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词汇 short
释义 short (adverb) short (noun) short (verb) short 39 ENTRIES FOUND: short (adjective) short (adverb) short (noun) short (verb) short-circuit (verb) short-haired (adjective) short-haul (adjective) short-lived (adjective) short-order (adjective) short-range (adjective) short-sheet (verb) short-staffed (adjective) short-stay (adjective) short-tempered (adjective) short-term (adjective) short circuit (noun) short list (noun) short run (noun) short shrift (noun) short story (noun) short temper (noun) short term (noun) short time (noun) Bermuda shorts (noun) bicycle shorts (noun) boxer shorts (noun) catch (verb) cut (verb) end (noun) fall (verb) fuse (noun) long (noun) nothing (adverb) notice (noun) order (noun) sell (verb) stick (noun) sweet (adjective) work (noun) 1 short /ˈʃoɚt/ adjective shorter; shortest 1 short /ˈʃoɚt/ adjective shorter; shortest Learner's definition of SHORT 1  a  : extending a small distance from one end to the other end : having little length : not long(长度)短的 Her hair is short. = She has short hair.她的头发很短。 It's just a short distance from here. = It's just a short distance away.距离这儿很近。 the shortest rope最短的绳子 One of my legs is slightly shorter than the other.我的一条腿比另一条稍短 The coat is short on him. = The coat is too short for him. [=the coat should be longer in order to fit him correctly]他穿这件外套太短了。 b  : not great in distance距离短的 a short walk/drive/trip短距离散步/车程/旅行 This way is shorter.这条路比较近。 c  : having little height : not tall个子矮的 He is short for his age.以他这个年龄,他算个头矮的。 a short girl矮个子女孩 2  a  : lasting or continuing for a small amount of time : brief短暂的;短期的 a short delay/vacation/speech短暂停留/休假/讲话 the shortest day of the year一年中最短的一天 Life's too short to worry about the past.生命如此短暂,不要为过去烦恼。 The movie/meeting was very short.电影/会议很简短。 You have done a lot in a short space/period of time.你在短短的时间里做了很多工作。 a short burst of speed突然加速 I've only lived here for a short time/while.我在这里仅住了一小段时间。 It's just a short walk from here. [=you can walk there from here in a few minutes]从这儿步行没多远。 She has a very short memory. [=she forgets about events, conversations, etc., soon after they happen]她记性不好。 b  always used before a noun : seeming to pass quickly短短的;过得快的 She has made great progress in a few short years.她在短短几年里进步很快。 He visited for two short weeks.他只访问了短短的两周。 3  : having few pages, items, etc.简短的;短篇的 a short book/poem薄薄的书;短诗 I have a list of things I need to do before we go, but it's pretty short.我们出发之前我有一些事情要处理,不过很简单。 short sentences短句 4  of clothing : covering only part of the arms or legs(衣服)短的 boys in short pants穿着短裤的男孩 a shirt with short sleeves [=sleeves that end at or above the elbows]短袖衬衣 a short skirt [=a skirt that ends above the knees and especially several inches above the knees]短裙 5  a  : existing in less than the usual or needed amount短缺的;不足的 We should hurry. Time is short. [=we don't have much time]我们得快点,时间很紧。 Money has been short lately. [=I haven't had enough money lately]最近手头很紧。 Gasoline is in short supply. [=little gasoline is available]汽油供应短缺。 (US) We can be ready on short notice. = (Brit) We can be ready at short notice. [=very quickly]我们可以马上准备好。 (US) Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. = (Brit) Thank you for meeting with me at such short notice. [=even though you did not know that I wanted to meet with you until a short time ago]感谢你在如此短的时间就能来见我。 b  not used before a noun : having less than what is needed : not having enough of something短缺;缺少 I can't pay the bill. I'm a little short (of money). [=I don't have enough money]我钱不够,付不了账。 