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词汇 stock
释义 stock (verb) stock (adjective) stock 18 ENTRIES FOUND: stock (noun) stock (verb) stock (adjective) stocking (noun) stocking cap (noun) stocking stuffer (noun) stock-in-trade (noun) stock-still (adjective) stock car (noun) stock company (noun) stock cube (noun) stock exchange (noun) stock market (noun) stock option (noun) body stocking (noun) Christmas stocking (noun) rolling stock (noun) lock (noun) 1 stock /ˈstɑːk/ noun plural stocks 1 stock /ˈstɑːk/ noun plural stocks Learner's definition of STOCK 1  : the supply of goods available for sale in a store(商店的)现货,存货,库存 [noncount] That camera is out of stock.那种相机已脱销。 Do you have any more light bulbs in stock?你有更多的现货灯泡吗? [singular] They carry a large/small stock of computer software.他们有大量/少量的计算机软件库存。 2  : a supply of something that is available for use储备品;备用物 [count] We built up an ample stock of food before the storm.我们在暴风雨之前储备了大量的备用食品。 She always seems to have a fresh stock of funny jokes.她似乎总备有新颖的有趣笑话。 [noncount] There was a decrease in available housing stock [=houses and apartment buildings] last year.去年可购住房保有量减少。 3  : a share of the value of a company which can be bought, sold, or traded as an investment股票;股份 [count] The value of his stocks has soared.他持有的股票价格已经飞涨。 Most of her money is invested in stocks.她把大多数钱投资在股票上。 [noncount] Do you own any stock?你持有股票吗? She bought (some) stock in the company. — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 stock prices股票价格 a stock certificate股票凭证 4  [count] : the part of a gun that is held against your shoulder枪托 the stock of a rifle步枪枪托 — see picture at gun 5  [noncount] : the country or group of people that a person comes from家族;世系;祖先 He is of Irish stock. [=his family comes originally from Ireland]他是爱尔兰裔。 6  [noncount] : farm animals (such as cattle) from which meat, wool and other products are obtained : livestock家畜;牲畜 7  [noncount] : liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked and then removed and which is used to make soups, sauces, etc.原汤;高汤 The recipe calls for one cup of chicken/beef stock.食谱上要求用一杯鸡肉/牛肉原汤。 8  [noncount] US : confidence or faith in someone or something信任;相信 He placed/put a lot of stock in her ability to get the job done. [=he had a lot of trust in her ability to get the job done]他完全相信她有能力完成这项工作。 I don't put much stock in the rumors. [=I don't think the rumors are believable; I doubt the rumors]我不大相信这些谣言。 9  [noncount] — used to describe how popular or unpopular someone or something is at a particular time声望;地位 The mayor's stock with voters is high/low right now. [=the mayor is popular/unpopular with voters right now]目前,市长在选民中的声望高/低。 10  stocks [plural] : a wooden frame with holes in it for a person's feet, hands, or head that was used in the past as a form of punishment枷;枷锁 He was sent to the stocks.他被戴上木枷。 lock, stock, and barrel — see 1lock take stock : to carefully think about something in order to make a decision about what to do next权衡;认真思量 We need to take stock and formulate a plan.我们需要认真思量后再构想出计划。 — often + of We should take stock of our finances.我们应该权衡一下我们的财力。 2 stock /ˈstɑːk/ verb stocks; stocked; stocking 2 stock /ˈstɑːk/ verb stocks; stocked; stocking Learner's definition of STOCK [+ object] 1  : to have a supply of (something) in a store for sale(为销售而)备有,存有 Our store stocks only the finest goods.我们店只库存最精致的货物。 Do you stock this item?你们有储备这种物品吗? 2  : to fill (something, such as a room or a building) with a supply of food, drinks, etc.摆满,供应(食物、饮料等) The bar is stocked with beer, wine and liquor.酒吧供应啤酒、葡萄酒和烈酒。 a well-stocked kitchen摆满食品的厨房 They stocked the shelves in the store with a variety of imported foods.他们在商店的架子上摆满了各种进口食品。 stock up [phrasal verb] : to get a large quantity of something so that you will have it for later use大量储备 I need to head to the store to stock up.我需要去商店大量采购做储备。 — often + on We made sure to stock up on food before the storm hit.暴风雨来袭之前,我们已确保储备了大量食物。 3 stock /ˈstɑːk/ adjective 3 stock /ˈstɑːk/ adjective Learner's definition of STOCK always used before a noun 1  a  : regularly used or included with something : standard常用的;通常有的;通常的 Here are the stock patterns you can choose from.这些是你能选择的常见式样。 b  : commonly used and not original or interesting陈腐的;老一套的;了无新意的 She gave a stock answer to the reporter's question.她用老一套的说法回答记者的问题。 a dull narrative with stock characters角色老套的无聊故事 2  : usually available for sale in a store(商店)库存的,常备的 That item is a stock model.那个是库存的样品。 stock sizes库存量




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