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词汇 black
释义 black (noun) black (verb) black 31 ENTRIES FOUND: black (adjective) black (noun) black (verb) black-and-blue (adjective) black-and-white (adjective) black-eyed pea (noun) black-eyed Susan (noun) black-tie (adjective) black and white (noun) black art (noun) black bear (noun) black belt (noun) black box (noun) black death (noun) black eye (noun) black gold (noun) black hole (noun) black ice (noun) black magic (noun) Black Maria (noun) black mark (noun) black market (noun) black pepper (noun) black power (noun) black pudding (noun) black sheep (noun) black spot (noun) black widow (noun) Black Sea (proper noun) jet black (noun) pitch-black (adjective) 1 black /ˈblæk/ adjective blacker; blackest 1 black /ˈblæk/ adjective blacker; blackest Learner's definition of BLACK 1  a  : having the very dark color of coal or the night sky黑的;黑色的 black ink黑墨水 a black dress黑色连衣裙 b  : very dark because there is no light黑暗的;漆黑的;无光线的 a black night漆黑的夜晚 2  or Black : of or relating to a race of people who have dark skin and who come originally from Africa黑色人种的;黑人的 black people黑人 black culture黑人文化 ◊ In the U.S., the term African-American is often preferred over black when referring to Americans of African descent.在美国,指非洲裔美国人时African-American比black更常用。 3  : very dirty很脏的 His hands were black with grime.他手上黑乎乎的全是污垢。 4  : served without cream or milk不加奶油(或牛奶)的 black coffee不加奶的咖啡 5  literary : evil or wicked邪恶的;坏透的;极可恶的 a black deed邪恶行为 — see also black art, black magic 6  a  : very sad or hopeless : bleak悲伤的;无望的 The outlook was black.前景一片暗淡。 When they heard the terrible news, they were filled with black despair.听到这则可怕的消息,他们内心充满了极度的绝望。 b  : very tragic or unhappy悲惨的;不愉快的 That was a black day in our country's history.那是我国历史上一个黑色的日子。 7  : marked by anger or hatred愤怒的;仇恨的 A black [=very angry] look darkened his face.他怒目而视,脸色阴沉。 black resentment极深的怨恨 a black mood低落的情绪 8  — used to describe humor that deals with subjects which are usually regarded as very serious or unpleasant黑色的(指以幽默的方式处理严肃或不愉快的主题) The film is a black comedy set in a funeral home.这部电影是一部以殡仪馆为背景的黑色喜剧。 black humor黑色幽默 — blackly adverb a blackly funny/comic/humorous movie带有黑色幽默色彩的滑稽/喜剧/电影;黑色幽默电影 — blackness noun [noncount] the blackness of the night夜晚的漆黑 2 black /ˈblæk/ noun plural blacks 2 black /ˈblæk/ noun plural blacks Learner's definition of BLACK 1  : the dark color of coal or the night sky黑色 [noncount] The wall was painted in black.墙被刷成黑色。 the black of night夜晚的漆黑 [count] a mixture of grays and blacks各种灰色和黑色的混合色 — see color picture on this page 2  [noncount] : black clothing黑色衣服;黑衣 She was dressed in black.她穿了一身黑衣。 3  [count] : a person belonging to a race of people who have dark skin : a black person黑种人;黑人 ◊ The singular form black in this sense is rarely used and is often considered offensive. It should be avoided. The plural form blacks is commonly used to refer to black people as a group or community.此义项的black很少用作单数形式,且常被认为有冒犯之意,应避免使用。其复数形式blacks通常用于指黑人的群体或社区。 His policies are supported by both blacks and whites.他的政策得到了黑人和白人双方的支持。 in the black : making a profit赢利;获利 The company is finally in the black. [=the company is profitable]公司终于赢利了。 — compare in the red at 2red 3 black /ˈblæk/ verb blacks; blacked; blacking 3 black /ˈblæk/ verb blacks; blacked; blacking Learner's definition of BLACK [+ object] 1  old-fashioned + literary : to make (something) black使…变成黑色;把…弄黑 He blacked his boots with polish.他给靴子打上黑色鞋油。 2  British : to refuse to work for or with (a business, employer, etc.) or to buy (goods, services, etc.)拒绝(为企业、雇主等工作);抵制(商品、服务等) Labor union members have blacked the company.工会会员拒绝在这家公司上班。 black out [phrasal verb] 1  : to suddenly become unconscious昏厥;突然失去知觉 What's the last thing you remember before you blacked out? [=passed out, fainted]在你昏过去之前,你记得最后发生了什么事吗? 2  black (something) out or black out (something) a  : to cover (something written) with a black or dark mark so that it cannot be read(用黑色或深色标记)涂掉 Someone had blacked out certain sections of the newspaper.有人把报纸中的某些内容涂掉了。 b  : to cause (a place) to become dark使(某处)变暗 They blacked out the stage by turning off all the lights.他们关掉了所有的灯,让舞台暗了下来。 c  : to prevent the broadcast of (a televised sports event)屏蔽,不转播(电视体育赛事) — usually used as (be) blacked out通常用作(be) blacked out Last night's game was blacked out in this area, so I couldn't watch it.这个地区没有转播昨晚的比赛,所以我没能看到。 — see also blackout




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