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词汇 square
释义 square (adjective) square (verb) square (adverb) square 14 ENTRIES FOUND: square (noun) square (adjective) square (verb) square (adverb) square bracket (noun) square dance (noun) square knot (noun) square meal (noun) square one (noun) square root (noun) set square (noun) T square (noun) fair (adjective) peg (noun) 1 square /ˈskweɚ/ noun plural squares 1 square /ˈskweɚ/ noun plural squares Learner's definition of SQUARE [count] 1  : a four-sided shape that is made up of four straight sides that are the same length and that has four right angles正方形;四方形 The fabric is decorated with circles and squares.织物上饰有圆形和正方形图案。 Cut the brownies into squares.把巧克力蛋糕切成小方块。 — often + of a square of tile/cloth一块方形瓷砖/布 — see picture at geometry; compare rectangle 2  : any of the squares on a board for playing games (such as chess and checkers)(国际象棋、国际跳棋等棋盘上的)方格 The board has red and black squares.棋盘上有红色和黑色方格。 — see picture at chess 3  mathematics : the number that results from multiplying a number by itself平方;二次方 The square of 2 [=2₂] is 4. [=2 x 2 = 4]2的平方是4。 — compare 1cube 2 4  : an open area in a village, city, etc., where two or more streets meet(街道交汇处的)广场 The bank is located at the main square.这家银行位于主广场。 the market/town square集市/镇广场 5  somewhat old-fashioned, informal + disapproving : someone who does not like or try unusual things that other people consider exciting, interesting, etc.古板的人;守旧的人 Don't be such a square. Let's try something different for a change.不要这么守旧。咱们尝试点不同的事情来改变一下。 6  technical : a flat tool that is used to mark or check angles直角尺 a carpenter's square木匠的直角尺 — see picture at carpentry; compare t square 7  chiefly US, informal : square meal I try to have three squares a day.我尽量一日三餐都要吃好。 2 square /ˈskweɚ/ adjective squarer; squarest 2 square /ˈskweɚ/ adjective squarer; squarest Learner's definition of SQUARE [also more square; most square] 1  a  : shaped like a square : having four straight sides that are the same length and four right angles at each corner正方形的;四方形的 The room is square.这个房间呈正方形。 a square box正方形的盒子 b  : forming a right angle成直角的 The room has four square corners.这个房间的四个角是直角。 Make sure the post is square to the floor. [=make sure that there is a right angle where the post and the floor meet]要确保柱子与地面成直角。 2  — used to describe a measurement that is produced by multiplying something's length and width(面积为)…平方的 a tile measuring one square foot [=a tile that is one foot long and one foot wide]面积为一平方英尺的瓷砖 a square inch/meter/mile一平方英寸/米/英里 — compare cubic 3  : shaped more like a right angle than a curve方正的 a square jaw方形下巴 square shoulders宽阔的平肩 ◊ This sense of square often suggests strength and toughness.此义项的square常暗指魁梧壮实。 4  somewhat old-fashioned : honest and fair诚实公正的 a square deal公平交易 She is square in all her dealings.她做生意一向诚信。 — see also fair and square at 1fair 5  somewhat old-fashioned, informal + disapproving — used to describe someone who does not like or try unusual things that other people consider exciting, interesting, etc.古板的;守旧的 He's nice but he's kind of square.他人很好,就是有点古板。 6  a  informal : having nothing owed by either side : even彼此无欠账的;两清的 Here's the rest of the money. Now we're square. [=now we don't owe each other anything]剩下的钱都在这儿。现在我们两不相欠了。 b  not used before a noun : having the same number of points : tied点数相同;与…打成平局 The teams were all square after the first half.上半场过后,双方打成平局。 a square peg in a round hole — see 1peg 3 square /ˈskweɚ/ verb squares; squared; squaring 3 square /ˈskweɚ/ verb squares; squared; squaring Learner's definition of SQUARE [+ object] 1  : to make (something) square : to give (something) straight edges, flat surfaces, or sharp, even corners使成正方形;使成方形 The machine squares the wood into flat boards.机器把木料制成方形木板。 — often + off I still need to square off the end of the board.我还得把这块板的末端削成方形。 2  mathematics : to multiply (a number) by itself使成平方;使成二次方 If you square 3, you get 9.3的平方等于9。 — usually used as (be) squared通常用作(be) squared 3 squared is/equals 9. [=3 x 3 = 9]3的平方等于9。 — compare 2cube 2 3  : to pay money that is owed for (something)付清欠款 We squared [=settled] our accounts.我们结清了账目。 — often + up Is this enough money to square up my part of the bill?这些钱够付清我那部分账单吗? 4  : to make the score of (something, such as a game or series) the same : tie使得分相同;使成平局 The goal squared the game 2-2.这一进球使得比赛变为2:2平。 Their win squares the series at three games apiece.他们各自赢得三场比赛,使得系列赛打成平局。 square away [phrasal verb] square (something) away or square away (something) US : to put (something) in an organized and proper state or condition归整;办妥 — often used as (be/get) squared away常用作(be get) squared away I need to get my work squared away [=taken care of] before I leave for vacation.度假之前我得把我的工作安排妥当。 I can finally relax since everything is squared away.一切已经安排妥当,我终于可以放松一下了。 square off [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to prepare to fight : to get into the position of two people who are going to fight each other准备打斗;摆好架势(和人)打斗 The two men squared off, but no punches were thrown.两个男人摆好打斗架势,但是没有人出拳。 b  : to fight or argue打斗;争论 — often + against They squared off against each other in a heated debate.在一场激烈的辩论中他们互相争论。 2  : to compete in a contest在比赛中竞争 The two teams will square off again tomorrow.两队明天将再度交手。 — often + against They squared off against each other in the election.他们在选举中相互竞争。 — see also 3square 1 (above) square up [phrasal verb] 1  : to turn so that you are facing something or someone directly转身直面(某事或某人) She squared up (with/to the basket) for a three-point shot.她转身(面向篮筐)投三分球。 They squared up for a fight. [=they faced each other and prepared to fight]他们面对面准备打斗。 — see also 3square 3 (above) 2  square up to (someone or something) : to begin to deal with (a difficult person or situation) in a direct way毅然面对,勇于处理(难以对付的人或情况) We need to square up to this problem.我们得直面这个问题。 He's finally squaring up to his critics.他终于毅然面对批评者。 square with [phrasal verb] 1  square with (something) : to agree with (something)与…相符 Your story doesn't square with the facts.你的说法与事实不符。 2  square (something) with (something) : to make (something) agree with (something)使与…相符;使与…一致 How can they square what they've done with what they've said?他们如何能做到言行一致呢? 3  square (something) with (someone) : to get agreement about or approval of (something) from (someone)使(某事)获得(某人)认同 I'll go on the trip if I can square it with my parents. [=if my parents will agree to let me go]如果父母同意,我将起程旅行。 square yourself : to turn so that you are facing something or someone directly转身直面(某事或某人) He squared himself and prepared for the hit.他转过身,准备迎击。 square your shoulders : to stand with your shoulders pulled back in a straight line in a way that shows you are ready to do or deal with something directly摆正肩膀,挺直身子(准备做或处理某事) She stood up straight and squared her shoulders.她站直身体摆正肩膀。 4 square /ˈskweɚ/ adverb 4 square /ˈskweɚ/ adverb Learner's definition of SQUARE : in a direct way直接地 She ran square [=directly, right] into me.她径直撞上了我。 Look (at) me square in the eye and tell me you're not lying.直视我的眼睛,告诉我你没有撒谎。




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