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词汇 smart
释义 smart (verb) smart (adverb) smart 11 ENTRIES FOUND: smart (adjective) smart (verb) smart (adverb) smart-aleck (noun) smart-arse (noun) smart-ass (noun) smart-mouth (adjective) smarts (noun) smart card (noun) street-smart (adjective) street smarts (noun) 1 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adjective smarter; smartest 1 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adjective smarter; smartest Learner's definition of SMART 1  chiefly US a  : very good at learning or thinking about things : intelligent聪明的;机灵的 He's a smart [=bright, clever] guy.他很机灵。 Poodles are said to be smart dogs.据说贵宾犬很聪明。 — see also street-smart b  : showing intelligence or good judgment : wise明智的 That was a smart investment.那是笔明智的投资。 Taking that job was a smart move. [=a good decision]接受那份工作是明智之举。 2  informal + disapproving : behaving or talking in a rude or impolite way : showing a lack of respect for someone粗鲁的 Don't get smart with me. [=don't be rude to me]不要对我无礼。 He gave her a smart answer.他粗鲁地回答了她。 3  : very popular : stylish and fashionable时髦的 — somewhat old-fashioned in U.S. English在美国英语中有些过时 one of the smartest restaurants in town城里最时髦的餐馆之一 He hangs out with the smart set. [=the popular and usually rich people]他和那帮时髦的有钱人混在一起。 4  : very neat and clean整洁的 — somewhat old-fashioned in U.S. English在美国英语中有些过时 What a smart [=beautiful, charming] little kitchen you have!你的小厨房真漂亮! He looks smart [=(US) sharp] in his new suit.他穿上新西装,看起来很帅。 5  : very quick and energetic迅速而有力的;敏捷的 I gave him a smart slap on the head.我猛拍了一下他的头。 We continued along at a very smart pace.我们继续快步前进。 6  : controlled by computers and able to do things that seem intelligent电脑控制的;智能的 smart bombs/weapons智能炸弹/武器 smart money — used to say who or what is expected to win, be successful, etc.明智的投资;行家的赌注 The smart money is on Jones to win the election. [=people think that Jones will win the election]人们认为琼斯会赢得竞选。 — smartly adverb She slapped him smartly.她猛地给了他一巴掌。 He was smartly dressed.他穿得很帅气。 — smartness noun [noncount] 2 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ verb smarts; smarted; smarting 2 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ verb smarts; smarted; smarting Learner's definition of SMART [no object] 1  : to feel a sudden sharp pain感到刺痛 “Ouch! That smarts!”“哎哟!好疼!” Her eyes were smarting from the smoke.她的眼睛被烟熏得刺痛。 2  : to be upset about something心烦意乱;沮丧 — usually used as (be) smarting通常用作(be) smarting He's still smarting at/from/over losing the match last month.他还在为上个月输掉那场比赛而耿耿于怀。 smart off [phrasal verb] US, informal : to say rude and irritating things to someone(对某人)爆粗口 Ignore her, she is just smarting off again.别理她,她不过是又在耍泼。 3 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adverb smarter; smartest 3 smart /ˈsmɑɚt/ adverb smarter; smartest Learner's definition of SMART : in a smart way : smartly机敏地;整洁地;潇洒地 He plays smart and the fans appreciate that.他打法灵活,粉丝们都很欣赏他这一点。 I dress smarter than she does.我穿得比她好看。 Play it smart during the contract negotiations and you'll get more vacation time.谈合同时机灵点,这样你会得到更多的假期。




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