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词汇 strain
释义 strain (verb) strain (noun) strain 4 ENTRIES FOUND: strain (noun) strain (verb) strain (noun) strained (adjective) 1 strain /ˈstreɪn/ noun plural strains 1 strain /ˈstreɪn/ noun plural strains Learner's definition of STRAIN 1  : a feeling of stress and worry that you have because you are trying to do too much, are dealing with a difficult problem, etc.焦虑;紧张;压力 [count] The work has been a strain on me. [=it has been stressful for me]这份工作给我带来了压力。 The strain of working and going to school full-time was too much for her.又是工作又是全日制学习,对她来说压力太大了。 He talked about the stresses and strains of owning a business.他谈了谈自己经营公司的紧张和压力。 The long hours at work have put/placed a strain on me.长时间工作使我产生了焦虑情绪。 She has been under a strain lately.她最近压力大。 [noncount] Help from other workers took some of the strain [=pressure] off me.其他工人的帮忙减轻了我的负担。 She has been under (a lot of) strain lately.她最近压力(很)大。 He is holding up under the strain. [=he is able to deal with the pressure]他能够克服压力。 He cracked/collapsed/buckled under the strain. [=he was not able to deal with the pressure]重压之下他垮了。 2  : something that is very difficult to deal with and that causes harm or trouble棘手的问题;重负;紧张 [count] There are strains [=problems] in their relationship.他们关系紧张。 Being deeply in debt has been a strain [=burden] on our marriage.负债累累给我们的婚姻带来巨大压力。 The disagreement has put/placed a strain on their friendship.意见不一导致他们之间的朋友关系紧张。 Sending their children to college has put/placed a strain on their finances.送孩子读大学加重了他们的经济负担。 [noncount] Being in debt has been a source of strain on our marriage.负债累累是我们夫妻关系紧张的一个原因。 Their friendship is under strain.他们之间的朋友关系紧张。 3  : a force that pulls or stretches something : stress拉力;张力 [count] The cable is designed to withstand strains of more than four tons.这条钢缆设计承受的拉力超过四吨。 — usually singular通常用单数 The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous.这些支撑桥梁的钢缆承受着巨大的拉力。 The cables could not take the strain of the extra weight.这些钢缆承受不了额外重量的拉力。 [noncount] If there is too much strain on the cables they will snap.钢缆承受的拉力过大就会断裂。 Moving the piano will put/place too much strain on our back muscles.搬钢琴会使我们的背部肌肉负担过重。 The cable broke under the strain.钢缆被拉断了。 4  : an injury to a body part or muscle that is caused by too much tension, effort, or use拉伤;损伤;扭伤 [count] a leg/muscle strain腿部/肌肉拉伤 [noncount] Long hours of study can cause eye strain.长时间学习会导致视疲劳。 Heavy lifting is a cause of muscle strain.搬抬重物是导致肌肉拉伤的一个原因。 — compare 3strain 2 strain /ˈstreɪn/ verb strains; strained; straining 2 strain /ˈstreɪn/ verb strains; strained; straining Learner's definition of STRAIN 1  [+ object] : to injure (a body part or muscle) by too much tension, use, or effort拉伤;损伤;扭伤 I strained my back trying to lift the couch.我试着抬沙发时扭伤了背部。 Too much computer work strains the eyes.在电脑前工作太久会损伤眼睛的。 He strained a muscle in his leg.他拉伤了腿部肌肉。 — compare sprain 2  : to try very hard to do or get something尽力;竭力;使劲 [no object] — often + for He was straining for air. [=he was struggling to breathe]他使劲呼吸。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 He strained to open the jar.他费劲地打开了罐子。 She strained to sing the high notes.她扯着嗓子唱高音。 The people in the back of the room strained to hear the speaker.坐在房间后面的人竖起耳朵努力听发言者讲话。 [+ object] I strained my ears to hear [=I tried very hard to hear] what they were whispering.我竖起耳朵努力听他们在窃窃私语什么。 I strained my eyes [=I tried very hard to see] in the darkness.在黑暗中我努力地看。 3  a  : to be pulled or stretched in a forceful way用力拉;绷紧 [no object] His muscles strained under the heavy weight.在重力下他的肌肉绷得紧紧的。 [+ object] People were straining their necks [=were lifting their heads as high as they could by stretching their necks] to see the fight.人们伸长脖子看打架。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 You are straining (the limits of) my patience with your nagging.你的喋喋不休正在挑战我的耐性(极限)。 b  [no object] : to pull hard on or push hard against something使劲拉;用力推 — + at or against The dog strained at its leash.那只狗用力拽着狗绳。 His belly strained against the buttons of the shirt.他的肚子把衬衫的纽扣绷得紧紧的。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The kids were straining at the leash to get going. [=were very eager to get going]孩子们迫不及待地要出发。 4  [+ object] : to cause problems or trouble for (something)造成困难;引起麻烦 The disagreement strained their relationship.意见不一使他们的关系紧张起来。 The rent has strained our finances.租金使我们财务困难。 The company is financially strained.这家公司财务困难。 5  [+ object] : to separate a liquid from solid pieces by using a special device (called a strainer)过滤 He strained the pasta. = He strained the water from the pasta.他把意大利面的水滤去。 She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.她过滤了肉汁。 strain yourself 1  : to injure yourself by making your muscles do too much work拉伤肌肉 Don't strain yourself trying to move the couch.搬长沙发时别拉伤肌肉。 2  : to put a lot of physical or mental effort into doing something尽力;竭力;使劲 Don't strain yourself trying to think of the answer. I can tell you what it is.别绞尽脑汁想答案了,我可以告诉你。 3 strain /ˈstreɪn/ noun plural strains 3 strain /ˈstreɪn/ noun plural strains Learner's definition of STRAIN 1  [count] : a group of closely related plants or animals : variety(动植物的)系,品种,类型 — often + of a strong strain of wheat优质的小麦品种 a new strain of bacteria新型细菌 This strain of mice is resistant to the disease.这种老鼠对这种疾病有抵抗力。 2  [count] literary + somewhat old-fashioned : a usually bad quality that someone or something has(通常为不良的)性格倾向,气质,性情 — usually singular通常用单数 — usually + of There is a strain of snobbery in her.她有点儿势利。 There is a strain of madness in that family.那一家人有疯癫的倾向。 3  [singular] formal + literary : a small amount of something一丝;少许 There was a strain [=touch, trace] of sadness in his voice.他的说话声中带有一丝悲伤。 4  [count] : a kind or sort of something类型 — usually + of a different strain of philosophy不同类型的哲学 a new strain of pop music新型的流行音乐 5  strains [plural] formal : the musical sounds of someone or something曲调;旋律 We relaxed to the strains of Chopin.我们在肖邦的旋律中放松下来。 the strains of a harp竖琴的旋律 — compare 1strain




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