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词汇 splash
释义 splash (noun) splash 3 ENTRIES FOUND: splash (verb) splash (noun) splash guard (noun) 1 splash /ˈsplæʃ/ verb splashes; splashed; splashing 1 splash /ˈsplæʃ/ verb splashes; splashed; splashing Learner's definition of SPLASH 1  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] of a liquid : to move, fall, or hit something in a noisy or messy way(液体)稀里哗啦地溅落,飞溅 Water/Mud splashed everywhere.水/泥浆溅得到处都是。 He dropped the bottle and bleach splashed onto the floor.他把瓶子弄掉了,漂白粉洒了一地。 We could hear the waves splashing against the side of the boat.我们能听到海浪拍打船舷的声音。 2  [+ object] a  : to cause (water or another liquid) to move in a noisy way or messy way使(水或其他液体)稀里哗啦地洒;泼洒 The baby splashed the water.那个婴儿拍着水玩。 Don't splash water at your brother.别朝你弟弟洒水! I accidentally splashed some water on the floor.我不小心把水溅到了地板上。 She splashed cold water on her face.她往自己脸上撩了凉水。 b  : to make (someone or something) wet with large drops of water or another liquid朝…泼洒;使…溅湿 Don't splash your brother.别把水洒到你弟弟身上了。 We were splashed by a passing car.我们被一辆路过的汽车溅了一身水。 She splashed her face with cold water.她往自己脸上撩了凉水。 3  [no object] : to move through water in a noisy and messy way泼溅着水行进;拍打着水游 The kids love splashing (around) in the pool.孩子们喜欢在水池里戏水玩闹。 The dog was splashing through the waves.那条狗正拍着水浪游过来。 4  [+ object] : to mark (something) with patches of color or light使有色块;使有光斑 The sunset splashed the sky with red.夕阳把天空染成了红色。 — often used as (be) splashed with常用作(be) splashed with The canvas was splashed with bold colors.画布上染有醒目的色彩。 splash across/over [phrasal verb] splash (something) across/over (something) : to put (something, such as a photograph or news headline) in a place or position where it will be easily seen by many people把(照片、头条新闻等)刊登在显著位置 The scandal was splashed across the front page.那条丑闻大幅刊登在头版上。 Her picture was splashed (all) over the news.新闻里(到处)都是她的照片。 splash down [phrasal verb] of a spacecraft : to land in the ocean溅落(指航天器落入大海) The space capsule splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico.航天舱溅落到了墨西哥湾里。 — see also splashdown splash out [phrasal verb] splash out or splash out (something) or splash (something) out British, informal : to spend a lot of money大手大脚地花钱 If you really want to splash out [=splurge], let's go to dinner and a show in town.你要真想挥霍一下的话,咱们就去城里下馆子再看场演出。 We can't afford to splash out that much money for luxuries.我们花不起那么多钱买奢侈品。 2 splash /ˈsplæʃ/ noun plural splashes 2 splash /ˈsplæʃ/ noun plural splashes Learner's definition of SPLASH 1  [count] a  : the sound made when someone or something hits liquid or when liquid hits something落水声;溅泼声 — usually singular通常用单数 He listened to the gentle splash of the waves against the boat.他听着海浪轻轻拍打船舷的声音。 We heard a splash from the pool.我们听到水塘里传来了扑通的落水声。 The bird dived into the pond with a splash.那只鸟嗖的一声潜入了池塘里。 b  : the movement of liquid when something hits it溅;洒 — usually singular通常用单数 There was barely a splash when the diver hit the water.那位跳水选手跃入水池时,几乎没有溅起水花。 I was hit by the splash when a truck drove through the puddle.卡车开过水坑时,水溅到了我身上。 2  [count] : a mark or spot made when a liquid is splashed on something(溅上的)污渍,斑点 — often + of You've got splashes of mud on your pants.你裤子上溅了泥浆。 3  [count] : a small area of bright color or light色块;光斑 — + of a splash of color色块 splashes of light on the floor地板上的片片光斑 4  [singular] informal : a small amount of liquid added to a drink掺入饮料中的少量液体 — usually + of coffee with just a splash of cream加了少许奶油的咖啡 make a splash informal : to attract a lot of attention in an exciting way引人注目;引起轰动 The young director is making (quite) a splash in Hollywood.那位年轻导演在好莱坞引起了(不小的)轰动。 The news of her arrest made a huge splash.她被捕的消息引起了巨大的轰动。




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