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词汇 something
释义 something (adverb) something 159 ENTRIES FOUND: something (pronoun) something (adverb) account (noun) act (noun) advisement (noun) alive (adjective) alone (adverb) backward (adverb) bargepole (noun) be (verb) bear (verb) berth (noun) big deal (noun) bill (noun) board (noun) bud (noun) call (verb) carpet (noun) cat (noun) chest (noun) chink (noun) clean (adjective) commit (verb) concerned (adjective) consideration (noun) cover (verb) door (noun) drag (verb) dry (adjective) dry (verb) ear (noun) eat (verb) elevate (verb) else (adjective) faith (noun) fierce (adjective) fine-tooth comb (noun) fling (noun) for (preposition) force (verb) forward (adverb) fresh (adverb) gear (noun) give (verb) given (adjective) go (verb) goodbye (noun) hand (noun) hang (verb) hat (noun) have (verb) hawk (noun) head (noun) health (noun) heart (noun) heel (noun) hitch (verb) home (adverb) imagination (noun) injustice (noun) inside (adverb) intent (adjective) kiss (verb) knee (noun) knock (verb) know (verb) lap (noun) lay (verb) leave (verb) let (verb) life (noun) light (noun) loop (noun) lunch (noun) map (noun) mean (verb) meaning (noun) mercy (noun) mind (noun) miss (noun) mother (noun) muck (noun) name (noun) nip (verb) order (noun) pace (noun) pack (verb) part (noun) pave (verb) peg (noun) pick (verb) piece (noun) pinch (noun) place (noun) plague (noun) play (verb) praise (verb) press (verb) pump (verb) ram (verb) read (verb) rest (noun) rest (verb) ride (verb) right (noun) risk (noun) rug (noun) salt (noun) say (verb) screw (noun) sell (verb) send (verb) seriously (adverb) set (verb) shade (noun) shame (noun) short (adverb) shove (verb) sic (verb) siege (noun) sing (verb) sky (noun) sleeve (noun) slide (verb) slip (verb) song and dance (noun) specter (noun) stage (noun) stand (verb) start (verb) stead (noun) storm (noun) stride (noun) suck (verb) surprise (noun) surround (verb) sweep (verb) tear (verb) test (noun) thank (verb) throat (noun) time (noun) toilet (noun) touch (verb) trust (noun) unfamiliar (adjective) upside down (adverb) use (noun) wake (noun) watch (verb) way (noun) whirl (noun) wide (adjective) wind (noun) window (noun) wipe (verb) worth (preposition) write (verb) wrong (adverb) 1 something /ˈsʌmˌθɪŋ/ pronoun 1 something /ˈsʌmˌθɪŋ/ pronoun Learner's definition of SOMETHING 1  : a thing that is not known, named, or specified某物;某事 Something came in the mail for you.有寄给你的东西。 I thought I heard something outside.我觉得我听见外面有动静。 He said something that really bothered me.他的话着实让我觉得很不安。 I started to say something but she interrupted me.我刚要说话,就被她打断了。 I have something to tell you.我有事要告诉你。 There's something wrong with my car.我的车出了点问题。 Something is going on at the school, but I don't know what.学校出了点事,但我不知道是什么事。 “The job doesn't pay very well and the hours are long.” “I think you should look for something better.”“这份工作薪酬不高,工作时间长。”“我觉得你应该找份更好的工作。” I don't know what she studies, but it has something to do with computers. [=it relates to computers]我不知道她是学什么的,只知道跟计算机有关。 Would you like something [=anything] to drink?你想喝点什么吗? Is there something [=anything] wrong?有什么问题吗? Is there something [=anything] good on TV tonight?今晚电视上有什么好看的节目吗? I just got my tax refund. It's not much, but it's something. [=it's better than nothing]我刚拿到退税款。钱虽然不多,但总比没有强。 “They won't give us an extra week to finish, but they'll give us a couple of days.” “Well, that's something anyway.”“他们不会多给我们一个星期去完成,但会再宽限几天。”“哦,那已经不错了。” Do you want pizza for dinner or something else? [=or a different thing for dinner]你晚饭想吃比萨饼还是别的什么? I got you a little something [=a small thing] for your birthday.我为你的生日准备了一份小礼物。 2  : a person or thing that is important or worth noticing重要的人(或事);值得重视的人(或事) She thinks she's really something ever since her promotion.自从获得晋升后,她觉得自己真是个人物了。 That waterfall is really something, isn't it?那个瀑布真好看,是不是? He decided to go back to college and make something of himself. [=become successful]他决定重返大学,干出个样儿来。 3  : an amount that is more than a specified number(比某个数量)多一些的量 — used in combination用于合成词 His friends are all twentysomething singles. [=his friends are single people between the ages of 20 and 29]他的朋友都是二十来岁的单身人士。 The bill came to fifty-something dollars.账单总共五十多美元。 4  — used to make a statement or description less forceful or definite在某种程度上;有点像;可以说是 He is something of an expert [=he is an expert to some degree] with car repair.某种程度上,他算是一名汽车修理专家。 We have something of a problem here.我们在这儿好像遇到点问题。 The movie was something of [=somewhat of] a disappointment. [=was somewhat disappointing]这部影片有点令人失望。 or something informal — used to suggest another name, choice, etc., that is not specified…之类的东西;别的什么东西 Are you crazy or something?你是疯了还是怎么了? You can probably clean that stain with club soda or something. [=or something like that]你可能可以用苏打水或类似的东西去掉那块污渍。 The man wearing the badge must be a guard or something.戴徽章的那名男子一定是保安之类的人。 Can I get you a glass of wine or something?我给你倒杯红酒或别的什么酒好吗? something else informal : a person or thing that is special or impressive非凡的人(或事物) That magician really is something else.那位魔术师实在太厉害了。 The Grand Canyon is something else, isn't it?大峡谷真令人难忘,不是吗? start something — see 1start 2 something /ˈsʌmˌθɪŋ/ adverb 2 something /ˈsʌmˌθɪŋ/ adverb Learner's definition of SOMETHING 1  : in a very small amount or degree : somewhat or slightly稍微;有点;大约 The total repairs cost something over $300.全部维修费300美元多点。 He does look something like his father. [=he resembles his father somewhat]他跟他父亲的确有点像。 The movie was something like what I expected.这部影片跟我期待的差不多。 2  informal — used before an adjective that is being used like an adverb to add emphasis很;非常 He was snoring something awful/terrible [=was snoring very loudly] last night.昨晚他鼾声如雷。 something fierce — see fierce




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