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词汇 best
释义 best (adverb) best (noun) best (verb) best 34 ENTRIES FOUND: best (adjective) best (adverb) best (noun) best (verb) best man (noun) best seller (noun) second best (noun) Sunday best (noun) be (verb) belief (noun) feel (verb) foot (noun) forward (adverb) friend (noun) get (verb) good (adjective) honesty (noun) know (verb) knowledge (noun) laugh (verb) level (adjective) look (verb) luck (noun) man (noun) next (adverb) part (noun) policy (noun) slice (verb) well (adverb) well (adjective) well-off (adjective) will (noun) world (noun) yet (adverb) 1 best /ˈbɛst/ adjective 1 best /ˈbɛst/ adjective Learner's definition of BEST superlative form of 1good or of 2well 1  a  : better than all others in quality or value最好的;最佳的;最优秀的 You should wear your best clothes tonight.你今晚应该穿上最好的衣服。 He took us to the (very) best restaurants in the city.他带我们到城里最好的餐厅吃饭。 We ate the best food and drank the best wines.我们吃的是最好的菜,喝的是最好的酒。 You're our best customers.您是我们最尊贵的客户。 His modesty and sense of humor are his best qualities.谦虚和幽默是他最优秀的品德。 Is that your best offer?这是你们最优惠的报价吗? I've had the best time with you! [=I've had a very enjoyable time with you]和你在一起,我度过了一段最美好的时光! The best [=most valuable] things in life are free.生命中最珍贵的东西是无价的。 Which of these do you think tastes best?这些东西当中你觉得哪种最好吃? Mary sends you her very best wishes/regards.玛丽向您致以最美好的祝愿/最诚挚的问候。 He's my best friend. [=my closest/dearest friend] = He and I are best friends.他是我最要好的朋友。 b  : most skillful, talented, or successful最熟练的;最有才能的;最出色的 She's the best student in her class.她是班上最优秀的学生。 He won the award for best actor in a drama.他获得了戏剧最佳男演员奖。 the team's best player队里最出色的选手 2  : most appropriate, useful, or helpful最适当的;最有用的;最有帮助的 She truly believes that this is the best way to solve the problem.她深信这是解决问题的最佳方法。 She's the team's best hope/chance for a medal.她是队里最有希望/可能拿奖牌的队员。 She thought waiting was best. = She thought that the best thing to do was to wait. = She thought that it was best to wait.她认为等待是最好的办法。 It's best to leave early if you want to be sure of arriving on time.要想确保准时到达,你最好早点出发。 We want to do what's best for you.我们想做对你最有帮助的事情。 He's the best man for the job.他是这项工作的最佳人选。 You should do whatever you think is the best thing to do. = You should do whatever you think best.你认为怎样做最好就怎样去做。 We're making the best possible use of these materials.我们正在尽可能地充分利用这些材料。 best of all ◊ The phrase best of all is often used to refer to the most important or appealing part of something that has many good parts.(某物)最重要的部分,最吸引人的部分 The machine is easy to use, easy to clean, and best of all, it's absolutely free when you order these books.这台机器操作简单,容易清洗,最重要的是,如果订购这些书,您将免费获赠一台。 next best ◊ A person or thing that is next best is not as good as the best person or thing but is better than all others.仅次于最好的;居第二位的 The shortstop is the best player on the team, and the catcher is the next best player.这个棒球队里最出色的球员是游击手,其次是接球手。 We can't see each other often, but calling each other on the telephone is the next best thing.虽然不能经常见面,但是互通电话是我们不错的选择。 on your best behavior ◊ If you are on your best behavior you are behaving very politely and well.表现礼貌得体 Remember to be on your best behavior with your grandmother.到你奶奶那儿记住要乖乖的。 The children promised to be on their best behavior.孩子们答应会表现得很乖。 2 best /ˈbɛst/ adverb 2 best /ˈbɛst/ adverb Learner's definition of BEST superlative form of 1well 1  : in the best way : in a way that is better than all others最好地 The sauce is best served/eaten/enjoyed cold.