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词汇 step
释义 step (verb) step 19 ENTRIES FOUND: step (noun) step (verb) step- (combining form) step-by-step (adjective) stepping-stone (noun) step-up (noun) step aerobics (noun) step change (noun) step stool (noun) goose step (noun) half step (noun) whole step (noun) break (verb) fall (verb) lively (adjective) mind (verb) plate (noun) toe (noun) watch (verb) 1 step /ˈstɛp/ noun plural steps 1 step /ˈstɛp/ noun plural steps Learner's definition of STEP 1  [count] a  : a movement made by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place脚步;迈步 counting our steps数我们的脚步 She took one step forward/backward.她向前走/往后退了一步。 The baby took her first steps today.那个婴儿今天迈出了第一步。 He had to retrace his steps [=go back along the way he had come] to find his keys.他不得不沿路走回去找他的钥匙。 b  : the sound of a foot making a step : footstep脚步声 I heard steps on the stairs.我听见楼梯上的脚步声。 c  : the distance covered in one step一步的距离 The edge of the cliff was only about three steps to my left.我左边离悬崖边只有三步远。 also : a short distance短距离 The cottage is just steps from the beach.小屋离海滩就几步远。 d  : a mark left by a foot or shoe : footprint脚印 steps in the sand沙滩上的脚印 2  [singular] : the way that someone walks步伐;步态;步履 He walks with a spring in his step.他步履轻盈。 She walked down the hall with a quick/light step.她迅速/轻盈地走下礼堂。 — see also goose step, lockstep 3  [count] : one of a series of actions that are done to achieve something步骤;措施 a major/important step towards independence迈向独立的重要一步 We are taking steps to correct the situation.我们正在采取措施以扭转局面。 The court's decision is a step backward/forward for the reform movement. [=it is something that will hurt/help the reform movement]法庭的那项裁决是改革运动的倒退/前进。 Exercise won't solve all your health problems, but it's a step in the right direction. [=it will improve your health]锻炼不可能解决你所有的健康问题,但总会有所帮助。 They're taking baby steps. [=they're doing minor things that produce only a small amount of progress toward achieving something]他们进展缓慢。 4  [count] : a stage in a process阶段 We're in the first/intermediate/last steps of the negotiations.我们的谈判正处于开始/中间/最后阶段。 She's one step nearer/closer to graduation.她向毕业又迈进了一步。 I want to take it a step further. [=I want to move to the next stage in the process]我想再推进一步。 He was criticized at every step. = He was criticized every step of the way.他每走一步都受人非议。 We'll guide you through the process step by step.我们会一步一步地引导你走完整个过程。 Let's take this one step at a time.咱们一步一步来吧。 5  [count] : a level or rank in a scale水平;级别 a step above/below average平均水平之上/下 a step beyond what was expected出乎意料的水平 The new job is a step up/down for her. [=the new job is more/less important, challenging, etc., than the job she had before]新的工作对她来说是向前迈进/向后倒退。 6  [count] : the flat piece of wood, stone, etc., that forms one of the levels of a staircase(楼梯)阶梯,台阶 They sat on the steps in front of the house.他们坐在房前的台阶上。 The top step [=stair] squeaks when you step on it.楼梯最上面的一阶踩上去吱吱作响。 — see picture at house; see also doorstep 7  [count] : a movement or pattern of movements made by someone who is dancing舞步 a ballet step芭蕾舞步 dance steps舞步 8  US, music : the distance from one tone of a musical scale to the next(音)级,度 [count] The melody moves up/down a step.旋律上升/下降了一个音级。 [noncount] The melody moves upward by step [=in a series of steps] from D to C.旋律从D音升到C音。 — see also half step, whole step 9  [count] : a piece of exercise equipment consisting of a small platform that you use by stepping on and off it健身踏板 Working out with a step can be very rigorous.用健身踏板锻炼会很讲究。 — see also step aerobics 10  steps [plural] British : stepladder a/one step ahead of 1  : better prepared than (someone or something)领先一步;提前一步 The teacher really has to work to keep one step ahead of the class.老师在讲课前确实得提前备好课。 She always seems to be one step ahead of me.她似乎总是早我一步。 2  : able to avoid being caught or found by (someone or something)躲过;不被抓住(或发现) So far the killer has managed to stay one step ahead of the police/law. [=managed to avoid being caught by the police]至今,杀手已成功躲过警方的抓捕。 break step : to stop walking or marching with the same rhythm as another person or group of people乱了步伐 The soldier was startled and broke step.那名士兵受到惊吓,脚步也乱了。 fall into step : to begin walking or marching with the same rhythm as another person or group of people跟上步伐 He fell into step beside her and struck up a conversation.他跟上她,开始攀谈起来。 in step 1  : with the same rhythm as someone or something(和…)步伐一致 They walked in step down the avenue.他们步伐整齐地走过大街。 — usually + with We danced in step with the music.我们跟着音乐的节拍跳舞。 