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词汇 better
释义 better (adverb) better (noun) better (verb) better better 29 ENTRIES FOUND: better (adjective) better (adverb) better (noun) better (verb) better better half (noun) better off (adjective) bettor (noun) day (noun) devil (noun) discretion (noun) get (verb) go (verb) good (adjective) head (noun) know (verb) little (adverb) luck (noun) much (adverb) part (noun) see (verb) so (adverb) think (verb) time (noun) valor (noun) well (adverb) well (adjective) well-off (adjective) worse (noun) 1 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ adjective 1 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of BETTER comparative form of 1good or of 2well 1  : higher in quality(质量上)更好的,较好的 Her second book is better than her first one.她的第二本书比第一本好。 This is one of the better [=best] restaurants in this part of town.这是城里这一带档次较高的餐厅之一。 Her first book was good, but her second one is even better. = Her second one is better still/yet.她的第一本书不错,但第二本书更好。 This one is no better than that one.这个并不比那个好。 2  : more skillful(技术上)更好的 She's a better golfer than I am.她高尔夫球打得比我好。 He's a better singer than he is an actor. = He's better as a singer than he is as an actor.他唱歌比演戏强。 He's much better with children now that he's a father himself.当了父亲后他更懂得如何与孩子们相处。 3  : more attractive, appealing, effective, useful, etc.更吸引人的;更有效的;更好的 The weather is better today than it was yesterday.今天的天气比昨天好。 They came up with a better solution to the problem.他们想出了一个更好的解决办法。 I'd like to get a better [=more accurate and complete] understanding of the problem.我想更好地了解这个问题。 Don't you have something/anything better to do than to watch TV all day?除了整天看电视你就没其他更有意义的事情可做吗? Her work wasn't that good at first, but it's getting better.她开始干得不怎么样,但现在越干越好了。 Her work just keeps getting better and better.她的工作越干越好了。 There's nothing better than a cold drink of water when you're really thirsty.口干舌燥的时候喝一杯凉水是再好不过的了。 My salary isn't very high, but it's better than nothing.我的薪水不算很高,但总比没有强。 “Suppose I move it a little to the left.” “Yes, that's better! It looks much better like that.”“我把它往左移一点怎么样?”“可以,这样更好些!看起来好多了。” ◊ Someone or something that has seen/known better days was better in the past than now.曾经风光过;已不好用;已过鼎盛时期 My old car has seen better days.我的旧车不再那么好开了。 ◊ People say the sooner the better, the bigger the better, the faster the better, etc., when they want something to happen as soon as possible, to be as big as possible, to go as fast as possible, etc.越早越好;越大越好;越快越好 “They say the cold weather will end soon.” “Well, the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.”“他们说冷天快过去了。”“对我而言,越快越好。” 4  : more morally right or good : more deserving of praise(人品上)更好的 You're a better man than I am.你为人比我好。 “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done…”“我现在做的远比我所做过的一切都美好…”Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1859)查尔斯·狄更斯,《双城记》(1859) If you ask me, he's hardly/little/no better than a common criminal.依我说,他就是个普通罪犯。 5  a  : improved in health(健康状况)好转的 I was sick but now I'm better. [=now I'm well]我病了,不过现在好多了。 I'm feeling all/completely better.我感觉现在身体好多了。 I'm somewhat/slightly better than (I was) yesterday, but I'm not fully recovered.我比昨天好一些,但还没完全康复。 My cold is a little better today. [=my cold is not as bad today; my cold is less severe today]我的感冒今天好些了。 I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. I hope you feel/get better soon.听说你病了,我很难过。希望你早点好起来。 He was feeling sick yesterday, and he's no better today. [=he's still feeling sick today]他昨天生病了,今天仍不见有好转。 b  : happier or more pleased更开心的;更愉快的 Your support makes me feel better about doing what I've done.你的支持让我对自己所做的事情更有信心了。 6  — used to suggest that something should or should not be done应该;最好还是 It would be better for you to leave now [=you should leave now] if you want to get there on time.你想准时到达那里的话,最好现在就走。 It would be better not to wait too long.最好不要等太久。 better luck next time — see 1luck the better part of — see 1part 2 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ adverb 2 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of BETTER comparative form of 1well 1  : in a better way更好地 “How is she doing in school?” “She did badly at first, but now she's doing much better.”“她在学校成绩如何?”“她刚开始时成绩很差,不过现在好多了。” She sings better than I do.她唱得比我好。 He sings better than he acts.他唱歌比演戏强。 You could write to her, or, even/still better, visit her in person. = You could write to her. Even/Still better, you could visit her in person.你可以给她写信,或者亲自拜访更好。 “Instead of writing to her, I'm going to visit her in person.” “Even better.”“我准备亲自拜访她,不打算给她写信了。”“那样更好。” 