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词汇 sound
释义 sound (verb) sound (adjective) sound (adverb) sound (noun) sound (verb) sound 17 ENTRIES FOUND: sound (noun) sound (verb) sound (adjective) sound (adverb) sound (noun) sound (verb) sounding (noun) sounding board (noun) sound barrier (noun) sound bite (noun) sound card (noun) sound system (noun) sound wave (noun) high-sounding (adjective) Puget Sound (proper noun) bell (noun) fury (noun) 1 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ noun plural sounds 1 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ noun plural sounds Learner's definition of SOUND 1  : something that is heard声音 [count] the sound of footsteps/thunder脚步声;雷声 the sounds of laughter笑声 I heard a loud, buzzing sound. [=noise]我听到一阵很大的嗡嗡声。 I didn't hear a sound. [=I didn't hear anything]我什么都没听见。 They never made a sound.他们一直没出声。 speech sounds [=the sounds people make when they speak words]语音 the sound of “th” in “this”“this”单词this中th的发音 [noncount] devices used to record sound用于录音的设备 measuring the speed of sound [=the speed at which the vibrations that create sounds move through the air]测定音速 2  [noncount] : the speech, music, etc., that is heard as part of a broadcast, film, or recording(广播、电影或录音中的)音响,声音 The film was good, but the sound was poor.这部电影不错,但音响不怎么样。 digital sound数字化音响 “Can you turn up the sound? [=volume] I can't hear what they're saying.”“你能把音量调高些吗?我听不到他们在说什么。” 3  [count] : the particular musical style of an individual, a group, or an area(个人、乐团或地区的)音乐风格 — usually singular通常用单数 the Nashville sound纳什维尔之声 I like the band's sound.我喜欢这个乐队的演奏风格。 4  [noncount] : the idea that is suggested when something is said or described言外之意;弦外之音 “The doctor says my case is unusual.” “I don't like the sound of that.” [=I don't like the way that sounds; that sounds bad/serious]“医生说我的病症不寻常。”“听起来不太妙。” By/from the sound of it, you may have poison ivy.听起来你好像得了毒常春藤皮炎。 sound and fury : loud and angry words that attract a lot of attention but do nothing useful大吵大闹 The town meeting created lots of sound and fury, but no resolution.人们在小镇会议上嚷嚷了一阵,但没有做出任何决议。 — compare 5sound 2 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ verb sounds; sounded; sounding 2 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ verb sounds; sounded; sounding Learner's definition of SOUND 1  a  [+ object] : to cause (something) to make a sound or be heard使发出声音 sound a trumpet吹喇叭 sound a horn/buzzer吹响号角;启动蜂鸣器 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He sounded a confident note [=he expressed confidence] when he talked about the company's future plans.谈起公司的未来规划时他满怀信心。 b  [+ object] : to make (something) known by making a sound发出声响(告知某事) They sounded the alarm.他们发出了警报。 The clock sounded noon.正午的钟声响起。 c  [no object] : to make a sound发出声音 The game was over when the buzzer sounded.蜂鸣器响起时比赛结束。 A ringing noise kept sounding in his ears.他常感到耳鸣。 2  [linking verb] : to seem to be something when heard听起来;听着像 You sound tired. You should get some rest.你听起来好像有些疲倦,该休息一下。 : to seem to be something when heard about听起来;听起来像 Their plan sounds good to me.他们的计划我听着觉得不错。 Her story sounds false.她的描述听起来不真实。 It sounded too good to be true.这听上去太好了,简直不像是真的。 I'll plan to pick you up at noon. How does that sound? [=do you think that is a good/acceptable plan?]我准备中午去接你,怎么样? His new job sounds exciting.他的新工作听起来让人兴奋。 A picnic sounds lovely.来次野餐听起来很不错。 — often used in the phrases sound as if, sound as though, and sound like常用于短语sound as if、sound as though和sound like It sounds to me as if they won't be coming.听上去他们好像不会来了。 The movie sounds as though it might be good. [=the things I have heard about the movie suggest that it might be good]那部电影听起来好像还不错。 It sounds like the weather may be bad tomorrow. [=I have heard that the weather may be bad tomorrow]听说明天天气可能很差。 You sound like you're tired.你听起来好像有些疲倦。 