这种酱汁凉着吃味道最好。 His cooking is best described as spicy. = It can best be described as spicy.他做菜的最大特点就是辣。 : with the most success or benefit最成功地;最有成效地 They work best under pressure.他们在压力之下干得最出色。 That's what we do best!那正是我们最擅长的! We need to think about how best to fix this problem.我们需要考虑怎样才能最好地解决这个问题。 This is a job best left to the professionals. [=it's better/best to allow professional workers to do this job]这项工作最好留给专家们去做。 Some things are best left unsaid. [=it's better/best not to talk about some things]有些事情还是不说为妙。 2  : to the greatest degree or extent : most最;最高程度地;最大限度地 That's the one we liked (the) best.那是我们最喜欢的。 The work should be done by the people who are best able to do it.这项工作应该由最有能力的人去完成。 She's best suited to life in the city.她最适合在城市生活。 He is best known for his invention of the lightbulb.他最著名的发明是电灯泡。 The museum features some of the best-known examples of this style of painting.这家博物馆的特色是藏有这种画风的最为知名的一些经典作品。 the industry's best-kept secret行业最高机密 as best you can or the best (that) you can : as well, skillfully, or accurately as you can尽最大努力 She answered their questions as best she could. [=as well as she could]她尽力回答了他们的问题。 You don't have to do it perfectly. Just do it the best you can.你无须做到完美,尽力而为即可。 had best ◊ If you had best do something, you should do it.最好;应当 You'd best get ready for school. [=you'd better get ready for school; you should get ready for school]你最好为上学做好准备。 Hadn't you best get ready for school?你难道不该为上学做好准备吗? 3 best /ˈbɛst/ noun 3 best /ˈbɛst/ noun Learner's definition of BEST [singular] 1  the best : the best person or thing最好的人;最佳的东西 Out of all of my workers, he's the best.在我的所有员工当中,他是最出色的。 Our company is the best in the business.我们公司是业内最成功的一家。 Thanks, Dad. You're the best!谢谢,老爸。您是最棒的! I have one more gift for you, and I saved the best for last.我还有一份礼物送给你,我可是把这最好的留到最后。 : the best group of people or things最优秀的人群;最好的事物 Our store sells nothing but the best. = We sell only the best. [=the best products]本店只出售最佳商品。 She's one of the best in the world. = She's among the best.她是世界级顶尖人物之一。 Bad things happen to the best of us.我们当中最优秀的人也会碰上倒霉的时候。 They want the best for their children.他们都想给自己的孩子提供最好的条件。 Even in the best of times, we had trouble paying our bills.即使在境况最好的时候,我们也付不起账单。 In the best of all possible worlds, no one would be without food and clean water.在最理想的世界里,人人都有食物吃,有干净的水喝。 He can compete with the best of them. [=he can compete as well as anyone]他能与他们中的佼佼者媲美。 We were the best of friends. [=we were very good friends]我们曾是至交。 I have a wonderful family and a great job, so I feel that I have the best of both worlds.我有美满的家庭和不错的工作,真可谓两全其美。 Problems can occur even in/under the best of circumstances. [=even if the situation is as good as possible]即使在最理想的情况下,也可能出现问题。 All of the students are good, but these three are the best of the bunch. [=the best ones in the group]所有的学生都很优秀,但这三个是尖子中的尖子。 — see also sunday best 2  : someone's or something's most effective, capable, or successful condition最佳状态;鼎盛时期— used in phrases like at your best and at its best用于at your best、at its best等短语 He's at his best in front of a live audience.他在现场观众面前状态最好。 She's at her best in the morning.早上她的状态最好。 This is democracy at its best.这是民主的最佳体现。 3  : the highest level that you can do or achieve(所能达到的)最大限度,最高程度 Was that your best? = Was that the best you could do?那是你的极限吗? No one expects you to do the job perfectly. Just do your best. = Just do the best you can. [=do as well as you can]没人指望你尽善尽美,尽力而为即可。 He did his best to help them.