

单词 sweat
释义 sweat (noun) sweat 11 ENTRIES FOUND: sweat (verb) sweat (noun) sweated labour (noun) sweats (noun) sweat equity (noun) sweat suit (noun) cold sweat (noun) bathe (verb) blood (noun) break (verb) bullet (noun) 1 sweat /ˈswɛt/ verb sweats; sweat or sweated; sweating 1 sweat /ˈswɛt/ verb sweats; sweat or sweated; sweating Learner's definition of SWEAT 1  [no object] : to produce a clear liquid from your skin when you are hot or nervous出汗;流汗 He sweats a lot when he exercises.他锻炼的时候出汗很多。 The dancers were sweating [=(more formally) perspiring] profusely.舞蹈演员们大汗淋漓。 (informal) He was sweating like a pig. [=sweating a lot]他汗流浃背。 2  [no object] informal : to work very hard辛劳;卖力工作 They sweated and saved so their children could go to college.他们辛苦劳作,省吃俭用,就为了孩子们能够上大学。 — often + over She was sweating over her law books all afternoon.她整个下午都在埋头苦读她的那些法律书。 He sweated over the wording of his speech for several days.他几天来都在冥思苦想演讲的措辞。 3  informal a  : to feel worried or nervous about something担心;紧张 [no object] We'll let them sweat a while longer.我们要让他们再紧张一阵子。 — often + over After they took the test, they were sweating over [=worrying about] their scores.考完试后,他们就一直在担心自己的成绩。 [+ object] We'll let them sweat it out for a while longer.我们要让他们再紧张一阵子。 b  [no object] : to go through an experience that causes a lot of emotional stress or worry担心;焦虑 — usually + through The cops made him sweat through 15 minutes of intense questioning before they let him go.警察严厉地讯问了他15分钟,搞得他忐忑不安,才放他走。 I sweated [=struggled] through geometry in high school.我上高中时一直为几何烦恼不已。 c  [+ object] US : to worry or be nervous about (something)对…感到担心(或紧张) “The car won't start—what are we going to do?” “Don't sweat it. I know all about fixing cars.”“车发动不了—我们怎么办啊?”“别担心。修车我在行。” Don't sweat the small stuff. [=don't worry about minor things]别为鸡毛蒜皮的事烦心。 4  [no object] : to produce small drops of liquid on the surface(在表面)渗出水分,凝结水珠 Cheese sweats during ripening.奶酪成熟过程中会出水。 A pitcher of ice water sweats on a hot day.天热时盛冰水的罐子会结水珠。 5  [+ object] chiefly British : to cook (something) slowly in a covered pan with a little fat焖 Sweat sliced onions in a little olive oil until they are soft.将切成片的洋葱放入少许橄榄油中焖,直到变软。 sweat blood — see blood sweat bullets US, informal : to be very nervous or worried非常紧张(或不安) I was sweating bullets while I waited to talk to my boss.在等待跟我老板谈话时,我紧张得要命。 sweat off [phrasal verb] sweat off (something) or sweat (something) off : to lose (an amount of weight) by sweating (especially by exercising a lot)因出汗(尤指通过大量锻炼)体重减少 He's trying to sweat off a few more pounds.他正拼命锻炼想再减掉几磅。 sweat out [phrasal verb] 1  sweat out (something) or sweat (something) out informal : to wait nervously until the end of (something)紧张地等到最后 It was a close game, and the fans were really sweating it out at the end.比赛难分胜负,球迷们简直是一直紧张到比赛结束。 2  US a  : to work hard at (something)(在…上)努力;拼命做 She was sweating it out on the treadmill. [=she was exercising and sweating on the treadmill]她在跑步机上挥汗如雨。 b  : to get or achieve (something, such as a victory) by working very hard靠努力取胜 He managed to sweat out a narrow victory in the semifinals.他奋力拼搏,最终在半决赛中险胜。 3  : to end (an illness) by exercising and sweating(通过锻炼和排汗)治愈 He's trying to sweat out his cold at the gym.他在体育馆锻炼,想出出汗把感冒治好。 2 sweat /ˈswɛt/ noun 2 sweat /ˈswɛt/ noun Learner's definition of SWEAT 1  [noncount] : the clear liquid that forms on your skin when you are hot or nervous : perspiration汗;汗水 We were drenched/bathed in sweat after the workout.训练后我们都大汗淋漓。 The runners were dripping with sweat.那些跑步者挥汗如雨。 Her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.她的额头上沁满了汗珠。 2  [count] : the state or condition of someone who is sweating出汗 nervous sweats紧张得出汗 — usually singular通常用单数 After a few minutes of exercise, we had worked up a sweat. [=we were sweating]训练几分钟后,我们都出汗了。 I broke into a sweat as I struggled up the hill. = I broke out in a sweat as I struggled up the hill. [=I began to sweat as I struggled up the hill]我费劲地朝山上爬,出了一身汗。 — see also cold sweat 3  [noncount] : hard work艰苦的劳动 It took a lot of sweat and toil to build the house.盖这房子付出了很多汗水和辛劳。 We helped them not with money but with our blood and sweat.我们不是以钱财而是以自己的血汗帮助他们。 4  [noncount] : moisture that forms in drops on a surface水珠;凝水 He wiped the sweat [=condensation] off the bottle.他擦掉了瓶子上凝结的水珠。 break a sweat (US) or British break sweat : to begin to sweat开始出汗 He started running and soon broke a sweat.他开始跑步,很快就冒汗了。 He loaded all five boxes without breaking a sweat.他把五只箱子全装上了,一点没出汗。 — often used figuratively to say that something is not hard for someone to do常用作比喻,表示某事对某人来讲并不难。 He gave a perfect performance and didn't break a sweat.他轻而易举地进行了完美的表演。 She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat. [=she gave the answers very easily]她毫不费劲,随口就把答案说出来了。 by the sweat of your brow : by doing hard, physical work靠辛苦劳动 He earned his money by the sweat of his brow.他靠辛勤劳动挣到了钱。 in a sweat informal : very nervous or worried about something对…感到紧张(或担心) He's in a sweat about his exams.他为考试紧张得要命。 There's no need to get in a sweat about minor details.没必要为细枝末节担心。 no sweat informal : with little or no difficulty : easily毫不费力;轻松地 I can do that no sweat.我可以很轻松地做那事。 “Can you move that big board for me?” “Sure, no sweat.”“你能帮我把那块大木板移开吗?”“行,没问题。” “Thanks a lot for your help.” “No sweat.” [=helping was not difficult and I was glad to do it]“谢谢你帮忙。”“小事一桩。”




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