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词汇 signal
释义 signal (verb) signal (adjective) signal 5 ENTRIES FOUND: signal (noun) signal (verb) signal (adjective) turn signal (noun) mixed (adjective) 1 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ noun plural signals 1 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ noun plural signals Learner's definition of SIGNAL [count] 1  : an event or act which shows that something exists or that gives information about something : sign信号(事件或行为) The change in his behavior is clearly a signal [=indication] that there is a problem.他行为的改变清楚地表明存在问题。 He likes her but he is sending the wrong signals with his constant teasing.他喜欢她,可是他不断的戏弄给了她错误的信号。 — often + of Inflammation is a signal of infection.发炎是感染的信号。 2  : something (such as a sound, a movement of part of the body, or an object) that gives information about something or that tells someone to do something信号,暗号(声音、身体动作或某物体等) Don't start until I give the signal. [=sign]等我发出信号再开始。 The teacher gave us the signal to finish what we were working on and hand in our tests.老师示意我们结束做题,上交试卷。 The pilot sent out a distress signal [=a message that the airplane was in danger] before the plane crashed.飞行员在飞机坠毁前发出了求救信号。 They communicated with each other by using hand signals. [=movements of a person's hands that mean something]他们彼此用手势交流。 3  : a piece of equipment with colored lights that is used on railways and roads to tell people when to go, to slow down, or to stop交通信号灯;红绿灯 Faulty wiring in the train station caused a signal to malfunction.火车站的线路故障导致了信号灯失灵。 The traffic signal [=traffic light] was not working.交通信号灯坏了。 4  technical a  : a message, sound, or image that is carried by waves of light or sound(传播信息、声音、图像等的光波或声波的)信号 The video/TV signal is scrambled.视频/电视信息被扰频。 Satellite dishes receive television signals.卫星电视的碟形天线接收电视信号。 a digital signal数字信号 The transmitter beams radio signals into space.发射机向太空发射无线电信号。 b  : a wave of light or sound that carries a message, sound, or image(传播信息、声音或图像的)光波,声波 We'll need better equipment to generate a 50 Hz signal.为产生50赫兹的声波,我们需要更好的设备。 busy signal — see 1busy mixed signals — see mixed 2 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ verb signals US signaled or British signalled US signaling or British signalling 2 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ verb signals US signaled or British signalled US signaling or British signalling Learner's definition of SIGNAL 1  [+ object] : to be a sign of (something) : to show the existence of (something)标志;表明 Robins signal the arrival of spring.知更鸟是春天到来的标志。 The election results surely signal the start/beginning of a new era.选举结果无疑标志着一个新纪元的开始。 He signaled [=showed, communicated] his irritation by sighing and rolling his eyes dramatically.他夸张地叹息、翻白眼,以示自己非常恼怒。 Redness, swelling, and painful itching signal [=indicate] an infection.发红、肿胀、又疼又痒说明有感染。 A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.手提箱上的锁表明里面可能有贵重物品。 2  : to make a sound or motion that tells someone something发信号;示意 [no object] Did he signal before he made the left turn?他左转之前开转向灯了吗? They signaled at me to come over to their table.他们示意我去他们那桌。 We signaled for help.我们发出了求救信号。 [+ object] He signaled us that it was time to begin the meeting.他示意我们是时候开始会议了。 The umpire signaled a strike.裁判用手势示意这一球为好球。 3 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ adjective 3 signal /ˈsɪgnl̟/ adjective Learner's definition of SIGNAL always used before a noun formal : very important or great : significant重大的;显要的 Is he worthy of such a signal honor?他够格获得如此大的荣誉吗? The bill's passage was a signal [=notable] victory for environmentalists.这项法案的通过是环境保护者的一个重大胜利。 — signally /ˈsɪgnəli/ adverb The mayor has signally failed to do what he promised to do.市长显然没有兑现自己的承诺。




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