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词汇 the
释义 the 1804 ENTRIES FOUND: the (definite article) across-the-board (adjective) around-the-clock (adjective) back-of-the-envelope (adjective) behind-the-scenes (adjective) Chancellor of the Exchequer (noun) diamond in the rough (noun) down-at-the-heels (adjective) dyed-in-the-wool (adjective) follow-the-leader (noun) hole-in-the-wall (noun) jack-in-the-box (noun) justice of the peace (noun) lady of the house (noun) lay of the land (noun) lie of the land (noun) lily of the valley (noun) man of the cloth (noun) man of the house (noun) man of the people (noun) man of the world (noun) middle-of-the-road (adjective) off-the-cuff (adjective) off-the-peg (adjective) off-the-rack (adjective) off-the-record (adjective) off-the-shelf (adjective) off-the-wall (adjective) on-the-job (adjective) order of the day (noun) out-of-the-way (adjective) over-the-counter (adjective) over-the-top (adjective) pie in the sky (noun) round-the-clock (adjective) run-of-the-mill (adjective) seat-of-the-pants (adjective) sign of the cross spur-of-the-moment (adjective) state-of-the-art (adjective) Stations of the Cross (noun) stick-in-the-mud (noun) toad-in-the-hole (noun) top-of-the-line (adjective) up-to-the-minute (adjective) will-o'-the-wisp (noun) woman of the world (noun) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (proper noun) above (adjective) abstract (noun) absurd (adjective) accused (noun) ace (noun) act (noun) act (verb) Admiralty (noun) affirmative (noun) aged (adjective) agency (noun) age of consent (noun) aggregate (noun) air (noun) aisle (noun) alert (noun) all (adjective) all (adverb) all clear (noun) allegiance (noun) Almighty (noun) alpha and omega (noun) altar (noun) altogether (noun) American dream (noun) American League (noun) American Revolution (noun) analysis (noun) ancients (noun) Annunciation (noun) Antarctic Circle (noun) ante (noun) Antipodes (noun) apocalypse (noun) apple (noun) Arctic Circle (noun) area (noun) argue (verb) arm (noun) ascend (verb) ascendant (noun) ask (verb) attack (noun) auction (noun) auspices (noun) ax (noun) babe (noun) baby (noun) back (noun) back burner (noun) back of beyond (noun) bacon (noun) bag (noun) balance (noun) ball (noun) ballot box (noun) ballpark (noun) band (noun) bang (noun) bank (noun) bare bones (noun) bargain (noun) bark (verb) barrel (noun) base (noun) basic (noun) bat (noun) bat (noun) bathroom (noun) bathwater (noun) battle (noun) be (verb) be-all and end-all (noun) beam (noun) bean (noun) beat (verb) beaten (adjective) beauty part (noun) beck (noun) bed (noun) bee (noun) Beeb (noun) bee's knees (noun) beg (verb) behest (noun) behind (preposition) bejesus (noun) belfry (noun) belief (noun) belt (noun) bend (verb) bend (noun) benefit (noun) bereaved (adjective) beside (preposition) best (adverb) best (noun) better (adjective) better (noun) bias (noun) Bible Belt (noun) bidding (noun) Big Apple (noun) big bang (noun) big boys (noun) big cheese (noun) big gun (noun) big house (noun) big league (noun) big picture (noun) big screen (noun) big time (noun) bill (noun) bird (noun) biscuit (noun) bit (noun) bit (noun) bite (verb) bitter (adjective) black (noun) black art (noun) black death (noun) blame (verb) blast (noun) blind (adjective) blind (noun) blink (noun) block (noun) blow (verb) blower (noun) blue (adjective) blue (noun) board (noun) boat (noun) body politic (noun) boil (noun) bomb (noun) bone (noun) booby hatch (noun) book (noun) boondocks (noun) boonies (noun) boot (noun) born (adjective) bottom (noun) bourgeoisie (noun) box (noun) boy (noun) brain (noun) brass ring (noun) brave (adjective) breach (noun) breadth (noun) break (verb) breaking point (noun) breed (verb) breeze (noun) bridge (noun) bright (adjective) brink (noun) briny (adjective) British (adjective) broad jump (noun) Bronze Age (noun) brunt (noun) brush (noun) brush-off (noun) buck (noun) bucket (noun) bud (noun) buddy (noun) buff (noun) buffer (noun) bull (noun) bullet (noun) bum's rush (noun) bun (noun) burbs (noun) burn (verb) burr (noun) burst (verb) bury (verb) bush (noun) business (noun) business end (noun) button (noun) buy (verb) by (preposition) caboodle (noun) cake (noun) call (verb) call of nature (noun) calm (noun) camel (noun) can (noun) canary (noun) candle (noun) cap (noun) card (noun) carpet (noun) carry (verb) cart (noun) cast (verb) castle (noun) cat (noun) catbird seat (noun) catch (verb) caution (noun) ceiling (noun) chaff (noun) chain (noun) champ (verb) chance (noun) change (noun) change of life (noun) charge (noun) Charleston (noun) charm (noun) chase (noun) chattering classes (noun) cheap (adjective) cheek (noun) chew (verb) chin (noun) chip (noun) choir (noun) chomp (verb) chop (noun) chopping block (noun) Church of England (noun) chute (noun) circle (verb) city (noun) civil service (noun) clap (noun) clapper (noun) clean (adjective) cleaner (noun) clear (verb) clear (noun) climb (verb) clink (noun) clock (noun) close (verb) close (adjective) closet (noun) cloth (noun) cloud (noun) club (noun) clutch (noun) coal (noun) coalface (noun) coast (noun) cock (noun) cockle (noun) coffee (noun) coffin (noun) cognoscenti (noun) coin (noun) cold (adjective) cold (noun) cold shoulder (noun) collar (noun) come (verb) common touch (noun) concentrate (verb) connect (verb) connection (noun) consumer price index (noun) contrary (noun) converse (noun) cook (verb) cookie (noun) cool (noun) coop (noun) core (noun) corner (noun) corridor (noun) cosh (noun) cost (noun) count (verb) count (noun) counter (noun) country (noun) course (noun) court (noun) cow (noun) crack (verb) crack (noun) cradle (noun) crapper (noun) crawl (verb) cream (noun) credit (noun) creek (noun) crème de la crème (noun) cross (verb) crosshair (noun) crow (noun) crowd (noun) crumble (verb) crux (noun) cudgel (noun) cuff (noun) cup (noun) cupboard (noun) curve (noun) cusp (noun) cut (verb) cutting room (noun) damn (verb) dark (noun) day (noun) dead (adjective) deaf (adjective) deal (noun) death (noun) death penalty (noun) debit (noun) deceased (adjective) deck (noun) declarative (adjective) decline (noun) decrease (noun) deep (adjective) deep (noun) Deep South (noun) defensive (noun) degree (noun) demon drink (noun) departed (adjective) destitute (adjective) devil (noun) dice (noun) dickens (noun) die (verb) die (noun) difference (noun) dig (verb) dilemma (noun) dirt (noun) disabled (adjective) disabled list (noun) disadvantaged (adjective) discretion (noun) dish (verb) dispossessed (adjective) distance (noun) distant (adjective) do (verb) dock (noun) doctor (noun) dodge (verb) dog (noun) doghouse (noun) door (noun) dot (noun) double (noun) doubt (noun) Dow (noun) Dow Jones Industrial Average (noun) down (adverb) down (adjective) downstairs (noun) downtrodden (adjective) dozen (noun) drag (verb) drain (noun) draw (verb) draw (noun) drill (noun) drink (noun) drive (verb) driver (noun) drop (noun) drop (verb) drum (noun) dump (noun) duration (noun) dust (noun) ear (noun) earliest (noun) earth (noun) easy (adjective) eat (verb) edge (noun) effect (noun) egg (noun) eight ball (noun) elbow (noun) elder (adjective) elderly (adjective) eldest (adjective) Electoral College (noun) elephant (noun) enchilada (noun) end (noun) enter (verb) envelope (noun) equator (noun) err (verb) error (noun) escape (verb) essence (noun) Eucharist (noun) evening star (noun) event (noun) evil eye (noun) exception (noun) expense (noun) extra (adjective) extreme (noun) eye (noun) face (noun) face (verb) fact (noun) factory floor (noun) fair (adjective) fair sex (noun) faith (noun) faithful (adjective) fall (verb) family (adjective) fan (noun) fantastic (adjective) far (adjective) Far East (noun) farm (noun) fat (adjective) fat (noun) fed (noun) feed (verb) feedbag (noun) fence (noun) field (noun) fifth (noun) fight (verb) fill (verb) final (adjective) finger (noun) fire (noun) first (adjective) first (noun) fish (noun) fit (verb) flame (noun) flash (noun) flesh (noun) fling (verb) flip (verb) flip side (noun) floor (noun) flow (noun) flush (noun) fly (verb) fly (noun) fly (noun) foam (verb) follow (verb) following (pronoun) fool (noun) foot (noun) foot (verb) force (verb) fore (noun) foregoing (adjective) Foreign Legion (noun) Foreign Office (noun) Foreign Service (noun) forest (noun) former (adjective) fort (noun) frame (noun) fray (noun) fresh (adjective) fringe (noun) fritz (noun) front burner (noun) froth (verb) fruit (noun) frying pan (noun) full (adjective) full (noun) funnies (noun) funny farm (noun) future (noun) f-word (noun) gaff (noun) gain (verb) gallery (noun) game (noun) gander (noun) garden (noun) gauntlet (noun) general public (noun) Geneva Convention (noun) gentry (noun) get (verb) get-go (noun) ghost (noun) gift (noun) gild (verb) gill (noun) gist (noun) give (verb) gloaming (noun) go (verb) go (noun) go-ahead (noun) goalpost (noun) goat (noun) god (noun) Godhead (noun) golden (adjective) gold standard (noun) good (adjective) good (noun) Good Book (noun) good life (noun) goose (noun) GOP (noun) Gordian knot (noun) grade (noun) grain (noun) grasp (verb) grass (noun) grave (noun) graveyard (noun) grease (noun) grease (verb) green-eyed monster (noun) greenhouse effect (noun) green light (noun) Grim Reaper (noun) grindstone (noun) grist (noun) ground (noun) ground floor (noun) gun (noun) gunwale (noun) hair (noun) half (noun) half (pronoun) half shell (noun) hall (noun) hammer (noun) hammer throw (noun) hand (noun) handle (noun) handwriting (noun) hang (noun) hard (adjective) hard (adverb) hat (noun) hatch (noun) hatchet (noun) haul (verb) have (verb) have-nots (noun) haves (noun) hay (noun) head (noun) heap (noun) hear (verb) heart (noun) heave-ho (noun) heebie-jeebies (noun) hell (noun) hereafter (noun) high (adverb) high ground (noun) high jump (noun) high road (noun) hill (noun) hilt (noun) hip (noun) hit (verb) hog (noun) hold (verb) hole (noun) hollow (noun) Holy Family (noun) Holy Ghost (noun) Holy Land (noun) Holy Spirit (noun) Holy Trinity (noun) home (adverb) home front (noun) homeless (adjective) honesty (noun) honor (noun) hoof (noun) hook (noun) hoosegow (noun) hope (noun) horizon (noun) horn (noun) horse (noun) Host (noun) hot (adjective) hots (noun) hot seat (noun) house (noun) House of Commons (noun) House of Lords (noun) House of Representatives (noun) human race (noun) hump (noun) hunt (noun) hurt (noun) hustings (noun) ice (noun) iceberg (noun) icing (noun) imagination (noun) imperfect (noun) impossible (adjective) increase (noun) indicative (noun) Industrial Revolution (noun) inevitable (adjective) infirm (adjective) influence (noun) information superhighway (noun) injured (adjective) Inland Revenue (noun) ins and outs (noun) insane (adjective) inside (noun) inside track (noun) instance (noun) insured (adjective) Internal Revenue Service (noun) international date line (noun) Internet (noun) interrogative (noun) iron (noun) Iron Age (noun) Iron Curtain (noun) issue (noun) itch (noun) jackpot (noun) jet set (noun) jewel (noun) jig (noun) jitters (noun) job (noun) join (verb) joint (noun) Joneses (noun) jugular (noun) jump (verb) jump (noun) jungle (noun) just (adverb) justice (noun) keep (verb) kibosh (noun) kick (verb) kick (noun) kid (noun) kill (verb) kind (noun) kiss of life (noun) kit (noun) Klan (noun) knee (noun) knife (noun) knife-edge (noun) knock (verb) knot (noun) know (verb) know (noun) knowledge (noun) knuckle (noun) Kremlin (noun) Ku Klux Klan (noun) lady (noun) lake (noun) lam (noun) lamb (noun) lame (adjective) land (noun) language (noun) lap (noun) last (verb) last (adjective) Last Judgment (noun) last minute (noun) last post (noun) last rites (noun) latch (noun) late (adjective) latest (noun) latter (adjective) laugh (verb) laugh (noun) law (noun) lay (verb) lead (verb) lead (noun) leap (verb) least (adjective) least (noun) leave (verb) leeway (noun) length (noun) let (verb) letter (noun) level (noun) level (verb) liberty (noun) lid (noun) lie (verb) lie (noun) life (noun) life of Riley (noun) light (noun) lightning (noun) like (noun) lily (noun) limelight (noun) limit (noun) line (noun) lip (noun) literati (noun) Little Dipper (noun) little guy (noun) little man (noun) little woman (noun) live (verb) livelong (adjective) living (noun) load (verb) long (adjective) long (noun) long jump (noun) long run (noun) long term (noun) look (verb) lookout (noun) loop (verb) loose (noun) lord (noun) Lord's Prayer (noun) lose (verb) lost (adjective) love (noun) lovelorn (adjective) lowdown (noun) lower (verb) luck (noun) lurch (noun) luxury (noun) Magi (noun) mail (noun) main (noun) mainstream (noun) major (noun) major leagues (noun) make (noun) making (noun) man (noun) manner (noun) manor (noun) many (pronoun) map (noun) march (noun) marine (noun) Marine Corps (noun) mark (noun) market (noun) marking (noun) marrow (noun) mass (noun) mat (noun) matter (noun) max (noun) McCoy (noun) meaning (noun) meantime (noun) meanwhile (noun) measure (noun) meet (verb) meeting (noun) melting pot (noun) mend (noun) meow (noun) mercy (noun) merry (adjective) message (noun) messenger (noun) metal (noun) metric system (noun) Mexican wave (noun) mickey (noun) microscope (noun) Midas touch (noun) middle (noun) Middle Ages (noun) Middle East (noun) Middle West (noun) Mideast (noun) midnight (noun) Midwest (noun) mile (noun) military (noun) milk (noun) Milky Way (noun) mill (noun) mind (noun) mind (verb) minor (noun) minus (adjective) minute (noun) miss (verb) mist (noun) mold (noun) moment (noun) money (noun) money supply (noun) month (noun) mood (noun) moon (noun) more (pronoun) morning star (noun) mortgage (verb) most (adjective) most (noun) mother (noun) motion (noun) mouth (noun) move (verb) move (noun) much (adverb) mud (noun) muddy (verb) mum (adjective) music (noun) mustard (noun) nail (noun) name (noun) narrow (adjective) National Health Service (noun) National League (noun) Nativity (noun) near (adjective) Near East (noun) nearside (adjective) necessity (noun) neck (noun) needy (adjective) negative (noun) negotiating table (noun) neighborhood (noun) net (noun) nettle (noun) neutral zone (noun) never (adverb) new (adjective) New Testament (noun) New World (noun) nick (noun) night (noun) nine (noun) nip (verb) nitty-gritty (noun) nod (noun) nonce (noun) none (pronoun) none (adverb) noose (noun) Northern Lights (noun) North Pole (noun) North Star (noun) nose (noun) nth (adjective) nub (noun) nude (noun) number (noun) obvious (adjective) occasion (noun) Occident (noun) occult (adjective) ocean (noun) odd (adjective) odds (noun) of (preposition) off (noun) offensive (noun) offing (noun) offside (adjective) oil (noun) ointment (noun) old (adjective) old country (noun) old guard (noun) old school (noun) Old Testament (noun) Old World (noun) Olympics (noun) one (noun) one (adjective) only (adjective) open (verb) opinion (noun) opposite (adjective) opposite sex (noun) oppress (verb) order (noun) order (verb) ordinary (adjective) ordinary (noun) Orient (noun) original (noun) Orthodox Church (noun) other (adjective) other (pronoun) other woman (noun) out (noun) outback (noun) outdoors (noun) outside (noun) outside (preposition) Oval Office (noun) oven (noun) oyster (noun) pace (noun) Pacific Rim (noun) pack (verb) paddle (noun) page (noun) paint (verb) pajamas (noun) pale (noun) palm (noun) pampas (noun) pan (noun) panic button (noun) pants (noun) par (noun) paranormal (adjective) parapet (noun) pardon (verb) park (noun) part (noun) parting (noun) party (noun) pass (verb) past (noun) past perfect (noun) pat (verb) pat (noun) path (noun) pave (verb) pavement (noun) pay (verb) pay (noun) Peace Corps (noun) Pearly Gates (noun) peasantry (noun) pedal (noun) peg (noun) pen (noun) penalty (noun) penny (noun) perfect (noun) perish (verb) person (noun) personal column (noun) personals (noun) pervert (verb) petite bourgeoisie (noun) phone (noun) picture (noun) pie (noun) piece (noun) pig (noun) piggy (noun) pike (noun) pile (noun) pill (noun) pinch (noun) pink (noun) piper (noun) piss (noun) pit (noun) pity (noun) place (noun) plague (noun) plank (noun) plate (noun) play (verb) playing field (noun) plead (verb) pleasure (noun) pledge (noun) plot (noun) Plough (noun) plow (noun) pluck (verb) plug (noun) plughole (noun) plunge (noun) plus (adjective) pocket (noun) point (noun) point (verb) pokey (noun) pole (noun) Pole Star (noun) pole vault (noun) police (noun) policy (noun) poor (adjective) pop (verb) Postal Service (noun) pound (noun) pound (verb) poverty line (noun) power (noun) powerful (adjective) praise (verb) preach (verb) premise (noun) present day (noun) present perfect (noun) press (verb) price (verb) prime (verb) prime meridian (noun) Privy Council (noun) privy purse (noun) pro (noun) process (noun) program (noun) proletariat (noun) promise (verb) Promised Land (noun) proof (noun) prowl (noun) public (adjective) public domain (noun) pudding (noun) pulse (noun) pump (noun) punch (noun) purpose (noun) push (verb) push (noun) q.t. Queen Mother (noun) question (noun) queue (noun) quick (adjective) quick (noun) quiet (noun) quintessence (noun) quite (adverb) rack (noun) rag (noun) ragged (adjective) rag trade (noun) rail (noun) raise (verb) rake (verb) rank and file (noun) rap (noun) rap (verb) rapids (noun) rat race (noun) raw (noun) read (verb) ready (noun) real (adjective) rear (noun) rebound (noun) receive (verb) record (noun) red (adjective) red (noun) red carpet (noun) Red Crescent (noun) Red Cross (noun) red zone (noun) refusal (noun) region (noun) reinvent (verb) rejoice (verb) remain (verb) resistance (noun) rest (noun) retail price index (noun) reverse (verb) rich (adjective) Richter scale (noun) ride (noun) right (adjective) right (noun) ring (noun) ring (verb) riot (noun) rise (verb) rise (noun) risk (noun) river (noun) Riviera (noun) road (noun) rob (verb) rock (verb) rock (noun) roll (verb) roll (noun) Roman alphabet (noun) roof (noun) roost (noun) rope (noun) rose (noun) rough (noun) round (noun) royal (adjective) rub (verb) Rubicon (noun) rug (noun) rule (noun) rule (verb) rumor (noun) run (noun) runaround (noun) running (noun) Rustbelt (noun) Sabbath (noun) saddle (noun) sail (verb) sail (noun) sake (noun) salt (noun) Salvation Army (noun) same (adjective) same (pronoun) sand (noun) sandman (noun) SAS (noun) sauce (noun) save (verb) say (verb) scale (noun) scene (noun) scheme (noun) scientific method (noun) score (noun) scratch (verb) screw (noun) sea (noun) seabed (noun) seal (noun) seam (noun) seashore (noun) seaside (noun) seat (noun) Second Coming (noun) secret police (noun) see (verb) sell (verb) separate (verb) set (verb) settle (verb) shade (noun) share (noun) shebang (noun) sheep (noun) sheet (noun) shelf (noun) shift (verb) shine (verb) shirt (noun) shit (noun) shock (noun) shoe (noun) shoot (verb) shooting match (noun) shop (noun) short (adjective) short (noun) short run (noun) short term (noun) shot (noun) shot put (noun) show (verb) show (noun) shuffle (noun) sick (adjective) side (noun) sign (noun) silent majority (noun) silent treatment (noun) silver screen (noun) simple (adjective) since (preposition) sing (verb) singular (noun) six (noun) size (noun) skeleton (noun) skid (noun) skin (noun) skinny (noun) sky (noun) slack (noun) slam (verb) slammer (noun) slap (noun) slate (noun) slaughter (noun) slice (noun) slice (verb) slight (adjective) slip (verb) slip (noun) slow (adjective) sly (adjective) small (adjective) small (noun) small screen (noun) smell (verb) smile (noun) smooth (adjective) snout (noun) so (adverb) soft (adjective) solar plexus (noun) sort (noun) soul (noun) sound barrier (noun) soup (noun) Southern Lights (noun) South Pole (noun) sow (verb) spanner (noun) spare (verb) speak (verb) specter (noun) spend (verb) spill (verb) spirit (noun) split (verb) sport of kings (noun) spot (noun) spout (noun) spring (verb) spur (noun) squeaky (adjective) squeamish (adjective) stab (noun) stab (verb) stage (noun) stake (noun) star (noun) starch (noun) stare (verb) Stars and Stripes (noun) start (verb) statute book (noun) stay (verb) step (verb) stick (noun) stick (verb) still (noun) stink (verb) stone (verb) Stone Age (noun) stop (verb) stop (noun) store (noun) storm (noun) straight (noun) strap (verb) stratosphere (noun) straw (noun) street (noun) strength (noun) stretch (noun) strike (verb) strike zone (noun) string (noun) stuff (verb) stuffing (noun) stump (noun) sublime (adjective) subtropics (noun) sugar (verb) sum total (noun) sun (noun) Sunbelt (noun) supernatural (adjective) Supreme Being (noun) surface (noun) survival (noun) suspect (noun) suspicion (noun) sweat (noun) sweep (verb) sweeten (verb) swim (verb) swim (noun) swing (verb) swing (noun) Swiss (noun) sword (noun) system (noun) table (noun) tail (noun) tail end (noun) take (noun) talk (verb) talk (noun) Talmud (noun) tank (noun) tar (verb) tarmac (noun) tea (noun) telephone (noun) television (noun) tell (verb) telly (noun) Territorial Army (noun) territory (noun) test (noun) test (verb) tether (noun) thank (verb) thick (adjective) thick (noun) thicken (verb) thin (adjective) thing (noun) think (verb) third (adjective) third degree (noun) this (pronoun) thorn (noun) thought (noun) thread (noun) three (noun) three R's (noun) threshold (noun) throes (noun) throne (noun) tickle (verb) tide (noun) tie (verb) tighten (verb) tile (noun) till (noun) time (noun) tip (verb) tip (noun) tip (verb) title (noun) toast (noun) toe (noun) toe (verb) toilet (noun) token (noun) tongue (noun) tool (noun) tooth (noun) tooth fairy (noun) top (noun) Torah (noun) torch (noun) toss (verb) toss (noun) touch (verb) towel (noun) town (noun) track (noun) trade (noun) trail (noun) transom (noun) tread (verb) treasury (noun) tree (noun) trench (noun) trick (noun) trip (verb) triple jump (noun) trot (noun) trough (noun) trousers (noun) truth (noun) tube (noun) tune (noun) tunnel (noun) turn (noun) twain (noun) twinkle (noun) twinkling (noun) twist (verb) twist (noun) two (noun) ultimate (noun) underneath (noun) underprivileged (adjective) undersigned (noun) understanding (noun) unemployed (adjective) uninitiated (noun) uninsured (adjective) Union Jack (noun) United Nations (noun) unthinkable (adjective) unwashed (adjective) up (preposition) up (noun) up (verb) upper crust (noun) upper hand (noun) upset (verb) upshot (noun) upstairs (noun) usual (adjective) usual (noun) valor (noun) Vatican (noun) veil (noun) verge (noun) vest (noun) vicinity (noun) view (noun) vine (noun) Virgin Mary (noun) wag (verb) wagon (noun) wake (verb) wake (noun) walk (verb) walk (noun) wall (noun) wane (noun) want (noun) warm (verb) warm (noun) warpath (noun) wash (noun) water (noun) waterworks (noun) wave (verb) wave (noun) way (noun) wayside (noun) wazoo (noun) weak (adjective) wealth (noun) wealthy (adjective) wear (verb) weather (noun) wedge (noun) welcome (interjection) welcome mat (noun) wet (adjective) wheat (noun) wheel (noun) wherefore (adverb) whip (noun) whip hand (noun) whisker (noun) whistle (noun) whistle (verb) White House (noun) white pages (noun) white way (noun) whole (adjective) whole (noun) why (noun) Wild West (noun) will (noun) willies (noun) willing (adjective) wind (noun) window (noun) wing (noun) wink (noun) wipe (verb) wire (noun) wise (adjective) witching hour (noun) wolf (noun) woman (noun) wood (noun) woodwork (noun) wool (noun) word (noun) work (verb) work (noun) working class (noun) world (noun) World Wide Web (noun) worm (noun) worse (noun) worst (adjective) worst (noun) worth (preposition) wound (noun) wounded (adjective) wrench (noun) wringer (noun) wrinkle (noun) wrist (noun) write (verb) writing (noun) wrong (adjective) wrong (noun) yang (noun) yard (noun) year (noun) yellow pages (noun) yet (adverb) yin (noun) YMCA (noun) young (adjective) YWCA (noun) zodiac (noun) Aden, Gulf of (proper noun) Adirondack (proper noun) Adriatic (proper noun) Aegean (proper noun) Aleutian (proper noun) Alps (proper noun) Amazon (proper noun) Amu Dar'ya (proper noun) Amur (proper noun) Andaman Sea (proper noun) Andes (proper noun) Antarctic (proper noun) Antilles (proper noun) Apennines (proper noun) Appalachian (proper noun) Aqaba, Gulf of (proper noun) Arabia (proper noun) Arafura Sea (proper noun) Aral Sea (proper noun) Atacama Desert (proper noun) Athabasca (proper noun) Atlantic (proper noun) Azores (proper noun) Azov, Sea of (proper noun) Bahamas (proper noun) Balearic Islands (proper noun) Baltic (proper noun) Barents Sea (proper noun) Beaufort Sea (proper noun) Bengal, Bay of (proper noun) Biscay, Bay of (proper noun) Black Sea (proper noun) Blue Ridge (proper noun) Bosporus (proper noun) Bothnia, Gulf of (proper noun) Brahmaputra (proper noun) British Empire (proper noun) British Isles (proper noun) Bronx (proper noun) California, Gulf of (proper noun) Canal Zone (proper noun) Canary Islands (proper noun) Caribbean (proper noun) Carolinas (proper noun) Caroline Islands (proper noun) Carpathian (proper noun) Cascade (proper noun) Caspian (proper noun) Catskill (proper noun) Caucasus Mountains (proper noun) Cayman (proper noun) Celebes Sea (proper noun) Central African Republic (proper noun) Chang (proper noun) Chattahoochee (proper noun) Chilkoot Pass (proper noun) Chukchi Sea (proper noun) Churchill (proper noun) Cumberland Gap (proper noun) Czech Republic (proper noun) Dakotas (proper noun) Danube (proper noun) Darling (proper noun) Dead Sea (proper noun) Delmarva Peninsula (proper noun) District of Columbia (proper noun) Dnieper (proper noun) Dodecanese (proper noun) Dominican Republic (proper noun) Don (proper noun) Eastern Hemisphere (proper noun) East Sea (proper noun) English Channel (proper noun) Euphrates (proper noun) European Union (proper noun) Everglades (proper noun) Faeroe Islands (proper noun) Falkland (proper noun) Far East (proper noun) Fraser (proper noun) Fundy, Bay of (proper noun) Gadsden Purchase (proper noun) Galápagos (proper noun) Ganges (proper noun) Gaspé Peninsula (proper noun) Gaza Strip (proper noun) Gobi (proper noun) Golan Heights (proper noun) Golden Gate (proper noun) Grand Canyon (proper noun) Great Barrier Reef (proper noun) Great Basin (proper noun) Greater Antilles (proper noun) Great Lakes (proper noun) Great Plains (proper noun) Great Rift Valley (proper noun) Great Salt Lake (proper noun) Great Smoky Mountains (proper noun) Gulf Stream (proper noun) Hebrides (proper noun) Highlands (proper noun) Himalayas (proper noun) Huang