The team was short (by) two players. = The team was two players short.球队还缺两名队员。 — often + on short on time/food/money缺少时间/食物/金钱 She's a little short on patience today. [=she is feeling somewhat impatient]她今天有点缺乏耐心。 He's not short on self-confidence. [=he has plenty of self-confidence]他很有自信。 He was long on criticism but short on useful advice. [=he was very critical but did not give any useful advice]他提出了很多批评,但是缺乏有用的建议。 c  : less than少于 — used in the phrase nothing short of to give emphasis to a statement or description简直;无异于 His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. = His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. [=his recovery is a miracle; his recovery is miraculous]他的康复简直是个奇迹。 d  : not reaching far enough不够远的;太近的 The throw to first base was short.给一垒的球太近了。 a short throw太近的传球 6  : made smaller by having part removed简略的;缩写的 a short tax form简略的税单 — often + for “Doc” is short for “doctor.”doc是doctor的缩写。 “Ben” is short for “Benjamin.”Ben是Benjamin的缩写。 “www” is short for “World Wide Web.”www是World Wide Web的缩写。 7  not used before a noun : talking to someone in a very brief and unfriendly way : rudely brief简单粗暴 I'm sorry I was short [=abrupt, curt] with you.对不起,我刚才对你粗暴了点。 8  linguistics, of a vowel — used to identify certain vowel sounds in English(元音)短音的 long and short vowels长元音和短元音 the short “a” in “bad”单词bad中发短音的字母a the short “e” in “bet”单词bet中发短音的字母e the short “i” in “sit”单词sit中发短音的字母i the short “o” in “hot”单词hot中发短音的字母o the short “u” in “but”单词but中发短音的字母u — compare 1long 6 a short fuse — see 2fuse draw the short straw — see 1draw fall short — see 1fall in short order : quickly and without delay麻利地;利落地 In short order the group set up camp.这个小组麻利地搭起了帐篷。 The papers were organized in short order.文件迅即处理就绪。 make short work of — see 2work short and sweet : pleasantly brief : not lasting a long time or requiring a lot of time紧凑的;简明扼要的 That's the way we like the meetings—short and sweet.我们喜欢会议这样进行——紧凑不拖拉。 I've got a few announcements, but I'll keep it short and sweet. [=I will talk for only a few minutes]我有几件事情要宣布,但是我就简单说几句。 short of breath ◊ If you are short of breath, it is difficult for you to breathe.气喘吁吁的;上气不接下气的 He is overweight and gets short of breath [=out of breath] just walking to his car.他超重了,就是走到自己车前那几步路也会气喘吁吁。 She was short of breath and unable to talk after her run.她跑完步后,上气不接下气,一句话也说不出来。 the short end of the stick — see 1stick — shortness /ˈʃoɚtnəs/ noun [noncount] I was surprised by the shortness of the meeting.我对会议的简短感到惊讶。 One symptom is shortness of breath.一种症状是气促。 2 short /ˈʃoɚt/ adverb shorter; shortest 2 short /ˈʃoɚt/ adverb shorter; shortest Learner's definition of SHORT 1  : to or at a point that is not as far as expected or desired : to a point not reaching what is needed for something达不到标准(或预期)地 The ball fell short.球未射及目标。 He threw the ball short.他投的球太近了。 He began to run/answer and then pulled up short. [=stopped suddenly and did not finish]他开始跑步/回答问题,但突然间又停了下来。 We made as many cookies as we could, but we came up short [=we had fewer than we needed to have] and there weren't enough for everyone.我们尽可能地多做饼干,但还是不够分给每个人。 Time is running short. [=there is little time left to do, accomplish, etc., something]时间不多了。 — often + of He finished in 30 seconds—just one second short of the world record. [=he finished in 30 seconds and the world record is 29 seconds]他用了30秒钟完成——仅差世界纪录1秒。 She quit school a month short of [=before] graduation.她毕业前一个月退学了。 We came up short of [=we did not achieve] our goal.我们未能达到目标。 Sales for the month came short of our estimates. [=we sold less than we had predicted we would sell]这个月的销量没有达到预期。 