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词汇 spill
释义 spill (noun) spill 7 ENTRIES FOUND: spill (verb) spill (noun) bean (noun) blood (noun) cry (verb) gut (noun) milk (noun) 1 spill /ˈspɪl/ verb spills chiefly US spilled /ˈspɪld/ or chiefly British spilt /ˈspɪlt/ ; spilling 1 spill /ˈspɪl/ verb spills chiefly US spilled /ˈspɪld/ or chiefly British spilt /ˈspɪlt/ ; spilling Learner's definition of SPILL 1  a  [+ object] : to cause or allow (something) to fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container usually in an accidental way使溅出;使溢出 I accidentally spilled coffee all over my new suit.我不小心把咖啡洒在我一身新衣服上了。 Clean up the flour you spilled on the floor.把你弄到地板上的面粉清理干净。 a puddle of spilled water洒漏的水形成的水坑 She opened her purse and spilled its contents (out) onto the table.她打开手提包,把里面的东西倒在了桌上。 The bag ripped open and spilled (out) its contents all over the floor.袋子扯开了,里面的东西撒了一地。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He spilled his thoughts out to her. [=he told her his thoughts in a very free and open way]他把自己的想法一股脑儿地都告诉了她。 b  [no object] : to fall or flow over the edge of a container洒出;溢出 Milk spilled (out) onto the table.牛奶溢到了桌子上。 Water spilled over the dam.水溢出了大坝。 The bag ripped open and the flour spilled (out) onto the floor.袋子扯坏了,面粉撒到了地板上。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Her hair spilled down her back.她的头发披散在背后。 All his thoughts suddenly came spilling out. [=he suddenly began to express all his thoughts]他突然说出了自己所有的想法。 2  [no object] : to move or spread out into a wider place or area涌出 After the movie the crowd spilled (out) into/onto the street.电影演完了,人群涌到了街上。 She opened the door and light spilled into the room.她打开门,光照进了屋子。 3  [+ object] US, informal : to tell (a secret) to someone向…泄露(秘密) an interviewer who gets celebrities to spill their secrets一位能让名人讲出他们秘密的采访者 Come on, spill it. Who gave you the money?快点,说出来吧。钱是谁给你的? cry over spilled/spilt milk — see 1cry spill blood — see blood spill over [phrasal verb] 1  : to be completely covered or filled with something : to be overflowing with something充满;装满 The platter was spilling over with grapes and melon slices and cheeses.大盘子里装满了葡萄、甜瓜片和奶酪。 They were spilling over with happiness. [=they were very happy]他们喜气洋洋。 2  : to spread and begin to affect other people, areas, etc.波及 The stress at work began to spill over into other aspects of his life.工作压力开始波及他生活的其他方面。 — see also spillover spill the beans — see bean spill your guts — see 1gut 2 spill /ˈspɪl/ noun plural spills 2 spill /ˈspɪl/ noun plural spills Learner's definition of SPILL [count] 1  : an accident in which liquid is spilled or an amount of liquid that is spilled溢出;溢出量 Please clean up the spill on the kitchen floor.请把洒在厨房地板上的东西清理一下。 The coastline was seriously damaged by an oil spill.这条海岸线因原油溢出受到了严重毁坏。 2  : an accidental act of falling意外跌落 She was injured in a spill the last time she went riding.她上次骑马时摔了一跤,受伤了。 He took a spill [=he fell] while skiing and broke his leg.他滑雪时跌了一跤,摔断了腿。




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