2  — used to suggest that something should or should not be done应该;最好还是 Some things are better left unsaid. [=it is better not to say some things]有些事情不说为好。 You would do better to leave now [=you should leave now] if you want to get there on time.你想准时到达那里的话,最好现在就走。 3  : to a higher or greater degree更大程度地;更 He knows the story much better than you do.那件事他比你清楚得多。 Her paintings have become better known in recent years.近年来,她的画作名气更大了。 There's nothing I'd like better than to see you again.没有什么比再次见到你更好的了。 4  : greater in distance or amount : more多于 It is better than nine miles to the next town.邻镇离这儿有九英里多的距离。 It's better than an hour's drive to the lake.开车到那个湖要花一个多小时。 had better ◊ If you had better do something, you should do it.最好;应该 You'd better leave now or you might not get there on time.你最好马上就动身,不然就不能准时到那儿了。 Hadn't you better leave now if you want to get there on time?你要想准时到那儿,难道不该现在就走吗? You'd better not do that or you'll get in trouble. [=you'll get in trouble if you do that]你最好不要那样做,否则会惹麻烦的。 I told him he'd better leave at once.我告诉他最好马上动身。 “Do you want to drive?” “I'd better not: I've had too much to drink.”“你想开车吗?”“最好不要——我酒喝多了。” “I'm sorry.” “You'd better be!”“很抱歉。”“你应该的!” “Should I go there?” “You'd better not.”“我应该去那儿吗?”“最好不要去。” ◊ In informal speech, better by itself is often used in this way without had.在非正式口语中常省略had。 “Do you want to drive?” “I better not.”“你想开车吗?”“最好不要。” I told him he better leave at once.我告诉他最好马上动身。 “Should I go?” “You better!”“我应该去吗?”“最好是去!” “I'm sorry.” “You better be!”“很抱歉。”“你应该的!” “Should I go?” “(You) Better not.”“我应该去吗?”“最好不要去。” 3 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ noun 3 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ noun Learner's definition of BETTER [noncount] : something that is better : better behavior更好的表现 They've disappointed me. I expected better from them. [=I expected them to behave better]他们让我很失望。我原本期待他们有更好的表现呢。 They shouldn't treat him that way. He deserves better.他们不该那样待他。他应该得到更好的待遇。 all the better or so much the better — used to say that something makes a situation, experience, etc., even better than it was那就更好了 My daughter loves taking care of children. If she can earn money by doing it, so much the better!我女儿喜欢照看小孩。如果她能靠这个赚点钱,那就更好了! for better or (for) worse : whether good or bad things happen : no matter what happens不管是好是坏;不管怎样 We've made our decision and now we have to stick to it for better or worse.我们已经做出了决定,无论结果如何我们都要坚持到底。 for the better : so as to produce improvement向好的方向发展;转好 The new policy is a change for the better. [=the new policy is an improvement]新政策是一个好的转变。 My father's health has recently taken a turn for the better. [=has recently improved]我爸爸的身体最近好些了。 get the better of : to defeat or trick (someone) by being clever战胜,戏弄(某人) It would be hard to get the better of someone as experienced as she is.要想糊弄像她这样的老手是很困难的。 ◊ If a feeling or emotion gets the better of you, it causes you to do something that you should not do or that you are trying not to do.(情感上)压过,盖过,使按捺不住 She knew she shouldn't open the package, but her curiosity finally got the better of her and she opened it.她知道不应该打开那个包裹,但最终还是在好奇心的驱使下打开了它。 He let his temper get the better of him. [=he lost his temper; he said or did something because of anger]他气得失去了理智。 go one better — see 1go know better — see 1know think better of — see 1think your betters somewhat old-fashioned : people who are more important than you or who have a higher social position than you长者;上级 His parents always told him to respect his betters.他父母总是教导他要尊重长者。 (chiefly Brit) You should respect your elders and betters. [=people who are older and more important than you]你应该尊重长辈和上级。 4 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ verb betters; bettered; bettering 4 better /ˈbɛtɚ/ verb betters; bettered; bettering Learner's definition of BETTER [+ object] 1  : to make (something) better : improve改善;改进;提高 They are trying to better the lives/lot of working people.他们正试图改善劳动人民的生活水平。 He looked forward to bettering his acquaintance with the new neighbors.他期待与新邻居搞好关系。 The team has bettered its chances of winning the championship.这个队的夺冠概率增大了。 2  : to be or do better than (something or someone) : to improve on (something or someone)超越;胜过 I can better their offer. [=I can make you a better offer]我能给出比他们更优惠的报价。 She bettered her previous performance.她这次比之前演得好。 He set a record that has never been equaled or bettered.他创下了前所未有的纪录。 better yourself : to do things (such as improving your education) that will make you a better or more successful person提高自我;上进 She was born poor but she has worked hard to better herself.她出身贫寒,但一直在努力上进。 5 better 5 better Learner's definition of BETTER variant spelling of bettor




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