2  : matching or agreeing with someone or something和…意见相同;与…一致;与…相符合 She's in step with people her age. [=she has the same ideas, problems, etc., as other people her age]她和同龄人想法一致。 The practice is not in step with modern morality.这种做法有悖于现代道德准则。 mind/watch your step 1  : to walk carefully(走路)小心 It's slippery, so watch your step.路很滑,要小心。 2  : to speak or behave carefully(言行)小心,谨慎 You'd better watch your step with me, young lady.姑娘,你和我说话做事最好谨慎些。 out of step 1  : not moving with the same rhythm as someone or something和…步调不一致 One of the dancers was out of step.其中一位舞者的舞步不合拍。 2  : not matching or agreeing with someone or something和…看法不一致;与…相左;与…不符 Her fashion sense is completely out of step.她对时尚的感觉完全不一样。 — often + with She's out of step with current fashion.她和当前的时尚格格不入。 Critics say the rule is out of step with the times. [=the rule does not agree with the ideas that are popular or important now]批评家们说这条规矩不合时宜。 — steplike /ˈstɛpˌlaɪk/ adjective — stepped /ˈstɛpt/ adjective a stepped pyramid [=a pyramid with sides made of steps]阶梯式金字塔 2 step /ˈstɛp/ verb steps; stepped; stepping 2 step /ˈstɛp/ verb steps; stepped; stepping Learner's definition of STEP always followed by an adverb or preposition [no object] 1  : to move in a specified direction by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place迈步;跨步;行走 The sailor stepped ashore.那个水手跨步上岸。 She stepped onto/off the bus.她走上/走下公共汽车。 They stepped aside/forward/backward to let her pass.他们站到一边/往前一步/后退一步,让她过去。 Please step away from the door.请从门前让开。 : to move somewhere by walking走向(某地) He stepped outside for a moment.他出去了一会儿。 Step in/into my office for a minute.到我办公室来一下。 2  : to put your foot down踩;踏 — usually + in or on He accidentally stepped on a nail.他不小心踩到了一颗钉子。 She stepped in a puddle.她踩进了小水坑里。 step aside/down [phrasal verb] : to leave a job or official position辞职;让位;退位 He stepped down [=resigned] as president.他辞去了总裁的职位。 She'll step aside after her replacement is appointed.新人任命后她将让位。 step back [phrasal verb] : to stop doing something or being actively involved in something for a time so that you can think about it and make decisions in a calm and reasonable way跳出圈子(以便冷静客观地看待问题) You need to step back and give yourself some time to work through this.你需要跳出圈子,给自己一些时间来处理好这个问题。 step forward [phrasal verb] : to give or offer help, information, etc.(主动)站出来(提供帮助、信息等) A witness stepped forward to identify the robber.一个目击者站出来指认劫匪。 step in [phrasal verb] : to become involved in an activity, discussion, etc., in order to prevent trouble or provide help介入,出面(以避免麻烦或提供帮助) He stepped in and took charge.他出面担起责任。 She stepped in before a fight could start.她出面阻止了一场打斗的发生。 step into [phrasal verb] step into (something) : to take a particular role or do a particular task出任;着手做 She stepped into the role/position of director.她出任导演。 She's retiring, and it won't be easy to find someone who can step into her shoes. [=fill her shoes; who can do her job]她就要退休了,但是很难找到能顶替她的人。 step lively — see lively step on it informal or US step on the gas : to drive faster开快点 Step on it, they're getting away!开快点,他们快要逃脱了! step on someone's toes — see 1toe step out [phrasal verb] US : to briefly leave a place短暂离开 I need to step out [=pop out] for a moment.我得出去一下。 She just stepped out to get some milk.她就是出去喝点牛奶。 step out of line informal : to disobey rules or behave badly犯规;举止不当 If you step out of line, you'll get kicked off the bus.如果你不规矩,就会被赶下公共汽车。 step right up chiefly US — used to invite people to gather around to see a show or to buy things快来(用于招呼人观看演出或买东西) Step right up [=(Brit) roll up, roll up] and see the world's greatest magic show!快来,看看世界上最棒的魔术表演! step up [phrasal verb] 1  : to increase in amount or speed增加;提速 Production has stepped up in recent months.最近几个月产量提高了。 2  a  : to say openly or publicly that you are the person who should get something or who can do something : to come forward走上前(宣告某事);站出来(承担某事) No one yet has stepped up to claim responsibility.迄今尚无任何人宣称对此负责。 b  : to do better : to succeed in providing what is needed by making a greater effort, improving your performance, etc.努力做好;努力做成 The team's best player is injured, so someone else needs to step up.这个队最好的球员受伤了,所以需要有人站出来挑大梁。 3  step (something) up or step up (something) a  : to increase the amount or speed of (something)增加;加快 The company has stepped up production.公司提高了生产效率。 b  : to improve (something)改进;改善 The other players need to step up their performance.其他队员得改善自己的表现。 — see also step-up step up to the plate — see 1plate — stepper /ˈstɛpɚ/ noun, plural steppers [count]




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