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词汇 bite
释义 bite (noun) bite 11 ENTRIES FOUND: bite (verb) bite (noun) bite-size (adjective) sound bite (noun) bullet (noun) chew (verb) dust (noun) feed (verb) head (noun) tongue (noun) worse (adjective) 1 bite /ˈbaɪt/ verb bites; bit /ˈbɪt/ ; bitten /ˈbɪtn̩/ ; biting /ˈbaɪtɪŋ/ 1 bite /ˈbaɪt/ verb bites; bit /ˈbɪt/ ; bitten /ˈbɪtn̩/ ; biting /ˈbaɪtɪŋ/ Learner's definition of BITE 1  of a person or animal a  : to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth咬 [+ object] He bit the apple.他咬了一口苹果。 The hamster bit the child.仓鼠咬了那个孩子。 She bit the cookie in half.她一口咬掉了半块饼干。 Some people bite their nails when they feel nervous.有些人紧张时就咬指甲。 — often + off The child bit off a corner of the cracker.那个孩子咬下了饼干的一角。 [no object] A wild animal may bite if it is frightened.野生动物受惊时会咬人。 — often + down, into, or through He accidentally bit down on his tongue.他不小心咬了自己的舌头。 She had just bitten into her sandwich when the phone rang.她刚咬了一口三明治,电话就响了。 The dog bit through its leash and ran off.那只狗咬断拴它的皮带跑了。 Go talk to him. He won't bite. [=you should not be afraid to go talk to him]去和他谈谈,他又不会咬你。 b  of an insect or snake : to wound (someone) by pushing a stinger, fang, etc., into the skin(昆虫或蛇)叮,蜇,咬 [+ object] The patient had been bitten by a poisonous snake.那个病人是被毒蛇咬了。 A mosquito bit me.有只蚊子把我给叮了。 [no object] The mosquitoes are biting tonight.今晚蚊子老是叮人。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 He was bitten by the travel bug. [=he became very interested in or excited about traveling]他迷上了旅行。 2  [no object] : to grab and hold something without slipping抓紧,握紧(使不滑动) — usually + into The anchor bit into the ocean floor.锚牢牢地扎进了海底。 3  [no object] a  of a fish : to take a fishhook and bait into the mouth and usually to get caught(鱼)咬饵,吞饵,上钩 Are the fish biting today?今天鱼咬钩吗? b  somewhat informal : to respond to or accept something that is being offered对…做出反应;接受 ◊ Someone gets you to bite by offering something you want so that you will do something desired.使上钩;使上当 We offered them a great deal, but they wouldn't bite. [=they wouldn't accept the deal]我们开出了优厚的条件,但他们却不肯上钩。 “I just heard the juiciest piece of gossip!” “OK, I'll bite. [=I'll ask the question you want me to ask] What is it?”“我刚听到一条最刺激的小道消息!”“好吧,我想听。是什么消息?” 4  [no object] chiefly British : to have a bad effect产生不利影响;产生不良后果 With the recession starting to bite, many government-funded programs have had to be eliminated.经济萧条开始产生不利影响,许多政府资助的计划不得不被取消了。 5  [no object] US slang, impolite : to be extremely bad极差的;糟糕的 This movie really bites. [=sucks, stinks]这部电影真差劲。 “They canceled the concert.” “Man, that bites!” [=(politely) that's awful]“他们取消了音乐会。”“天啊,真见鬼!” bite back [phrasal verb] informal 1  : to attack or criticize someone who has attacked or criticized you反击;反驳;驳斥 Weary of her rival's accusations, the candidate bit back [=hit back, fought back] with an aggressive ad campaign.厌烦了对手的指责,这个候选人以颇具攻击性的广告宣传活动进行了反击。 — often + at She bit back at her rival with an aggressive ad campaign.她以极具攻击性的广告宣传活动反击对手。 2  bite back (something) or bite (something) back : to stop yourself from saying (something)把(话)咽回去;忍住不说 I attempted to smile sweetly while biting back angry comments.我努力笑得甜美些,忍住不说气话。 bite off more than you can chew informal : to try to do too much : to take on more responsibility than you can handle承担力所不及的事;贪多嚼不烂;不自量力 I really bit off more than I could chew when I took on this project.承担这个项目我真有些不自量力。 