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词汇 sit
释义 sit 17 ENTRIES FOUND: sit (verb) sit-down (adjective) sit-down (noun) sit-in (noun) sitting (noun) sitting (adjective) sitting duck (noun) sitting room (noun) sitting tenant (noun) sit-up (noun) house-sit (verb) catbird seat (noun) hand (noun) judgment (noun) laurel (noun) pretty (adverb) tight (adverb) sit /ˈsɪt/ verb sits; sat /ˈsæt/ ; sitting sit /ˈsɪt/ verb sits; sat /ˈsæt/ ; sitting Learner's definition of SIT 1  a  [no object] : to be in a position in which your bottom is resting on a chair, the ground, etc., especially with your back upright坐 He was sitting in a chair next to the window.他坐在窗边的椅子上。 She sat across from me during dinner.晚餐时她坐在我对面。 The children sat cross-legged on the floor playing a game.孩子们盘腿坐在地板上玩游戏。 Are you going to sit there and watch TV all day?你打算坐在那儿看一整天电视吗? Don't just sit there—do/say something!别光坐在这儿——做/说点儿什么! You can't expect young children to sit still [=sit without moving around] for that long.你不能指望小孩那么长时间坐着不动。 b  [no object] : to begin to sit : to put yourself in a sitting position坐下;就座 He went over and sat [=sat down] in a chair next to the window.他走过去,坐在了一把靠窗的椅子上。 She walked around the table and sat across from me.她绕过桌子,在我对面坐了下来。 c  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to cause (someone) to be seated : to put (someone) in a sitting position使就座;使坐下 She sat the toddler in the chair.她把那个刚学走路的小孩放到了椅子上坐着。 2  [no object] a  of an animal : to rest with the tail end of the body on the floor and the front legs straight(动物)蹲(下),坐(下) The cat likes to sit by the window.那只猫喜欢蹲在窗边。 He taught the dog to sit (on command).他训练那只狗(听指挥)蹲下。 Sit! Good dog!蹲下!乖狗儿! b  of a bird : to rest on the top or the edge of something(鸟)停落,栖 The bird sat on the ledge.鸟儿停落在了岩礁上。 3  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to be or stay in a particular place, position, or condition在,待在,位于,处于(某处) The limousine is sitting outside.那辆豪华轿车就停在外面。 A vase sat on the table.桌上放着花瓶。 The sled sits unused in the garage during the summer.夏天,雪橇在车库里闲置着。 4  [no object] : to be a member of an official group that has meetings(在官方组织)任职 She sits on the board of directors.她在董事会里任职。 5  [no object] : to meet in order to carry on official business : to hold a session开会;开庭 The court is now sitting.现在开庭。 Parliament will sit for four months.议会将开会四个月。 6  [no object] a  : to take care of a child while the child's parents are away : babysit照看小孩;当临时保姆 She sits for the neighbors' kids. = She sits for the neighbors.她临时帮邻居照看小孩。 b  : to take care of something while the owner is away替主人临时照看 — usually used in combination通常用于合成词 Can you dog-sit [=take care of my dog] for me this weekend?这个周末你能帮我照看一下小狗吗? — see also house-sit 7  [+ object] US : to have enough seats for (a certain number of people)能容纳,可坐(…人) The car sits [=seats] five (people).这辆车可坐五人。 8  [no object] : to pose for a portrait, photograph, etc.(照相或画像时)摆好姿势 She agreed to sit for the painting/painter.她答应摆好姿势画像/让画家给她画像。 9  British : to take (an examination)参加考试;应试 [+ object] Students will sit the exam next week.学生们将于下周参加考试。 [no object] The course prepares students to sit for the exam.这门课程是帮助学生应考的。 sit around [phrasal verb] also chiefly British sit about : to spend time doing nothing useful无所事事地消磨时间;闲坐 He sits around and does nothing while I do all the work.他闲坐在那儿无所事事,而所有活儿都要我干。 She just sits around watching television all day.她整天闲坐着看电视。 sit back [phrasal verb] 1  : to get into a comfortable and relaxed position in a chair, seat, etc.舒服地坐好;安逸地坐着 Sit back and enjoy the ride.舒舒服服地坐好,享受这段旅程。 2  : to make no effort to do something在一旁歇着;袖手旁观;无动于衷。 He sat back and watched us do all the work.他在一旁歇着,看着我们干所有的活儿。 How can you just sit back and let him insult you like that?你怎么能无动于衷,由他那样羞辱你? sit by [phrasal verb] : to make no effort to stop something bad or unpleasant from happening坐视不管;无动于衷 We cannot just sit by and watch him ruin his life.我们不能坐视他毁掉自己的人生。 I won't sit idly by while he ruins his life!