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词汇 stop
释义 stop (noun) stop 19 ENTRIES FOUND: stop (verb) stop (noun) stop-action (noun) stop-and-go (adjective) stop-go (adjective) stop-motion (noun) stopping distance (noun) stop knob (noun) full stop (noun) glottal stop (noun) heart-stopping (adjective) one-stop (adjective) pit stop (noun) rest stop (noun) truck stop (noun) whistle-stop (adjective) buck (noun) rose (noun) smell (verb) 1 stop /ˈstɑːp/ verb stops; stopped; stopping 1 stop /ˈstɑːp/ verb stops; stopped; stopping Learner's definition of STOP 1  a  [no object] : to not move, walk, etc., after doing so before停下来,停止(不再移动) She was walking toward me, and then she suddenly stopped.她先是朝我走来,然后突然停了下来。 The bus stopped at the corner.公共汽车在转角处停了下来。 He stopped to watch the sun set.他停下来看日落。 She had to stop to catch her breath. = She had to stop and catch her breath.她不得不停下来喘气。 He stopped to pick up a penny.他停下来捡起一便士。 The car was going so fast that it couldn't stop in time.车行驶得太快以至于不能及时停下来。 The traffic light turned red, so she had to stop.交通灯变为红灯了,她不得不停下来。 Stop. [=halt] Who goes there?站住。是谁? I stopped (dead) in my tracks [=stopped suddenly] when I saw the bear.看见熊时,我突然停了下来。 b  [+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to not move, walk, etc., after doing so before阻止;阻挡;拦住 Stop that man! He stole my wallet.拦住那个人!他偷了我的钱包。 They stopped us at the border to check our passports.他们在边界拦住了我们,检查我们的护照。 She stopped the car and turned back.她停住了汽车,然后掉转车头返回。 He was stopped by the police for speeding.他因为超速被警察拦住。 The goalie stopped [=blocked] the ball/shot.守门员拦住了球/射门。 The sight of the bear stopped me (dead) in my tracks.看见熊我顿时止步。 2  a  : to not do something that you have been doing before : to not continue doing something停下,停止(所做的事) [no object] He constantly teases her and never knows when to stop.他总是取笑她,从无休止。 We've been working all morning. It's time to stop and take a break.我们工作了一上午,是时候停下来休息一会儿了。 The boss said that he was unhappy with some of his employees, but he stopped short of naming which ones. [=but he did not say which ones]老板说他对一些员工不满意,但他没有指名道姓。 Did you ever stop [=pause] to think about the risk you took?你是否停下来考虑一下你所冒的风险? She never stopped to consider how her decision might affect others.她从未停下来想想她的决定会怎样影响他人。 [+ object] Can you please stop what you are doing to help me?你能否停下你的工作来帮我? I stop work at 5 o'clock.我5点钟停止工作。 The phone stopped ringing.电话铃不响了。 Stop arguing/talking/running.别争论/交谈/跑步了。 She stopped [=quit] smoking last year.她去年戒烟了。 The patient suddenly stopped breathing.病人突然停止了呼吸。 His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。 Stop it/that or I'll tell Mom.住手,否则我要告诉妈妈了。 b  [+ object] : to make (someone or something) no longer do something : to keep (someone or something) from continuing to do something使停止,使停下(做某事) I'm leaving and you can't stop me.我要离开了,你无法阻止我。 Stop me if you've heard this joke before.如果你以前听过这个笑话就打断我。 It's too late. There's no stopping them now. [=they can't be stopped now]太迟了,现在没法阻止他们。 (Brit) I couldn't stop him crying.我没法让他不哭。 — often + from in U.S. English在美国英语中常与from连用 I couldn't stop him from crying.我没法让他不哭。 He stopped [=restrained] himself from laughing out loud.他忍住不让自己大声笑出来。 Nothing can stop me from leaving.没什么能阻挡我离开。 Environmentalists tried to stop them from cutting down the trees.环保主义者试图阻止他们砍伐树木。 There is nothing to stop you from going.没什么能阻挡你去。 