他尽自己的最大努力去帮助他们。 Her time in the race was a personal best. [=it was the fastest time she had ever achieved]这次比赛的结果是她个人的最好成绩。 (all) for the best : having or producing a better result结果会是好的— used to say that something will have a good result even though it was not the intended result用于说明尽管看来不尽如人意,但结果会是好的 I won't be able to go, but maybe it's all for the best. I have a lot of work to do anyway.我去不了了,但也许这倒是一件好事,毕竟我还有很多工作要做。 (all) the best ◊ If you wish someone (all) the best, you hope that person will be happy and successful.美满幸福;万事如意 We wish you all the best in your new job.祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。 at best — used to refer to a result, condition, etc., that is the best one possible even though it is not very good至多;充其量 The company won't make a profit this year. At best, they'll break even.公司今年不会赢利,充其量不亏不赚。 The work won't be finished for another three months at best.这项工作最快也要再干三个月才能完成。 best of luck — see 1luck best (out) of three (five, seven, etc.) — used to say that the winner of a series of games will be the one who has won the most times after three (five, seven, etc.) games have been played三局两胜(或五局三胜、七局四胜等) bring out the best in ◊ If someone or something brings out the best in you, that person or thing helps you to use or show your best qualities.发掘…的最优秀品质 She seems to bring out the best in him.看来她把他最好的一面发掘了出来。 Performing in front of an audience brings out the best in me. [=I perform better when I am in front of an audience]在观众面前表演使我呈现出了最好的一面。 feel your best : to feel very healthy气色好;感觉身体健康 Exercise helps you look and feel your best.锻炼能让你面色红润,神清气爽。 I'm not feeling my best this morning. [=I'm not feeling very well this morning]今天早上我不太舒服。 get the best of ◊ If an emotion or feeling gets the best of you, it causes you to do something that you should not do or that you are trying not to do.使得意忘形;使冲昏头脑;使忘乎所以 I did get a little carried away. I guess the excitement got the best of me. [=got the better of me]我确实有点失态。我想是激动得忘乎所以了。 Their emotions have gotten the best of them.高涨的情绪使他们失去了理智。 know best or know what's best — see 1know look your best : to look very good : to look as attractive and pleasant as possible保持最佳状态 Try to look your best when interviewing for a job.求职面试时,要努力展现自己最好的一面。 make the best of 1  : to use (something) in an effective way充分利用 We may not get another chance, so we need to make the best of this opportunity.我们也许不会再有机会了,因此我们要充分把握这次机会。 2  : to deal with (a bad situation) as well as possible(在困境中)尽力而为 Life is not very good right now—but let's try to make the best of it.眼下日子不太好过,但我们还是尽力让逆境为我们所用吧。 We're trying to make the best (out) of a bad situation. = (Brit) We're trying to make the best of a bad job.我们正设法在不利情况下尽量妥善地处理问题。 the best is yet to come/be — used to say that good things have happened but that even better things will happen in the future更好的还在后面 Life is good now, but the best is yet to come.现在的日子过得不错,但更好的日子还在后头。 to the best of my knowledge — see knowledge to the best of your ability : as well as you are able to竭尽所能 Every game, we go out and play to the best of our ability.我们每场比赛都倾尽全力地去拼。 to the best of your belief — see belief 4 best /ˈbɛst/ verb bests; bested; besting 4 best /ˈbɛst/ verb bests; bested; besting Learner's definition of BEST [+ object] : to do better than (someone or something) : to defeat or outdo (someone or something)胜过;战胜;击败 They were bested [=beaten] by their opponents in the opening game.他们在开幕战中被对手击败。




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