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词汇 stake
释义 stake (verb) stake 4 ENTRIES FOUND: stake (noun) stake (verb) claim (noun) life (noun) 1 stake /ˈsteɪk/ noun plural stakes 1 stake /ˈsteɪk/ noun plural stakes Learner's definition of STAKE 1  [count] : a pointed stick or post that is pushed into the ground especially to mark a place or to support something桩;标桩;围栏桩 2  the stake : a post that a person was tied to and burned on in the past as a form of punishment(旧时的)火刑柱 Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上。 3  stakes [plural] : something (such as money) that you could win or lose in a game, contest, etc.赌注;赌金 a poker game with high stakes大赌注的扑克牌游戏 The stakes are too high/low/big.赌金太高/低/大。 4  [count] a  : an interest or share in a business股份 They have a stake in the company. [=they own part of the company]他们拥有这家公司的股份。 a majority stake多数股份 b  : an interest or degree of involvement in something利害关系 We all have a stake in the health of our economy. [=the health of our economy affects us all]经济运行状况与我们所有人都息息相关。 at stake : in a position to be lost or gained成败的关头;得失的关键时刻 Millions of dollars are at stake in the battle over his inheritance.对于他遗产的争夺战关系到几百万美元的得失。 Thousands of jobs are at stake.数以千计的工作岗位难保。 Many lives are at stake.许多人的生命处于生死关头。 My reputation is at stake if this project fails. [=my reputation will be lost/damaged if this project fails]如果这个项目失败,我的声誉会大受影响。 go to the stake for/over British : to defend (something or someone) even though your actions or statements may cause you trouble or harm为捍卫(某事物或某人)而不惜赴汤蹈火 She's willing to go to the stake for her beliefs.为了捍卫信仰,她愿意赴汤蹈火。 pull up stakes US, informal : to leave your job or home辞职;卷铺盖走人;离家 Her career was going nowhere, so she decided it was time to pull up stakes.她的工作没有前途,因此她认为是时候卷铺盖走人了。 2 stake /ˈsteɪk/ verb stakes; staked; staking 2 stake /ˈsteɪk/ verb stakes; staked; staking Learner's definition of STAKE [+ object] 1  : to risk the loss of (something, such as money)拿…冒险;以…打赌 — usually + on She staked [=bet, wagered] all her money on the race.她把所有的钱都押在那场比赛上了。 He staked [=risked] his reputation on the success of the new plan.他以自己的名誉打赌那项新计划会成功。 The corporation staked billions of dollars on the deal.这家公司在这桩交易上押了数十亿美元。 She staked everything on one last attempt.她竭尽一切赌最后一把。 That's the man who robbed the bank. I would stake my life on it. [=I am absolutely sure]抢劫银行的就是那个男人,我敢拿性命担保。 2  : to support (something, such as a plant) with stakes用桩支撑(植物等) She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.她用木桩撑住西红柿植株以免其倒下。 stake out [phrasal verb] 1  stake (something) out or stake out (something) : to mark the limits of (an area) with stakes用木桩标出…地界 stake out a mining area标出矿区的地界 We staked out the area where the pool will be installed.我们用木桩在要挖水池的地方标出了地界。 2  : to watch (a place) secretly especially because you are looking for illegal activity监视 The police staked out the building until they caught the vandals.警方一直监视那座建筑物,直到他们抓到破坏者为止。 — see also stakeout 3  : to state (your opinion) in a very clear and definite way明确表示(观点) He staked out his position on this issue in a speech he gave last month.他在上个月的演讲中明确表示了自己关于这个问题的立场。 stake (out) a/your claim : to say or show that you believe you should have something or that you deserve something公开宣称(对某物的)所有权;公开宣布拥有 They staked their claim to the land.他们公开宣布对这块土地拥有所有权。 With her strong showing in the early rounds of the tournament, she has staked her claim to be considered one of the favorites.她在锦标赛前几轮中的优异表现无异于向人们宣称她是最有希望获胜的选手之一。




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