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词汇 struggle
释义 struggle (noun) struggle 2 ENTRIES FOUND: struggle (verb) struggle (noun) 1 struggle /ˈstrʌgəl/ verb struggles; struggled; struggling 1 struggle /ˈstrʌgəl/ verb struggles; struggled; struggling Learner's definition of STRUGGLE [no object] 1  : to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems奋力;拼搏;争取 He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving.他一直在尽力解决如何留住好员工这个难题。 They struggled for the right to vote.他们为选举权而斗争。 She is struggling with her health. [=she is having problems with her health]她在努力与她的健康问题做斗争。 They struggled against injustice.他们与不公正做斗争。 I had to struggle against the impulse to laugh. [=I had to make a strong effort to keep myself from laughing]我不得不使劲压住想大笑的冲动。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 She's struggling to survive.她在为生存做斗争。 He was struggling to breathe.他艰难地呼吸。 They have been struggling to pay their bills.他们一直在努力支付账单。 2  a  : to move with difficulty or with great effort艰难行进;费力行进 She struggled up the hill through the snow.她在雪中艰难地朝山上爬。 b  : to try to move yourself, an object, etc., by making a lot of effort用力移动(身体、物件等) She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy.她使劲提包裹,但包裹太重了。 He struggled to get free of the wreckage.他艰难地从残骸中解脱出来。 She was struggling with the door. [=trying to open the door]她费劲地想把门打开。 c  : to fight with someone in order to get something争夺;争抢 They struggled (with each other) for/over the gun. [=they fought with each other as they each tried to get the gun]他们(互相)争抢这把枪。 3  : to be failing : to be doing something without success挣扎 He's been struggling in math class for most of the year.这一年的大部分时间他都在数学课上挣扎。 The team has continued to struggle in recent weeks.最近几周球队始终在挣扎。 He was living as a struggling artist in the city.他是一个在城市里苦苦挣扎的艺术家。 struggle on [phrasal verb] : to continue doing something that is difficult or tiring竭力维持下去;勉强支撑下去 I suppose all we can do now is struggle on.我想我们现在能做的就是竭力维持下去。 — struggler /ˈstrʌglɚ/ noun, plural strugglers [count] 2 struggle /ˈstrʌgəl/ noun plural struggles 2 struggle /ˈstrʌgəl/ noun plural struggles Learner's definition of STRUGGLE 1  [count] : a long effort to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems奋斗;斗争 a struggle to succeed为成功而奋斗 a struggle against injustice [=an effort to stop injustice]与不公正的斗争 the struggle for civil rights/freedom/survival为公民权/自由/生存而斗争 She talked about her struggles with depression. [=the problems she has had because of her depression; her attempts to find a cure for her depression]她谈起她与抑郁症所做的抗争。 The power struggle [=the fight for control] between the two owners destroyed the company.公司两个所有人之间的权力斗争毁掉了公司。 2  [count] : a physical fight between usually two people搏斗;扭打 There was a struggle for/over the gun.有人为争枪而打斗。 There was no sign of a struggle.没有打斗的迹象。 3  [singular] : something that is difficult to do or achieve难事 The work is a real struggle for me. [=the work is very difficult]这份工作对我来说真是件难事。 It was a struggle getting out of bed this morning.今天早晨起床真不容易。




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