We need to stop the disease from spreading.我们需要阻止疾病的传播。 3  [+ object] a  : to cause (something) to end : to end (something)使终结;使结束;使终止 The teacher stopped the fight.老师制止了打架。 We need to stop the violence in our city.我们需要让我们的城市不再发生暴力。 They tried to stop the bleeding.他们试图止血。 b  : to cause (a recording) to not play停止播放 She stopped the CD because it was skipping.她停止播放CD,因为在跳帧。 We stopped [=paused] the movie to grab some snacks.我们暂停了电影去拿些零食。 4  [no object] : to no longer happen or exist : to end结束;停止 The music suddenly stopped.音乐突然停止了。 The path stops about halfway up the mountain.小路到半山腰就到了尽头。 The rain had stopped by the time we left. [=it was not raining anymore when we left]我们离开的时候雨停了。 5  [no object] : to suddenly not work or function停止工作;停止运转 The engine just stopped.发动机刚刚停止运转了。 His heart stopped.他的心跳突然停了。 6  [no object] a  : to not travel during a journey for a short period of time in order to rest, eat, etc.(旅途中)短暂停留(为休息或进餐等) — + for We stopped for lunch.我们途中停下来吃午饭。 We need to stop for gas. [=we need to get gas]我们需要停下来加油。 We stopped for a night in Atlanta. [=we stayed in Atlanta for a night]我们在亚特兰大逗留了一夜。 b  : to go to a place during a journey(旅途中)去往某地 I'll stop for a short visit.我将在途中做短暂拜访。 The tour stops in several cities.这次旅游要去往几个城市。 c  : to make a brief social visit做短期会访 I'm not stopping. [=staying] I just wanted to drop this off.我不是来会访的,只想顺便送这个。 — see also stop by, stop in, stop off, stop over (below) 7  [+ object] : to close, block, or fill (a hole)堵塞,塞住(孔、洞) He stopped his ears with his fingers. [=he put his fingertips in his ears so that he couldn't hear]他用手指堵住耳朵。 — usually + up She stopped up the cracks with plaster.她用灰泥堵上裂缝。 The sink is stopped up [=blocked] with food.水槽被食物堵住了。 8  [+ object] a  : to tell your bank not to pay a check(告知银行)停止(兑现支票、支付账单) I called to stop payment on the check. = I called to stop the check.我打电话通知银行停止兑现支票。 b  chiefly British : to take (money) from something扣除 — often + from £200 will be stopped [=withheld] from your wages next week.下个星期将从你工资里扣除200英镑。 9  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] British, informal : to stay or remain停留;待 I am stopping at home.我现在待在家里。 — see also stop in, stop out, stop up (below) stop and smell the roses — see 2rose stop at nothing — used to say that someone will do anything to achieve a goal or purpose不择手段;无所顾忌 She will stop at nothing to get what she wants.她为得到自己想要的会不择手段。 stop by [phrasal verb] informal : to visit someone briefly短暂拜访 Feel free to stop by [=drop by, drop in] anytime.你可以随时来访。 I'll stop by for a short visit.我将会短暂拜访。 stop in [phrasal verb] informal 1  : to visit someone briefly短暂拜访 You should stop in [=stop by] for tea sometime.改天你该来喝喝茶。 2  British : to stay at home待在家 I'm stopping [=staying] in tonight.今晚我待在家。 stop off [phrasal verb] informal : to go or stay somewhere briefly while traveling to another place途中短暂去往(某地);途中短暂逗留(某地) I'll stop off (at the store) to pick up some milk.途中我会去(商店)买些牛奶。 She is stopping off in Miami to visit a friend.她顺路去迈阿密拜访一个朋友。 Could you stop off at the house to water the plants?你能在中途顺便去房子那里给植物浇水吗? stop out [phrasal verb] British, informal : to stay out at night(晚上)待在外面 He doesn't normally stop out late.他一般不会在外面待到很晚。 stop over [phrasal verb] informal : to go to or stay in a place while traveling to another place途中去,途中停留(某地) The plane stops over in Chicago before going on to Seattle.