That sounds like a good idea. = (Brit) That sounds a good idea.听起来是个好主意。 — see also sound like (below) 3  [+ object] : to make the sound of (a word or letter) with your voice : pronounce发音 He sounded each syllable clearly.他清晰地发出了每个音节。 The “k” in “know” is not sounded.单词know中的k不发音。 sound like 1  : to have a voice that is like the voice of (someone else)听起来像(另一个人的声音) I knew he must be your brother. He sounds just like you.我知道他一定是你哥哥。他声音听起来就和你一样。 2  : to say something that is like what is commonly said by (someone else)如…所说;听着像…所说 You sound just like your mother when you say that.你说那话的时候听起来就像你母亲一样。 sound off [phrasal verb] 1  : to say your opinions in a very direct and often angry way(不满地)直抒观点,大发议论 She sounded off about the unequal pay raises.她对不公平的加薪明确表示不满。 2  US : to count out loud the steps you take while marching(行进时)喊齐步口令 The troops were sounding off during their exercises.军队在训练时高喊齐步口令。 — compare 6sound 3 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ adjective sounder; soundest 3 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ adjective sounder; soundest Learner's definition of SOUND [also more sound; most sound] 1  a  : in good condition : solid and strong稳当的;坚实的;强壮的 a building of sound construction结构坚固的建筑 The bridge is structurally sound.这座桥结构坚固。 b  : in good health : healthy健康的;健全的 a sound mind in a sound body身心健康 The tests show that his heart is sound.各项测试显示他的心脏很健康。 My health is sound. [=I am healthy]我身体健康。 (law) He was found to be of sound mind [=sane] when he committed the murder.他被证实行凶时神智正常。 2  : free from mistakes : showing good judgment正确的;明智的 a sound argument正确的论据 She used sound reasoning in making the decision.她运用合理推断做出了决定。 She gave us some sound advice.她给了我们一些合理的建议。 a sound investment明智的投资 3  always used before a noun : complete or thorough完全的;彻底的 She has a sound understanding of the system's structure.她完全了解这个体制的结构。 The stock market has made a sound recovery.股市已经全面复苏。 They gave us a sound beating in yesterday's game. [=they beat/defeated us easily by a large amount]昨天的比赛他们把我们打得落花流水。 4  of sleep : deep and restful酣睡的;沉睡的 She fell into a sound sleep.她沉沉地睡去了。 I was never a sound sleeper. [=someone who sleeps deeply]我从来不是个睡眠酣畅的人。 (as) sound as a bell informal : in excellent condition极好的 There's nothing wrong with your health. You're as sound as a bell.你的身体没有任何问题,很健康。 The car's engine is as sound as a bell.这辆车的发动机性能很好。 — soundly /ˈsaʊndli/ adverb I slept more soundly last night than I have in a while.我昨晚睡得比前一阵子香多了。 an argument soundly based on logic完全基于逻辑的论证 We were soundly beaten/defeated in yesterday's game.昨天的比赛我们被打得落花流水。 — soundness /ˈsaʊndnəs/ noun [noncount] 4 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ adverb 4 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ adverb Learner's definition of SOUND of sleep : deeply and completely酣睡地;沉睡地 He was sound asleep.他睡得正酣。 She slept sound. [=(more commonly) soundly]她睡得很香。 5 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ noun plural sounds 5 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ noun plural sounds Learner's definition of SOUND [count] : a long and narrow area of water that connects two larger areas海峡;海湾 — often used in names常用于名称 Long Island Sound长岛海峡 — compare 1sound 6 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ verb sounds; sounded; sounding 6 sound /ˈsaʊnd/ verb sounds; sounded; sounding Learner's definition of SOUND [+ object] technical : to measure the depth of the water in a lake, ocean, etc.测量水深 sound out [phrasal verb] sound (someone or something) out or sound out (someone or something) : to try to find out the opinions of someone by asking questions探询,试探(某人对某事的看法) They sounded me out on the idea. [=they asked me what I thought about the idea]他们试探我对那个主意的看法。 polls that sound out public opinion探询民意的调查 — compare 2sound




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