差别/区别 Her cheerful mood stands in sharp contrast to her dreary surroundings.她欢快的情绪和她所处的沉闷环境形成鲜明对比。 4  : having or showing a quick ability to notice and understand things敏锐的;机敏的 a sharp student机灵的学生 sharp questions尖锐的问题 You have sharp eyes.你目光敏锐。 5  : very sudden and severe剧烈的 a sharp pain剧痛 a sharp disappointment大失所望 6  : critical or harsh尖锐的;严厉的 a sharp reply/attack/criticism/rebuke尖锐的回应/抨击/批评;严厉的谴责 He was very sharp with her. [=he spoke to her in a very harsh way]他对她说话很尖刻。 She has a sharp tongue. [=she tends to say very critical things to people]她说话很刻薄。 7  : loud, short, and sudden刺耳的 a sharp noise刺耳的噪声 8  of cheese : having a strong odor and flavor(奶酪)味道浓烈的 sharp cheddar cheese味道浓烈的切达干酪 9  : very strong and cold极冷的 a sharp, biting wind刺骨寒风 10  disapproving : clever in a bad or dishonest way狡猾的 sharp business practices狡诈的商业行为 11  : ending in a point or edge尖的 a sharp nose尖鼻子 sharp mountain peaks尖尖的山峰 12  informal : stylish or fashionable时髦的 He's a sharp dresser.他衣着时尚。 a sharp outfit时髦的装束 You're looking very sharp today.你今天看上去很时尚。 13  music a  : higher than the true pitch音调偏高的 Her singing was slightly sharp.她唱的调稍高了些。 b  : higher than a specified note by a semitone升半音的 F sharp升F调 — compare 1flat 10, 1natural 8 keep a sharp eye on : to watch (someone or something) carefully仔细照看 Keep a sharp eye on the kids to make sure they don't hurt themselves.照看好孩子们,别让他们伤着自己。 — sharpness noun [noncount] 2 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ adverb 2 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ adverb Learner's definition of SHARP 1  : exactly — used to refer to an exact time…整(表时间) It's four o'clock sharp.四点整。 2  : above the correct musical pitch音调偏高地 He sang slightly sharp.他唱的调稍高了些。 — compare 3flat 4 3  : suddenly turn sharp [=sharply] left/right突然向左转/向右转 look sharp informal : to act quickly : hurry赶紧 You'd better look sharp if you want to be ready on time.如果你想按时准备好,就最好抓紧时间。 3 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ noun plural sharps 3 sharp /ˈʃɑɚp/ noun plural sharps Learner's definition of SHARP [count] : a musical note that is one semitone higher than a specified note(音符的)升半音 C sharp升C调 also : a written symbol ♯ that is placed before a note to show that it should be played a semitone higher升半音符号(#,置于音符前,表示该音符升半音) — compare 2flat 3, 2natural 2




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