

单词 solid
释义 solid (noun) solid 2 ENTRIES FOUND: solid (adjective) solid (noun) 1 solid /ˈsɑːləd/ adjective 1 solid /ˈsɑːləd/ adjective Learner's definition of SOLID 1  : firm or hard : not having the form of a gas or liquid坚硬的;固体的 Concrete is a solid material.混凝土是坚硬的材料。 particles of solid matter固体颗粒 When ice melts, it passes from a solid to a liquid form.冰溶化后就从固体变成了液体。 I was on a liquid diet when I was sick because I couldn't digest solid food.生病期间我只能吃流质食物,因为固体食物不好消化。 His muscles are very solid. [=hard]他的肌肉非常结实。 I was glad to get off the plane and back on solid ground.我下了飞机,回到了坚实的地面,感到很高兴。 The pond was frozen solid.池塘冻得结结实实。 2  : having no space inside : not hollow实心的 a solid rubber ball实心橡胶球 a solid object实心物体 3  a  always used before a noun : made entirely from the specified material纯质的 The ring is solid gold/silver.这枚戒指是纯金/银的。 solid oak/cherry/mahogany furniture纯橡木/樱桃木/红木家具 a chunk of solid marble/granite一大块纯大理石/花岗岩 b  : consisting only of the color specified or only of one color纯色的 I prefer solid colors like blue or green instead of plaids and stripes.与彩格和条纹相比,我更喜欢纯蓝色或纯绿色。 — see color picture on this page 4  : having no breaks, spaces, or pauses连续的;紧密相连的 The road was divided by a solid yellow line.这条公路被一条实黄线分隔开来。 We talked for three solid hours. [=we talked for three hours without stopping]我们一直不停地聊了三个小时。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The rain fell in solid sheets. [=the rain fell very heavily]大雨倾盆而下。 The stores are always packed solid [=very crowded] during the holidays.假期里商店总是挤满了人。 The hotels in the city were booked solid for the conference.因为这次会议,市内酒店着实已被预订一空。 5  [more solid; most solid] a  : good and able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed坚实的;可靠的 He plays solid defense.他防守严密。 The team's defense is very solid.球队的防守非常严密。 She gave a solid performance.她发挥稳定。 She's a good, solid player.她是一名发挥稳定的优秀选手。 b  : having a strong basis : good and dependable可信赖的;切实的 His friend gave him some good, solid advice.他朋友给他提了一些切实可靠的好建议。 The company has built/established a solid reputation.这家公司建立了良好的信誉。 She had solid reasons for her decision.她有切实的理由做出这个决定。 Students need a solid foundation in language skills.学生需要打下扎实的语言技能基础。 The prosecution has no solid evidence.这项起诉并无确凿证据。 He had a solid alibi.他有切实可信的不在场证据。 Financially, the company is (as) solid as a rock. [=the company is in very good condition]资金方面,这家公司的状况非常好。 6  [more solid; most solid] : strong and well-made牢固的;结实的 solid furniture结实的家具 This chair is very solid.这把椅子很牢固。 7  US : agreeing with or supporting something (such as a political party) in a completely loyal and dependable way坚定的;一致的 She is a solid Democrat/Republican.她是个坚定的民主党人/共和党人。 8  geometry : having length, width, and height : three-dimensional立体的 a solid geometric figure立体几何图形 — solidly adverb solidly constructed furniture构造结实的家具 a solidly built athlete体格健壮的运动员 She put her feet solidly [=securely] on the ground.她双脚稳稳地站在地面上。 Her reputation was solidly established.她树立了可靠的声誉。 a solidly Republican area/suburb [=an area/suburb where most people vote for Republicans]坚定支持共和党的选区/郊区 Environmentalists were solidly [=completely] opposed to drilling in the area.环保主义者坚决反对在这个地区钻井。 The quarterback played solidly during the second half.四分卫下半场表现稳定。 — solidness noun [noncount] 2 solid /ˈsɑːləd/ noun plural solids 2 solid /ˈsɑːləd/ noun plural solids Learner's definition of SOLID 1  [count] : a solid substance : a substance that is not a gas or a liquid固体 2  [count] geometry : an object that has length, width, and height : a three-dimensional object立方体;立体图形 — see picture at geometry 3  solids [plural] : foods that are not liquid固体食物 She couldn't eat solids after the surgery.她术后不能吃固体食物。




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