bite someone's head off informal : to yell at someone or to be very critical of someone especially very suddenly and without a good reason(突然无缘由地)对某人怒吼,大声指责某人 I asked him one simple question and he bit my head off.我只问了他一个简单的问题,他居然把我臭骂了一顿。 bite the bullet informal : to do something unpleasant or painful because it is necessary even though you would like to avoid it硬着头皮做,咬紧牙关应付(不愉快或痛苦的事) We need to bite the bullet and make some budget cuts.我们必须咬紧牙关,削减预算。 bite the dust informal : to die or stop functioning死去;失灵;坏了 My old car finally bit the dust and I had to buy a new one.我的旧车终于坏了,我只好买辆新车。 bite the hand that feeds you informal : to harm someone who has helped or supported you伤害恩人;忘恩负义 He was reluctant to criticize his mentor for fear of biting the hand that fed him.他不愿批评自己的导师,担心那样做会伤害恩师。 bite your tongue informal also bite your lip : to not speak : to stop yourself from saying something that you are tempted to say忍住不说;保持缄默 I thought she was acting foolishly, but I bit my tongue [=held my tongue] and didn't say anything.我觉得她的行为很愚蠢,但我忍住了,什么也没说。 — often used as a command常用作命令 “I hope he gets hurt.” “Bite your tongue! [=don't say that] That's a terrible thing to say!”“我希望他受伤。”“住嘴吧!那样说太不像话了!” come back to bite you ◊ If something that you do comes back to bite you, it causes problems for you at a later time.留下后患 Their decision not to invest more money in new equipment may come back to bite them eventually.他们不再对新设备投资的这一决定最终可能会留下后患。 hair of the dog that bit you — see hair once bitten, twice shy ◊ The expression once bitten, twice shy means that a person who has failed or been hurt when trying to do something is careful or fearful about doing it again.一次被咬,下次胆小;一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 — biter noun, plural biters [count] 2 bite /ˈbaɪt/ noun plural bites 2 bite /ˈbaɪt/ noun plural bites Learner's definition of BITE 1  [count] a  : an act of biting咬 He ate the candy bar in three quick bites.他快速地三口就吃掉了那块糖。 She gave her lip a gentle bite.她轻轻咬了一下嘴唇。 The fisherman felt a bite at the end of his line and reeled in a fish.渔夫感到线尾有鱼咬钩,收绕钓线,拽起了一条鱼。 b  : the way the upper and lower teeth come together咬合 My teenage daughter wears a special device at night to correct her bite.我十几岁的女儿每天晚上都戴一种特殊仪器来矫正咬合。 — see also overbite 2  a  [count] : the amount of food eaten with a bite(咬下的)一口食物 He took several bites (out) of the apple.他咬了几口苹果。 She didn't touch/eat a bite. [=she didn't eat anything]她一口也没吃。 I can't eat another bite. [=I'm completely full; I no longer feel any hunger]我多一口也吃不下了。 b  [singular] informal : a small amount of food : a snack or a small informal meal少量食物;小吃;便饭 We grabbed a quick bite (to eat) before the show.演出前我们匆匆吃了口饭。 They've gone out for a bite (to eat).他们出去吃小吃去了。 3  [count] : a wound made by biting咬伤;叮伤;蜇伤 Don't scratch that mosquito bite.别挠蚊子包。 — see also snakebite 4  [noncount] : a bad effect : a negative impact不利影响;负面影响 Many agencies have been feeling the bite of budget cuts.许多机构一直受到预算削减带来的不利影响。 5  [noncount] a  : a sharp feeling or taste刺痛的感觉;刺激的味道 We felt the bite of the cold wind on our cheeks.我们感到寒风吹在脸上像针扎般疼痛。 The soup has a peppery bite.这个汤的胡椒味很刺激。 b  : a sharp quality in something written, spoken, or performed(文字、话语或行为的)尖锐,尖刻,辛辣 ◊ Something that has bite usually expresses criticism in a strong and often clever way.通常指批评尖锐而巧妙。 satirical bite讽刺之尖锐 the bite of his humor他幽默中的辛辣意味 your bark is worse than your bite — see 2bark — see also sound bite




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