The attack was just short of a full invasion.这次袭击几乎是一次全面入侵。 She's just short of six feet tall. [=she is almost six feet tall]她身高接近六英尺。 The performance was just short of perfection. = The performance was (only a) little short of perfect.这场演出近乎完美。 The running back was stopped short of the goal line. [=was stopped just before the goal line]跑卫队员就在端线前遭到拦截。 He stopped well short of the line. [=long before reaching the line]他在离界线很远的地方停了下来。 The boss said that she was unhappy with some employees, but she stopped short of naming which ones. [=but she did not say which employees she was unhappy with]老板说她对某些员工不满,但她没有具体指明是谁。 We have plenty of shirts left, but we're running short of [=running out of] smaller sizes. [=the available supply of smaller sizes is almost used up]我们的库存里有很多衬衣,但是小号的几乎没有了。 2  : in a sudden manner突然 The hunter stopped short [=suddenly] when he saw the deer.猎人看到鹿时突然停了下来。 I was wandering through the exhibit when I was brought up short by a striking photograph. [=when a striking photograph made me suddenly stop]我在展会上闲逛,突然被一幅醒目的照片吸引,骤然停下脚步。 3  : for or during a short time短暂 Her career was short-lasting.她的职业生涯短暂。 4  : in a way that makes something short使变短 Keep the grass mowed short.不要让草坪长高。 Her dark hair was cut/cropped short. [=she had short hair]她的黑发被剪短了。 caught short — see 1catch cut short : to end (something) earlier than expected提前结束 We had to cut our vacation short.我们只好提前结束了假期。 The speech was cut short. [=the speech was interrupted and not finished]演讲被中断了。 fall short — see 1fall sell (someone or something) short — see 1sell short of : except for (something) : other than (something)除了;除非 Short of replacing the motor, I have tried everything to fix the car.除了更换发动机,我已试过所有的办法来修这辆车。 Short of a catastrophe [=unless something terrible happens], I think we'll succeed.我想我们会成功的,除非有什么大乱子。 taken/caught short British, informal : suddenly needing to use a toilet when there is no toilet available突然想上厕所;内急 3 short /ˈʃoɚt/ noun plural shorts 3 short /ˈʃoɚt/ noun plural shorts Learner's definition of SHORT 1  shorts [plural] a  : pants that end at or above the knees短裤 a pair of shorts一条短裤 Your shorts are dirty.你的短裤脏了。 short shorts [=shorts that cover very little of the legs]超短裤 — see color picture on this page; see also bermuda shorts b  : boxer shorts 2  [count] : a short movie短片 The short before the main movie was very funny.电影正片前放映的短片很有趣。 3  [count] : short circuit 4  [noncount] baseball, informal : shortstop Who's playing short?谁是游击手? 5  [count] British : a small amount of liquor that you drink quickly : shot少量烈酒 a short of vodka一小杯伏特加酒 for short : in a shorter form : as an abbreviation简称;缩写 My name is Benjamin, or Ben for short.我叫本杰明,简称本。 in short : in a few words总而言之;简单地说 — used to indicate that you are saying something in as few words as possible简言之 The trip was, in short, a disaster.简言之,这次旅行是场灾难。 In short [=in summary], the company is doing extremely well.总而言之,这家公司做得非常好。 the long and (the) short of it — see 3long 4 short /ˈʃoɚt/ verb shorts; shorted; shorting 4 short /ˈʃoɚt/ verb shorts; shorted; shorting Learner's definition of SHORT 1  [+ object] : to cause (something) to have a short circuit : short- circuit使短路 The lightning shorted the TV.闪电使电视机短路了。 — often + out in U.S. English在美国英语中常与out连用 Water shorted out the flashlight.水使手电筒短路了。 2  [no object] : to stop working because of a short circuit : short- circuit短路 The hair dryer must have shorted.吹风机肯定是短路了。 — often + out in U.S. English在美国英语中常与out连用 The toaster oven shorted out.吐司炉短路了。




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