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词汇 sign
释义 sign (verb) sign 23 ENTRIES FOUND: sign (noun) sign (verb) signing (noun) sign language (noun) sign of the cross American Sign Language (noun) call sign (noun) division sign (noun) dollar sign (noun) equal sign (noun) hash sign (noun) minus sign (noun) multiplication sign (noun) number sign (noun) peace sign (noun) plus sign (noun) pound sign (noun) road sign (noun) star sign (noun) times sign (noun) vital signs (noun) V sign (noun) time (noun) 1 sign /ˈsaɪn/ noun plural signs 1 sign /ˈsaɪn/ noun plural signs Learner's definition of SIGN [count] 1  : a piece of paper, wood, etc., with words or pictures on it that gives information about something牌;招牌;指示牌;标志 The sign in the store window says “OPEN.”商店橱窗的招牌上写着“正在营业”。 After you get off the highway, follow the signs for Route 25.下了干道后,沿着指示牌走25号路线。 road/street/traffic signs道路/街道/交通标志 He ran the stop sign.他闯了停车指示。 There was a “For Sale” sign on the car.车上有一块“待售”的标牌。 2  : something (such as an action or event) which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen迹象;征兆;兆头 All the signs point to him as the guilty party.所有迹象都表明他是有罪方。 She ignored me, which was a sure sign that she was mad at me.她不理我,这明显表示她在生我的气。 “The company called me in for a second interview.” “That's a good sign.”“这家公司召我进行第二次面试。”“这是个好兆头。” It was a bad sign that he couldn't walk on the injured leg.他的伤腿无法行走,这是个不好的兆头。 There are plenty of warning signs that the company is in danger of bankruptcy.很多预警征兆表明公司面临破产的危险。 — often + of Chest pain could be a sign of a heart attack.胸部疼痛可能是心脏病发作的征兆。 We remained alert for any signs of danger.我们对任何危险的迹象都保持警惕。 the telltale signs of the disease疾病的报警信号 the first signs of spring春天的最初迹象 The bartender called the police at the first sign of trouble. [=as soon as there was trouble]一出现麻烦,酒吧招待就报警了。 The runner showed signs of fatigue. [=appeared to be tired]赛跑选手显露出疲惫的样子。 His writing is showing signs of improvement. [=appears to be improving]他的写作水平看起来正在提高。 He showed no sign of remorse.他没有流露出一丝懊悔。 The planet showed no signs of life. [=there was no evidence of living things on the planet]那个星球上没有生命迹象。 — see also vital signs 3  : a motion, action, or movement that you use to express a thought, command, or wish示意动作;手势 They bowed before the king as a sign of respect.他们向国王鞠躬以示尊敬。 The teacher made a sign for the students to be quiet.老师用手势示意学生们安静。 a picture of the president giving the thumbs-up sign一张总裁竖起大拇指的照片 — see also sign of the cross 4  : any one of the hand movements that are used in sign language手语动作 — often + for Do you know the sign for “thank you”?你知道“谢谢”的手语怎么做吗? the sign for the letter B字母B的手语动作 5  : a symbol that is used to represent something especially in mathematics(尤指数学)符号,记号 The symbol ÷ is the sign for division.符号÷是除法符号。 — see also call sign, division sign, dollar sign, minus sign, multiplication sign, plus sign 6  : star sign What's your sign?你是什么星座? a sign of the times : something that shows the kinds of things that are happening, popular, important, etc., in a culture at a particular period in history时代的特征;最近趋势 Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。 2 sign /ˈsaɪn/ verb signs; signed; signing 2 sign /ˈsaɪn/ verb signs; signed; signing Learner's definition of SIGN 1  a  : to write (your name) on something签名;署名 [+ object] Sign your name on the bottom line.在底部横线上签你的名字。 She met with fans and signed autographs.她遇到了粉丝,并为他们亲笔签名。 [no object] Please sign at the bottom of the application.请在申请表的底部签名。 Make sure you get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. [=officially agree to buy or do something by signing a document]在正式签字前,要确保你已经了解了所有细节。 b  [+ object] : to write your name on (something) especially to show that you accept, agree with, or will be responsible for something在…上签名,签署(尤指表示接受、同意、负责等) You forgot to sign the document/letter/check.你忘记在文件/信/支票上签名了。 He was forced to sign the confession.他被迫签署了认罪书。 The contract was signed by both parties.双方签署了合同。 The author will be signing copies of his books today.今天这位作家将签售他的书。 a signed confession一份已签名的认罪书 The contract should be signed, sealed, and delivered by tomorrow.合同应在明天之前签名、盖章、交付。 The President signed the bill into law. [=made the bill a law by signing an official document]总统签署了这项法案,批准其成为法律。 2  a  [+ object] : to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人) The team signed the pitcher to a three-year contract.球队和这位投手签了三年的合约。 He is signed to a three-year contract.他签了三年的受雇合同。 The studio signed her to do another movie. = The studio signed her for another movie.电影公司和她签约拍另一部影片。 — see also sign on (below), sign up (below) b  [no object] : to agree to work for or to produce something for an organization, business, etc., especially by signing a contract(与机构、公司等)签约;签约受聘 She signed to direct two movies for the studio.