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词汇 thick
释义 thick (adverb) thick (noun) thick 9 ENTRIES FOUND: thick (adjective) thick (adverb) thick (noun) thick-headed (adjective) thick-skinned (adjective) blood (noun) skin (noun) thin (adjective) water (noun) 1 thick /ˈθɪk/ adjective thicker; thickest 1 thick /ˈθɪk/ adjective thicker; thickest Learner's definition of THICK [also more thick; most thick] 1  a  : having a large distance between the top and bottom or front and back surfaces : not thin厚的;粗的 a thick book/board一本厚书;一块厚木板 thick walls厚厚的墙壁 a thick layer of ice一层厚厚的冰 He wore thick glasses. [=glasses with thick lenses]他戴了一副镜片很厚的眼镜。 a thick cigar一根粗雪茄 a thick slice of ham/bread/cake厚厚的一片火腿/面包/蛋糕 a thick, juicy steak多汁厚牛排 pizza with a thick crust厚皮比萨饼 a thick wool sweater!厚羊毛衫 a bodybuilder with a thick, short body身材矮壮的健美运动员 He was a man in his fifties, a little thick around the middle. [=fat around his waist]他已经五十多岁了,有点大腹便便。 b  : having a specified distance from one surface to the opposite surface : having a specified thickness厚度为…的 The planks were two inches thick.这些木板有两英寸厚。 The log was 12 inches thick.这根原木有12英寸粗。 The recipe calls for one cup of mushrooms sliced ¹/₄ inch thick.这个食谱要求有一杯切成1/4英寸厚的蘑菇片。 2  a  : having parts that are close together茂密的;密集的 a thick [=dense] forest茂密的森林 thick woods茂密的林地 b  : growing closely together and in a large amount浓密的 a dog/cat with thick fur长着浓密的毛的狗/猫 She has thick, curly hair.她长着浓密的卷发。 3  : difficult to see through : dense浓的;混浊的 thick black smoke黑黑的浓烟 The fog/haze was thick this morning.今天早上的雾/霾很重。 a thick blanket of fog浓雾 4  of a liquid : not flowing easily黏稠的;浓的 The stew/chili was very thick.炖菜/辣味肉豆太稠了。 thick gravy/sauce/syrup浓稠的肉汁/酱汁/糖浆 a thick milkshake浓奶昔 The batter was too thick.面糊太稠了。 5  a  of speech or the voice : difficult to understand(说话或声音)含糊不清的 His speech was thick and slurred.他的话说得含糊不清。 — often + with Her voice was thick with emotion when she talked about her divorce.一说到她离婚的事,她就激动得连话也说不清了。 b  of a person's accent : very easy to notice(口音)浓重的 He spoke with a thick [=heavy] accent.他说话带着浓重的口音。 6  informal : stupid 1 They were just too thick to understand what I was saying.他们太笨了,听不懂我在说什么。 Why can't he get it through his thick head that I don't like him? [=why can't he understand that I don't like him?]他那笨脑袋瓜儿怎么就不明白我不喜欢他呢! 7  not used before a noun a  chiefly US : existing in great numbers or large amounts大量 The mosquitoes were thick [=there were a lot of mosquitoes] near the lake.湖边密密麻麻的都是蚊子。 Tension was thick in the office. [=there was a lot of tension in the office]办公室里充斥着紧张的气氛。 b  : having great numbers or a large amount of something充满;弥漫 — + with The air was thick with mosquitoes.空中满是蚊子。 The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as we waited for the results.我们满怀期待地等待着结果。 8  not used before a noun, informal : having a close and friendly relationship亲密友好 Those two are really thick. [=close]那两人关系的确很亲密。 They were (as) thick as thieves [=very close and secretive] for weeks, which made us wonder what they were doing.他们鬼鬼祟祟地密切来往好几周了,这让我们很纳闷他们在干什么。 — often + with He was very thick with his pastor.他和牧师关系很好。 a thick ear British, informal : the punishment of being hit on the side of the head一记耳光 He threatened to give him a thick ear. [=(US) to slap him upside the head]他威胁要给他一记耳光。 (a) thick skin — see 1skin blood is thicker than water — see blood thick on the ground : existing or occurring in large amounts遍地都是;多得很 Hotels and restaurants are thick on the ground along the strip.这条商业街上到处都是旅馆和餐厅。 Presidential candidates are thick on the ground this year. [=there are a lot of presidential candidates this year]今年的总统候选人多得很。 2 thick /ˈθɪk/ adverb thicker; thickest 2 thick /ˈθɪk/ adverb thicker; thickest Learner's definition of THICK [also more thick; most thick] 1  : in a way that makes thick pieces, layers, etc.厚厚地 Slice the roast thick.把烤肉切得厚一点儿。 2  : in great numbers大量地 Apples hung thick on the trees.树上挂满了苹果。 Suggestions were coming in thick and fast. [=large numbers of suggestions were coming in quickly]建议很快纷至沓来。 lay it on thick — see 1lay 3 thick /ˈθɪk/ noun 3 thick /ˈθɪk/ noun Learner's definition of THICK in the thick of : in the most active or intense part of (something)在…最繁忙的时候;在…最激烈的时候 a soldier in the thick of (the) battle激战中的士兵 He found himself in the thick of the action.他发现自己忙得不可开交。 We're really in the thick of things now.我们现在正是最忙的时候。 through thick and thin : through many difficult times over a long period经过艰难险阻;同甘共苦 She stood by me through thick and thin.她和我患难与共。




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