Ho (proper noun) Iberia (proper noun) Imperial Valley (proper noun) Indian Ocean (proper noun) Indus (proper noun) Inside Passage (proper noun) Irrawaddy (proper noun) Irtysh (proper noun) Istria (proper noun) Juan de Fuca, Strait of (proper noun) Kalahari (proper noun) Kara Sea (proper noun) Keweenaw Peninsula (proper noun) Klondike (proper noun) Kola Peninsula (proper noun) Kuril (proper noun) Laurentian Mountains (proper noun) Lena (proper noun) Lesser Antilles (proper noun) Levant (proper noun) Limpopo River (proper noun) Lower 48 (proper noun) Lower Peninsula (proper noun) Mackenzie (proper noun) Mackinac, Straits of (proper noun) Magellan, Strait of (proper noun) Maghreb (proper noun) Malay Archipelago (proper noun) Man, Isle of (proper noun) Marmara, Sea of (proper noun) Marshall (proper noun) Mason-Dixon Line (proper noun) Matterhorn (proper noun) Mediterranean (proper noun) Mekong (proper noun) Micronesia, Federated States of (proper noun) Middle East (proper noun) Midwest (proper noun) Mojave (proper noun) Moluccas (proper noun) Near East (proper noun) Negev (proper noun) Negro (proper noun) Netherlands (proper noun) New World (proper noun) Nile (proper noun) Northern Hemisphere (proper noun) Northern Mariana Islands (proper noun) North Pole (proper noun) North Sea (proper noun) North Slope (proper noun) Northwest Passage (proper noun) Northwest Territories (proper noun) Nullarbor Plain (proper noun) Ob (proper noun) Okefenokee (proper noun) Okhotsk, Sea of (proper noun) Old World (proper noun) Orinoco (proper noun) Ottoman Empire (proper noun) Ozark (proper noun) Palisades (proper noun) Paraná (proper noun) Peace (proper noun) Pechora (proper noun) Peloponnese (proper noun) Persian Gulf (proper noun) Philippines (proper noun) Piedmont (proper noun) Platte (proper noun) Pocono (proper noun) Potomac (proper noun) Prairie Provinces (proper noun) Pyrenees (proper noun) Rhine (proper noun) Rhineland (proper noun) Rideau Canal (proper noun) Rio Grande (proper noun) Riviera (proper noun) Rocky Mountains (proper noun) Sahara (proper noun) Sahel (proper noun) Salton Sea (proper noun) Salween (proper noun) San Andreas Fault (proper noun) Santa Fe Trail (proper noun) Sault Sainte Marie Canals (proper noun) Seine (proper noun) Serengeti Plain (proper noun) Seward Peninsula (proper noun) Shatt al Arab (proper noun) Shenandoah Valley (proper noun) Shetland (proper noun) Sierra Nevada (proper noun) Silk Road (proper noun) Sinai (proper noun) Snake (proper noun) Solomon (proper noun) Sonoran Desert (proper noun) South Africa (proper noun) Southern Hemisphere (proper noun) Southern Ocean (proper noun) South Pole (proper noun) South Seas (proper noun) Suez Canal (proper noun) Sunbelt (proper noun) Suwannee (proper noun) Syr Dar'ya (proper noun) Tappan Zee (proper noun) Teton (proper noun) Thames (proper noun) Tigris (proper noun) Tirol (proper noun) Tonkin, Gulf of (proper noun) Ungava Peninsula (proper noun) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (proper noun) United Arab Emirates (proper noun) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (proper noun) United Nations (proper noun) United States of America (proper noun) Upper Peninsula (proper noun) Virgin Islands (proper noun) Volga (proper noun) Welland Canal (proper noun) West Bank (proper noun) Western Hemisphere (proper noun) Western Sahara (proper noun) West Indies (proper noun) Yenisey (proper noun) Yucatán Peninsula (proper noun) Zambezi (proper noun) the /ðə/ before consonant sounds /ði/ before vowel sounds /ˈðiː/ when said with emphasis definite article the /ðə/ before consonant sounds /ði/ before vowel sounds /ˈðiː/ when said with emphasis definite article Learner's definition of THE 1  — used




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