她和电影公司签约导演两部影片。 — usually + with She signed with the studio to direct two movies.她和电影公司签约导演两部影片。 He signed with the team for one season.他和球队签约一个赛季。 The band signed with an independent label.这支乐队与一家独立的唱片公司签了约。 — see also sign on (below), sign up (below) 3  : to communicate by using sign language打手势 [no object] The child is learning how to sign.这个孩子在学习如何打手势。 [+ object] She signed “please.”她以手势示意“请”。 sign away [phrasal verb] sign (something) away or sign away (something) : to give (something, such as rights or property) to someone by signing a document签字转让(权利或财产) He signed away his share of the property.他签字转让了自己的那份财产。 sign for [phrasal verb] sign for (something) : to sign a document to show that you have received (a package, letter, etc.)签收 I signed for the package when it was delivered.包裹到时我签收了。 sign in [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have arrived签到 All visitors must sign in upon arrival.所有来访者一到达就必须签到。 b  sign (someone) in or sign in (someone) : to write the name of (someone) on a list, in a book, etc., to show that they have arrived为(某人)签到 The receptionist signed the guests in.接待员为来宾签到。 2  sign (something) in or sign in (something) : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have returned (something that you borrowed)签字退还 He signed the video equipment (back) in.他签字退还了录像设备。 sign off [phrasal verb] 1  : to end a letter or broadcast by signing or saying your name以签名结束书信;报上自己姓名结束广播 She signed off with “Yours Truly, Maria.”她在信的末尾写道:“你忠实的,玛丽亚。” “This is DJ Fresh signing off. Peace.”“我是主持人弗雷什。祝平安。” The radio station signs off [=stops broadcasting] at midnight.广播站在午夜结束播音。 2  US sign off or British sign (something) off or British sign off (something) : to approve something officially by signing your name签字认可;签字赞成 (US) She refused to sign off until the wording was changed.直到措辞更改后,她才签字同意。 (Brit) He inspected the memo before signing it off.签字前他仔细查看了备忘录。 — usually + on in U.S. English在美国英语中通常与on连用 He signed off on the memo [=he approved the memo by signing it] and gave it back to his secretary for distribution.他签署了备忘录,交还给秘书分发。 sign on [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to agree to do something (such as a job) especially by signing a contract签约受雇 She signed on to the new project.她签约进行新项目。 He signed on [=signed up] as a member of the crew.他签约成为一名船员。 b  sign (someone) on or sign on (someone) : to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人) The studio has signed her on [=signed her up] to do another movie.电影公司签约雇用她拍摄另一部影片。 She's signed on for another movie.她签约拍摄另一部影片。 — see also 2sign 2 (above) 2  : to start a broadcast by saying your name(以通报自己姓名)开始广播 “This is DJ Fresh signing on.”“我是主持人弗雷什,现在开始广播。” The radio station signs on [=begins broadcasting] at 5:00 a.m.广播站早上5点开始广播。 3  British : to report officially that you are unemployed in order to receive money from the government(为领取失业救济金)办理失业登记 She lost her job and had to sign on.她丢掉了工作,不得不办理失业登记。 sign out [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have left a place签退;签字离开 Did the visitors sign out?来访者签退了吗? b  sign (someone) out or sign out (someone) : to write the name of (someone) on a list, in a book, etc., to show that they have left a place为(某人)签退 The receptionist signed the guests out.接待员为来宾签退。 2  sign (something) out or sign out (something) : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have borrowed (something)签名登记租借 He signed the video equipment out.他签名登记借用了这台录像设备。 The library book is signed out.图书馆的书可登记借阅。 sign over [phrasal verb] sign (something) over or sign over (something) : to give (something that you own, such as rights or property) to someone by signing a document签字转让(权利、财产等) He signed over the property to his brother.他签字把财产转让给他弟弟。 sign up [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to sign your name on a document or list in order to get, do, or take something报名参加 She signed up for health insurance.她签字投保了健康保险。 He signed up for tennis lessons.他报名参加了网球课。 Students can now sign up for classes.学生们现在可以报名参加课程。 b  : to indicate that you will definitely do a job, join a team, etc., especially by signing a contract签约加入 He signed up [=signed on] as an Army reservist.他签约加入了陆军后备队。 She signed up with another team.她签约加入了另一个队。 2  sign (someone) up or sign up (someone) a  : to add the name of (someone) to an official list in order for that person to get, do, or take something使某人参与 The church has signed up more than enough volunteers for the festival.教堂为此节日招募了足够多的志愿者。 b  : to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人) The team signed up [=signed on] several new players.球队签约雇用了几名新球员。 The record label signed the band up.唱片公司和这个乐队签了约。 — see also 2sign 2 (above)




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