飞机在飞往西雅图途中要在芝加哥短暂停留。 She stopped over at a friend's house for a couple of days.她途中在朋友家待了几天。 stop up [phrasal verb] British, informal : to stay up at night熬夜 She stopped up late last night.昨晚她熬夜到很晚。 — see also 1stop 7 (above) the buck stops here — see 1buck 2 stop /ˈstɑːp/ noun plural stops 2 stop /ˈstɑːp/ noun plural stops Learner's definition of STOP [count] 1  : an act of stopping or a state of being stopped制止;停止: such as a  : a state in which someone or something is no longer moving(移动等)终止,停止 — usually singular通常用单数 The car skidded/slowed to a stop. [=to a halt]汽车滑行着/慢慢地停下了。 The ball rolled to a stop.球滚着停住了。 The train came to a stop.火车停下了。 He slowly brought the car to a stop.他慢慢地停了车。 — see also full stop b  : a state in which no further activity happens(活动等)停止,止住 — usually singular通常用单数 Production was brought to a stop [=was stopped] by the strike.罢工使生产停止了。 Negotiations brought a stop to [=ended] the conflict.谈判制止了冲突。 Work on the project came to a stop [=work on the project stopped] because of a lack of funding.工程因为缺乏资金停了下来。 The fighting came to a sudden stop.战斗突然停止。 We need to put a stop to [=end] these practices.我们需要停止这些做法。 She wanted to put a stop to the rumors.她想制止谣言。 c  sports : a play that stops an opponent from scoring a goal救球 The goalie made a great stop. [=save]守门员漂亮地救了一个球。 2  a  : a place that you visit or go to for a short period of time during a journey途中去往地;途中拜访处 His first stop will be Washington, D.C.他行程的第一站将是华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。 Our first stop has to be the gas station.我们行程的第一站必须是加油站。 — see also pit stop, rest stop, truck stop, whistle-stop b  : a short period of time during which you stop or stay at a place during a journey中途逗留;中途停留 The trip includes an overnight stop [=stay] in Paris.旅程包括在巴黎逗留一晚。 We'll make a stop [=stop, rest] when we get to the top of this hill.我们到达山顶的时候会休息一下。 We should make a stop at the museum. [=we should visit the museum]我们应该停下来参观一下博物馆。 I need to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home.在回家的路上我需要在杂货店停一下。 3  a  : the place where a bus or train regularly stops on a route to let passengers get on and off站台;站 a bus stop公共汽车站 The next stop is Main Street and Tower Square.下一站是主街和塔广场。 I'm getting off at the next stop.我在下一站下车。 What is your stop?你到哪一站? b  US : a place on a road (such as an intersection) where traffic must stop停车路口 a four-way stop十字停车路口 Slow down as you approach the stop.接近停车路口时要减速。 a stop sign [=a sign telling drivers to stop and wait until they can continue safely]停止标志 — see also stoplight 4  : an order that tells a bank not to pay a check(告知银行的)止付通知 — usually singular通常用单数 I put a stop on the check.我通知了银行止付这张支票。 5  music a  : a set of organ pipes that produce a similar sound(管风琴的)音管 b  : stop knob 6  linguistics : a sound (such as the “p” of “apt” or the “g” of “tiger”) that is made by stopping the flow of air completely and then suddenly letting air out(闭)塞音 — see also glottal stop pull out all the stops informal : to do everything possible in order to do or achieve something全力以赴 The company pulled out all the stops to advertise their new product. = The company pulled out all the stops in advertising their new product.公司全力以赴宣传他们的新产品。 When he throws a party, he really pulls out all the stops.他举行派对总是全力以赴。 — see also doorstop, shortstop




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