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词汇 story
释义 story (noun) story 13 ENTRIES FOUND: story (noun) story (noun) story line (noun) cock-and-bull story (noun) cover story (noun) fish story (noun) ghost story (noun) horror story (noun) shaggy-dog story (noun) short story (noun) sob story (noun) success story (noun) war story (noun) 1 story /ˈstori/ noun plural stories 1 story /ˈstori/ noun plural stories Learner's definition of STORY 1  [count] : a description of how something happened(真实的)故事;(对往事的)叙述,描述 The movie is based on a true story.这部影片是根据真实故事改编的。 What is the story behind (the making of) this painting?这幅画(绘作)背后有什么故事吗? That's not the whole story. [=there are more details to be told]事情远不止这样。 Many years later they met again, but that's another story.许多年后他们又见面了,但那是另外一回事了。 He said he wasn't at the scene of the crime, but the fingerprints tell a different story. [=the fingerprints show that he was there]他说他没在犯罪现场,但是指纹表明并非如此。 “Why are you late?” “It's a long story. [=it is too complicated to explain] I'll tell you later.”“你为什么迟到?”“说来话长。我待会儿再告诉你。” (US) They were having a lot of problems. To make a long story short, she decided to leave him. = (Brit) To cut a long story short, she decided to leave him.他们之间出现了很多问题。长话短说,她决定离开他。 (informal) He yelled at me, and I left. End of story. [=there is nothing more to say about it]他朝我大吼大叫,我就离开了。就是这样。 — often + about or of We're still waiting to hear the full story [=all of the details] of what happened.我们还在等着听事情发生的全过程。 She's told us the story of the great snowstorm of 1977 many times.她已经给我们讲了好多遍1977年暴风雪的事。 He told all sorts of stories [=anecdotes] about his childhood.他讲了各种童年趣事。 Tell them the story about that time you got stuck in the elevator.把那次你被困在电梯里的事告诉他们吧。 ◊ The phrase the story goes is used to say that you are telling a story that you heard from other people.据说;传闻说 The story goes [=people say] that after he died, he haunted the house.传说他死后,鬼魂出没于这座房子。 The story goes like this: He was walking through the woods when he spotted a huge bear.据说当他穿过树林时看到一只大熊。 She was very depressed or so the story goes. [=or so people say]她很沮丧,至少传闻是这么说的。 — see also horror story, sob story, success story, war story 2  [count] a  : a description of imaginary events that is told as a form of entertainment(虚构的)故事;小说 Don't be scared. It's only a story.别害怕。这只是个虚构的故事。 The story (of the book) is about growing up in Harlem during the 1920s.这(本书)讲的是一个20世纪20年代在哈莱姆区的成长故事。 The movie is a story of three single women looking for true love.这部电影讲述的是三位单身女性寻找真爱的故事。 a horror/detective story恐怖/侦探小说 She read the child a bedtime story. [=a story that you read or tell a child at bedtime]她给孩子读睡前故事。 — see also ghost story, shaggy-dog story, short story b  : the series of events that happen in a story(小说的)情节 The story [=plot] is the same in all her books/movies/plays.她所有的书/电影/戏剧情节都一个样。 3  [count] : something that is reported in a newspaper, on television, etc. : a news article or broadcast新闻报道 a news story [=report]新闻报道 The lead story in the news today is about the earthquake.地震是今天的头条新闻。 His death was one of the biggest stories of the year.他的离世是年度重大新闻之一。 The story about the fire made the front page of the newspaper. = The front-page story was about the fire.这场火灾是报纸的头版新闻。 The magazine ran a story [=printed an article] about the scandal.这本杂志刊登了有关这一丑闻的报道。 — see also cover story 4  [count] : a description of the most important events in someone's life(关于某人的)大事记述,史话 the Princess Diana story = the story of Princess Diana戴安娜王妃纪事 The biography is a story of courage.这本传记是一部勇气史。 She told her life story to him. [=she told him about the things that had happened in her life]她向他讲述了自己的人生经历。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Having bad luck with men is the story of my life. [=I have often had bad luck with men]跟男人交往总是不顺利,我就是这个命。 Gaining and losing weight is the story of her life.增肥减肥,这就是她的人生。 5  a  [count] : a condition or set of conditions that affects someone or something : situation情况 We lost power, and it's the same story throughout the city. [=people throughout the city also lost power]我们这里断电了,整座城市也都是漆黑一片。 Living on your own is a whole different story [=matter] from living with your parents.独立生活与和父母住在一起完全是两码事。 She got good grades in math, but English was another story. [=she did not do well in English]她数学成绩好,但英语则完全不同。 The restaurant has great desserts, but that's only/just half the story. [=part of the story] It also has wonderful entertainment.这家餐厅的甜品很不错,不仅如此,它的娱乐项目也相当精彩。 It's the same old story [=things have not changed] with her—she just can't or won't keep a job.她老是这样——无法保住一份工作。 b  the story somewhat informal : basic information about someone or something事迹;基本情况 I'm still trying to find out the story [=the reason] behind this new policy.我仍在努力搞清楚这项新政背后的故事。 What's the story [=the deal] with that guy? [=what can you tell me about that guy?]那个人的基本情况怎么样? 6  [count] a  : a lie that someone tells : a false story谎言;假话 You shouldn't tell stories.你不该说谎。 — see also cock-and-bull story, fish story b  : an explanation or excuse and especially one that is not true(尤指编造的)解释,借口 The police don't believe his story.警方不相信他的说法。 — often + about She made up some story about getting stuck in traffic.她借口说路上堵车。 a likely story — see 1likely — compare 2story 2 story noun also chiefly British storey /ˈstori/ plural stories 2 story noun also chiefly British storey /ˈstori/ plural stories Learner's definition of STORY [count] : a group of rooms or an area that forms one floor level of a building楼层 She lives/works on the second floor of a five-story building. [=a building that has five stories/floors]她在一座五层楼的二楼居住/工作。 The building is 20 stories high.这栋楼有20层。 — see also multistory — compare 1story




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