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词汇 sight
释义 sight (verb) sight 16 ENTRIES FOUND: sight (noun) sight (verb) sighted (adjective) sighting (noun) sight-read (verb) clear-sighted (adjective) long-sighted (adjective) come (verb) drop (verb) eye (noun) first (adjective) fix (verb) heave (verb) plain (adjective) sore (adjective) unseen (adjective) 1 sight /ˈsaɪt/ noun plural sights 1 sight /ˈsaɪt/ noun plural sights Learner's definition of SIGHT 1  [noncount] : the sense through which a person or animal becomes aware of light, color, etc., by using the eyes : the ability to see视力 Your sight [=vision, eyesight] weakens as you get older.年纪大了,视力就会下降。 She regained sight in her left eye.她的左眼视力恢复了。 He lost his sight [=he became blind] at a young age.他年轻时就失明了。 2  [noncount] : the act of seeing someone or something看见;见到 I know him by sight [=I have seen him], but I don't know his name.我见过他,但不知道他的名字。 She hated him on sight. [=she hated him the first time she saw him]她见他第一眼就讨厌他。 The officers were ordered to shoot on sight.警察接到命令一看到目标就开枪。 — often + of The (mere) sight of her ex-boyfriend filled her with rage.她(只要)一看到前男友就怒火中烧。 We lost sight of the plane. [=we could no longer see the plane]我们看不到那架飞机了。 He faints at the sight of [=when he sees] blood.他见到血就晕。 He can't stand/bear the sight of blood.他见到血就受不了。 She caught sight of an eagle gliding through the air.她看到一只鹰在空中翱翔。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 We must not lose sight of our goal. [=we must keep thinking about our goal]我们时刻不能忘记我们的目标。 3  [noncount] : a position in which someone or something can be seen视线;视野;可见的范围 The ship came into sight. [=into view]那只船进入了视线。 When I looked out the door, there was no one in sight. [=no one could be seen]我朝门外看,没有看见任何人。 Keep out of sight until I tell you it's OK to come out.别让人看见你,等我告诉你可以时再出来。 The child wandered out of sight.那孩子走远了。 Get out of my sight! [=go away from me; I don't want to see you]滚开! Don't let the puppy out of your sight.别让小狗离开你的视线。 The rabbit disappeared from sight into the tall grass.兔子消失在高高的草丛中。 The controls are hidden from sight behind a panel.控制装置隐藏在控制面板后面。 She left her purse out in plain sight. = Her purse was in plain sight of anyone passing by.她把手提包落在了一个人人都能看见的地方。 We finally came in/within sight of the mountains. [=we finally came to a place where we could see the mountains]我们终于到了能看到那山脉的地方。 A large pole was directly in my line of sight. [=a large pole was blocking my view]一根大柱子直接挡住了我的视线。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The end of the project is finally in/within sight. [=the end of the project is finally near]项目的完工总算指日可待了。 ◊ The phrase out of sight, out of mind means that you stop thinking about something or someone if you do not see that thing or person for a period of time.眼不见,心不想 4  [count] a  : someone or something that is seen景物;情景;看到的人(或事物) The old dog was a pathetic/sorry sight.那条老狗看上去挺可怜。 Deer are a common/familiar sight in this area.在这一带,鹿很常见。 I've seen what he looks like when he gets out of bed in the morning, and believe me, it's not a pretty sight.我见过他早上起床的样子,相信我,那可不怎么好看。 The birth of the calf was a sight to see/behold. [=was an amazing or wonderful thing to see]牛犊出生真是叫人惊叹的一幕。 We enjoyed the sights and sounds of the casino.赌场的所见所闻让我们为之陶醉。 b  : a famous or interesting place in an area景点;名胜 — usually plural通常用复数 Our tour guide showed us the sights.导游带我们参观景点。 We saw all the sights of/in the city.我们参观了这个城市的所有名胜。 5  [singular] informal : someone or something that is strange, funny, messy, etc.奇怪的人,邋遢的人,滑稽的人(或事物) I'd invite you in, but the living room is a sight.我本想请你进去,但是客厅太乱了。 He was all dressed up as a pirate. It was quite a sight (to see)!他装扮得像个海盗。看上去很滑稽! (chiefly Brit) You should get some sleep. You look a sight.你应该睡一会儿。你看上去怪怪的。 6  sights [plural] : a goal or expectation目标;期望 The company has raised/lowered its sights for annual sales by five percent.公司将年度销售目标提高/降低了百分之五。 She has set her sights on becoming a doctor. [=she wants to become a doctor]她的目标是成为一名医生。 7  [count] : a device that is used to aim a gun瞄准器 He adjusted the sight of the rifle.他调整了步枪的瞄准器。 — usually plural通常用复数 The deer was in her sights. = She could see the deer in her sights.她瞄准了那只鹿。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He always had a law career in his sights. [=his goal was always to have a law career]他一直希望从事法律行业。 8  [singular] informal : a large amount or extent : a lot许多;大量 The car is a sight less expensive and has better gas mileage.这辆车便宜得多,并且更省油。 The book is a far sight [=a great deal] better than the movie.这书比电影好看得多。 You'll have to work a damn/darn sight quicker than that if you want to get done on time.要是你想按时完成,你就必须大大加快进度。 a sight for sore eyes : a person or thing that you are very glad to see很高兴见到的人(或事物) After being away from home for so long, my friends and family were a sight for sore eyes.离开家这么久,我很高兴见到朋友和家人。 at first sight — see 1first drop out of sight — see 2drop heave in/into sight — see 1heave no end in sight — see 1end out of sight US, informal + old-fashioned : very good很好;精彩 The show was really out of sight.演出真的很精彩。 sight gag — see 2gag sight unseen : without seeing or examining something事先没检查;看也没看 They bought the house sight unseen. [=they bought the house without first looking at it]他们看都没看就买下了这栋房子。 2 sight /ˈsaɪt/ verb sights; sighted; sighting 2 sight /ˈsaɪt/ verb sights; sighted; sighting Learner's definition of SIGHT [+ object] : to see (something or someone that is being looked for or that is rarely seen or difficult to see)看到;发现 They sighted a ship in the distance.他们发现远处有条船。 Several bears have been sighted in the area.人们看到几头熊在这一带出没。




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