他要毁掉自己的人生,我不会坐视不管的! sit down [phrasal verb] 1  : to begin to sit : to put yourself into a sitting position坐下;就座 She called just as we were sitting down to eat.我们刚要坐下吃饭,她就打来了电话。 Come on in and sit down. [=have a seat]进来坐下吧。 Please sit down and be quiet.请就座,并保持安静。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 We need to sit down and figure this problem out. [=we need to give our attention to figuring this problem out]我们需要认真弄明白这个问题。 2  be sitting down : to be in a sitting position坐着 She made sure everyone was sitting down before she began.她先确认每个人都坐下来了才开始。 I have some shocking news. Are you sitting down?我有惊人的消息。你们坐好了吗? 3  sit (someone) down : to cause (someone) to be seated : to put or get (someone) in a sitting position使就座;使坐下 He sat the child down.他让孩子坐好了。 You need to sit him down and have a talk with him.你需要让他坐下来和他谈谈。 She sat herself down on the couch.她坐到了沙发上。 sit in [phrasal verb] 1  : to take the place of someone who is not present代替 The President could not attend the meeting, so the Vice President is sitting in. = The Vice President is sitting in for the President.由于总统无法出席会议,副总统将代为出席。 2  sit in on (something) : to attend (something, such as a class or meeting) without officially participating旁听(课程);列席(会议) She's been asked to sit in on the meetings.她被邀请列席会议。 I would like to sit in on one of your classes.我想旁听你一节课。 sit on [phrasal verb] sit on (something) informal : to delay dealing with or talking about (something)拖延;搁置 Let's sit on the problem for a while and see if anything changes.这个问题咱们先放一放吧,看看是否有变数。 They have been sitting on my insurance claim for months!几个月以来他们一直拖延办理我的保险赔偿! Let's just sit on this news for the time being.我们暂时把这个消息搁置一下吧。 sit on your hands : to make no effort to deal with or respond to something无动于衷;反应淡漠 She accused the administration of sitting on its hands while industries violated the law.她指责政府在企业触犯法律的时候不作为。 sit on your laurels — see laurel sit out [phrasal verb] 1  sit out (something) or sit (something) out : to stay in a place and wait for (something) to end待着等到…结束;熬到…结束 Though the movie was very boring, he sat it out to see how it ended.尽管电影很无聊,他还是为了看结尾熬到了最后。 2  : to not take part in (something)不参与;不参加 She sat out several dances/practices.几次舞蹈/训练她都没参加。 You can start the game without me. I'm going to sit this one out.你们玩吧,这一局我不参加了。 sit pretty informal : to be in a very good or favorable situation形势有利;处境很好 Our team sits pretty at the top of the rankings.我们队排名第一,形势很好。 — usually used as be sitting pretty通常用作be sitting pretty He bought stock in the company early on, and now he is sitting pretty.他买了公司初期的股票,现在形势非常好。 sit through [phrasal verb] sit through (something) : to go to (something) and stay until the end一直等到…结束;熬到…结束 We had to sit through another boring meeting.我们不得不熬到又一个无聊的会议结束。 I can't believe the kids sat through the whole movie.我不敢相信孩子们居然熬到整部电影结束。 sit tight 1  : to not move or change your position : to stay where you are待着不动;待在原地 Sit tight, I'll go get help.待在原地别动,我去找救援。 2  : to not change your situation : to stay in the same situation静观事态变化;按兵不动 This isn't a good time to sell a house. Let's just sit tight and see if the market improves.目前不是售房的好时机。我们不妨静观市场情况,看是否会好转。 sit up [phrasal verb] 1  : to stay awake until late at night熬夜 They sat up talking until almost dawn.他们一夜未睡,聊到快天亮。 2  : to sit with your back very straight坐直 Quit slouching and sit up (straight).别没精打采地,坐直了! 3  sit up or sit (someone) up : to move or help (someone) to move into a sitting position(使)坐起来 He sat up in bed.他从床上坐了起来。 She sat the child up.她帮那个孩子坐了起来。 sit up and take notice : to suddenly pay attention to (someone or something)突然关注 The news made them sit up and take notice.这条新闻一下子就引起了他们的关注。 sit well/comfortably (etc.) ◊ If something does not sit well/comfortably (etc.) with you, you do not like it.不喜欢 The decision didn't sit well with him.他不喜欢这个决定。 That attitude doesn't sit comfortably with me.我不喜欢那种态度。




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